BradneymOld Norman Bradney is one of the many names that the Normans brought with them when they conquered England in 1066. The Bradney family lived in the town and parish of Bradney in county Somerset. The name was originally derived from the Old English word "bradeney," which means "the dweller at the broad island."
BradwenmArthurian Cycle Son of Iaen; brother of Sulyen, Teregud, Moren, Siawn, and Caradawg; and one of Arthur’s warriors from Caer Dathal.... [more]
BraisonmEnglish (American) Borne by Braison Cyrus, the son of country singer Billy Ray Cyrus, as a portmanteau of B. Ray's Son with B for Billy, rai for Ray, and -son to indicate "son of" to mean, "The son of Billy Ray."
BrandermTheatre A character in "La damnation de Faust", a légende dramatique by the French composer Hector Berlioz.
BrandinmEnglish (Modern) Variant form of Brandon. Also compare Brandyn. Known bearers of this name include the former American professional basketball player Brandin Knight (b... [more]
BrandisfAmerican (Modern) Apparently a modern invented name, blending Brandy with Candice (or Beatrice), though it coincides with a surname which was taken from a place name (either "from from a former Brandis castle in Emmental near Bern, Switzerland, or from any of the places so named in Saxony, Germany", or from the Czech town of Brandýs, on the Labe (Elbe) river (German Brandeis)).
BrandonmMedieval French Medieval French form of Brando. At the same time, it was also a diminutive of Germanic names that contain the element brant meaning "sword", as -on is a French diminutive suffix.... [more]
BrandusmArthurian Cycle, Literature The lord of La Dolorous Garde before Lancelot conquered it. When the Saxons invaded Britain at the beginning of Arthur’s reign, Brandin joined them against Arthur. Niniane, the Lady of the Lake, was briefly his paramour and taught him some enchantments that he applied to his castle.... [more]
Brandynm & fEnglish (Modern) Variant form of Brandon (when borne by a male). In the case of a female bearer, this name can be considered as the feminine form of Brandon... [more]
BrangenmOld Irish Derived from the Archaic or Primitive Irish ᚁᚏᚐᚅᚑᚌᚓᚅᚔ (Branogeni) meaning "raven clan".
BraonánmOld Irish Derived from Old Irish bráen "rain, moisture, drop" combined with a diminutive suffix.
BrasiasmArthurian Cycle A hermit living near Windsor, he hosted Lancelot when the latter left Arthur’s court in London after a quarrel with Guenevere. It was this quarrel that led to the dinner at which Sir Patrise was poisoned, for Guenevere gave the dinner to show outward that she had as great joy in all other knights of the Round Table as she had in Sir Lancelot.
BráuliomPortuguese Portuguese form of Braulio. Known bearers of this name include former Brazilian soccer player Bráulio Barbosa de Lima (b. 1948) and Bráulio Tavares (b... [more]
BrauliomSpanish, Galician Apparently derived from Germanic brahuila meaning "bright, radiant" - with one source saying that it is etymologically related to Old High German brand or brant "sword". However, I am not sure how much stock should be put into that, since it seems like its pronunciation would be akin to brilla (BREEL-lah), which makes it look suspiciously close to the Italian verb brillare "to shine, to sparkle" and ultimately comes from berillus, a latinized form of Greek beryllos... [more]
BrauneefHindi From ब्राउनी (Braunee) meaning "Brownie".
BräunlefMedieval Jewish, Yiddish (Archaic) Late medieval Yiddish name derived from German braun "brown" and Bräune "brownness", it is a cognate of Breindel. This name was recorded in early 16th-century Frankfurt, Germany.
BraverymEnglish From the English word "bravery" meaning "being Brave, a brave act".
BrawleymEnglish Transferred use of the surname Brawley. A known bearer of this name is American actor Brawley Nolte (b. 1986), the son of American actor Nick Nolte (b... [more]
BraytonmEnglish (Modern, Rare) Likely a variant of Braden, or else a transferred use of the English habitational surname Brayton (which is derived from Old Norse breithr "broad", or from the Old Norse personal name Breithi, combined with Old English tun "town, farmstead").
BreacánmIrish Derived from Gaelic breac "speckled, spotted" combined with a diminutive suffix. This was the name of a 6th-century Irish saint who was famous as a healer.
BreccánmMedieval Irish Derived from Irish brecc "freckled, speckled" combined with a diminutive suffix, making it a cognate of Brychan. This was a common name in early Ireland, borne by at least 13 saints.
BreifnemIrish Likely derived from Bréifne (also Bréfne), the name of a medieval Irish kingdom. The meaning of its name is uncertain, as it is disputed amongst scholars. Some derive the name from Old Irish brí meaning "hill", whilst others state that it is derived from the feminine given name Bréfne.
BremusafGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Βρεμουσα (Bremousa), which allegedly meant "raging woman" from Greek βρέμω (bremo) "to roar, shout, rage". This was the name of one of the twelve Amazon warriors who followed Penthesilea into the Trojan War.
BrennosmGaulish, History Brennos, chieftain of the Senones, led an army of Cisalpine Gauls in their attack on Rome in the Battle of the Allia, in 387 BC. Another Brennos was one of the leaders of the army of Gauls who attempted to invade and settle in the Greek mainland in 278 BC... [more]
BreogánmCeltic Mythology, Galician Related to the Celtic root brixs "high, hill". This is the name of the mythological ancestor of the Irish in the Lebor Gabála Érenn, a medieval Christian history of Ireland... [more]
BressalmMedieval Irish Old Irish name derived from Celtic *brestelo-s "strife, war". It was borne by Bressal mac Ailello Thassaig, an early king of the Uí Liatháin, an early kingdom of Munster in southern Ireland.
BretmanmObscure In the case of Filipino-American beauty influencer and social media personality Bretman Rock (1998-) he was named after wrestlers Bret Hart and The Rock.
BrettiafGreek Mythology In Greek mythology, Brettia was the eponymous nymph of Abrettene, Mysia.
BreysiafMedieval Swiss Derived from the place name Brixia, the Latin name of an ancient city situated in Gallia Cisalpina, now Brescia in Lombardy, Italy.
BriadanmArthurian Cycle In Palamedes, one of two knights who murdered the Good Knight Without Fear. His companion was Ferrant.
BriadasmArthurian Cycle A powerful jouster who guarded the Spring of the Two Sycamores. He was considered undefeatable; he had even knocked down Gawaine. This lasted until he was conquered by Lancelot and received a mortal wound... [more]
BriainsmArthurian Cycle A knight who joined Nogant in an assault on Queen Fenise of Ireland. Arthur’s forces joined Nogant but Arthur soon learned that he was a coward, and the siege was lifted.
BriocánmIrish Meaning unknown, perhaps related to Bhreacain (see Brecan). This was the name of a saint from the 5th century AD, who brought christianity to the village Rosmuck in Ireland.
BriseusmGreek Mythology Possibly derived from Greek βρίθω (britho) or (vritho), which can mean "to be laden with, to abound" as well as "to be heavy". In Greek mythology, Briseus was the father of Briseis.
BrnjačafMedieval Serbian The name of a Serbian Princess. The etymology of her name is unclear. It may be derived from Veronica, Berenice or Bernardine, or a nickname of her mother, taken from her feudal estate Brnjak... [more]
BroadusmEnglish Meaning unknown. This was the middle name of John Watson, American psychologist and founder of Behaviorism.
BrodulfmGermanic The first element is derived from Old High German prôdi "weakness, decrepitude" or Old High German brôt "bread." The second element is derived from Gothic vulfs "wolf."
BronjaymAmerican Derived from the Slavic element borna "protection" and the American name Jay 1. Comic character Bronjay, from Heaven Sent Gaming's Reverie, has this name.