BixiangfChinese From the Chinese characters 必 (bì) meaning "surely, most certainly; must" or 璧 (bì) meaning "piece of jade with hole" and 香 (xiāng) meaning "fragrant, sweet smelling, incense".
BizillafNear Eastern Mythology, Sumerian Mythology Possibly means "she who is pleasing". Bizilla was a love goddess considered to be the "sukkal" (vizier deity) for the goddess Ninlil. She is occasionally counted among the courtiers of Inanna, and is also closely associated with Nanaya.
BjarkeyfIcelandic Combination of the Old Norse name elements bjǫrk "birch tree" or bjarkan "birch tree; name of the B-rune" and ey "island; flat land along a coast" (which is also often related to the Old Norse name element auja "(gift of) luck; fortune").
BjarnatmSorbian Sorbian form of Bernhard. Bjarnat Krawc (German: Bernhard Schneider), born 1861, was a Sorbian conductor.
BjarneyfIcelandic Combination of the Old Norse name elements bjǫrn "bear" and ey "island; flat land along a coast" (which is also often related to the Old Norse name element auja "(gift of) luck; fortune").
BjaðǫkfMedieval Scandinavian Unknown etymology. It has been suggested that this is a Norse form of an unknown Gaelic name.
BlackiemAmerican (Rare) A nickname or a diminutive. As a nickname the meaning is particular to the bearer, perhaps referring to dark hair color or complexion. That was the case for sports writer WilliamForrest "Blackie" Sherrod (1919-2016)... [more]
BlædísfIcelandic Combination of the Old Norse name elements blǣr "wind gust, gentle breeze" and dís "goddess; woman, lady; sister" or dis "wise woman, seeress; woman, virgin".
BlaesusmAncient Roman Roman cognomen derived from Latin blaesus "lisping, stammering".
BlævarmIcelandic (Rare) Icelandic combination of blǣr 'wind gust, gentle breeze' and varr 'attentive'.
BlasinefArthurian Cycle Daughter of Igerne (Igraine) and Duke Hoel of Tintagil, sister of Brimesent, and half-sister of Arthur in the Vulgate Merlin. She married King Nentres of Garlot.... [more]
BlasiosmLate Greek This name can be a hellenized form of Blasius (see Blaise), but it can also be a genuine Greek name in its own right. In that case, it is derived from the Greek noun βλαστός (blastos) meaning "young shoot, bud, sprout", which itself is ultimately derived from the Greek verb βλαστέω (blasteo) meaning "to sprout"... [more]
BlastosmAncient Greek, Biblical Greek Derived from the Greek noun βλαστός (blastos) meaning "sprout, shoot, bud", which ultimately comes from the Greek verb βλαστάνω (blastano) meaning "to bud, to sprout, to grow".
BlastusmAncient Greek (Latinized), Biblical, Biblical Latin Latinized form of Blastos. According to the Bible, Blastus was the chamberlain of Herod Agrippa (Acts 12:20), a mediator for the Sidonians and Tyrians, and was believed to be involved in the events that led to Herod's death.
BlátǫnnmOld Norse Old Norse byname, combination of blár "blue", "dark", "black" and tǫnn "tooth". Means "blue-tooth".
Blessedf & mEnglish (Puritan), African From the English word "blessed" meaning "having divine aid, or protection, or other blessing; held in veneration; revered", ultimately from Old English blētsian, blēdsian "to consecrate (with blood)".
Bliksemm & fDutch Modern word name; Dutch for "lightning". Popular name for fast pets, such as dogs or horses.
BlinerafAlbanian (Rare) Derived from Albanian bli(r) "linden tree, lime tree; linden flower" and erë "wind; scent".
BliobelmArthurian Cycle One of Arthur’s knights in Arthour and Merlin, who participated in the battle against Rions’ (Ryons) Saxons at Carhaix.
BlitharmGerman (Rare) From the name elements blid meaning "cheerful, mild, joyful" and heri meaning "army"... [more]
BlizbormPolish (Archaic) The name is composed of the elements bliz (close, near) and bor (fight; struggle). The designated nameday in Poland is January 28 and March 12.
BlodrinmLiterature Blodrin was a treacherous Elf in Tolkien's legendarium, known as Blodren in some versions.
BlondelmMedieval French (?) According to legend, Blondel was a troubadour who rescued the English king Richard the Lionheart, who had been captured while returning from the Crusades and was being held for ransom. The story goes that Blondel traveled Europe looking for Richard by playing the first verse of a song only they knew... [more]
Bluejayf & mEnglish (Canadian, Rare) Native American Chinook legends tell tales about of a hero named Bluejay who gets into rather sticky situations at times and other times helps out humanity.In one of the tales Bluejay is a female and another set of stories it is a different person named Bluejay and they are male.
BodhanafYiddish Bodhana is a Yiddish name, made from the combined elements of BOD (the Ukranian word meaning G-d) and HAN (from the Hebrew, meaning gracious).... [more]
BogodarmMedieval Polish Composed of the members Bog ("God") and dar ("gift, present"). The name is considered to be equivalent in meaning to the name Adeodatus, and thus Bogodar celebrates its name-day on the days of St Adeodatus' memorial.
BogusądmPolish The first element of this name is derived from Polish bóg "god", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic bogъ "god". The second element is derived from Polish sądzić "to judge" (also compare Croatian suditi and Czech soudit, both of which mean "to judge")... [more]
BojankafSlovene Originally a diminutive of Bojana, used as a given name in its own right.
BojiangmChinese From the Chinese 伯 (bó) meaning "older brother" and 江 (jiāng) meaning "large river".
BojomirmPolish Derived from Slavic boj "battle, fight" combined with Slavic mir "peace", thus the name's meaning is something along the lines of "fighting for peace".
Bo-kyungf & mKorean Kim Bo-kyung is a South Korean actress.
BolattafGreenlandic Greenlandic form of Bolette. A known bearer of this name is Bolatta Silis-Høegh (1981-), a Greenlandic artist who resides in Denmark.
BoliangmChinese From the Chinese 博 (bó) meaning "rich, plentiful" or "play, gamble, win" or 伯 (bó) meaning "older brother" and 梁 (liáng) meaning "bridge" or 亮 (liàng) meaning "bright, light, brilliant, radiant, enlightened".
BoliviafAmerican (Hispanic, Rare) From the name of the country in South America. The country got its name from the surname Bolívar, in honour of the revolutionary Simón Bolívar.
BollandmGermanic From the Ancient Germanic elements bolo meaning "friend" and landa meaning "land".
BonamiefJudeo-Anglo-Norman Derived from Old French bone, the feminine form of the adjective bon, "good (virtuous, having positive qualities)" and Old French amie "(female) friend; (female) lover", ultimately form Latin amica.
BonariafSardinian Taken from the title of the Virgin Mary Nostra Signora di Bonaria or Madonna di Bonaria. The name literally means "gracious; kind-hearted; sweet-natured", from Italian bonaria, the feminine form of the adjective bonario or "good air; good wind" in reference to her being the patron saint of sailors and mariners.... [more]
Bong-chafKorean Derived from the Korean Hangul 봉 (bong) and 차 (cha).
BongiwefZulu (Modern) Sibongile A Zulu name meaning "Appreciated" usually given to a first born girl child or after great difficulty of not being able to conceive a girl for a long time.
BootaanmSomali The name Bootaan is of Somali origin and carries a powerful and positive meaning. In Somali, Bootaan is often associated with characteristics like strength, courage, and dignity. It's a traditional Somali name that reflects qualities admired in Somali culture, particularly in relation to leadership, bravery, and standing firm in the face of challenges.... [more]
BoqiangmChinese From the Chinese 博 (bó) meaning "rich, plentiful" or "play, gamble, win" or 伯 (bó) meaning "older brother" and 强 (qiáng) meaning "strong, powerful, energetic".
BorameyfKhmer Means "day of the full moon" in Khmer.
BorbethfGermanic Mythology "Sister goddess" of Embeth and Wilbeth and one of "The Three Bethen" or "Three Virgins", a group of allegedly pre-Christian goddesses who later became "unofficial" saints.... [more]
BorgrunfNorwegian (Archaic) Relatively modern name (from early 20th century) created by combining the Old Norse name elements borg "castle, fortification" and rún "secret".
Bo'rigulfUzbek Derived from the Uzbek bo'ri meaning "wolf" and gul meaning "flower, rose".
BorimirmBulgarian, Croatian, Serbian Derived from Slavic bor "battle" combined with Slavic mir "peace". A known bearer of this name is Borimir Perković (b. 1967), a former Croatian soccer player.
BoromirmLiterature Means "jeweled hand" in Sindarin. In 'The Lord of the Rings' (1954) by J. R. R. Tolkien, this is the name of one of the nine walkers in the Fellowship of the Ring.
BoroniafEnglish (Australian, Rare) An Australian shrub with pink or red flowers which are famed for their exquisite scent. The plant is named after Francesco Borone, a talented botanical field assistant who came to a tragic end.
BotagozfKazakh From Kazakh бота (bota) meaning "camel calf, colt" and көз (koz) meaning "eye". The name was traditionally given to girls who were believed to possess the "evil eye" due to the appearance of their eyes at birth.
BotaniefEnglish (American, Modern, Rare) From the word botany, a noun meaning “the scientific study of plants, including their physiology, structure, genetics, ecology, distribution, classification, and economic importance”.
BotolphmAnglo-Saxon (Latinized), History English form of Botolphus, which was a variant form of Botulphus (see Botulph, Botwulf). Saint Botolph was a 7th-century religious leader in East Anglia, patron of travellers and namesake of the town of Boston (originally Botolphston).
BotwinemAnglo-Saxon From Old English bot "remedy, help" and wine "friend". Saint Botwine was a Northumbrian saint venerated at Ripon and Peterborough... [more]
BoualemmArabic (Maghrebi) Means "father of Alam", from Arabic أَبُو (ʾabū) meaning "father" combined with the given name Alem (chiefly Algerian).
BouldinmEnglish (Modern, Rare) The origins of the name Bouldin are from the ancient Anglo-Saxon culture of Britain. It is derived from the Old English personal name Bealding, which was originally derived from the name Beald. Bouldin Settlers in United States in the 17th Century... [more]
BożebormMedieval Polish composed of the elements of Boże ("God", but originally "fate, valley, happiness") and bor ("fight", "fight, struggle"). Perhaps it meant "one who fights under the protection of fate".
BoženkafSlovene Originally a diminutive of Božena, used as a given name in its own right.
BracciomMedieval Italian Short form of Fortebraccio, a nickname that was also used as a given name in medieval Italy. Nowadays it solely exists as both a descriptive and a patronymic surname.... [more]
BraddanmManx Of debated origin and meaning. While some scholars consider this name a Manx form of Brendan, others derive it from Manx braddan "salmon" (ultimately via Irish bradán).