PrunaprismiafLiterature Used by C.S. Lewis in 'Prince Caspian' as the name of Caspian's aunt and Miraz's wife. He apparently based it on the phrase "prunes and prisms".
PrydainmWelsh Mythology From the word “Prydain” Meaning Britain, this was one of the mythological kings of Britannia, sometimes considered the founder of Britain
PrylismGreek Mythology Means "dance in armour, armed dance" in Ancient Greek, referring to a kind of Cretan weapon-dance. This was the name of a prophet in Greek mythology, a demigod son of Hermes and the Lesbian nymph Issa.
PrymneusmGreek Mythology Derived from Greek πρυμνεύς (prymneus) meaning "steersman", which is ultimately derived from Greek πρύμνα (prymna) meaning "stern, poop". Also compare Greek πρυμνός (prymnos) meaning "hindmost, undermost, end-most"... [more]
PryntylfLiterature Probably onomatopoeic form. Pryntyl is a mermaid, the main character of Louis-Ferdinand Céline's Scandale aux abysses (1950), the name is also the title of a famous Italian song by Vinicio Capossela.
PrzedbormPolish The first element of this name is derived from the Polish adjective przed "in front of, before" (the latter can also be used to refer to an earlier point in time), which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic perdъ "in front of, against"... [more]
PrzedmirmPolish The first element of this name is derived from the Polish adjective przed "in front of, before" (the latter can also be used to refer to an earlier point in time), which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic perdъ "in front of, against"... [more]
PrzedpełkmPolish The first element of this name is derived from the Polish adjective przed "in front of, before" (the latter can also be used to refer to an earlier point in time), which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic perdъ "in front of, against"... [more]
PrzedsławmPolish The first element of this name is derived from the Polish adjective przed "in front of, before" (the latter can also be used to refer to an earlier point in time), which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic perdъ "in front of, against"... [more]
PrzybycześćfPolish Polish name from Slavic *pribyti "to arrive, to come" combined with čĭstĭ "honour, reverence; rank". In Old Polish, these elements became przybyć and cześć "reverence, honour; respect" respectively.
PrzybymirmPolish The first element of this name is derived from Polish przybyć "to arrive, to come" (also compare Polish przybywać and przyjść, which also mean "to arrive, to come"). The second element is derived from Slavic mir "peace"... [more]
PrzybyradmPolish Composed of the elements of przyby ("to arrive") and rad ("to be happy, to enjoy"). Thus, it can mean "the one with whom joy comes".
PrzybyradafPolish Deriveds from przybyć meaning "to arrive" and rada meaning "counsel, advice".
PrzybysławmPolish The first element of this name is derived from Polish przybyć "to arrive, to come" (also compare Polish przybywać and przyjść, which also mean "to arrive, to come"). The second element is derived from Slavic slav "glory"... [more]
PrzybywojmMedieval Polish From Polish przybyć meaning "to arrive, to come" and woj meaning "warrior".
Psalmm & fEnglish (American, Rare), Filipino (Rare), Various From the English word psalm which refers to a sacred song or poem, especially one of the hymns by David and others which were collected into the Old Testament Book of Psalms... [more]
Psalmsf & mEnglish (Rare), English (African, Rare), Popular Culture From the title of the Book of Psalms in the Old Testament, the plural of Psalm. This was used for a character, a male former slave named Psalms Jackson, in the American Western drama television series Hell on Wheels (2011-2016).
PsamtikmAncient Egyptian From Egyptian psmṯk, possibly a short form of pꜣ-sꜣ-n-mṯk meaning "the man of Meṯek", Meṯek (or Metjek) being a hypothetical Libyan deity. Alternatively, it could derive from an Egyptian transcription of an Assyrian name... [more]
PsekasfGreek Mythology The name of one of the band of sixty young Okeanid Nymphs which formed the core retinue of the goddess Artemis. Her name is derived from the word ψεκας (psekas) meaning "rain shower".
PseudolusmTheatre, Ancient Roman Pseudolus is the eponymous character in 'Pseudolus', a play by the ancient Roman playwright Titus Maccius Plautus.
PseudonymousmLiterature From the English word pseudonymous, meaning “writing or written under a false name”. It is used as a pseudonym by American author Pseudonymous Bosch.
Pо̄shf & mKashmiri This name originates from Kashmir. It is an extremely rare name, and is not typical of the Kashmir region. The meaning of it is translated to "flower," "clearness or brightness," and "joy."... [more]
PshimafmCircassian Means "happy leader" in Adyghe, ultimately derived from pasha, an Ottoman Turkish military title.
PsmithmLiterature 'Psmith Rupert (in later incarnations Ronald Eustace) Psmith, dandyish Old Etonian (expelled) flaneur and social escapologist in the works of P.G. Wodehouse. Debuting in 'Lost Lambs' (1909; later (1935) renamed 'Enter Psmith'), he was the first of the major characters Wodehouse created... [more]
PsotemCoptic The meaning of this name is still unknown to me at this time. This name was borne by a Coptic saint from the 3rd century AD.
PtahilmJudeo-Christian-Islamic Legend This is the name of the Mandaean demiurge (see Demiurgos), probably based on a Mandaic root pth meaning "to mold" (or related to Egyptian Ptah) and the divine suffix il, which is Hebrew 'el (El).
PtahmosemAncient Egyptian From Egyptian ptḥ-ms meaning "born of Ptah" or "Ptah is born", derived from the name of the god Ptah combined with msj "to be born".
PtahshepsesmAncient Egyptian From Egyptian ptḥ-špss meaning "Ptah is noble" or "Ptah is esteemed", derived from the name of the god Ptah combined with špss "to be noble, esteemed, splendid".
PtarmiganfEnglish (Rare) This name comes from a small genus of birds in the grouse subfamily, whose genus name is Lagopus. The name is derived from Scottish Gaelic tàrmachan, which is of unknown origin, and the Pt- spelling was adopted as early as the 1680s through a mistaken Greek construction, which may be based on the Greek word pteron meaning "wing."
PteleafGreek Mythology Derived from Ancient Greek πτελέα (ptelea) meaning "wych elm", another name for the European elm tree. This was the name of one of the eight hamadryad daughters of Oxylos and Hamadryas, associated with the elm tree.
PterelaosmGreek Mythology Means "people adorned with feathers", derived from the Greek verb πτερόω (pteroo) meaning "to feather, to furnish with feathers or wings" combined with the Greek noun λαός (laos) meaning "(the) people".
PtolemeemBiblical Variant of Ptolemy used in the Douay-Rheims Bible (1582-1610) and the King James Bible (both the original 1611 edition as well as the 1769 revised edition).
PtolemocratiafAncient Roman Roman feminine given name derived from the Greek πολεμηιος (polemeios) meaning "aggressive" or "warlike" and κρατος (kratos) meaning "power". This was the name of a character in the play Rudens of Plautus.
PtolomeemBiblical Variant of Ptolemy used in the original 1611 edition of the King James Bible.
PuahmBiblical Unrelated to the female name Puah, this name comes from the noun פה (peh), meaning "mouth". This was the name of two male characters in the Bible, a son of Issachar and the father of the judge Tola.
PualeifHawaiian (Rare) Means "lei of flower" or "child of blossom," from pua meaning "flower, blossom" and lei meaning "lei, garland, wreath, (figuratively) beloved child."
Public Universal FriendHistory Name of 1700s Quaker preacher, originally known as Jemima Wilkinson they changed it after they suffered a severe illness. They claimed to have died and been reanimated as a genderless evangelist.
PudensmLate Roman, Biblical, Biblical Latin Derived from the Latin adjective pudens meaning "shameful" as well as "bashful" and "chaste". It is ultimately derived from the Latin verb pudeo meaning "to be ashamed, to feel shame".... [more]
PudentillafLate Roman Diminutive form of Pudentia. This was the name of the wife of the Latin-language prose writer Apuleius (2nd century AD).
PudentiusmLate Roman Derived from the Latin adverb pudentius, which is the comparative form of pudenter meaning "modestly, bashfully" as well as "chastely". It is ultimately derived from the Latin adjective pudens meaning "shameful" as well as "bashful" and "chaste" (see Pudens).
PudicitiafRoman Mythology Means "chastity" in Latin. In Roman mythology, this was the name of the goddess and personification of chastity, one of the Roman virtues.
Pudjif & mIndonesian Older spelling of Puji influenced by Dutch orthography.
PudjomJavanese Older spelling of Pujo influenced by Dutch orthography.
PuduḫepafHittite Meaning unknown, although the second element of the name (hepa) likely derives from the Hurrian sun goddess Ḫepat. Name borne by a Hittite queen (fl. 13th century BCE). Puduḫepa was the wife of King Hattusili III, and the mother of Maathorneferure, who went on to become the Great Royal Wife of Rameses II.
Pueblitof & mSpanish (Mexican) Means "little town, small village" in Spanish, a diminutive of pueblo meaning "town, village; people." It is taken from the Mexican titles of the Virgin Mary, La Virgen del Pueblito and Nuestra Señora del Pueblito, meaning "The Virgin of the Little Town" and "Our Lady of the Little Town" respectively.... [more]
PuellafRomani (Archaic), Judeo-Spanish Derived from Latin puella, meaning "girl, maiden; sweetheart, mistress". As a Judeo-Spanish name, it was used as a Latinate variant of Poncella.
Pueom & fHawaiian (Rare) From the word referring to the Hawaiian short-eared owl, the owl being one of the more famous physical forms assumed by ʻaumākua (ancestor spirits) in Hawaiian culture, which vary.
PuertofSpanish Means "port, harbour" in Spanish, taken from the title of the Virgin Mary, La Virgen del Puerto, meaning "The Virgin of the Port."... [more]
PugmLiterature Pug also known as Milamber is a fictional character who appears in the books of Raymond E. Feist. Pug is the protagonist in Feist's first novel, Magician, also featuring prominently in the Riftwar Saga, the Serpentwar Saga as a powerful member of the Conclave of Shadows.
PuimremAncient Egyptian From Egyptian pwj-m-rꜥ, of uncertain meaning. Probably derived from pwj, a given name, combined with m "in" and the name of the god Ra.
PujanmNewar From Newar पुजन (pūjan), a contraction of पु याये जिउ म मनु (pū yāyē jiu ma manū) meaning "anything or anyone that is worthy to be worshipped".
Pujif & mIndonesian Means "praise" in Indonesian, ultimately from Sanskrit पूजा (pūjā).
PujiemChinese, History Pujie (1907-1994) was the younger brother of Puyi, China's last emperor.
PujionomJavanese From Javanese puji meaning "prayer, worship" combined with either the masculine suffix -na or the word ana meaning "being, having, holding".
PukalavanmTamil In the annals of history, there exists a fascinating tale surrounding the word "Pukalavan" and its linguistic origin, intimately intertwined with the Tamil language. According to the legends passed down through generations, Pukalavan was an ancient hero of Tamil origin, revered for his exceptional qualities and deeds that earned him the epithet of the "praised one."... [more]
PulcheriafLate Greek, History (Ecclesiastical), German (Bessarabian), Italian (Rare) Derived from Latin pulcher meaning "beautiful, noble". This name was borne by Saint Pulcheria, elder sister of the Byzantine emperor Theodosius II. It was also the name of a character in 'Crime and Punishment' by Fyodor Dostoevsky.
PulchrafAncient Roman Directly taken from Latin pulchra meaning "beautiful, lovely, pretty".
PulcinellamTheatre Possibly derived from a diminutive of Italian pulcino "chick". This is the name of a character (male, despite the name form) that appeared in the commedia dell'arte in the 17th century.
Pul-ipf & mKorean (Modern, Rare) From native Korean 풀잎 (pul-ip) meaning "blade of grass, grass leaf," from a combination of 풀 (pul) meaning "grass" and 잎 (ip) meaning "leaf, blade."
PulychkhmNivkh Derived from Nivkh pulk vuld meaning "to walk on all fours", therefore on the knees.
PumafAmerican (Rare) Spanish from Quechua word puma, the name for a large American feline.
PumbaamPopular Culture, Swahili Means "to be foolish, silly, weak-minded, careless, negligent" in Swahili. This is the name of the warthog in Disney's 'The Lion King' (1994).
PumipatmThai Alternate transcription of Thai ภูมิพัฒน์ or ภูมิภัทร (see Phumiphat).
PumiphatmThai Alternate transcription of Thai ภูมิพัฒน์ or ภูมิภัทร (see Phumiphat).
PumipimMoriori This name could maybe be a feminine name. This was the name of a signatory to the 1862 Moriori Crown Petition and Waitangi district leading elder named Pumipi Te Rangaranga.
PumphutmSlavic Mythology Pumphut is the name of a Sorbian gnome who plays tricks on abusive people. He is featured in the the novel 'Krabat' by Ottfried Preußler where he challenges the evil master in a duel of magic and defeats him.... [more]
PunktmSwedish (Rare, Archaic) Means "full stop, point, dot" in Swedish (from Latin punctum). This name was traditionally given to ensure that its bearer would be his (or her?) parents' last child.
PünktchenfLiterature, German (Modern, Rare) Pünktchen ("little dot") is the main protagonist in Pünktchen und Anton by Erich Kästner. Pünktchen is the nickname the girl goes with, her real name is Luise Pogge.
PunkyfPopular Culture Diminutive of Penelope. It is the name of the titular character in the TV show 'Punky Brewster' (1985-1986).
PūnohumHawaiian Hawaiian masculine name meaning "rising mist".
PupellafItalian (Rare, ?) Pupella Maggio (1910-1999) was an Italian film actress. She was born Giustina Maggio. Pupella was her nickname, and it means "little doll" in Italian. She worked with Federico Fellini, the famous Italian film director.
PupillusmAncient Roman Derived from Latin pupillus "orphan, minor, little boy", which is a diminutive of Latin pupus "boy." Lucius Orbilius Pupillus was a grammarian from the 1st century BC.
PurandarmIndian, Hindi, Odia Modern Hindi transcription of Sanskrit पुरंदर (Puraṃdará), an epithet of the Hindu god Indra meaning "destroyer of castles", from पुर (pura) meaning "fortress, castle, stronghold" and दर (dara) meaning "breaking, destroying".