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This is a list of submitted names in which a substring is or.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
MotonorimJapanese From 元 (moto) meaning "origin, cause" combined with 儀 (nori) meaning "ceremony, rites". Other kanji combinations can be used.
MotoroumJapanese From Japanese 幹 (moto) meaning "tree trunk" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
MoyorafJapanese From Japanese 催(moyoo) meaning "organized, event" combined with 羅 (ra) meaning "lightweight fabric or clothing, silk gauze, thin silk". Other kanji combinations are possible.
MucedorusmTheatre Possibly a variant of Musidorus (compare Musidora). In theatre, Mucedorus is the eponymous character of an anonymous Elizabethan romantic comedy: A Most pleasant Comedie of Mucedorus the Kings Sonne of Valentia, and Amadine the Kinges daughter of Aragon, commonly called Mucedorus, first performed around 1590 and regularly revived until the Restoration... [more]
MusidorafLiterature Apparently a feminine form of Musidorus, which was perhaps coined by the poet Sir Philip Sidney in the late 16th century for use in his poem 'Arcadia'. Allegedly it is intended to mean "gift of the Muses" from Greek Μοῦσα (Mousa) "Muse", literally "muse, music, song" (compare Musaeus), and the popular name suffix δωρα (dora) "giving" or "gift"... [more]
MyōrinfHistory Derived from Japanese 妙 (myō) meaning "mysterious, strange" and 林 (rin) meaning "woods". She was the wife of samurai warlord Yoshioka Akioki, and served the Otomo Clan. Myorin-ni was her Dharma name, her birthname is unknown.
MyrophorafLate Greek, Greek Derived from Greek Μυροφόροι (Myrophóroi) meaning "Myrrhbearers", which in Eastern Orthodox Christianity is a term that refers to the women with myrrh who came to the tomb of Christ early in the morning, only to find it empty... [more]
MyślibormPolish The first element of this name is derived from Polish myśl "thought", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic mysliti "to think". The second element is derived from Slavic bor "battle" or borit "to fight".
NaboorufPopular Culture Meaning unknown, possibly based on Nabu or Noboru. The name of a character from "The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time". Nabooru is a Gerudo warrior.
NamormPopular Culture Originally conceived by the writer-artist Bill Everett in 1939, Namor is the name of Marvel's earliest hero the Sub-Mariner. The name itself means "the Avenging Son" and is also a play on the word "Roman".
Namoram & fMandailing The name literally means "Noble" and can be given to boys and girls who come from one of the Mandailing clans.
NamorimWestern African Used in Ivory Coast. A famous bearer is Namori Meite (born 1988) a French-born Côte d'Ivoirean basketball player currently member of the Côte d'Ivoire national basketball team.
NamuchorumJapanese From Japanese 南 (namuchoru) meaning "south" or other kanji which are pronounced the same way.
NaonorimJapanese From 直 (nao) meaning "straight, direct" combined with 文 (nori) meaning "writing, sentence" or 矩 (nori) meaning "Carpenter's square". Other kanji combinations are possible.
NastormArthurian Cycle Son of Salandres and brother of Menastide, Dinisordres, Gogonne, and Aristes. Nastor, his father, and all of his brothers were defeated in combat by Perceval. They went to Arthur’s court as prisoners.
NatorifAfrican American (Modern) From the name of a 1995 Avon perfume, itself from the surname of designer Josie Natori (1947-). It might be regarded as a combination of the prefix na and the name Tori.
Nauoraf & mPolynesian Polynesian origin name, meaning "new life".
NavbakhorfUzbek Means "sort of spring" from Uzbek nav meaning "sort, kind" (borrowed from Arabic نَوَّعَ) combined with the given name Bakhor meaning "spring"
NemoriusmHistory (Ecclesiastical) Derived from Latin nemus, meaning "grove, pasture". This name was borne by a French 5th-century martyr who was beheaded by Attila the Hun.
NeorifJapanese From Japanese 音 (ne) meaning "sound", 織 (o) meaning "to weave, to knit" combined with 梨 (ri) meaning "pear". Other combinations of kanji characters are possible.
NeorisfAncient Greek Derived from the Greek νεώρεον (neoreon) meaning "to be overseer of a dockyard".
NestoriosmAncient Greek Extended form of Nestor. This was borne by a 5th-century Christian theologian who was condemned as a heretic at the Council of Ephesus (431).
NicatormAncient Greek (Latinized), History Latinized form of Nikator. A notable bearer of this name was Seleucus I Nicator (c. 358 BC-281 BC), one of the generals of Alexander the Great. He later founded the Seleucid Empire.
NicephorusmAncient Greek (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical) Latinized form of Nikephoros. Saint Nicephorus I (c. 758 - 829) was a Greek Orthodox theologian, historian, and patriarch of Constantinople (806–815) whose chronicles of Byzantine history and writings in defense of Byzantine veneration of icons provide data otherwise unavailable on early Christian thought and practice.
NicodorusmAncient Greek (Latinized) Latinized form of Nikodoros. A known bearer of this name was Nicodorus of Mantineia, an ancient Greek statesman from the 5th century BC.
NienorfLiterature Means "mourning" in Sindarin. This was the name of the sister and wife of Túrin in 'The Silmarillion'.
NikagorasmAncient Greek The first element of this name is derived from Greek νίκη (nike) meaning "victory". The second element is either derived from Greek αγορευω (agoreuo) "to orate, to speak publicly" or from Greek ἀγορά (agora), which can mean "assembly" as well as "market".
NikasagorasmAncient Greek The first element of this name is a little bit uncertain, because there are several possibilities for it (although all related). It might be derived from:... [more]
NikasichorosmAncient Greek The first element of this name is a little bit uncertain, because there are several possibilities for it (although all related). It might be derived from:... [more]
NikatormAncient Greek, History Derived from νικάτωρ (nikator), which is the Doric Greek form of νικήτωρ (niketor) meaning "winner, conqueror". The latter word is ultimately derived from the Greek verb νικάω (nikao) meaning "to win, to conquer, to prevail".... [more]
NikiforosmGreek Modern Greek form of Nikephoros. It also coincides with the Modern Greek adjective νικηφόρος (nikifóros) meaning "victorious".
NikochorosmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek noun νίκη (nike) meaning "victory" combined with the Greek noun χορός (choros) meaning "dance".
NikodorosmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek noun νίκη (nike) meaning "victory" combined with the Greek noun δῶρον (doron) meaning "gift".
NikorifJapanese (Modern, Rare) This name is written phonetically as にこり/ニコリ, used as an onomatopoeic word (usually written as にっこり (nikkori)) referring to the action of smiling sweetly or grinning.... [more]
NobunorimJapanese From 伸 (nobu) meaning "extend, stretch and 容 (nori) meaning "contain, permit, allow, appearance, shape" or 規 (nori) meaning "standard, regulation, rule". Other kanji combinations can be used.
NorafJapanese From Japanese 乃 (no), a possessive particle combined with 羅 (ra) meaning "lightweight fabric" or 良 (ra) meaning "good". Other kanji combinations are possible.
NorasmLithuanian Derived from the Lithuanian noun noras meaning "wish, desire", which is ultimately derived from the Lithuanian verb norėti meaning "to wish, to want, to desire".... [more]
NordavlatfUzbek Derived from Uzbek nor which can mean "camel", "birthmark", "pomegranate" or "fire" and davlat meaning "wealth, fortune" or "happiness".
NoremSwedish, Norwegian (Rare) Younger form of Nóri, an Old Norse name meaning either "north" (derived from norðr) or "small person" (derived from nóri). Swedish writer Esaias Tegnér used the name in a 1814 poem celebrating the union between Sweden and Norway... [more]
NorėfLithuanian Feminine form of Noras as well as a short form of feminine compound names that start with Nor- (such as Normantė) or end in -norė, such as Daunorė and Einorė... [more]