Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Feminine & Masculine
Scripts 天琉, 天瑠, 天流, 天留, 彩真琉, 彩真瑠, 彩真流, 彩真留, 彩眞琉, 彩眞瑠, 彩眞流, 彩眞留, 彩麻琉, 彩麻瑠, 彩麻流, 彩麻留, 彩舞琉, 彩舞瑠, 彩舞流, 彩舞留, 愛真琉, 愛真瑠, 愛真流, 愛真留, 愛眞琉, 愛眞瑠, 愛眞流, 愛眞留, 愛麻琉, 愛麻瑠, 愛麻流, 愛麻留, 愛舞琉, 愛舞瑠, 愛舞流, 愛舞留, 空真琉, 空真瑠, 空真流, 空真留, 空眞琉, 空眞瑠, 空眞流, 空眞留, 空麻琉, 空麻瑠, 空麻流, 空麻留, 空舞琉, 空舞瑠, 空舞流, 空舞留, 亜真琉, 亜真瑠, 亜真流, 亜真留, 亜眞琉, 亜眞瑠, 亜眞流, 亜眞留, 亜麻琉, 亜麻瑠, 亜麻流, 亜麻留, 亜舞琉, 亜舞瑠, 亜舞流, 亜舞留, 吾丸(Japanese Kanji) あまる(Japanese Hiragana)
Pronounced Pron. /ä.mä.ɾɯ̟ᵝ/  [key·simplify]

Meaning & History

From Japanese 天 (ama) meaning "heavens; sky" combined with 琉 (ru), 瑠 (ru), both meaning "precious stone; gem, lapis lazuli", 流 (ru) meaning "flow", or 留 (ru) meaning "to detain; to fasten; to stop". It may also be from 彩 (a) meaning "coloring", 愛 (a) meaning "love", 空 (a), a form of 空く (aku) meaning "to be empty; to be open; to be free", or 亜 (a), a phonetic character combined with 真 (ma), 眞 (ma), both meaning "true", 麻 (ma) meaning "hemp", or 舞 (ma), from 舞う (mau) meaning "to dance, to twirl" combined with 琉 (ru), 瑠 (ru), 流 (ru) meaning "flow", or 留 (ru). It may also be from 吾 (a) meaning "I; me" and 丸 (maru) meaning "circle, round".
Other character combinations are possible.
Added 9/30/2023 by nihanzakura
Edited 10/7/2023 by nihanzakura

Amaru 2
Gender Feminine
Usage Guarani
Pronounced Pron. ah-mah-ROO  [key]

Meaning & History

Means “rain” in Guaraní. It symbolizes the grace that parents feel when they discover that they will receive a daughter.
Added 11/2/2023 by anonymous

See Also
