BevelmLiterature A word meaning “a slope from the horizontal or vertical in carpentry and stonework; a sloping surface or edge,” coming from the French for “to gape.” Flannery O'Connor used it for two characters in her 1955 short story "The River."
BeydaanfSomali Somali feminine name taken directly from the ordinary vocabulary word for "almond", which is perhaps ultimately from Persian بادام (bâdâm) "almond".
Beyhanf & mTurkish From Turkish bey meaning "gentleman, lord, master" combined with the Turkic title khan meaning "ruler, leader".
BeylafNorse Mythology From the reconstructed Proto-Norse name *Baunila, possibly meaning "little bean" or "little swelling". In Norse mythology, Beyla is a servant of the god Freyr with her husband Bryggvir.
BezaleelmHebrew (Anglicized), English (Puritan) Anglicized form of Hebrew Betsalel, meaning "in the shadow." In the bible, this is the name of a son of Uri who was one of the architects of the tabernacle, and the name of an Israelite.
BezalelmBiblical Hebrew, meaning "protected by God". It occurs in the Bible as the name of a celebrated skilled craftsman. As a result, the school of arts set up in Jerusalem in the 20th century was named Bezalel.
BezmiâlemfOttoman Turkish Meaning "feast of the World" in Ottoman Turkish (bezm - "feast" and âlem - "the World", taken from Persian language). ... [more]
BezmiarafOttoman Turkish Means "one who adorns the feast", from Ottoman Turkish بزم (bezm) meaning "feast, assembly" (of Persian origin) and Persian آرا (ara), the present stem of آراستن (arastan) meaning "to decorate, adorn".
Bhadram & fHinduism, Hindi Means "good, excellent, fortunate" or "prosperity, happiness, health" in Sanskrit. This is the name of several figures in Hinduism, including an aspect of the goddess Devi, and one of the eight queen-consorts of Krishna... [more]
BhadyogamIndian Indian boy's name meaning "A wealthy person"
BhagatveermPunjabi, Indian (Sikh) From Punjabi ਭਗਤ (bhagat) meaning "worshipper, devotee" (itself from Sanskrit भक्त (bhakta) meaning "devoted, loyal, faithful") and Sanskrit वीर (vīra) meaning "hero, man, brave".
BhaiṣajyagurumBuddhism From Sanskrit भैषज्य (bhaishajya) meaning "curativeness, healing, remedy" and गुरु (guru) meaning "teacher, sage, master". This is sthe name of a bodhisattva associated with healing and medicine in Mahayana and Vajrayana tradition.
BhaiṣajyarājamBuddhism From Sanskrit भैषज्य (bhaisajya) meaning "curativeness, healing, remedy" and राज (raja) meaning "king". This is the name of a bodhisattva associated with healing in Mahayana and Vajrayana tradition.
BhaiṣajyasamudgatamBuddhism From Sanskrit भैषज्य (bhaishajya) meaning "curativeness, healing, remedy" and समुद्गत (samudgata) meaning "risen, appeared, begun". This is the name of a bodhisattva associated with healing and medicine in Mahayana and Vajrayana tradition.
Bhajanm & fHindi, Punjabi, Bengali From Sanskrit भजन (bhajana) meaning "reverence, worship, adoration", also referring to a type of devotional song or hymn. As a Punjabi name it is sometimes feminine.
Bhaktim & fSanskrit, Indian Sanskrit word meaning devotion, love, attachment, etc. In Hinduism, the concept of emotional devotion to a personal deity or spiritual idea, and is also the name of the associated movement- notable Bhakti poet-saints include Mirabai and Kabir Das.
BhanumatifIndian Means "luminous" or "shining like the sun", from Sanskrit भानु (bhanu) "ray of light, splendour, brightness; the sun; beautiful woman" and -मत् (-mat) "as, like, having the qualities of".
BharatifIndian, Bengali, Odia, Assamese, Hindi Feminine form of Bharata, though it could also be derived from Sanskrit भारती (bharati) meaning "speech, voice, word". This is an epithet of the Hindu goddess Saraswati.
BhartharimHinduism Bharthari, also known as "Baba Bharthari" or "Jogi Sant" Bharatthari in many parts of India, is the hero of many folk stories in North India. He was the ruler of Ujjain, before renouncing the world and abdicating in the favor of his younger brother Vikramaditya.
BhawandeepmPunjabi Bhawan means a house or a hall and deep means a oil lamp which provide light to combining these words bhawan and deep we found that the meaning of Bhawandeep- a oil lamp which is present in a dark house or a hall provides light to the dark house or a hall and kill the darkness present in the it.It means this name has good meaning.
BhawanishankarfIndian This name is made by two person's name first is a female (BHAWANI) & second is a male (SHANKAR)... [more]
BhawatmThai Variant transcription of Thai ภาวัฒน์ or ภวัต (see Phawat).
BhojamIndian, History Ultimately derived from Sanskrit भुज् (bhuj) "to enjoy, consume, eat". This was the name of one of the ruler of the Kingdom of Malwa in central India, widely regarded as one of the most celebrated kings in the Indian history... [more]
BhumibolmThai (Rare) Means "strength of the land" from Thai ภูมิ (phumi) meaning "land, earth" and พล (phon) meaning "force, strength, power". Bhumibol Adulyadej (1927-2016) was the king of Thailand from 1946 until his death.
BhumikafIndian Role - like one to be enacted in a play /negotiations / history etc.; Basis of --- e.g. The candidate first built "bhunika" (basis) for his career goal assignment with the job he is now aspiring.
BianfJapanese From Japanese 美 (bi) meaning "beautiful" or 弥 (bi) meaning "universally" combined with 安 (an) meaning "peace, quiet", 案 (an) meaning "plan", 杏 (an) meaning "apricot" or 晏 (an) meaning "peaceful, quiet, clear, late in the day"... [more]
BianafLiterature Means "fair skinned", "white", or "fair". It was invented for a character in the Keeper of the Lost Cities series, Biana Amberly Vacker, by Shannon Messenger.
BiancabellafFolklore Combination of Bianca and Italian bella, meaning "white-beautiful" in Italian. This is the name of the title character of the Italian fairy tale Biancabella and the Snake, written by Giovanni Francesco Straparola.
BiankafJapanese From Japanese 実 (bi) meaning "seed; fruit; nut", 琵 (bi) meaning "guitar-like instrument" or 美 (bi) meaning "beautiful", 安 (an) meaning "calm, peaceful" or 杏 (an) meaning "apricot" combined with 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance" or 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) both meaning "flower"... [more]
BiannafEnglish, Mexican (?) In English, this is an invented based on the popular name suffix -ianna. It is also Mexican, the meaning unknown. This is the name of a news anchor on Good Morning America, Bianna Golodryga.
BiaomChinese From Chinese 彪 (biāo) meaning "tiger stripes, small tiger", 标 (biāo) meaning "mark, sign, award, prize", 表 (biǎo) meaning "surface, outside, exterior, table, form" or 飚 (biāo) meaning "whirlwind", as well as other characters that are pronounced similarly.
BibarifJapanese (Rare) This name is used as 美波里 with 美 (bi, mi, utsuku.shii) meaning "beautiful, beauty," 波 (ha, nami) meaning "billow, wave, ripple" and 里 (ri, sato) meaning "parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village."... [more]
BibifPortuguese Portuguese diminutive of Beatriz. In Brazilian Portuguese this can also function as a diminutive of Gabriela, Fabiana, Bianca and other names containing a similar sound... [more]
BibifJapanese From Japanese 日 (bi) meaning "day, sun, Japan", 妃 (bi) meaning "a ruler's wife; queen; empress" or 美 (bi) meaning "beautiful" and duplicated using 々. Other kanji with the same pronunciations can also be used to form this name.... [more]
BibimHebrew Diminutive of Binyamin. This is borne by Israeli prime minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu (1949-).
BibifKorean From Sino-Korean 雨 (bi) meaning "rain" doubled. Other hanja signs are possible. Spelling variant of Vivi.
BibiaishafKazakh Derived from Persian بیبی (bibi) meaning "madam, lady, matron" combined with the given name Aisha
BibianfJapanese From Japanese 美 (bi) meaning "beauty; beautiful", 々, a phonetic character indicting a duplication of the beginning kanji combined with 亜 (an) meaning "second, Asia". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]