Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords prince or of or all or men.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Eastynn f & m English (American)
Alternate spelling of Easton.
Eata m Anglo-Saxon (?)
Bishop Eata of Lindisfarne is a famous bearer.
Eathel f English
Variant of Ethel.
Eathon m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Ethan. Eathon was given to 12 boys in 2007 according to the SSA.
Eaton m English (American, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Eaton.
Eausias m Provençal
Provençal form of Elzéar.
Eaves f & m English
Transferred use of the surname Eaves.
Eavie f English
alternative spelling of Evie
Eaylee f Manx
Manx cognate of Eilidh.
Eba f Basque
Basque form of Eva.
Ebadollah m Persian
Persian form of Ibadullah.
Eban m Hebrew
Means "stone" or "stone of help"
Ebanchelina f Aragonese
Aragonese form of Evangeline.
Ebardo m Aragonese
Aragonese form of Edward.
Ebb m English
Diminutive of Ebenezer.
Ebbat f Cornish
Cornish diminutive of Elizabeth.
Ebbe m & f East Frisian
Diminutive of Eberhard or as a feminine name of [Eberhardine and other names beginning with the Germanic element ebur meaning "wild boar".
Ebbeke f East Frisian
Variation of Ebbe.
Ebbelina f East Frisian
Variation of Ebbe.
Ebbertsína f Icelandic (Rare, Archaic)
Feminine form of Ebbert with the suffix -sina
Ebbi m Medieval English, Icelandic, Old Danish, Faroese
Old Danish, Icelandic and Faroese form of Ebbe.
Ebbie m English
Diminutive of Ebenezer.
Ebbo m German (Rare)
Clearly masculine form of Ebbe.
Ebbye f English
Variant spelling of Ebbie.
Ebe f Estonian
Short form of names beginning with the Germanic element eber meaning "wild boar", making it an Estonian cognate of Ebba. It is also sometimes used as a short form of Eliisabet.
Ebed-melech m Biblical Hebrew
The name is translated as "Servant of the King," and as such may not be his proper name but a hereditary title.
Ebel m & f East Frisian
Diminutive of Eberhard or Eberhardine.
Ebele f East Frisian
Variation of Ebel
Ebeleuzoma f Western African (Modern)
Combination of Ebele meaning "mercy, kindness" with Uzoma meaning "good way".
Ebelin m Medieval German
Derived from a name with the name element ebur "boar". Borne by an abbot of Eberbach Monastery (1263–1271).
Ebelke f & m East Frisian
Diminutive of Ebel.
Ebeltje f East Frisian
Variation of Ebbe.
Ebeneser m Icelandic
Icelandic variant of Ebenezer.
Ebenita f Popular Culture
Feminine form of Ebenezer, possibly influenced by Bonita. This name was created for the movie 'Ms Scrooge', where it belongs to the titular character, played by Cicely Tyson.
Ebeny f English
Variant of Ebony.
Eber m Biblical
Means "region beyond," from the word abar, meaning, "to pass over." This name appears three times in the Old Testament. One was an ancestor of Abraham. His descendants are known as Hebrews.
Eberdine f East Frisian
Feminine version of Eberhard and other names starting with Eber-.
Eberechi f & m Igbo
The mercy of God
Eberfried m German
German form of Eberfrid.
Ebergis m Germanic
The first element of this Germanic name comes from ebur "wild boar." The meaning and origin of the second element is rather uncertain: we know that it comes from gis (the original form was possibly gîs), but we don't exactly know where gis itself comes from... [more]
Eberhardine f German (Rare, Archaic)
Feminine form of Eberhard. This was borne by Christiane Eberhardine (1671-1727), the Saxon wife of Augustus II the Strong, King of Poland.
Eberhardt m Danish, German
German and Danish form of Eberhard.
Eberhild f Germanic
Derived from the Old High German element ebur "wild boar" combined with Old Norse hildr "battle". It is a cognate of Eoforhild.
Eberly f Obscure
Transferred use of the surname Eberly. According to the SSA, 5 females were named Eberly in 2017.
Eberolf m Germanic
Variant of Eberulf.
Ebert m American
Transferred use of the surname Ebert.
Ebigaila f Latvian
Latvian form of Abigail.
Ebisu m Japanese Mythology
Ebisu, also transliterated Webisu, or called Hiruko or Kotoshiro-nushi-no-kami, is the Japanese god of fishermen and luck. He is one of the Seven Gods of Fortune, and the only one of the seven to originate purely from Japan without any Buddhist or Taoist influence.
Eble m Medieval Occitan
Name used by the viscounts of Ventadour during the 11th century. The meaning may be connected with the history of the name of the Italian city Eboli.
Ebo m Old High German
Old High German variant of Ebbo.
Ebon f Swedish
Short form of Ebony and Ebonita.
Ebonh m Coptic
Coptic form of the Egyptian given name Iufankh.
Ebonie f English
Variant of Ebony.
Ebonique f African American
Variant of Ebony using the suffix -ique.
Ebonney f Icelandic
Variant of Ebony.
Eboric m Germanic, History
Variant spelling of Eburic. Eboric was the name of a 6th-century Suebi king of Galicia.
Eborico m Galician, Italian, Spanish
Galician, Italian and Spanish form of Eboric.
Ebrard m Lengadocian, Gascon
Languedocian and Gascon of Eberhard.
Ebraucus m Celtic Mythology
Latinized form of Efrawg.
Ebrel f Cornish (Modern, Rare)
Derived from Cornish Ebrel "(month of) April". This is a recent coinage.
Ebәrham m Abkhaz
Abkhaz form of Abraham.
Ebrill f Welsh (Rare)
Welsh form of April.
Ebroin m English, History
English form of Eberwin. Ebroin was the name of a 7th-century mayor of the palace of Neustria.
Ebroino m Italian
Italian form of Ebroin.
Ebrose m Literature
Created by author George R. R. Martin for a character in his series "A Song of Ice and Fire" and the television adaptation "Game of Thrones". In the series, Ebrose is an archmaester of the Citadel who tests novices seeking their link in healing.
Ebrulf m History (Ecclesiastical)
Ebrulf (517–596) was a Frankish saint, hermit, and abbot. A Merovingian courtier at the court of Childebert I, he was a cup-bearer to the king and an administrator of the royal palace.
Eburic m Germanic
Derived from Old High German ebur "wild boar" combined with rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." The second element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler."
Ecateo m Italian
Italian form of Hekataios via Hecataeus.
Ecaterin m Romanian (Rare)
Masculine form of Ecaterina.
Ecatl m Nahuatl
Means "air, breath" in Nahuatl, the root of Ehecatl.
Ecaton f & m Nahuatl
Diminutive form of Ecatl.
Ecbertus m Anglo-Saxon (Latinized)
Latinized form of Egbert, Ecbert and variant of Egbertus
Ecem f Turkish (Modern)
Means "my queen" or "my beautiful woman" in Turkish, from Turkish ece meaning "queen" or "beautiful woman" combined with the Turkish possessive adjective of m.
Ecequiel m Galician (Rare)
Galician form of Ezekiel.
Ecgburg f Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ecg "edge, blade" and burg "fortress". This was the name of a 9th-century abbess.
Ecgfrith m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ecg "edge of a sword" and friþ "peace". This name was borne by a 7th-century king of the Northumbrians and an 8th-century king of Mercia.
Ecgfritha f Anglo-Saxon
Feminine form of Ecgfrith. This was the name of a daughter of Aldhun of Durham, who married Uhtred of Bamburgh.
Ecghere m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ecg "edge (of a sword), blade, corner" and here "army".
Ecgþēow m Anglo-Saxon Mythology
The name of the father of Beowulf, meaning "edge-servant" or "sword-thane", espressing proficiency with a sword.
Ecgwulf m Anglo-Saxon
Means "sword wolf", from the Old English elements ecg "edge, blade" and wulf "wolf". This name was borne by an 8th-century bishop of London.
Ecgwynn f Anglo-Saxon
Means "sword joy" from the Old English elements ecg "edge, blade" and wynn "joy." Ecgwynn was the first wife of Edward the Elder (c. 874 – 17 July 924) and the mother of Æthelstan the Glorious, widely considered the first "King of the English."
Echan m Mari
Mari variant of Aleksandr.
Echedey m Guanche, Spanish (Canarian)
From Guanche ⵂⴻⴷⴻⵢ ‎(ehedey), from *ezădăy meaning either "to unite, join, reconcile" or "to know, recognize". Echedey or Ehedey was a mid-15th century mencey (aboriginal leader) of the kingdom of Tihuya on the island of La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain).
Echel m Arthurian Cycle
One of Arthur’s warriors in Welsh legend, killed by the boar Twrch Trwyth at Llwch Ewin during the epic hunt.
Echenvite m Guanche
Borne by a Guanche prince from La Palma.
Echephron m Greek Mythology
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek verb ἔχω (echo) meaning "to have, to hold, to possess". The second element is derived from either the Greek noun φρόνις (phronis) meaning "prudence, wisdom" or the Greek verb φρονέω (phroneo) meaning "to think" as well as "to be minded"... [more]
Echeyde m Guanche Mythology, Spanish (Canarian)
Echeide or Echeyde is the name that the Aboriginal Guanches gave to Teide, a volcano in Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain). As most of the chroniclers transmitted, the Guanches (aboriginal people from Tenerife) conceived of the mountain as the place that housed the forces of evil, mainly the evil figure of Guayota... [more]
Echiko f Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 愛 (e) meaning "love, affection", 千 (chi) meaning "thousand", 知 (chi) meaning "wisdom" or 智 (chi) meaning "knowledge, wisdom" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible... [more]
Echion m Greek Mythology
This name is either derived from Greek ἔχις (echis) meaning "viper" or from Greek ἔχω (echo) meaning "to have, to hold, to possess". Echion is the name of several characters in Greek mythology, one of them being a suitor of Penelope.
Echione f Greek Mythology
Possibly a feminine form of Echion. In the Fabulae attributed to Hyginus, this name is listed as belonging to a female hound of Actaeon (who was killed by his own hounds after the goddess Diana changed him into a stag).
Echuid m Irish
Variant of Eochaidh.
Ecih f Sundanese
Variant of Esih.
Ecija f Croatian, Slovene
Croatian and Slovene female form of Ezio. Notable bearer is Croatian actress Ecija Ojdanić (born 1974).
Ecik m Silesian
Diminutive of Edward.
Eck m Scots
Scots short form of Alexander.
Eckhardt m German
Variant of Eckhard.
Eckie m Scots
Diminutive of Eck, itself a short form of Alexander.
Ecko f & m English
Variant of Echo.
Eclair m American (South, Rare, Archaic)
Transferred use of the surname.
Ecli f Judeo-Spanish
Variant of Acli.
Eclicerio m Spanish (Mexican, Rare)
Of uncertain origin.
Eclipse f & m English (Rare)
From the English word eclipse (derived from Latin eclipsis, ultimately from the Greek verb ἐκλείπω (ekleipô) meaning "to fail", i.e. fail to appear); a solar eclipse is when the sun and moon are aligned exactly so that the moon casts a great shadow over the Earth; a lunar eclipse is when the moon is right in front of the sun, showing only a bright slither of light... [more]
Eco f & m Italian
Italian form of Echo, both the mythological figure and the word.
Ecolo m Popular Culture
The exact origin of this name is unclear, though it could come from 心 (kokoro; heart). It could also be derived from コロコロ (corocoro; roughly a fat , bouncy, spherical object).... [more]
Ecphantides m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Ekphantides. This was the name of a Greek comic playwright from the 5th century BC.
Ecphantus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Ekphantos. A known bearer of this name was the Greek philosopher Ecphantus the Pythagorean (4th century BC). It is not certain whether he actually existed; some argue that he was actually a character in dialogues written by the Greek philosopher and astronomer Heraclides Ponticus (4th century BC).
Ecretine f French (Archaic)
Archaic form of Christine. This name was recorded in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region up until the 1700s.
Ecru f English (American, Rare)
From the English word ecru, the color of unbleached silk or linen, which is from the French écru, meaning "raw" or "unbleached".
Ecthelion m Literature
Ecthelion, or Ecthelion of the Fountain, was a mighty lord of Gondolin in the First Age of Middle-earth, and one of its greatest heroes.... [more]
Ectòr m Provençal
Provençal form of Hector.
Ector m Arthurian Cycle
Sir Ector is the father of Sir Kay and the foster father of King Arthur in the Arthurian legend.
Éd m Kashubian
Short form of Édmùnd, Édwin and Édwôrd.
Éda f Hungarian
Short form of various Germanic names beginning with the element adel- or edel-.
Eda f Slovene
Short form of Edita, Edvarda and Edvina.
Eda f Latvian (Rare)
Originally a short form of names beginning with the element Ed- (including, but not limited to, Edīte), this name has been used in its own right from the early 1600s onwards.
Eda m Czech
Short form of Eduard and Edvard, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Eda f Estonian
Originally a short form of Hedda and Hedvig, now used as a given name in its own right.
Edad f Filipino
Diminutive of Felicidad, Trinidad, Soledad, and other names ending in -idad or -edad.
Edanur f Turkish
A compound of Eda 1 and Nur.
Edard m Manx
Manx form of Edward.
Edaris m Arthurian Cycle
A duke and father of Arthur’s Sir Claris.
Edart m Scots
Variant of Edwart.
Edbert m English
English form of Eadberht.
Edcarlos m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Combination of Edwin, Edmar, Edison or another name starting with Ed and Carlos.
Edcel m & f Filipino
Combination of Eduardo and Celeste.
Edd m English
Variant of Ed.
Edda f Hungarian
Variant of Éda.
Eddard m Literature, Popular Culture
Variant of Edward, used in George R. R. Martin's book 'A Game of Thrones' and the subsequent TV show 'Game of Thrones'.
Eddelt m East Frisian (Archaic)
Variation of Edelt recorded in the 15th century in East Frisia.
Edden m & f English (American, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Edden.... [more]
Eddye f English
A feminine spelling of Eddie.
Ede m West Frisian, East Frisian
Frisian form of Ade 2.
Ede f Estonian
Variant of Eda.
Edea f Italian (Modern, Rare)
Of very uncertain origin and meaning.... [more]
Edebe f African
The name originates from Sudan, in the concrete tribe of Gurfan meaning the first, princess.
Edee f English
Possibly a diminutive of Edith
Edeeney f Manx (Modern, Rare)
Modern coinage, intended as a Manx form of Edwina.
Edek m Polish
Diminutive of Edward.
Edekon m History
Variant of Edeko.
Edel f German, German (Austrian), Danish, English, Finnish, Greenlandic, Icelandic (Rare), Norwegian, Sami, Swedish
Short form of names that begin with or end in the element "Edel-" meaning "noble", for example Edeltraud, Edelgard.... [more]
Edel m & f Galician, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Short form of names starting with Edel-, such as Edelmiro (for males) and Edelmira (for females).... [more]
Edel f Yiddish
A Judeo-German spelling of Eidel
Edela f East Frisian (Archaic), Old Danish, Old Swedish, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Short form of names containing the East Frisian name element ethel-, a cognate of Old High German adal-.
Edelberto m Spanish, Italian (Rare)
Spanish and Italian form of Edelbert.
Edelfa f Italian (Rare), Filipino (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Possibly a rare variant of Adelfa. A known bearer of this name is Edelfa Chiara Masciotta (1984-), an Italian television personality and former beauty queen who won Miss Italia 2005.
Edelfried m German
German form of Adelfried.
Edelhard m Dutch, German
Primarily German form of Adelhard.
Edèlia f Catalan
Catalan variant of Adelia.
Edeline f Medieval French, Anglo-Norman, French, Haitian Creole
Old French variant of Adelina. It was borne by Edeline Thwenge, a 14th-century heiress of Ripley Castle in North Yorkshire, England. The Edeline Islands of Western Australia are named for Lady Edeline Sackville-West (1870-1918), the wife of Gerald Strickland, 1st Baron Strickland.
Edelke f East Frisian
Variation of Edel
Edelmire f Norman
Feminine form of Edelmir.
Edeltraud f German
Younger form of Adeltraud.
Edeltrauda f Silesian
Silesian form of Edeltraud.
Edeltruda f Polish (Rare)
Polish form of Edeltraud. This name is considerably more popular among the German minority in Poland.
Edeltrudes f & m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese form of Edeltrudis, which is the latinized form of Edeltrud, a variant form of the feminine Germanic name Adaltrud. Also compare the Anglo-Saxon name Æðelþryð, which is a cognate of Adaltrud.... [more]
Edelweiss f Various
From the name of the edelweiss flower (species Leontopodium alpinum). It is derived from the German elements edel "noble" and weiß "white." The name of the flower is spelled Edelweiß in German; Edelweiss is an Anglicized spelling.
Edelyn f English (Modern, Rare)
Possibly a variant of Adelyn.
Edelynn f Filipino
Variant of Edelyn.
Edem f Greek
Used as a Greek variant of Eden in the New English Translation of the Septuagint. Genesis 4:16.
Éden m & f French (Modern)
French form of Eden.
Edén m & f Spanish
Derived from Edén, the Spanish name for the Garden of Eden.
Eden m Medieval English
Medieval English form of Eadhun via its variant form Edun.
Edena f American (Rare)
Feminine variant of Eden.
Edenas m Lithuanian (Modern)
Lithuanian masculine form of Eden.
Edenli f Hebrew (Modern)
Combination of the names Eden and Li 2 means "my paradise" in Hebrew.
Éder m Portuguese, Spanish
Portuguese and Spanish form of Eder 2.
Éder m Biblical Hungarian
Hungarian form of Eder 1.
Ederic m English
Variant of Eadric.
Ederina f Italian, Albanian
Italian diminutive of Edera as well as an Albanian borrowing of this name.
Edern m Welsh Mythology, Arthurian Cycle, Medieval Breton, Breton
Derived from Old Welsh edyrn "immense; heavy; prodigious, wonderful, marvellous", in the past this name has been (falsely) considered a derivation from Latin aeternus "eternal".... [more]
Ederna f Breton (Rare)
Feminine form of Edern.
Ederra f Medieval Basque
Medieval Basque form of Ederne, first recorded in Navarre in 1036.
Éderson m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Combination of Éder and -son, influenced by names like Gílson, Anderson or Joelson.
Edert m Scots
Scots form of Edward.
Edesie f Louisiana Creole
French form of Edusa via the variant Edesia.
Edessa f American (Rare)
Edessa is a city in northern Greece and the capital of the Pella regional unit, in the Central Macedonia region of Greece. It was also the capital of the defunct province of the same name. The Greek name Ἔδεσσα (Édessa) is probably of Phrygian origin... [more]
Edevie f English (American, Rare), Filipino (Rare)
Of uncertain origin and meaning.... [more]
Edeyrn m History (Ecclesiastical)
Saint Edeyrn (c. 6th century) was a pre-congregational saint of Wales, related to Vortigern and the royal house of Powys and the brother of Saint Aerdeyrn and Elldeyrn. Edeyrn is the patron saint of Lannédern in France and Llanedeyrn in Wales, where he founded a monastery of over 300 people.
Edganora f American (Archaic), American (South, Archaic)
Perhaps a blend of Edgenie (itself possibly an anglicized form of Eugénie) and Eleanora.
Edgár m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Edgar.
Edgaro m Esperanto, Italian
Esperanto form of Edgar and Italian variant of Edgardo.
Edgart m Occitan
Occitan variant of Edgar.
Edgeir m Norwegian (Rare)
Norwegian variant of Edgar.
Edgenie f English (American, Rare, Archaic)
Meaning unknown, possibly an anglicized form of Eugénie.
Edgerton m English
Transferred use of the surname Edgerton.
Edha f Sanskrit, Indian, Tamil, Hindi, American, Punjabi, Bengali, Malayalam, Kannada, Gujarati, Marathi, Hinduism, Sinhalese, Nepali, Telugu
MEANING - "spread, prosper,rise, grow strong, become happy". This is feminine form of Sanskrit word एध/एध्... [more]
Edhem m Bosnian
Bosnian form of Adham.
Edhi m Javanese
Variant of Edi.
Edhi m Urdu
Possibly related to Arabic عِيْدِيّ (eidi) which means giving a gift, commonly money, in the Islamic holiday Eid.... [more]
Edhie m Javanese
Variant of Edi.
Edhy m Javanese
Variant of Edi.
Edi f & m English (Rare)
Variant of Eddie (Also, see Eddi)
Edi m German
German diminutive of Eduard.
Edias m Norwegian (Rare)
Norwegian form of Egidius (see Giles).
Edica f Slovene
Diminutive of Eda.
Edie m Javanese
Variant of Edi.
Edie f Tatar
Tatar form of Hadiyya.
Edielson m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Possibly a variant of Edilson.
Edier m Spanish (Latin American)
Meaning unknown. It may possibly be a Latin American form of the Basque names Eder 2 or Edur. Known bearers of this name include the Colombian-born Swedish soccer player Edier Frejd (b... [more]
Edigar m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Variant of Edgar in the same fashion as Edimar.
Ediita f Finnish (Rare)
Finnish form of Edith.
Edik m Armenian, Georgian (Rare)
Armenian diminutive of Eduard, which is sometimes also used in neighbouring Georgia.
Edika f Slovene
Diminutive of Eda.
Edil m Kazakh
Means "Volga River" in Kazakh. It can also be interpreted as being a form of the given name Adil.
Edilberta f Spanish, Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Edilberto. In other words, this is a Spanish and Italian cognate of Ethelberta.
Edilberto m Spanish (Latin American)
Spanish form of Ethelbert via its variant form Aedilbert. In other words, you could also say that Edilberto is a variant form of Etelberto.... [more]
Edilene f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Meaning unknown, possibly a variant of Adelina.
Edilson m Portuguese (Brazilian), Portuguese (African), Spanish (Latin American)
Possibly a variant of Edison inspired by the name element adal, meaning "noble".
Edimondu m Corsican
Corsican form of Edmund.
Edin m & f English (Modern)
Variant of Eden.
Edin m Manx
Manx form of Edwin.
Edina f Bosnian, Slovene, Albanian, Kosovar
Feminine form of Edin.
Edina f Manx
Feminine form of Edin and cognate of Edeeney.
Edinanci f Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Combination of the popular element edi- (cf. Edinara, Edival) and Nanci.
Edinara f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Combination of the populars element edi- (cf. Edinaldo, Edival) and -nara (cf. Tainara, Yonara).
Edingel f Romani
Variant of Edingale.
Edinho m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Diminutive of Edson or Edison as well as other names beginning with the same sound.
Edinson m Obscure
Probably an elaboration of Edison. A notable bearer of this name is Uruguayan soccer player Edinson Cavani (1987-).
Edip m Provençal (Archaic)
Provençal form of Oedipus.
Édipo m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Oedipus.... [more]
Edir f & m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Combination of the elements ed- (like in Edmar) and -ir (like in Ademir or Lucelir).
Edisher m Georgian
Of Persian origin, but the meaning of this name is partially uncertain, as the available sources do not agree with each other on the first element. According to a Georgian source, the first element means "feast", whilst a Russian source states that it means "to walk in front (of)"... [more]