Northern Sami Submitted Names

Northern Sámi names are used by Sámi speakers in northern Norway, Sweden and Finland.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Áidnu f Northern Sami
Means "only" in Northern Sami, making this a cognate of Finnish Aino.
Álbma f Northern Sami
Northern Sami variant of Alma 1.
Ávdnos f Northern Sami
Northern Sami variant of Agnes.
Ávrá f Northern Sami
Northern Sami variant of Aura.
Bávlá f Northern Sami
Northern Sami variant of Paula.
Biera m Northern Sami
Sami form of Per.
Bierrán m Northern Sami
Northern Sami form of Peter.
Dávvet m Northern Sami
Northern Sami form of David.
Doaivu m Northern Sami
Means "hope, faith" in Northern Sami, making it a cognate of Finnish Toivo.
Iŋŋer f Northern Sami
Northern Sami variant of Inger.
Jáhkot m Northern Sami
Sami form of Jakob.
Juvvá m Northern Sami
Northern Sami form of Johan.
Juvven m Northern Sami
Northern Sami form of Johan.
Lájár m Northern Sami
Northern Sami form of Lars.
Lejá f Northern Sami
Northern Sami form of Lea.
Mággá f Northern Sami
Northern Sámi cognate of Magga, which is a short form of Margareta and other related names.
Máhtte m Northern Sami
Northern Sami form of Mattias.
Migil m Northern Sami
Northern Sámi form of Mikkel.
Mihkil m Northern Sami
Northern Sámi form of Mikkel.
Mihkku m Northern Sami
Northern Sámi form of Mikkel.
Mikkal m Northern Sami
Northern Sami form of Michael.
Nienná f & m Northern Sami
Listed in Finnish linguist Pekka Sammallahti's Northern Sámi dictionary Sámi-suoma sátnegirji / Saamelais-suomalainen sanakirja (1989) as a Northern Sámi personal name (gender not given) and surname... [more]
Niillá m Northern Sami
Sámi form of Nils.
Niillán m Northern Sami
Sámi form of Nils.
Nilke m Northern Sami
Northern Sámi form of Nils.
Nuvtte m Northern Sami
Northern Sámi form of Knut.
Ommot m Northern Sami
Northern Sámi form of Amund.
Reaidnu m Northern Sami
Northern Sámi form of Reino.
Sáhkár m Northern Sami
Northern Sámi form of Sakari.
Sámmol m Northern Sami
Northern Sámi form of Samuel.
Sávlos m Northern Sami
Northern Sámi form of Saul.
Valljáš m Northern Sami
From Northern Sámi vallji meaning "plentiful, abundance".
Veaidnu m Northern Sami
Northern Sámi form of Väinö.
Vuollá m Northern Sami
Northern Sámi form of Olav.