Amarmendm & fMongolian Means "calm and peaceful" or "greetings" in Mongolian, from амар (amar) meaning "rest, ease, comfort" and мэнд (mend) meaning "health, well-being", often used as a greeting.
Amarmönkhm & fMongolian From Mongolian амар (amar) meaning "rest, ease, comfort" or "simple, easy" and мөнх (mönkh) meaning "forever, eternal".
AmarnafEnglish (Rare) The use of Amarna as a name is likely derived from the Egyptian archeological site of Amarna (also known as el-Amarna or Tell el-Amarna, لعمارنة). The city is located on the east bank of Nile River in the Egyptian province of Minya... [more]
AmarokmInuit Mythology Amarok is the name of a giant wolf in Inuit mythology. It will hunt down and devour anyone foolish enough to hunt alone at night. It is sometimes considered equivalent to the waheela of cryptozoology.
Amarsaikhanm & fMongolian From Mongolian амар (amar) meaning "rest, ease, comfort" or "simple, easy" and сайхан (saikhan) meaning "nice, beautiful, handsome".
Amarsanaam & fMongolian Derived from Mongolian амар (amar) meaning "bliss, peace" or "simple, easy" combined with санаа (sanaa) meaning "thought".
AmartaivanmMongolian Means "peace, quiet; safety" in Mongolian, from амар (amar) meaning "rest, ease, comfort" and тайван (taivan) meaning "peace, tranquility".
Amârtivatf & mGreenlandic Archaic spelling of Amaartivat (using the old Kleinschmidt orthography, used to write Greenlandic until 1973).
Amartüvshinm & fMongolian From Mongolian амар (amar) meaning "peace, ease, rest" and түвшин (tüvshin) meaning "level, degree".
AmartyamBengali Means "immortal, deathless", from Sanskrit अ (a) meaning "not" and मृत (mrta) meaning "dead".
Amaruf & mJapanese (Rare) From Japanese 天 (ama) meaning "heavens; sky" combined with 琉 (ru), 瑠 (ru), both meaning "precious stone; gem, lapis lazuli", 流 (ru) meaning "flow", or 留 (ru) meaning "to detain; to fasten; to stop"... [more]
AmarufGuarani Means “rain” in Guaraní. It symbolizes the grace that parents feel when they discover that they will receive a daughter.
AmaryllidafGreek (Rare) Greek variant of Amaryllis, from the genitive form Αμαρυλλίδος (Amaryllidos). This is also the Greek name for the amaryllis flower.
AmarysiafGreek Mythology An epithet or title of the Greek goddess Artemis meaning "of Amarynthus", Amarynthus being a town in Euboea (according to Stephanus of Byzantium, Euboea itself)... [more]
AmasamBiblical Means "burden" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament, Amasa was a son of Haldai, and a nephew of King David who was murdered by his cousin Joab.
AmashaimBiblical Amashai was the name of a minor figure in the bible who was the son of Azareel and was appointed by Nehemiah to do work in the temple at Jerusalem. He is mentioned once in Nehemiah 11:13. He is also called Amashsai, however Amashai is used in the King James version.... [more]
AmasianusmLate Roman Extended form of Amasius. This name was borne by an obscure saint from the 1st century AD, who was the very first bishop of the Italian coastal city of Taranto.
AmasismAncient Egyptian (Hellenized), History Variant form of Άμωσις (Amosis), which is the hellenized form of the ancient Egyptian name IaH-ms or I'h-ms meaning "son of Iah". It is composed of the name of the Egyptian god Iah combined with the word mes "son" or mesu "be born"... [more]
Amasjam & fDutch (Rare) Dutch form of Amaziah. This name has always been extremely rare in the Netherlands and was also an exclusively masculine name until around the '60s of the 20th century... [more]
Amat al-AleemfArabic Means "maidservant of the omniscient" from Arabic أمة ال (amat al) meaning "maidservant of the" combined with عليم (alim) meaning "omniscient".
Amat al-RazzakfArabic Means "maidservant of the all-provider" from Arabic أمة ال (amat al) meaning "maidservant of the" and رزاق (razzāq) "provider, sustainer".
AmaterrahmanefArabic (Maghrebi, Rare) Means "maidservant of the merciful" from Arabic أمة ال (amat al) meaning "maidservant of the" combined with رحمن (rahman) meaning "merciful".
AmathauntafNear Eastern Mythology In Sumerian mythology she is the goddess of the ocean, possibly related to Poseidon. She was also worshipped by Sumerian immigrants in Egypt which lead to some believing her to be an Egyptian goddess... [more]
AmatildafFrankish This is the name of a Frankish queen who succeeded the Anglo-Saxon Balthild and preceded Bilichild of Austrasia. Not much is known of her, though it's known that she was the wife of Chlothar III.
AmatisfLiterature The name of Luke Garroway's sister in the book series "The Mortal Instruments" by Cassandra Clare (Amatis Herondale). Also means "you love" (pl) in Latin.
Amat-nanāyafBabylonian Means "servant of Nanaya", deriving from the Akkadian element amtu ("woman servant").
Amat-nanāya-qerbetfBabylonian Means "the servant of Nanaya is at hand" deriving from the Akkadian elements amtu ("woman servant") and qereb ("close ,near ,at hand ,within reach").
Amat-ninlilfBabylonian Means "servant of Ninlil", deriving from the Akkadian element amtu ("woman servant").
Amatof & mJapanese From Japanese 天 (ama) meaning "heaven, sky" combined with 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation. Other kanji combinations are possible.
AmayofJapanese From Japanese 天 (ama) meaning "heavens, sky" combined with 世 (yo) meaning "world, society" or 代 (yo) meaning "generation". Other kanji combinations are possible.
AmayomifObscure Meaning unknown. A mother im Brazil named Daniele Pereira Brandão Xavier registered her daughter with this name, and become viral in early 2023. This was the first time a person was given that name in Brazil... [more]
AmazighmNorthern African, Berber From Tamazight ⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖ (Amaziɣ), which is the self-designation of the Berber (Amazigh) people of North Africa. The name itself is of unknown meaning, though folk etymologies claim the meaning of "free-man", derived from Taznatit (Gurara) aze meaning "to be strong" and Tamasheq jeɣeɣ meaning "to be brave".
AmaziliafItalian (Rare), Theatre Possibly derived from name Amazili, (first?) used in the novel of Jean-François Marmontel "Les Incas, ou la destruction de l'Empire du Pérou" (1777), where it belongs to a Peruvian maiden. Most likely this name was artificially created to imitate exotic language and has no meaning... [more]
Amazingf & mEnglish (Rare) From the English word amazing, which is derived from Old English āmasian meaning "to confound". This name is chiefly used in countries that has English as their secondary language, such as African countries or the Philippines.
AmazoniefObscure From the French name of the Amazon River (see the place name Amazon). This name was used by French actor Vincent Cassel for his daughter born 2019 in Brazil.
AmbartomLiterature Means "upwards-exalted" in Quenya. In Tolkien's Legendarium this is the mother-name of Amrod.
AmbarussamLiterature Means "russet-top". In Tolkien's Legendarium this is the mother-name of Amras.
AmbarwatifIndonesian From Indonesian ambar meaning "amber", ultimately from Arabic عنبر ('anbar), or Sanskrit अम्बर (ambara) meaning "garment, sky" combined with the feminine suffix -wati.
AmbikafHinduism, Indian Possibly means "dear mother" in Sanskrit. Ambika is a feminine personification of the Hindu goddess Durga and also another name for Parvati.
AmbiorixmOld Celtic, History Continental Celtic name, derived from Celtic ambio "enclosure" (or ambi "around, about" or ambitio "rich") combined with Celtic rix "king." This was the name of one of the two kings of a Gaulish tribe called the Eburones, who was famous for revolting against Julius Caesar in 54 BC (which eventually led to the extermination of the Eburones).
AmbraciafGreek Mythology (Latinized) In Greek mythology Ambracia was the daughter of Melaneus, son of Apollo and Oechalia. The ancient Greek city of Ambracia in Epirus was named after her.
AmbranshmIndian The history of the name "Ambransh" is none. its is the name that got deprived when two lovely parents of his decided to combine their names, Amber and Ansh, and ambransh was created. It is the only name in the world
AmbrielmJudeo-Christian-Islamic Legend Allegedly means "energy of God" in Hebrew. In Jewish and Christian mythology, this is the name of an angel associated with the zodiacal sign of Gemini and the month of May. It was found engraved on a Hebrew amulet for warding off evil.
AmbrosinusmLiterature, Popular Culture This is the latinized name of Merlin in the novel "The Last Legion" written by Valerio Massimo Manfredi (b. 1943), but also in the 2007 film based on the book. In the novel, his full name is Meridius Ambrosinus (while his original Gaelic name is MyrddinEmrys), but he is usually referred to as simply Ambrosinus.
AmdírmLiterature Possibly means "hope" or "looking up" in Sindarin. In 'Tolkien's Legendarium' this is the name of an elf, the King of Lórien. He was also called Malgalad.
Amef & mJapanese From Japanese 雨 "rain" or 飴 "candy".
AmemWest Frisian West Frisian short form of names that contain the Germanic element amal "work". However, there are also instances where it is a short form of names of which the second element starts with an 'm' - the name Adelmar is a good example of that.
AmechaniafGreek Mythology Derived from Greek ἀμηχανία (amechania) meaning "want of means, want of resources, helplessness". Amechania was the Greek personification of helplessness and want.
Amekushin-otome-ōankamifFar Eastern Mythology An alternative name for the Okinawan creator goddess Amanchuu. Her name is derived from 天 (ame) meaning "heavens, sky", 久 (kyu) meaning "a long time", 神 (shin) meaning "spirit, deity", 乙女 (otome) meaning "daughter, maiden, virgin", 王 (ō) meaning "king", 御 (here read as 'an'), an honourific particle, and 神 (kami) meaning "spirit, deity".
Amelf & mAlbanian Originates from the albanian word, e embel, which means sweet.
AmeliarannefObscure Combination of Amelia and Anne 1. This is the name of the protagonist of a number of children's books written by Constance Heward in the early 20th century... [more]