Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Agge f YiMeans "fourth sister" in Yi.
Aggite f BiblicalVariant of Haggith which means Means "festive" in Hebrew.
Aghabeg m ArmenianDerived from Persian
aga ("master") and Turkish
bey (title given to provincial governors and senior officers).
Aghan m LiteratureAghan is the name of a human being in J.R.R. Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" book series.
Aghasi m ArmenianFrom Ottoman Turkish
آغا (ağa) meaning "agha (an honorific for high officials)".
Aghbugha m Medieval GeorgianGeorgian form of
Akbugha (also found spelled as
Ağbuğa in Turkish). This name was borne by two princes of Meskheti, namely Aghbugha I Jaqeli (1356-1395) and Aghbugha II Jaqeli (1407-1451).
Aghgyul f Armenian (Rare, Archaic, ?)According to one online source, this is a rare Armenian name meaning "white rose" from Proto-Turkic *
ak "white" and Persian گل
(gol) "rose", 'now especially used in villages.'
Aghuveh m & f ArmenianDerived from the Armenian elements աղու (
aghu) "suave" and վեհ (
veh) "sublime".
Aghvan m ArmenianMeans "Caucasian Albanian" in Armenian. Caucasian Albania was an ancient country in the Caucasus, not connected to the modern state in the Balkans.
Agibu m FulaFulani name meaning ‘patient, meticulous’
Agilbald m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
agil (which is an extended form of
ag - see
Agmund and also
Egil) combined with Old High German
bald "bold, brave."
Agilbern m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
agil (which is an extended form of
ag - see
Agmund and also
Egil) combined with Proto-Germanic
beran or
bernu "bear" (
bero and
bern in Old High German).
Agilbert m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
agil (which is an extended form of
ag - see
Agmund and also
Egil) combined with Old High German
beraht "bright".
Agilbrand m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
agil (which is an extended form of
ag - see
Agmund and also
Egil) combined with Old Norse
brand "sword."
Agilfrid m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
agil (which is an extended form of
ag - see
Agmund and also
Egil) combined with Old High German
fridu "peace."
Agilhard m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
agil (which is an extended form of
ag - see
Agmund and also
Egil) combined with Gothic
hardus (
hart in Old High German) "brave, hardy."
Agilmund m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
agil (which is an extended form of
ag - see
Agmund and also
Egil) combined with Old High German
mund "protection."
Agilward m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
agil (which is an extended form of
ag - see
Agmund and also
Egil) combined with Old High German
wart "guard."
Aginaga f Basque (Rare)Derived from Basque
hagin "yew (tree)" and the suffix
-aga. It is also the name of a town in the Basque region of Spain, which is occasionally the inspiration behind this name.
Aginald m GermanicThe first element of this name consists of Germanic
agin, which is an extended form of
agjō meaning "edge (of a sword), blade". The second element is derived from Germanic
walt meaning "rule".
Aginarte f Basque (Rare)Taken from the name of an ancient monastery near Ihabar (in the general area of Navarre). This monastery doesn't exist anymore, however it is known that García Sánchez III of Navarre made a donation to it in 1025.
Aginbald m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
agin (which is an extended form of
ag - see
Agmund) combined with Old High German
bald "bold, brave."
Aginbert m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
agin (which is an extended form of
ag - see
Agmund) combined with Old High German
beraht "bright."
Aginfrid m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
agin (which is an extended form of
ag - see
Agmund) combined with Old High German
fridu "peace."
Aginhard m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
agin (which is an extended form of
ag - see
Agmund) combined with Gothic
hardus (
hart in Old High German) "brave, hardy."
Aginric m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
agin (which is an extended form of
ag - see
Agmund and compare
Egino) combined with
rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." The second element is also closely related to Celtic
rîg or
rix and Gothic
reiks, which all mean "king, ruler."
Agintrud f GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
agin (which is an extended form of
ag - see
Agmund) combined with
þruþ "strength."
Aginulf m GermanicFrom the Germanic elements
agin "edge of a sword" (which is an extended form of
ag - see
Agmund) and
wulf "wolf".
Agir m KurdishDerived from Kurdish
adir meaning "flame".
Agirre f BasqueFrom the name of a town in the Basque region of Spain.
Agis m Ancient Greek, HistoryDerived from the Greek verb ἄγω
(ago) meaning "to lead, to guide" as well as "to bring, to carry". It is closely related to the Greek verb ἡγέομαι
(hegeomai) meaning "to go before, to lead (the way)" as well as "to guide"... [
Aglanor m Ancient GreekDerived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαός
(aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see
Aglaos) combined with the Greek noun ἀνήρ
(aner) meaning "man".
Aglaodoros m Ancient GreekDerived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαόδωρος
(aglaodoros) meaning "bestowing splendid gifts", which consists of the Greek adjective ἀγλαός
(aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see
Aglaos) combined with the Greek noun δῶρον
(doron) meaning "gift".... [
Aglaokarpos m Ancient GreekDerived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαόκαρπος
(aglaokarpos) meaning "bearing beautiful fruit", which consists of the Greek adjective ἀγλαός
(aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see
Aglaos) combined with the Greek noun καρπός
(karpos) meaning "fruit" (see
Carpus).... [
Aglaomachos m Ancient GreekDerived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαός
(aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see
Aglaos) combined with the Greek noun μάχη
(mache) meaning "battle".
Aglaonike f Ancient GreekDerived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαός
(aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see
Aglaos) combined with the Greek noun νίκη
(nike) meaning "victory".
Aglaonoe f Greek MythologyDerived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαός
(aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see
Aglaos) combined with the Greek noun νόος
(noos) meaning "mind".... [
Aglaope f Greek MythologyDerived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαός
(aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see
Aglaos) combined with either the Greek noun ὄψ
(ops) meaning "voice" or the Greek noun ὤψ
(ops) meaning "eye, face, countenance".... [
Aglaophantos m Ancient GreekDerived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαός
(aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see
Aglaos) combined with the Greek adjective φαντός
(phantos) meaning "visible", which is ultimately derived from the Greek verb φαντάζω
(phantazo) meaning "to make visible".
Aglaopheme f Greek MythologyDerived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαόφημος
(aglaophemos) meaning "of splendid fame", which consists of the Greek adjective ἀγλαός
(aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see
Aglaos) combined with the Greek noun φήμη
(pheme) meaning "prophetic saying" as well as "rumour" and "(good) report, repute, fame".... [
Aglaophonos m & f Greek MythologyDerived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαόφωνος
(aglaophonos) meaning "with a splendid voice", which consists of the Greek adjective ἀγλαός
(aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see
Aglaos) combined with the Greek noun φωνή
(phone) meaning "voice" as well as "sound, tone".... [
Aglaosthenes m Ancient GreekDerived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαός
(aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see
Aglaos) combined with the Greek noun σθένος
(sthenos) meaning "vigour, strength".
Aglaotimos m Ancient GreekDerived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαότιμος
(aglaotimos) meaning "splendidly honoured", which consists of the Greek adjective ἀγλαός
(aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see
Aglaos) combined with the Greek verb τιμάω
(timao) meaning "to honour, to esteem, to revere".... [
Aglaura f TheatreAglaura is the eponymous character in a late Caroline era stage play, "Aglaura" written by Sir John Suckling.
Aglauros f Greek MythologyDerived from the Greek adjective ἄγλαυρος
(aglauros), a variant of ἀγλαός
(aglaos) meaning "bright, shining, splendid". In Greek mythology Aglauros was the eldest daughter of the Athenian king
Cecrops... [
Agliss f English (Rare)Derived from the English-speaking words "a glistening," meaning shining or glittering.
Agloolik m & f Inuit MythologyIn Inuit mythology, Agloolik is a spirit that lives underneath the ice and gives aid to fishermen and hunters.
Agmund m Germanic, Medieval Scandinavian, Norwegian (Rare)Form of
Agmundr. The first element of this name is derived from
ag, an uncertain element for which a few possible origins exist. The accepted explanation is that it comes from Proto-Germanic
*agjo, which means "sharp, pointed." Because of that, it also means "edge", as in the sharp cutting side of a sword - which is why the meaning of the element has ultimately come to be "sword"... [
Agna f LithuanianEither derived from Greek
άγνόs (
agnos, compare
Agnes) or from Lithuanian
agnus "agile; energetic".
Agne f EstonianEither a borrowing of the Scandinavian and Latvian name or a variant of
Agneish m IndianDerived from the Hindu God 'Agni' (and through Sanskrit-Latin connections leads to modern day English words such as ignite).... [
Agnello m ItalianFrom Italian
agnello "lamb", given either as a nickname for a meek and mild person or as a personal name, which was popular because the lamb led to the slaughter was a symbol of the suffering innocence of Christ.
Agnis m LatvianOf uncertain origin and meaning, although a masculine form of
Agnes has been suggested.
Agnodike f Ancient GreekFrom Greek ἁγνός
(hagnos) meaning "chaste" and δίκη
(dike) meaning "justice". It is the name of the first woman to legally practice medicine in Ancient Greece (4th century BC).
Agnus m East FrisianVariant of the feminine name
Agnes recorded in the 19th and 20th centuries in East Frisia.
Ago m German (Rare, Archaic)In the case of the most famous bearer of the name, the German diplomat Ago von Maltzan, it is a nickname based on the initials of his three given names
Adolf Georg Otto.
Agobard m History (Ecclesiastical)Agobard of Lyon (c. 779–840) was a Spanish-born priest and archbishop of Lyon, during the Carolingian Renaissance. The author of multiple treatises, ranging in subject matter from the iconoclast controversy to Spanish Adoptionism to critiques of the Carolingian royal family, Agobard is best known for his critiques of Jewish religious practices and political power in the Frankish-Carolingian realm... [
Agon m AlbanianDerived from Albanian
agon "to become morning, dawn".
Agorakritos m Ancient GreekThe first element of this name is either derived from Greek ἀγορεύω
(agoreuo) "to orate, to speak publicly" or from Greek ἀγορά
(agora), which can mean "assembly" as well as "market"... [
Agoro f GreekDerived from Greek αγόρι
(agori) meaning "boy, lad" and combined with the feminine suffix -ω
Agpâĸ f GreenlandicArchaic spelling of
Appaaq using the old Kleinschmidt orthography. Appaaq is a West Greenlandic name meaning "chick of a thick-billed murre", the thick-billed murre being a bird (species Uria lomvia).
Agrestes m Arthurian CycleDerived from Latin
agrestis meaning "rural, rustic, wild, brutish", from
ager "field, farm". This is the name of an ancient pagan king of Camelot in the Old French Arthurian romance 'Estoire del Saint Graal' ("History of the Holy Grail", 1220-35)... [
Agreus m Greek MythologyDerived from Greek αγρεύς
(agreus) meaning "hunter". In Greek mythology, Agreus is the name of one of the Panes.
Agrippína f HungarianFeminine version of
Agrippa. Meaning "breech birth". Babies who survived these births were considered to have a lucky life.
Agrotora f Greek MythologyThis was an epithet of the Greek goddess
Artemis, under which title she was regarded as the patron goddess of hunters. Conceivably related to Greek ἄγρᾱ (
agra) "hunt, catch" and the name of the Brythonic war goddess
Agrona, from old Celtic
agro "battle, carnage".
Agto f GreenlandicMeans "being touched" in Greenlandic, derived from the Greenlandic
attorpaa "to touch him/her/it".