Poukonm & fIjaw Means "born on the riverside" in Ijaw.
PoulcheriafGreek Modern Greek form of Pulcheria. 'It is not a very common name, but relatively popular in the northern regions of the Greek mainland and also among the people who come from Pontus.'
PouriamPersian Possibly derived from Avestan pouruyô meaning "first, foremost". Alternately it may be from Sanskrit पुर्य (purya) meaning "being in a stronghold or fortress".
PowhatanmAlgonquin The name of the Native American confederation of tribes in Virginia, which English colonists mistook for the name of Chief Wahunsenacawh, the paramount chief of Tsenacommacah, an alliance of Algonquian-speaking Virginia Indians in the Tidewater region of Virginia at the time English settlers landed at Jamestown in 1607... [more]
PoyamPersian Alternate transcription of Persian پویا (see Pouya).
Prabhdeepm & fIndian (Sikh) From Sanskrit प्रभु (prabhu) meaning "mighty, powerful, master, lord" combined with प्रीति (dīpa) meaning "lamp, light".
Prabhjeetm & fIndian (Sikh) From Sanskrit प्रभु (prabhu) meaning "mighty, powerful, master, lord" combined with जिति (jiti) meaning "victory, conquering".
Prabhjotm & fIndian (Sikh) From Sanskrit प्रभु (prabhu) meaning "mighty, powerful, master, lord" combined with ज्योतिस् (jyotis) meaning "light, brightness".
Prabhmeetm & fIndian (Sikh) From Sanskrit प्रभु (prabhu) meaning "mighty, powerful, master, lord" combined with मित्र (mitra) meaning "friend".
Prabhneetf & mIndian (Sikh) From Sanskrit प्रभु (prabhu) meaning "mighty, powerful, master, lord" and नीति (nīti) meaning "guidance, moral conduct, behaviour".
Prabhnoorf & mIndian (Sikh) From Sanskrit प्रभु (prabhu) meaning "mighty, powerful, master, lord" combined with Arabic نور (nūr) meaning "light".
Prabhpreetm & fIndian (Sikh) From Sanskrit प्रभु (prabhu) meaning "mighty, powerful, master, lord" combined with प्रीति (prīti) meaning "pleasure, joy, love".
PrabowomJavanese From Javanese prabawa meaning "power, majesty, splendour", ultimately from Sanskrit प्रभाव (prabhāva). A notable bearer is Indonesian president Prabowo Subianto (1951-).
PradiptifBengali Meaning "of light" or "illuminating" in Bengali. Feminine form of Pradip or Pradeep. Derived from Sanskrit प्रदीप (pradipa) meaning "light" or "lantern".
Pradof & mSpanish (European), Filipino (Rare) Means "meadow" in Spanish, taken from the Spanish titles of the Virgin Mary, La Virgen del Prado and Nuestra Señora del Prado, meaning "The Virgin of the Meadow" and "Our Lady of the Meadow."... [more]
PradoemmThai Means "begin, start, initiate" in Thai.
PradoemchaimThai From Thai ประเดิม (pradoem) meaning "begin, start, initiate" and ชัย (chai) meaning "victory".
PraepedignafHistory (Ecclesiastical) From Latin praepes "swift; lucky" and digna "worthy". This is the name of a Roman martyr from the 3rd century AD.
PraetextatusmLate Roman Derived from Latin praetextus "fringed, bordered, edged", which is ultimately derived from the Latin verb praetexere "to weave, to border, to fringe". The modern English word pretext derives from the same root... [more]
PragmatiusmGreek (Latinized), Late Roman Derived from Greek πράγματος (pragmatos) "to gather evidence", which itself is ultimately derived from Greek πρᾶγμα (pragma) "deed, action". Also compare Greek πράσσειν (prassein) meaning "to do"... [more]
Pragyaptif & mHinduism Another name of the Hindu Goddess Saraswati, it means "intellectual" or "the most intelligent".
PragyasmifIndian No History, this Name has two words of Indian Ancient Language "Sanskrit" words are "Pragya" which means "ENLIGHTED CONSCIOUSNESS” and "Asmi" which means "I AM"... [more]
PrahfWestern African Used in Ghana, West Africa among Akan peoples. Shortened form of the name of the river spirit Bohsum-Prah. Usually used together with Nana: Nana-Prah.
PrahasmMarathi Meaning "Person with a Lot of Qualities".
PrairiefAmerican (Rare) From the English word for a flat treeless grassland, taken from French prairie "meadow". This was used by Thomas Pynchon for a character in his novel 'Vineland' (1990).
Praise-GodmEnglish (Puritan) From the English phrase praise God, referring to giving God glory. A known bearer was Praise-God Barebone (or Barbon; c. 1598-1679), an English preacher and Fifth Monarchist after whom Barebone's Parliament of 1653 was named... [more]
PraisthelfSouth African (Rare) The name comes from the the phrase Praise the Lord. Some of the letters from the pharse are removed to turn it into a name.
Pranjalm & fSanskrit (Rare) The name is of Sanskrit origin. It is generally used for male persons, however a few females are found sharing this name too.
PrasatmThai Means "give, bestow" or "faith, trust" in Thai.
PrasathmSanskrit The name Prasath is of Indian origin, often derived from Sanskrit, and means “blessing,” “grace,” or “gift.” It is commonly used in South Indian cultures as a given name or part of a name.
PrasenjeetmIndian One who win expert army and Never lose any war in his life.PRASENJEET was an Aikṣvāka dynasty ruler of Kosala. Sāvatthī was his capital. He succeeded his father Sanjaya Mahākosala. He was a prominent Upāsaka of Gautama Buddha, who built many Buddhist monasteries and a lover of Nandini.
PrasiddhifIndian, Nepali Means "fame, renown; success, accomplishment" in Sanskrit, a noun composed of the prefix प्र- (pra-) meaning "towards, forwards, pro-" and सिद्धि (siddhi) meaning "accomplishment, success, attainment".
PrasitmThai Means "success, achievement" in Thai, ultimately from Sanskrit प्रसिद्धि (prasiddhi).
PrasutifHinduism Means "birth, generation" in Sanskrit. According to the Puranas this was the name of a daughter of Manu and the wife of Daksha... [more]
PrathiafAfrican American The Rev. Dr. Prathia Hall, a theologian and ethicist, was active in SNCC and a prominent civil rights movement speaker—she was said to have influenced Dr. King’s ‘I have a dream’ speech, having used the phrase repeatedly in a speech he heard in 1962.
PratiwifIndonesian Derived from Indonesian pertiwi meaning "earth, land" or "motherland, homeland, Indonesia", ultimately from Sanskrit पृथ्वी (pṛthvī).