AlaulafHawaiian (Rare), English (Modern, Rare) Means "light of the early dawn" or "sunset glow" in Hawaiian, literally "flaming road" from Hawaiian ala "path, road" and ula "flame".
AlaunusmCeltic Mythology Also a Gaulish god of healing and prophecy, who was venerated in the areas of Mannheim (Germany) and Salzburg (Austria).
AlavivmGermanic The first element of this Gothic name is derived from Gothic alls "all" or from Gothic alhs (alah in Old High German) "temple." The etymology of the second element is uncertain; it may be derived from Gothic qvivs "alive, living"... [more]
AlawardmGermanic The first element of this name is derived from Gothic alls "all" or from Gothic alhs (alah in Old High German) "temple." The second element is derived from Old High German wart "guard."
ÄläwetdinmTatar Derived from the Arabic ʿAlāʾ ad-Dīn, meaning ”servant of Allah, nobility of faith, nobility of religion, nobility of the faith”. It is one of a large class of names ending with ad-Din.
AlawīdazmNorse Mythology Derived from Old Norse element ala ("entire; all") combined with one of several possible elements: vīðr ("wide, far, extensive"), viðr ("forest, wood, tree") or veðja ("engage, stake, wager").... [more]
AlawigmGermanic The first element of this name is derived from Gothic alls "all" or from Gothic alhs (alah in Old High German) "temple." The second element is derived from Old High German wîg "warrior."
AlawinmGermanic The first element of this name is derived from Gothic alls "all" or from Gothic alhs (alah in Old High German) "temple." The second element is derived from Old High German wini "friend."
AlawinizmNorse Mythology Derived from Old Norse elements ala "entire, all" and vinr "friend".
AlawismGermanic The first element of this name is derived from Gothic alls "all" or from Gothic alhs (alah in Old High German) "temple." The second element is derived from Old High German wîsan "to rule, to lead" (or wîso "leader" or wîs "wise").
AlawnmWelsh Derived from Welsh alaw meaning "melody, harmony" (see Alaw). This was the name of an early bard, said to be one of the three founders of druidism.
Alawof & mYoruba Alawo means "white, green" in Yoruba.... [more]
Albaldahm & fAstronomy This is the official name of the star Pi Saggitarii. Albaldah was the traditional name of a star system. It comes from the Arabic بلدة bálda "the town".
Albalim & fAstronomy This is the traditional name of the star Epsilon Aquarii. It comes from Arabic البالع (albāli‘), meaning "the swallower".
AlbanmYakut Means "wonderful, excellent, lovely" in Yakut.
AlbaniafEnglish From the name of the country in the Balkans, as well as various other places, perhaps ultimately from a pre-Indo-European word *alb meaning "hill" or from the Indo-European root *alb "white" (see Albus).... [more]
Al BastyfCaucasian Mythology A spirit in Caucasian mythology who is seen as being a personification of guilt, associated with punishing crimes which have gone unpunished.
AlbelindafMedieval Meaning unknown. Perhaps a transcription variation of Alpelindis, itself a variation of the Germanic female name Alflind, from alf meaning "elf, spirit" and lind meaning "soft, tender".
AlberomOld High German, Medieval German Short form of Adalbero or Adelbero, derived from Old High German adal meaning "noble" combined with Old High German and Old Saxon bero meaning "bear", making it a variant of Adalbern.
AlbertanusmLate Roman Possibly derived from Albertus. Albertanus of Brescia (born Albertano da Brescia) was an author of Latin social treatises and sermons.
AlbiafBasque, Spanish (Latin American) Taken from the name of a grotto in the Aralar Range in the Basque Mountains where a dolmen was discovered in 1915, as well as from the name of a suburb of Bilbao where Sabino Arana Goiri was born. Goiri was a writer, creator of the Basque flag, founder of the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV) and is generally considered "the father of Basque nationalism".
AlbijnmDutch Generally the Dutch form of Albinus, but in some instances it can be derived from Albuin as well. A bearer of this name was the Flemish painter Albijn Van den Abeele (1835-1918).
AlbikafChechen (Rare) Means "the lady", derived from the Arabic definite article ال (al) combined with Turkic bika meaning "lady, mistress, woman" (a feminine form of the Turkish military title beg meaning "chieftain, master").
AlbinetmMedieval French Medieval French diminutive of Albin (as -et is a French masculine diminutive suffix). This given name is no longer in use in France, but it still survives there as a patronymic surname... [more]
AlbiniafAncient Roman, English Feminine form of Albinius and Albin. It was introduced to Britain in the 17th century, and was frequently used by members of the aristocratic Cecil family.
AlbinianusmAncient Roman, History Roman cognomen which was derived from Albinius. A bearer of this name was Lucius Sestius Quirinalis Albinianus, a Roman proquaestor and suffect consul from the 1st century BC.
AlbiniusmAncient Roman Roman nomen gentile which was derived from Albinus. This was the name of several ancient Romans, some of which lived as early as the 4th century BC.
AlbínkafCzech Diminutive of Albína, not used as a given name in its own right.
AlbionmEnglish From the ancient name of Great Britain, which is said to have been inspired by the White Cliffs of Dover. The word is ultimately of Celtic origin (of which the meaning is not entirely certain), but it is etymologically related to Latin albus "white"... [more]
AlbofledisfFrankish, Germanic Albofledis was a Frankish noblewoman, the daughter of the Frankish king Childeric I, and the Thuringian noblewoman Basina.
AlboldmAnglo-Norman Possibly derived from an Old High German cognate of Old English Ælfweald and Old Norse Alfvaldr, in which the first element is Old High German alb "elf".
AlbonmAmerican (Rare) Variant of Alban. A notable namesake is American attorney, scientist and inventor Albon Man (1826-1905) who experimented with early forms of photography and in the development of the incandescent light bulb, an invention later famously perfected by ThomasAlvaEdison (1847 -1931).
AlboradafSpanish (Rare) From alborada meaning "dawn", which in turn comes from Latin albus meaning "white".
AlbriniafGermanic Mythology, History Albruna, Aurinia or Albrinia are some of the forms of the name of a probable Germanic seeress who would have lived in the late 1st century BC or in the early 1st century AD. She was mentioned by Tacitus in Germania, after the seeress Veleda, and he implied that the two were venerated because of true divine inspiration by the Germanic peoples, in contrast to Roman women who were fabricated into goddesses... [more]
AlbrunfGermanic Combination of Old High German alb "elf; supernatural being" (ultimately from Proto-Germanic *albh- "to shine; gleam") and run "secret lore" (ultimately from Proto-Germanic *rûno- "secret; magic; murmur; session").
AlbrunafGermanic Mythology, History Albruna, Aurinia or Albrinia are some of the forms of the name of a probable Germanic seeress who would have lived in the late 1st century BC or in the early 1st century AD. She was mentioned by Tacitus in Germania, after the seeress Veleda, and he implied that the two were venerated because of true divine inspiration by the Germanic peoples, in contrast to Roman women who were fabricated into goddesses... [more]
AlbulaanmAstronomy This is the name of two stars in the constellation Aquarius: Mu Aquarii and Nu Aquarii. The name comes from an Arabic term al-bulaʽān (ألبولعان) meaning "the two swallowers".
AlbulenafAlbanian Of uncertain origin. This is a commemorative name paying homage to the Battle of Albulena (1457) fought between Albanian forces led by Skanderbeg and an Ottoman army under Isak bey Evrenoz and Skanderbeg's nephew, Hamza Kastrioti... [more]
AlbuneafRoman Mythology Possibly derived from Latin albus meaning "white". In Roman mythology Albunea was a nymph who dwelt at a sulfuric spring or fountain near the town of Tibur (modern Tivoli)... [more]
AlbusindafLombardic, History Albsuinda (or Alpsuinda) was the only child of Alboin, King of the Lombards in Pannonia (reigned c. 560 – 572), and his first wife Chlothsind, daughter of the Merovingian king of the Franks Chlothar (reigned 511 – 561).1 While still young Albsuinda had lost her mother shortly before the final clash in 567 with the people of the Gepids in Pannonia (modern Hungary), in which the Gepids were completely destroyed... [more]
AlcántarafSpanish (Mexican, Rare) Given in honour of the 16th-century Spanish saint and mystic Peter of Alcántara (1499-1562). The place name Alcántara is itself from Arabic القنطرة (al-Qanṭarah) meaning "the bridge".
AlcathoefGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Ἀλκαθόη (Alkathoê), which is derived from Greek αλκη (alke) "strength" and θοός (thoos) "swift, nimble"... [more]
AlcathousmGreek Mythology Derived from Greek ἀλκή (alke) meaning "strength, prowess, force" and θοός (thoos) meaning "quick, swift". This was the name of several characters in Greek mythology.
AlcenormAncient Greek (Latinized) Latinized form of Alkenor. This name was borne by one of the Argives that fought in the Battle of the 300 Champions, which took place around 546 BC.
AlceumCatalan, Portuguese (Brazilian), Romanian, Sicilian Catalan, Portuguese, Romanian and Sicilian form of Alcaeus. Known bearers of this name include Brazilian writer and journalist Alceu Amoroso Lima (1893-1983) and Brazilian soccer player Alceu Rodrigues Simoni Filho (b... [more]
Alchemyf & mEnglish (Modern, Rare) From the English noun alchemy referring to "the causing of any sort of mysterious sudden transmutation" or "the ancient search for a universal panacea, and of the philosopher's stone, that eventually developed into chemistry", which ultimately comes from Greek χυμεία (chymeia) "art of alloying metals, alchemy" via Arabic al-kimiya (the source also of Persian Kimiya).
Alchibaf & mAstronomy This is the name of the star Alpha Corvi in the Corvus constellation. It bore the traditional names Al Chiba (Arabic ألخبا al-xibā meaning "tent") and Al Minliar, al Ghurab (Arabic منقار الغراب al-manxaral-ghurab) or Minkar al Ghurab.
AlchirafUzbek Means "rosy-cheeked," and is a very popular name for girls in Uzbekistan.
AlchoilmOld Irish Old Irish form of Aergol used among Irish speakers in the early middle ages in the Kingdom of Dyfed.
AlcibiefGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Αλκιβίη (Alkibie) which was derived from ἀλκή (alke) meaning "defense, defensive strength, valour" and βία (bia) "bodily strength, force, act of violence" (compare Alcibiades)... [more]
AlcidianefLiterature Perhaps derived from Alcide. Jean-Baptiste Lully used it for one of the title characters in his 'Ballet d'Alcidiane et Polexandre' (1658), which was based on the 1636 French novel 'Polexandre' by Marin le Roy de Gomberville (where it belongs to a princess of the Isle inaccessible).
AlcidicefGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Ἀλκιδίκη (Alkidike), which is derived from Greek αλκη (alke) "strength" combined with Greek δικη (dike) meaning "justice, judgement" as well as "custom, usage"... [more]
AlcmanmAncient Greek (Latinized) Latinized form of Doric Greek Alkman. This was the name of an Ancient Greek choral lyric poet from Sparta. He is the earliest representative of the Alexandrian canon of the Nine Lyric Poets.
AlcormAstronomy Alcor is a binary star system in the constellation of Ursa Major. Alcor was originally Arabic سها Suhā/Sohā, meaning either the "forgotten" or "neglected" one.
AlcudemMedieval English A name recorded in Domesday Book, perhaps a medieval form of an Old English name composed of the elements æðele "noble" and cuþ "known, familiar".
AldafBasque From the name of a town in the Basque region of Spain.
AldafAlanic, History, Georgian (Rare) This name was most notably borne by the Alan princess Alda of Alania (11th century), who was the second wife of king Giorgi I of Georgia.... [more]
AldafaðirmNorse Mythology Means "all-father", derived from Old Norse elements ala ("entire, all") and faðir ("father"). This is a by-name for Odin in Norse mythology.
AldánmGalician From the town of Aldán in Galicia. It is named after the medieval owner of those lands, whose name comes from the Germanic root aldiz ("age, time") or aldaz ("old").