Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords prince or of or all or men.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Drengr m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Variant of Drængr. This is the name of one of Karl and Snør's sons in Norse mythology.
Drengur m Icelandic
Icelandic form of Drængr.
Drenig m Breton
Diminutive of Aodren via the diminutive Aodrenig.
Drenislav m Croatian (Rare)
From Slavic dren meaning ''European Cornel'' (type of dogwood) and slava meaning ''glory''.
Drenka f Croatian, Serbian
Feminine form of Dren.
Dreo m Esperanto
Short form of Andreo and Esperanto form of Drew.
Dresden f & m English, Popular Culture
From the name of the city in Germany, which is derived from Old Sorbian Drežďany, meaning "people of the riverside forest".
Drev m Breton
Short form of Andrev.
Drewann f English (American, Rare)
Combination of Drew and Ann, or a flip-flopped version of Andrew used as a feminine given name.
Drewet m Medieval English
Diminutive of Drew.
Drexel m English
Based off of surname.
Dreya f English (Rare)
Short form of Andrea 2.
Dreyfus m English
Transferred use of the surname Dreyfus.
Dreyze f Yiddish
Yiddish feminine name, probably derived from the German name Theresia. Alternatively it may be a Yiddish form of Slavic Derozha, Drozha.
Dri m & f English, Brazilian
Short form of any name containing -dri-, such as Adrian or Adriana.
Dria m Ligurian
Short form of Andria.
Dria f English (Rare)
Short form of Adriana.
Driadam m Arthurian Cycle
A cousin of Erec who was slain by Mordred, prompting a feud between Erec and Mordred.
Drian m Arthurian Cycle
Knight of the Round Table. Son of Pellinore (apparently his third in wedlock), brother of Perceval, Lamorat, Aglovale, Alain, and Tor le Fise Aries.... [more]
Driana f English (Rare), Brazilian (Rare)
Possibly a truncated from of Adriana.
Drica f Portuguese, Galician
Hypocoristic of Adriana.
Dricky f Afrikaans
Diminutive of Hendrika.
Drico m Portuguese
Diminutive of Frederico.
Driek m Dutch, Limburgish
Short form of Hendricus and Hendrikus, which is also used for bearers of related names.
Driesje f Dutch (Rare)
Feminine form of Dries.
Drífa f Old Norse, Icelandic, Norse Mythology
Old Norse name meaning "fall of snow, snowdrift". In Norse mythology, Drífa was a daughter of king Snær. She had two sisters, Mjǫll and Fǫnn and one brother, Þorri.
Drigo m Mordvin
Mordvin form of Gregory.
Drilego f Medieval Breton
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Current theories include a derivation from drich "aspect; face; appearance" and "possibly a variant of -lou, -leu "light"".
Drilon m Albanian
Derived from Drilon (Δρίλων), the Ancient Greek name of the river Drin.
Drilona f Albanian
Feminine form of Drilon.
Drin m Albanian
Derived from the name of the Drin, a river in Southern and Southeastern Europe with two distributaries one discharging into the Adriatic Sea and the other one into the Buna River. The river and its tributaries form the Gulf of Drin, an ocean basin that encompasses the northern Albanian Adriatic Sea Coast... [more]
Drina f Albanian
Feminine form of Drin.
Drina f Serbian (Rare)
The name of the river that flows between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, whose name is derived from the Latin name of the river (Latin: Drinus) which in turn is derived from Greek (Ancient Greek: Dreinos), used as a feminine name.
Drini m Albanian
Variant of Drin.
Drinian m Literature
The name of Prince Caspian's advisor and ship captain in CS Lewis' book The Dawn Treader.
Drinora f Albanian
It derives from the name of the river Drin in Albania; the name Drin derives from the greek "drynus", meaning "river".
Driope f Italian, Catalan
Italian and Catalan form of Dryope.
Drisana f English (Rare), Indian (Rare, Expatriate, ?)
Meaning uncertain, though popularly claimed to mean "daughter of the sun" in Sanskrit. Supposedly it occurs in Hindu mythology as a name (perhaps a title or epithet) of the Dānava demon Virochana (a son of Prahlāda and father of Bali)... [more]
Drishani f Hindi
Daughter of the sun
Driss m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Idris 1 chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Drissa m Western African
Form of Idris 1 used in parts of western Africa.
Driton m Albanian
Variant of Dritan.
Driva f Swedish (Rare)
Swedish form of Drífa.
Drocock m Medieval English
Diminutive of Drew.
Drocus m Germanic (Latinized)
Latinized form of Drogo.
Dröfn f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Drǫfn.
Drǫfn f Norse Mythology
Means "wave, billow" in Old Norse. In Norse mythology, Drǫfn was the daughter of Ægir and Rán. She was sometimes referred to as Bára, also meaning "wave, billow".
Drogomił m Polish
The first element of this name is derived from Polish drogi "precious, dear", which was ultimately derived from Slavic dorgu "precious, dear". The second element is derived from mil "gracious, dear".
Drogomir m Polish
Polish form of Dragomir.
Drogomira f Polish
Feminine form of Drogomir.
Drogomysł m Polish
The first element of this name is derived from Polish drogi "precious, dear", which was ultimately derived from Slavic dorgu "precious, dear". The second element is derived from Polish myśl "thought" (which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic mysliti "to think").
Drogoradz m Medieval Polish
Derived from the Slavic name elements drogo "dear; precious" and radz "to advise" and, in an older meaning, "to take care of someone or something".
Drogosław m Polish
Polish form of Dragoslav.
Drogosława f Polish
Feminine form of Drogosław.
Drolma f Tibetan
Alternate transcription of Tibetan སྒྲོལ་མ (see Dolma).
Dromio m Theatre
This name belongs to two characters in William Shakespeare's play 'The Comedy of Errors' (1592): twin brothers Dromio of Ephesus and Dromio of Syracuse. It is possibly derived from Greek δρόμος (dromos) "a course, running, race", or a related word.
Dronacharya m Hinduism
(drona) means "vessel" or "bucket" or "quiver". (acharya) means "teacher" in Sanskrit. Dronacharya means “A teacher who is filled with full of knowledge or whatever a good stuff.” he is a major character of the Hindu epic Mahabharata
Dropleyg f Faroese
Faroese modern form of Droplaug.
Drora f Hebrew
Feminine form of Dror.
Drosbo m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Drósbói.
Drósbói m Old Norse
Combination of Old Norse drós ("woman") and búi ("dweller").
Drosera f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek δρόσος (drosos) meaning "dew, dewdrops". This was the name of a naiad in Greek myth.
Drosis f History (Ecclesiastical)
Variant of Drusa via the form Drosa. According to Orthodox Christian ecclesiastical traditions St. Drosis was the daughter of the Emperor Trajan (98-117 AD)... [more]
Drosmis m Latvian
Masculine form of Drosma.
Drosoula f Greek
Diminutive of Droso.
Drossel m Popular Culture
German for "thrush" as in the bird. The name of a character in the anime adaption of Black Butler, Drossel Keinz.
Drostan m Pictish
Diminutive of Drust. This name was borne by a 7th-century Irish saint who was active among the Picts in Scotland.
Drótt f Icelandic (Rare), Old Norse
Possibly from Old Norse drótt which meant "household, a people" and "the host of the king's men, body-guard of a king".
Drover m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Drover. It was used in the 2008 movie 'Australia' by Baz Luhrmann. The character Drover was played by Hugh Jackman.
Dru m English
Variant of Drew.
Druann f American (Rare)
Perhaps intended to be a feminine form of Andrew, produced by rearranging the syllables (i.e., An and drew; see Drew), with the spelling apparently influenced by that of Luann.
Druantia f Popular Culture, Celtic Mythology
Hypothetic old Celtic form of the name of a river in the south of France commonly known as the Durance, which is of unknown meaning. An Indo-European root meaning "to flow" has been suggested. According to Robert Graves in 'The White Goddess' (1948), it is derived from the Indo-European root *deru meaning "oak" (as are the words druid and dryad) and probably also belonged to a Gallic tree goddess, which he identifies as "Queen of the Druids" and "Mother of the Tree Calendar"... [more]
Druas m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
Lord of the Hill of Wretches. He slew every knight who adventured his way, but was eventually killed by Agravain. Druas’s brother, Sorneham of Newcastle, learned of the incident and, in revenge, he defeated and imprisoned Agravain.
Drucille f English (Rare)
Variant spelling of Drusille.
Druda f Judeo-Catalan (Rare, Archaic), Medieval Jewish
Of uncertain origin and meaning. One theory, however, suggests a coinage as a feminine form of the Catalan masculine name Trud.
Drudo m Medieval Italian
Derived from Proto-Germanic þrūþ "strength" as well as a diminutive of various names beginning with this element.
Drue m & f English (Rare)
Variant of Drew.
Druella f English, Literature
Feminine version of the masculine abbreviated form of Andrew, Drew. It is also the name of Druella Black (née Rosier) –wife of Cygnus Black, mother of Bellatrix, Andromeda and Narcissa Black - out of the Harry Potter series of books by J.K. Rowling.
Druian m Old Celtic, Old Norse
Old Norse form of an unknown Gaelic name, of uncertain origin and meaning.
Druidain m Arthurian Cycle
A loathsome hunchbacked dwarf, to whom Gawaine gave the false lady Ydain after she tried to leave Gawaine for another knight. Druidain’s eventual possession of Ydain had been foretold by an oracle in the dwarf’s youth.
Drulias m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
Father of the dwarf Druidain.... [more]
Drum m English
Diminutive of Drummond.
Drumil m Indian
Druon m Arthurian Cycle
Druon is a knight who fights with Blandamour, Paridell, and Claribell in Book 4, Canto 9 of "The Faerie Queene".
Drury m English
Transferred use of the surname Drury. Drury Lane is a famous street in London, home to the Theatre Royal, and well known as the nursery rhyme locale of The Muffin Man.
Drusiana f Ancient Roman, Italian (Rare, Archaic), Gnosticism
Feminine form of Drusianus. The tale of the resurrection of Drusiana features prominently in the Acts of John.
Drusiane f Gnosticism
French form of Drusiana.
Drustanus m Old Celtic (Latinized)
Latinized form of Drustan. It appears in a 6th-century tombstone inscription (“Drustanus lies here, the son of Cunomorus”) and many scholars have thought to identify Drustanus with the Tristan of Celtic legend... [more]
Drusticc f Pictish
6th century Pictish princess. Feminine variant of the name Drust. Older form or variant of the name Trista
Druward m Anglo-Norman
Possibly from Old French Droart, Drouart which is probably from the hypothetical Germanic name *Droghard, itself composed of the element drog of uncertain meaning (see Drogo) combined with hard "hard, firm, brave, strong".
Druzjan m Polish
Polish form of Drusianus.
Druzus m Polish
Polish form of Drusus (see Drusilla).
Drużyjan m Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish form of Druzjan.
Drużyjanna f Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish form of Druzjanna.
Druzylla f Polish
Polish form of Drusilla.
Drvaspa f Persian Mythology
The name of a Zoroastrian goddess whose name means "with solid horses". Her role in ancient religion is unknown.
Dryden m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Dryden.... [more]
Dryhthelm m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements dryht "troop, army" and helm "helmet, protection". This was the name of a monk associated with the monastery of Melrose known from the Historia Ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum of Bede.
Dryllina f Old Swedish (Rare)
Obscure Old Swedish name of unknown origin.
Dryope f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek δρῦς (drys) meaning "tree, oak" combined with Greek οψ (ops) "voice" or Greek ωψ (ops) "face, eye". This name was borne by at least five characters in Greek mythology, the best known being the daughter of king Dryops of Oeta, who was turned into a black poplar tree by the god Apollo.
Dryops m Greek Mythology
This name is either derived from Greek δρύοψ (dryops) meaning "woodpecker", or it is a masculine form of Dryope. This name was borne by two characters in Greek mythology: one was king Dryops of Oeta, the other was a son of king Priam of Troy.
Drypetis f Old Persian (Hellenized)
Of uncertain etymology. Drypetis was the daughter of Stateira I and Darius III of Persia. She was married to Hephaestion and was rumored to have been killed by Roxana to remove potential rivals.
Drysen m English (Modern)
Variant of Dryson.
Držimir m Croatian
The first element of this name is derived from Serbo-Croatian držati "to hold", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic dьržati "to hold". The second element is derived from Slavic mir "peace".
Držislav m Croatian
The first element of this name is derived from Serbo-Croatian držati "to hold", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic dьržati "to hold". The second element is derived from Slavic slav "glory".
Dschamila f German
German transcription of Jamila.
Dshamilja f Literature
A German transcription of the name of the title heroine in Chinghiz Aitmatov's novella 'Jamila'.
Dsinara f Belarusian
Variant transliteration of Дзінара (see Dzinara).
Dsjanis m Belarusian
Variant transliteration of Дзяніс (see Dzyanis).
Dsmitry m Belarusian
Belarusian form of Dimitri
Dszamila f Hungarian
Hungarian phonetic transcription of Jamila
Dúa f Icelandic
Icelandic adoption of Dua.
Duaa f Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic دعاء (see Dua).
Duadu m Sardinian
Gallurese short form of Edward.
Duamutef m Egyptian Mythology
Means "who adores his mother". He is one of the four sons of Horus tasked with protecting his throne in the underworld. His image was depicted on the canopic jar which held the stomach of the deceased.
Duangchan f & m Thai, Lao
Means "moon" in Thai, also used as a Lao alternate transcription of Douangchanh. It is only used as a feminine name in Thailand while it is unisex in Laos.
Duanghatai m Thai
Alternate transcription of Duanghathai.
Duangjai f Thai
Alternate transcription of Duangchai.
Duangkae f Thai
Alternate transcription of Duangkhae.
Duangkamol f Thai
Alternate transcription of Duangkamon.
Duangnapa f Thai
Alternate transcription of Duangnapha.
Duangporn f Thai
Alternate transcription of Duangphon.
Duanpen f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai เดือนเพ็ญ (see Dueanphen).
Duanphen f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai เดือนเพ็ญ (see Dueanphen).
Duard m English
A diminutive of Edward or Eduard.
Duardo m Spanish
Diminutive of Eduardo.
Duardu m Sicilian
Truncated form of Eduardu.
Duathathor f Ancient Egyptian
Means "adorer of Hathor" in Egyptian.
Dub m & f English (American), Old Celtic
In North America the name Dub is most often used by men with a name beginning with the letter W, such as William and Walter.... [more]
Dube f Medieval Jewish, Yiddish (Archaic)
Medieval variant of Taube, recorded in 15th-century Frankfurt, Germany.
Duberley m Spanish (Latin American)
Alteration of Duberney, using the -ley suffix. This name is mainly used in Colombia (variants without the final e are mainly used in Peru).
Duberney m Spanish (Latin American)
Variant of the surname Duvernay, mainly used in Colombia.
Dubhchobhlaigh f Medieval Irish
Derived from dubh meaning "black, black-haired" and Cobhlaigh, a name of unknown etymology.
Dubhdara m Medieval Irish
Composed of the Gaelic elements dubh "dark" and dair "oak" (genitive dara(ch)).
Dubhe f Astronomy
Derived from Arabic دُبّ (dubb) meaning "bear", taken from the phrase ظهر الدب الاكبر (ẓahr ad-dubb al-ʾakbar) meaning "the back of the greater bear". This is one of the traditional names for the star Alpha Ursae Majoris, in the constellation Ursa Major.
Dubi m Hebrew
Means "teddy bear" in Hebrew. It's typically used as a diminutive form of Dov.
Dublin f & m English (Modern)
From the English name of the capital city of Ireland, which derives from Gaelic Duiḃlinn. This is not used on Irish children.
Dubnorix m Gaulish
Original Gaulish form of the Latinized Dumnorix.
Dubois m English
Transferred use of the surname Dubois.
Dubra f Galician
Transferred use of the name of the river Dubra in the province of A Coruña in Galicia, whose name is speculated to be derived from Celtic dubra, the plural of dubron "water".
Dubraska f Spanish (Caribbean)
Likely an alteration of Dubravka with influence from other -ska names, e.g. Katiuska. It is most often used in Venezuela.
Dubric m History (Ecclesiastical), Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend, Arthurian Cycle
In Welsh legend, he is said to be the illegitimate son of the daughter of King Peibio Clafrog, ruler of Ergyng (located in present-day Herefordshire, England), Efrddyl. Her father tried to drown her in the River Wye, but didn’t succeed... [more]
Dubrowka f Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish variant of Dąbrówka.
Dubya m English
Nickname given to the former U.S. president George W. Bush (1946-) after the colloquial pronunciation of his middle initial.
Du-byeol f & m Korean (Modern, Rare)
From Byeol prefixed with 두 (du), the combined form of the numeral 둘 (dul) meaning "two."
Duccia f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Duccio.
Duccio m Medieval Italian (Tuscan), Italian (Tuscan)
Medieval masculine given name recently fashionable in Tuscany. It is a short form of Andreuccio, Leonarduccio (diminutive of Leonardo), Bernarduccio (diminutive of Bernardo), Armanduccio (diminutive of Armando) and other given names ending in -duccio.... [more]
Duce f Medieval English
Medieval form of Dulcie.
Duchomysł m Polish
The first element of this name is derived from Polish duch "spirit, ghost, soul", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic duxъ "spirit". The second element is derived from Polish myśl "thought", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic mysliti "to think".
Duchosław m Polish
The first element of this name is derived from Polish duch "spirit, ghost, soul", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic duxъ "spirit". The second element is derived from Slavic slav "glory".
Duci f Hungarian
Short form of Magdolna.
Duco m Dutch, West Frisian
Variant of Doeke. A notable bearer of this name was the Frisian freedom fighter Doecke "Duco" van Martena (1530-1605).
Ducu m Romanian
Romanian diminutive of the given name Radu or names containing the name element.
Dud m English
Short form of Dudley.
Dudana f Georgian (Rare)
Meaning uncertain. Georgian sources state that the name is of Kartvelian origin, but neglect to provide its meaning. Perhaps it is related to the Mingrelian noun დუდი (dudi) meaning "head", or to the Georgian name Dudukhana... [more]
Dudar m Ossetian
Meaning uncertain. According to a Russian source, this name is of Turkic origin and means "tousled, disheveled, ruffled" and "curly".... [more]
Dude m English (American, Archaic)
Transferred use of the surname Dude.
Dudi m Hebrew
Diminutive of David.
Dudie f Albanian
Variant of Dudi.
Dudimir m Croatian (Archaic)
The first element of this archaic name is possibly derived from Proto-Slavic duda "(bag)pipe, whistle, flute". The second element is derived from either Slavic mir "peace" or Slavic mer "great, famous".
Dudly m English
Variant of Dudley.
Dudu m Hebrew
Diminutive of David.
Dudukhana f Georgian (Rare)
Derived from the Georgian adjective დუდუხა (dudukha) meaning "plump" (in reference to girls and women). Also compare the related Georgian adjective დუდრუქანა (dudrukana) meaning "plump, stout" (also in reference to girls and women).... [more]
Dueanpen f Thai
Alternate transcription of Dueanphen.
Duellona f Roman Mythology
Older form of Bellona, derived from Early Latin duellum "war".
Duenpen f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai เดือนเพ็ญ (see Dueanphen).
Duenphen f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai เดือนเพ็ญ (see Dueanphen).
Duessa f Literature
This name was used by the 16th-century poet Edmund Spenser, who perhaps intended it to mean "second", "disunity" or "duplicitous" from Latin duo "two" combined with the feminine suffix essa... [more]
Dúfa f Norse Mythology, Icelandic
Means "pitching wave" in Old Norse. In Norse mythology, Dúfa was one of nine daughters of Ægir and Rán.
Dufenal m Anglo-Saxon
Old English form of Donald, derived from Old Irish Domnall. This was the name of Scottish kings and an early saint.
Duff m Romansh (Archaic)
Short form of Rudolf via the form Dulf. The name was early on misunderstood as a Romansh form of David.
Dúfr m Norse Mythology
Either derived from Old Norse dúfa "to drive" or means "sleepy one", related to Norwegian duva. This is the name of a dwarf in Norse mythology.
Dug m English (American)
Variant of Doug, used for the dog in the Disney film 'Up' (2009).
Dugal m Manx
Manx form of Dubhghall.
Dugan m American (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Dugan.
Duggie m English
Variant of Dougie.
Du-han m Korean (Archaic)
Combination of two Chinese characters 斗(means dipper) and 漢(means China). Kim Du-Han was a mobster and politician of 19th-century Korea. He is also the main character of the Korean TV drama .
Duhan m Turkish
From Arabic دخان (dukhan) meaning "smoke". This is the name of the 44th chapter of the Quran (surah ad-Dukhan).
Duilia f Italian
Feminine form of Duilio.
Duilin m Literature
Duilin was the name of the lord of the House of the Swallow in Gondolin. He was said to be the greatest bowman of Gondolin, and the swiftest elf amongst them. He died in the year FA 510 during the Fall of Gondolin, when he was shot by a fiery bolt from a Balrog.
Duiliu m Romanian, Sicilian
Romanian and Scilian form of Duilius.
Duiliusz m Polish
Polish form of Duilius (see Duilio).
Duimelijntje f Folklore
Dutch form of Thumbelina, which is derived from Dutch duim meaning "thumb" combined with the Dutch diminutive suffixes -lijn and -tje.
Duinnín m Medieval Irish
Diminutive of the word donn "brown"
Duiri f Sami
Sami form of Tuire.
Duitg m Romansh
Variant of Ludivic, traditionally found in the Surselva region.
Dujdao f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai ดุจดาว (see Dutdao).
Dujo m Croatian
Short form of Dujam.
Dukađin m Serbian
Leka III DUKAĐINI (1410–1481), mostly known as Leka DUKAĐINI, was a 15th-century member of the Serbian nobility,DUKAĐINI from the Duka family, A contemporary of Skanderbeg, DUKAĐINI is known for the conon or kanuna Leka DUKAĐINI,a code of law instituted among the tribes of Serbia and Montenegro and northern Albania of serbs Ethnicity only.
Dukey m English
Diminutive of Duke.
Dukpa m & f Tibetan, Bhutanese
From Tibetan འབྲུག་པ ('brug-pa) meaning "Bhutanese (person)", also referring to a school of Tibetan Buddhism (the Drukpa Kagyu).
Dula f Medieval Polish
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a derivation from Proto-Slavic *dulěti "to get fat" and Proto-Slavic kъdulja, which denoted a kind of pear.
Dula f Ancient Greek
Short form of Theodula.
Dulá f Sami
Sami form of Tuula.
Dulari f Hindi (Latinized)
Dulari is a name of Sanskrit origin meaning either “lovable”, “dear”, or “beloved”.
Dulcea f American (Rare, Archaic)
Perhaps used as a Latinate form of Dulcie.
Dulceflur f Arthurian Cycle
A princess of Trefferin and Karedonas whose father, King Gediens, was slain by the heathen King Verangoz of Sorboreste.... [more]
Dulcemar m Arthurian Cycle
Arthur went to war with him, besieging Tandernas, to avenge a wrong committed by Tandareis. Dulcemar and Gawaine managed to broker a peace. Through his son, Dulcemar later became overlord of Malmontan and Mermin.
Dulce Nombre f & m Spanish
From Spanish dulce nombre meaning "sweet name," referring to the Holy Name of Jesus and the Holy Name of the Virgin Mary, hence why most full names beginning with Dulce Nombre end with either de María or de Jesús.... [more]
Dulcia f Spanish, Judeo-Catalan (Latinized), Gascon
Latinized form of Dulcie, used particularly in Iberian countries. As a Jewish name, Dulcia was occasionally used as a translation of Naomi 1 in former times.
Dulcieta f Judeo-Provençal
Derived from Latin dulcis "sweet; (figuratively, of persons) friendly, charming, kind, dear, pleasant, agreeable" combined with a diminutive suffix.
Dulcina f Late Roman, Spanish
Feminine form of Dulcinus.
Dulcinée f French (Rare), Literature (Gallicized)
French form of Dulcinea. Due to the literary character, the name has become a poetic term describing an "inspiring, beautiful woman".
Dulcineea f Romanian (Rare)
Romanian form of Dulcinea. It coincides with the archaic Romanian word dulcinee "girlfriend, sweetheart" (ultimately from Romanian dulce "sweet")... [more]
Dulcinia f Portuguese (Rare)
Most likely an elaborated form of Dulce
Dulcino m Spanish
Spanish form of Dulcinus.
Dulcinus m Late Roman
Derived from Latin dulcis meaning "sweet" combined with the Latin (masculine) diminutive suffix -inus. A known bearer of this name was Dulcinus of Novara (c. 1250-1307), who was also known as Fra Dolcino... [more]
Dulcynea f Literature
Polish form of Dulcinea.
Dule m Serbian
Diminutive of Dušan.
Duleima f Medieval Mongolian
Of uncertain etymology, this was the personal name of one of the wives of Hooge.
Đuli f Croatian (Rare)
Croatian variant of Julie, reflecting the English pronunciation.
Duli f Sanskrit, Indian (Christian), Hindi, Hinduism, Indian, Nepali, Telugu, Tamil, Bengali
MEANING : a kind of pot-herb... [more]
Dulia f Asturian, Galician
Short form of Odulia.
Đulieta f Croatian
Croatian form of Juliette or Giulietta.
Đulijeta f Croatian
Croatian form of Juliette or Giulietta.
Dulma f Buryat
Buryat form of Dolma.
Dulquer m Arabic (Modern, Rare), Pakistani, Muslim, Tamil, Malayalam, Hindi, Telugu
It means "expressive" and "diplomatic". It is mentioned in Surat al-Kahf of the Qur'an. Its full name is Du al-Qarnayn. Also known as Alexander. So Indian Film actor Dulquer Salmaan says it means "warrior"
Dulsona f Judeo-Provençal
Derived from Latin dulcis "sweet; (figuratively, of persons) friendly, charming, kind, dear, pleasant, agreeable" combined with a diminutive suffix.
Dulza f Aragonese (Archaic)
Aragonese form of Dulce.
Duma m Swahili
Means "cheetah" in Swahili.... [more]
Dumah m Biblical, Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend
Means "silent" in Hebrew. Briefly mentioned in the Old Testament as the name of one of Ishmael's sons. In Rabbinical Literature, Dumah is also the angel of silence and of the stillness of death.
Dumarsais m Haitian Creole
Transferred use of the surname Dumarsais. Dumarsais Estimé (1900 - 1953) was a Haitian politician and President of the Haitian Republic from 1946 to 1950.
Dümăs m Polabian
Polabian form of Thomas.
Dumè m Corsican
Diminutive of Dumenicu. This name is borne by French singer, composer and actor Dumè (Dominique Mattei).
Dumëine m Ladin
Variant of Domëne.
Dumeng m Romansh
Romansh form of Dominic, traditionally found in the Engadine valley.
Dumengia f Romansh
Feminine form of Dumeng. The name coincides with Romansh dumengia "Sunday".
Dumeni m Romansh
Romansh form of Dominic, traditionally used in the Surselva region.
Dumenia f Romansh
Romansh form of Domenica, traditionally used in the Surselva region of Switzerland.
Dumenic m Romansh
Variant of Domenic, traditionally found in the Lower Engadine region.
Dumenica f Corsican
Feminine form of Dumenicu. The name coincides with Corsican dumenica "Sunday".