FilosofmRussian (Archaic) Russian form of Philosophus. This name was borne by the Russian archpriest and hieromartyr Filosof Ornatskiy (1860-1918), whose feast day is on June 13 (which was May 31 in the old Russian calendar).
FinettefLiterature, Folklore, Haitian Creole This is the main character in the French fairy tale Finette Cendron by Madame d'Aulnoy, about a clever girl named Fine-Oreille, which means "sharp ear" or "delicate ear", who is called Finette... [more]
FinglasmLiterature A fictional character created by J.R.R. Tolkien. Finglas (Sindarin for 'hair-leaf'), known in Westron as Leaflock, was an Ent of Fangorn Forest.... [more]
FinlandmEnglish In reference to the country of Finland. The first known written appearance of the name Finland is thought to be on three rune-stones. Two were found in the Swedish province of Uppland and have the inscription finlonti... [more]
FinlughmJudeo-Christian-Islamic Legend Derived from Gaelic fionn "white, fair" and lug "light, brightness". The second element may refer to the pagan sun god Lugh, in which case it means "fair Lugh"... [more]
FinndísfIcelandic Combination of the Old Norse name elements finnr "a Finn; a Lapp" and dís "goddess; woman, lady; sister" or dis "wise woman, seeress; woman, virgin".
FirmainmOccitan Several important figures in the Bearn region of France have had this name over the years. A notable example of this name is a former mayor of Garlin Jean-Firmain Bacarisse.
FjǫlnirmNorse Mythology Derived from fjǫl ("much, manifold"), fela ("hide") or felþa ("field"). In Norse mythology this is both a name for Odin and the name of a legendary Swedish king.
FjölvarmIcelandic Icelandic name, derived from the Old Norse elements fjǫl- "full, exceedingly" (cognate with Old High German filu) and herr "army, warrior".... [more]
FjǫlvǫrfOld Norse, Norse Mythology Derived from fjǫl ("much") and vár ("spring; woman; truth"). This is the name of a giantess in Norse mythology.
FjǫrgynfNorse Mythology Means "land, earth" in Old Norse, derived from Proto-Germanic *fergunją "mountain". In Norse mythology, Fjǫrgyn was the goddess of the earth and the mother of Thor... [more]
Flau’jaefEnglish (American, Modern, Rare) Borne by American athlete and rapper Flau’Jae Johnson (2003-) whose name is derived from her father’s stage name Camouflage.
FlaunysfManx (Modern, Rare) Directly taken from Manx flaunys "heaven, paradise, Kingdom come", ultimately from older Manx Flathanas "Paradise" (in the Christian sense of the word). This is a newly coined name intended as a Manx form of Urania and Celeste.
FlavījsmHistory Latvian form of Flavius. Flavius Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator (c. 485 – c. 585), Flāvijs Magnuss Aurēlijs Kasiodors Senators in Latvian, was a Roman statesman, renowned scholar of antiquity, and writer serving in the administration of Theodoric the Great, king of the Ostrogoths.
FleudurmArthurian Cycle Son of Naw, brother of Gwenwynwyn, and one of Arthur’s warriors and advisor.... [more]
FlidaisfIrish Mythology Meaning uncertain, allegedly "doe". Flidais was an Irish goddess of forests, hunting and wild animals, especially stags and deer - by which her chariot was drawn. She is the chief figure in the 'Táin Bó Flidhais', one of the lesser known cattle raid tales which makes her the wife of Ailill Finn and lover, later wife, of the hero Fergus mac Róich.
FlippermAmerican Nickname for Willie Lee "Flipper" Anderson, Jr. a former American football wide receiver in the National Football League. He played professionally for the Los Angeles Rams, the Indianapolis Colts, the Washington Redskins, and the Denver Broncos.
FloréalmFrench Derived from the name of the eighth month in the French Republican calendar. The month was named after the Latin word floreus, meaning "flowery".
FlorealmSpanish (Rare) Spanish form of Floréal. This name was brought to public attention by the novel 'Sembrando Flores' (1906) by Catalan anarchist Juan Montseny Carret, whose main characters are named Floreal and Armonía, and thus it came to be used by anarchist parents who were eager to reject traditional names during the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1939).
FloreatfEnglish (Rare, Archaic) Means "let (it) flourish, may (it) prosper, long live" in Latin. This is often used as a motto, or as part of a motto, which may help explain its use as a personal name; for example, a common scholastic motto is floreat nostra schola meaning "may our school flourish"... [more]
FloricemMedieval English, Medieval French Medieval English and French variant of Floris, from the name of a male character in the medieval romance Floris (or Florice) and Blancheflour, apparently derived from floris, Latin meaning "of flowers" or "belonging to flowers".
Florijnm & fDutch (Rare) Dutch form of Florinus (for men) and Florina (for women), but the name is most often encountered on men. It is unisex in the Netherlands, but strictly masculine in Flanders, the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium.... [more]
FluoniafRoman Mythology Derives from fluo, fluere, "to flow," is a form of Juno who retains the nourishing blood within the womb. Women attended to the cult of Juno Fluonia "because she held back the flow of blood (i.e., menstruation) in the act of conception" and pregnancy... [more]
FolculfmGermanic Derived from Old High German folc "people" combined with Gothic vulfs "wolf."
FolcwinmGermanic Derived from Old High German folc "people" combined with Old High German wini "friend."
FoldacefArthurian Cycle She was the daughter of Julius Caesar, the emperor of Rome, who gives her as wife to Patrices (Patrick), the brother of Avenable.
ForgallmIrish Mythology Perhaps related to Irish forgella "testifies". In Irish legend he was the father of Emer, nicknamed "the cunning, dextrous, wily". The Wily Lord of Lusca tried to prevent his daughter marrying Cúchulainn and, rather than face the champion's wrath, leapt to his death from the ramparts of his fortress.
FotoulafGreek Diminutive of Fotini. This was used in the film 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding' (2002), where it belonged to the central character (Fotoula "Toula").
FoxtrotmEnglish (American, Rare) From the name of a ballroom dance with a slow-slow-quick-quick rhythm, named due to its resemblance to the movements of a fox.
Fransjem & fDutch When borne by a female person, this name is a good example of how one can turn a very masculine name (Frans) into a feminine name by simply adding the diminutive suffix -je to the original name... [more]
FraomarmGermanic Fraomar was briefly the king of the Bucinobantes, an Alamannic tribe, from c. 372 to 373. In 372/3, the Roman emperor Valentinian I attacked the Alamanni and attempted to take their 'king', Macrian, prisoner... [more]
FrasiermPopular Culture Variant of Fraser. Notable fictional bearer is Frasier Crane from the shows 'Cheers' and 'Frasier', portrayed by Kelsey Grammer.