Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the gender is masculine; and the description contains the keywords myth or mythology.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Popobawa m Swahili
Name of a shape-shifting shetani (evil spirit) in Zanzibar mythology. It is derived from Swahili elements popo (bat) and bawa (wing), therefore literally meaning "bat-wing" or "winged bat"... [more]
Popocatepetl m New World Mythology, Aztec and Toltec Mythology
Means "smoking mountain" in Nahuatl, derived from popoca "it smokes" and tepetl "mountain". This is the name of an active volcano in Mexico, named after a warrior from Aztec mythology said to be kneeling beside the body of his lover, Iztaccihuatl, a twin volcano to the north.
Porphyrion m Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek πορφυρα (porphyra) meaning "purple dye" as well as "purple-fish". Also compare the Greek noun πορφυρίς (porphyris) meaning "purple garment, purple cloak" and the Greek given name Porphyrios (see Porfirio)... [more]
Porthaon m Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology several men bear this name.
Praxander m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Πράξανδρος (Praxandros), which is a name that is derived from Greek πραξις (praxis) "action, exercise" combined with Greek ανδρος (andros) "of a man"... [more]
Proas m Greek
Short form of Prometheus. Derived from Greek προμηθεια (prometheia) meaning "foresight, forethought". In Greek myth he was the Titan who gave the knowledge of fire to mankind... [more]
Prolochus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Prolochos. In Greek mythology, this is the name of one of the Lapiths, a tribe from Thessaly.
Promeus m Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek πρόμος (promos) meaning "foremost, foremost man". Also compare Greek προμυέω (promueō) meaning "to initiate beforehand" and Prometheus, which are both etymologically related... [more]
Pronax m Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek πρώ (pro) meaning "early (in the day)", a variant of πρωΐ (proi) meaning "early in the day, during morning", and ἄναξ (anax) meaning "master, lord, chief".... [more]
Prothoenor m Greek Mythology
The first element of this name is not quite certain. Through a variant spelling, it might be derived from of one of the following two Greek adjectives: πρῶτος (protos) meaning "first, earliest" and πρωτός (protos) meaning "destined"... [more]
Prylis m Greek Mythology
Means "dance in armour, armed dance" in Ancient Greek, referring to a kind of Cretan weapon-dance. This was the name of a prophet in Greek mythology, a demigod son of Hermes and the Lesbian nymph Issa.
Prymneus m Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek πρυμνεύς (prymneus) meaning "steersman", which is ultimately derived from Greek πρύμνα (prymna) meaning "stern, poop". Also compare Greek πρυμνός (prymnos) meaning "hindmost, undermost, end-most"... [more]
Pumphut m Slavic Mythology
Pumphut is the name of a Sorbian gnome who plays tricks on abusive people. He is featured in the the novel 'Krabat' by Ottfried Preußler where he challenges the evil master in a duel of magic and defeats him.... [more]
Pylaeus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Πύλαιος (Pylaios), which is derived from Greek πύλη (pyle) meaning "gate, entrance". In Greek mythology, Pylaeus was an ally of king Priam in the Trojan War.
Pylenor m Greek Mythology
The first element of this name is derived from either the Greek noun πύλη (pyle) meaning "gate, entrance" or from the name of the Greek town of Pylos (see Pylos), which is etymologically related to the aforementioned word... [more]
Pylus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Pylos. In Greek mythology, this is the name of a son of the god Ares, whom he had with Demonice.
Pyramus m Greek Mythology (Latinized), Roman Mythology, Romani (Archaic)
From the Greek Πύραμος (Pyramos), taken from the name of the river Pyramos and derived from Greek πῦρ (pyr) "fire" or πυρός (pyros) "wheat"... [more]
Pyreneus m Greek Mythology
Masculine form of Pyrene. In Greek mythology, Pyreneus was a king of Thrace.
Pythias f & m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek Πυθιος (Pythios), which is an epithet of the god Apollo. This epithet originated from his cult in the city of Πυθώ (Pytho), which is nowadays known as Delphi... [more]
Python m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, Python was an enormous earth-dragon (usually depicted as a serpent in ancient Greek art) who lived near the city of Πυθώ (Pytho), which is nowadays known as Delphi. The creature was named after the city, whose name was ultimately derived from the Greek verb πύθω (pytho) meaning "to rot, to decay"... [more]
Qaammatip-inua m Greenlandic, Inuit Mythology
Means "man in the moon". This is the name of a character in Greenlandic mythology.
Qebehsenuef m Egyptian Mythology
Means "he who refreshes his brothers".... [more]
Qiqirn m & f New World Mythology, Inuit Mythology
In Inuit mythology, Qiqirn is a large, bald dog spirit.
Qirin m African American
A chimerical creature from East Asian mythology (Chinese/pinyin: qílín, Japanese kirin).
Qoyllur m Inca Mythology
Qoyllur is the goddess of the stars in Inca Mythology. Her name derives from quyllur, meaning ‘star’ in Quechua.
Quikinna'qu m Siberian Mythology
Derived from a Koryak word meaning "big raven". In Koryak mythology, Quikinna'qu (or Kutkinnaku) is a shapeshifting deity who taught humans to hunt, fish, and create fire.
Radegast m Slavic Mythology
From Slavic radǔ (content, glad), or rad (kind, willing, happy), and gostŭ (host). Old god of Slavic mythology. He is considered to be a deity of hospitality, or host or leader of an assembly or council... [more]
Radgost m Slavic Mythology
From Slavic radǔ (content, glad), or rad (kind, willing, happy), and gostŭ (host). Old god of Slavic mythology. He is considered to be a deity of hospitality, or host or leader of an assembly or council... [more]
Ratatoskr m Norse Mythology
Likely means "drill-tooth" or "bore-tooth" from Rati, the name of a legendary drill or auger, and Old Norse -toskr meaning "tusk, tooth". In Norse mythology Ratatoskr is a squirrel who runs up and down the world tree Yggdrasil to carry messages between the eagle perched atop the tree, and the serpent Níðhöggr, who lives beneath the roots of the tree.
Ráðspakr m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Means "wise, shrewd, discerning". This is the name of a dwarf in Norse mythology.
Ráðsviðr m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Derived from ráð ("advice, counsel, decision") and sviðr ("fast; clever"). This is the name of a dwarf in Norse mythology.
Rauni f & m Finnish, Finnish Mythology
Perhaps a variant of Rauno or Ragnhild, or derived from Old Norse reynir meaning "rowan". In Finnish mythology Rauni was either the name of god Ukko's spouse, or another name for Ukko himself... [more]
Reginn m Norse Mythology
Derived from Old Norse regin or rögn "advice." In Norse mythology, Reginn was a son of the dwarf king Hreiðmárr and foster father to Sigurd.
Reifnir m Old Norse, Norse Mythology, Icelandic
Derived from reifir ("giver, helper"). This is the name of a sea-king in Norse mythology.
Rekkr m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Variant of Rinkr. This is the name of a dwarf in Norse mythology.
Rhadamanthos m Greek Mythology
I am uncertain of the meaning, but it might be etymologically related to Greek adámas "invincible, untamed" or Greek damázo "to overpower, to tame, to conquer." In Greek mythology, Rhadamanthos was a son of Zeus and Europa.
Rhadamanthus m Greek Mythology
Meaning unknown, probably of pre-Greek origin, but perhaps related to Greek ῥᾴδιος (rhaidios) "easy" and μανθάνω (manthanô) "to learn, come to know". In Greek mythology, Rhadamanthus or Rhadamanthys was a son of Zeus and Europa... [more]
Rhexenor m Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek noun ῥηξήνωρ (rhexenor) meaning "bursting through ranks of armed men (of the enemy)", which consists of the Greek noun ῥῆξις (rhexis) meaning "breaking, bursting, breaking forth" combined with the Greek noun ἀνήρ (aner) meaning "man".... [more]
Rhoecus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology
Probably derived from Greek ῥοικός (rhoikos) meaning "crooked, bent" or "bow-legged". This was the name of a Samian sculptor of the 6th century BCE, as well as the name of a centaur who was killed by Atalanta after he attempted to assault her in Greek mythology.
Rhun m Welsh, Medieval Welsh, Welsh Mythology, Arthurian Cycle
Old Welsh name, possibly derived from Proto-Celtic *roino- meaning "hill, plain" (the source of Scottish Gaelic raon meaning "plain, field") or Proto-Celtic *rnf which meant "secret" and "magic" (the source of Middle Welsh rin which meant "mystery" and "charm" as well as Modern Welsh rhin meaning "secret")... [more]
Rintrah m Literature
Rintrah is a character in William Blake's mythology, representing the just wrath of the prophet. Rintrah first appears in 'The Marriage of Heaven and Hell': "Rintrah roars and shakes his fires in the burdened air" shows him personifying revolutionary wrath... [more]
Ritesh m Indian
Ritesh means"God of Rituals". it is derived from indian mythology.
Robigus m Roman Mythology
Derived from Latin robigo meaning "red blight, wheat rust", referring to a red fungus that could infest crops. This was the name of a minor god in Roman mythology, summoned for protection against agricultural diseases such as mold, mildew and rust... [more]
Rokapi m Georgian Mythology
Meaning unknown. Rokapi was an evil spirit and the leader of the kudiani (a group of witches) in Georgian mythology. He was punished by Ghmerti and chained to a column underneath the earth, where he ate the hearts of humans that his kudianis would bring to him... [more]
Rǫkkvi m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Maybe the name is related to the Old Norse word røkkr meaning "twilight" or røkkva meaning "to grow dark". In Norse mythology, Rǫkkvi was the name of a sea king
Royintan m Persian, Persian Mythology, Literature
Means "one who has a body of brass", derived from the Middle Persian adjective rōyēn meaning "brazen" (ultimately from rōy meaning "brass, copper") combined with the Middle Persian noun tan meaning "body, person".... [more]
Rūaimoko m Maori
God of earthquakes in Māori myth. Also Ruaumoko.
Rudá m New World Mythology, Portuguese (Brazilian), Tupi
He is the god of love in the mythology of the Tupí and Guaraní peoples of South America.
Rukuba m & f Nyanga, Central African, Eastern African, African Mythology
Rukuba is a folk hero in Nyanga mythology, who happens to be a Basenji dog. His name has an unknown meaning.
Rutsí m Indigenous American, South American, New World Mythology
Meaning unknown. It is the name of both a Peruvian children’s storybook character and an antagonistic owl inspired spirit in the indigenous Peruvian Yanesha people’s mythology.
Sabus m Mythology
Sabus is a character in the mythology of the Sabines of Italy, the son of the god Sancus (called by some Jupiter Fidius). According to Cato, writing in his work Origines, the Sabines took their name from his.
Sæhrímnir m Norse Mythology
Meaning unknown. In Norse mythology this is the name of a boar which provides food for Valhalla.
Sagittarius m Astronomy
Means "archer" in Latin. It is the name of one of the constellations of the zodiac, commonly represented as a centaur drawing a bow, derived from its representation in Greek mythology.
Sakuya m & f Japanese, Japanese Mythology
As a unisex name, it can be used as 咲也, 咲哉, 咲弥, 朔夜 or 朔椰 with 咲 (shou, sa.ku, -zaki) meaning "bloom, blossom", 朔 (saku, tsuitachi) meaning "conjuction (astronomy), first day of the month", 也 (e, ya, ka, nari, mata) meaning "to be (archaic form)", 哉 (sai, kana, ya) meaning "alas, how, question mark, what", 弥 (bi, mi, amaneshi, iya, iyoiyo, tooi, hisashi, hisa.shii, ya, meaning "all the more, increasingly", 夜 (ya, yo, yoru) meaning "evening, night" and 椰 (ya, yashi) meaning "coconut tree."... [more]
Salgra m Garo, Far Eastern Mythology
Salgra is the Sun God in Garo Mythology.
Salmoneus m Greek Mythology
A king from Greek mythology, who, during the Trojan war, pretended to be Zeus.
Sampsa m Finnish Mythology, Finnish
Finnish variant of Sampson 1. In Finnish mythology Sampsa Pellervoinen was a god of fertility, fields and crops.
Sancus m Roman Mythology
Derived from Proto-Indo-European *seh₂k-, meaning "to sanctify". This was the name of the god of trust, honesty and oaths in Roman mythology.
Satyros m Ancient Greek
Essentially means "satyr", as in the name of the mythological creature from Greek mythology. It's uncertain where 'satyr' itself derives from, but it's probably related to Latin satura or satira meaning "satire"... [more]
Scamander m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Skamandros. In Greek mythology, this was the name of a river god, who is the personification of the Scamander River (nowadays called Karamenderes River), the largest river of the plain of Troy.
Scelmis m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Σκέλμις (Skelmis). In Greek mythology this was the name of one of the Telchines, sea spirits (daemons) native to the island of Rhodes, who were killed by the gods when they turned to evil magic... [more]
Schoeneus m Greek Mythology
The name of a number of figures in Greek mythology, meaning "rushy".
Schoineus m Greek Mythology
The name of several individuals in Greek mythology.
Sciron m Greek Mythology
Means "mistral, northwest Mediterranean wind". This was the name of a Corinthian bandit in Greek mythology.
Scylaceus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Σκυλακεύς (Skylakeus), which is a more elaborate form of Scylax. In Greek mythology, Scylaceus was a Lycian comrade-in-arms of Sarpedon and Glaucus... [more]
Seiryū m Japanese, Far Eastern Mythology
This name combines 青 (shou, sei, ao, ao-, ao.i) meaning "blue, green," 清 (shou, shin, sei, kiyo.i, kiyo.maru, kiyo.meru) meaning "cleanse, exorcise, pure, purify, Manchu dynasty" or 聖 (shou, sei, hijiri) meaning "holy, master, priest, sage, saint" with 龍 (ryuu, ryou, rou, tatsu) meaning "dragon, imperial," 竜 (ryuu, ryou, rou, ise, tatsu) meaning "dragon, imperial" or 流 (ryuu, ru,,,, naga.reru) meaning "a sink, current, flow, forfeit."... [more]
Senectus m Roman Mythology
Means "aged, very old" in Latin. In Roman mythology, Senectus was a god of old age and the Roman equivalent of Geras.
Serenus m Ancient Roman, Roman Mythology
Roman cognomen which was derived from the Latin adjective serenus meaning "clear, tranquil, serene" (see Serena).... [more]
Serrin m New World Mythology
A new world mythology name meaning traitor, deciever
Seymur m Azerbaijani
Derived from Persian سیمرغ (simorgh) referring to the simurgh, a large mythical bird in Persian mythology.
Shai m & f Egyptian Mythology
Means "(that which is) ordained". In the Ancient Egyptian mythology Shai was the deification of the concept of fate and determinate the span of men's lives as such would sometimes be considered female (in which case he would sometimes be called Shait).
Shaohao m Chinese, Chinese Mythology, Far Eastern Mythology
From the characters 少 (shào, meaning “young”) and 昊 (hào, meaning “vastness” or “heaven”). In Chinese mythology, Shaohao was one of the Five Emperors, sage-kings who ruled during the early days of Chinese civilization... [more]
Shara m Near Eastern Mythology
In Sumerian mythology Shara is a minor god of war, mainly identified with the city of Umma, north-east of Unug (Uruk). He is identified in some texts as the son of Inana (Ishtar).
Shennong m Chinese Mythology, Far Eastern Mythology
From a combination of the characters 神 (shen, meaning “god” or “divine”) and 农 (nong, meaning “farmer”). This was the name of a culture hero in Chinese mythology who taught agriculture and herbology to humanity... [more]
Shurali m Siberian Mythology
Shurali is a forest spirit in Tatar and Bashkir mythology. According to legends, Shurali lives in forests. He has long fingers, a horn on its forehead, and a woolly body. He lures victims into the thickets and can tickle them to death.
Shurdh m Albanian Mythology
Shurdh is a weather and storm god in Albanian mythology and folklore, who causes hailstorms and throws thunder and lightning. Worshiped in northern Albania until recent times, he is thought to have been an ancient Illyrian god... [more]
Sibú m New World Mythology, Spanish (Latin American)
Sibú is a transforming folk hero from Bribri mythology. His name has an unknown meaning.
Siljan m Macedonian
From the Macedonian mythology. It's a name of the mythical hero who transforms into stork and travels south in the distant lands. It has a bottle with magic liquid/water that transforms him back into human... [more]
Simois m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Simoeis. In Greek mythology this was the name of a river flowing through Mount Ida near Troy, as well as the god or personification of the river.
Sinfiotli m Norse Mythology
Variant of Sinfjötli. In Norse mythology, Sinfjötli was born from an incestuous relationship between Sigmund and his sister Signý... [more]
Sisyphus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Σίσυφος (Sisyphos), of which the meaning is uncertain. It may possibly be derived from Greek σίσυς (sisys), which can mean "a goat's skin" or "cheap garment" or "any coarse"... [more]
Skírnir m Norse Mythology, Icelandic
Probably derived from Old Norse skírr meaning "clear, bright, pure". In Norse mythology Skírnir is a servant of the god Freyr.
Skjǫldr m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
From Old Norse skjǫldr meaning "shield". In Norse mythology this is one of Odin's sons, the husband of Gefjon.
Skǫll m Norse Mythology, Old Norse
Means "mockery". In Norse mythology Skǫll is the wolf that pursues the sun. He is the son of Fenrir and the brother of Hati.
Skrymir m Astronomy, Norse Mythology
The name of a giant from Norse Mythology, also known as Útgarða-Loki. A moon of Saturn was named after him.
Sleipnir m Norse Mythology
Derived from Old Norse sleipr "slippery" (in relation to "bog, marsh"). In Norse mythology, Loki's son Sleipnir was Odin's eight-legged horse.
Sokni m Norse Mythology
Possibly derived from the Old Norse verb sœkja "to seek". In Norse mythology he was king of what is now Norway. Nórr killed him and took possession of his kingdom.
Sol m Roman Mythology
Taken from Latin sol, meaning "sun". This was the name of the personification of the Sun in Roman mythology, its Greek equivalent being Helios.
Solsa m Chechen (Rare)
Taken from the name of Seska Solsa, a figure in Chechen and Ingush mythology equivalent to the Ossetian Sosruko.
Solymus m Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, Solymus was the ancestral hero and eponym of the tribe Solymi in Pisidia and Lycia. He was a son of either Zeus or Ares; his mother's name is variously given as Chaldene, Caldene daughter of Pisidus, Calchedonia or the nymph Chalcea.
Somnus m Roman Mythology
Means "sleep" in Latin. In Roman mythology Somnus was the personification of sleep, the equivalent of the Greek god Hypnos. He was the son of Nox (Night) and the brother of Mors (Death).
Sors m Roman Mythology
Means "fortune, fate" in Latin. In Roman mythology, Sors was a god of luck and the supposed son of Fortuna.
Staphylus m Greek Mythology
The name of several figures in Greek Mythology, meaning "grape cluster".
Steropes m Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek noun στερόπης (steropes) meaning "lightner", which is ultimately derived from the Greek noun στεροπή (sterope) meaning "flash of lightning" (see Sterope)... [more]
Sterquilinus m Roman Mythology
Derived from Latin stercus, meaning "fertilizer, manure". This was the name of the god of odor and manure in Roman mythology.
Stymphalos m Greek Mythology
Meaning uncertain. The first element of this name might be derived from the noun στύμα (styma), which is the Aeolic Greek form of ancient Greek στόμα (stoma) meaning "mouth"... [more]
Stymphalus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Stymphalos. In Greek mythology, Stymphalus is the name of a son of Elatus, who was treacherously killed by Pelops.
Sufax m Greek Mythology
Meaning uncertain, although the etymology of the name is probably Greek. In both Greek and Berber mythology, Sufax was a son of Hercules and Tinjis.
Sukumara m Hinduism, Kannada, Malayalam
Means "delicate, tender, soft" in Sanskrit. This is the name of several characters in Hindu mythology.
Supay m & f Inca Mythology
Supay is the underworld ruler in Incan Mythology. His name means ‘demon’ in Quechua.
Śuri m Etruscan Mythology
Derived from Etruscan 𐌛𐌖𐌑, meaning "black", and by extension, "the Underworld". This was the name of the god of light, volcanic fire, thunder, lightning, health, plague and the underworld in Etruscan mythology, equated to the Greek god Hades and later adopted into Roman mythology under the name Soranus.
Surtr m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Variant of Svartr. In Norse mythology this is the name of a fire giant, the enemy of the gods, who will fight Freyr at Ragnarok and the two of them will kill each other.
Suðri m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Derived from suðr ("south"). In Norse mythology Suðri is a dwarf who supports the vault of heaven.
Suttungr m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Meaning unknown. In Norse mythology Suttungr is Baugi's brother and the protector of the mead of the skalds.
Svaði m Norse Mythology, Old Norse
Means "slippery place". In Norse mythology Svadi is a giant, the father of Hadda and the owner of Svaðilfari.
Svipdagr m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Derived from svipr ("sudden sweeping movement") and dagr ("day, lifetime"). In Norse mythology Svipdagr wishes to marry Menglǫð.
Swaróg m Slavic Mythology
God of heaven, fire, and blacksmithing in Slavic Mythology.
Syleus m Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek συλεύς (syleus) meaning "privateer", which is ultimately derived from Greek συλάω (sylao) meaning "to plunder, to rob, to strip (off)". Also compare Greek σύλη (syle), a term used to refer to the right of seizing a ship... [more]
Symaithos m Greek Mythology
In mythology, a River-God of eastern Sikelia. His name is taken from the river Symaethus, of unknown etymology.
Taamash-yerdi m Caucasian Mythology
Means "lord of wonder". Taamash-Yerdi was the god of fate in Vainakh mythology who could grow in size when angered.
Tætærtupp m Ossetian Mythology
Meaning unknown. This is the name of a character in Ossetian Mythology and the Caucasian Nart sagas. He is a close friend and favorite of God.
Talasius m Roman Mythology
Meaning uncertain. This is the name of a god of marriage in Roman mythology, equivalent to the Greek god Hymen.
Talaus m Greek Mythology
Means "steadfast, enduring" or "unhappy", derived from Greek τλήμων (tlemon) meaning "patient, steadfast; wretched, miserable". In Greek mythology, Talaus was the king of Argos and one of the Argonauts.
Talos m Greek Mythology
In Greek Mythology Talos was a bronze winged automaton given to Europa for protection in Crete from pirates and invaders.
Tantalus m Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology he was a hero, most famous for his eternal punishment in Tartarus. He was made to stand in a pool of water beneath a fruit tree with low branches, with the fruit ever eluding his grasp, and the water always receding before he could take a drink... [more]
Tarchon m Etruscan Mythology
In Etruscan mythology, Tarchon and his brother, Tyrrhenus, were cultural heroes who founded the Etruscan League of twelve cities, the Dodecapoli.
Targitaos m Scythian (Hellenized), Mythology, Scythian Mythology
Hellenized form of the name Targī̆tavah, meaning "possessing the strength of Tarkā". This name is borne by a prominent figure in Scythian mythology, whom the Greeks equated with Herakles.
Tatenen m & f Egyptian Mythology
Means "risen land" or "exalted earth", and also refers to the silt of the Nile River.... [more]
Taulant m Albanian
Derived from Taulantii, which is the latinized form of Ταυλάντιοι (Taulantioi), the Greek name for a cluster of Illyrian tribes that lived on the Adriatic coast of Illyria (modern Albania)... [more]
Taulas m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Precise meaning unknown. In Greek mythology, Taulas was one of the six sons of Illyrios.
Tecciztecatl m Aztec and Toltec Mythology
Means "person from Tecciztlann" in Nahuatl, a place name derived from Nahuatl tēcciztli "conch" and tlācatl "person, human being". In Aztec mythology, Tecciztecatl was a lunar deity, representing the "Man in the Moon"... [more]
Telegonus m Greek Mythology
The name of three men in Greek mythology, meaning "born afar".
Teleus m Greek Mythology
The meaning of this name is not entirely certain. It may have been derived from Greek τέλειος (teleios) meaning "perfect", which is ultimately derived from the Greek verb τελειόω (teleioo) meaning "to make perfect, to complete"... [more]
Temenus m Greek Mythology
The name of several figures in Greek mythology, meaning "sacred enclosure".
Tenerus m Greek Mythology
Etymology unknown. This was the name of a Theban hero and prophet in Greek mythology, a son of Apollo and Melia.
Tereus m Greek Mythology
This name is probably derived from Greek τηρέω (tereo), which can mean "to guard" as well as "to obey, to observe, to attend to carefully". However, it is also possible that it is derived from Greek τερέω (tereo) meaning "to bore through, to pierce"... [more]
Tethra m Irish Mythology
In Irish myth, king of the Fomorians, as well as the sea god and god of the otherworld. He was killed in the first battle of Mag Tuireadh. Since then he rules Mag Mell.
Tetri Giorgi m Georgian Mythology
Means "white George" from Georgian თეთრი (tetri) "white" combined with the name Giorgi. In Georgian mythology, Tetri Giorgi was a warrior god of the moon... [more]
Teutates m Celtic Mythology, Popular Culture
Derived from Proto-Celtic teutā- meaning "people" or "tribe", likely inferring he was a protector of a people or tribe.... [more]
Tevdore m Georgian Mythology, Georgian
Meaning unknown. In Georgian mythology, this was the name of the god of agriculture and horses, whose name and person became associated with saint Theodore of Amasea after the christianization of Georgia... [more]
Thaumas m Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek noun θαῦμα (thauma) meaning "wonder, marvel". Also compare the related name Thaumasios.... [more]
Thelxion m Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek noun θέλξις (thelxis) meaning "enchantment, bewitchment", which is ultimately derived from the Greek verb θέλγω (thelgo) meaning "to enchant, to bewitch, to charm, to captivate"... [more]
Theophron m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek adjective θεόφρων (theophron) meaning "godly-minded". It consists of the Greek noun θεός (theos) meaning "god" combined with the Greek noun φρήν (phren) meaning "midriff" as well as "mind, intellect, wits"... [more]
Thersander m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Thersandros. This is the name of several characters in Greek mythology, one of which was one of the Epigoni.
Thersanor m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from the Aeolic Greek noun θέρσος (thersos) meaning "courage, confidence, audacity" combined with the Greek noun ἀνήρ (aner) meaning "man".... [more]
Þjálfi m Old Norse, Icelandic (Rare), Norse Mythology
Variant of Þjalfi. In Norse Mythology, Þjálfi and his sister Röskva are servants of Thor.
Thoas m Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek θοός (thoos) meaning "quick, swift". This name was borne by roughly ten characters in Greek mythology, one of them being one of the suitors of Odysseus' wife Penelope.
Þorri m Norse Mythology, Icelandic
Means "dry one". This was the name of an Old Norse month, lasting from the middle of January to the middle of February. In Norse mythology Þorri was King of Kvenland (modern-day Norrbotten in Sweden and Pohjanmaa in Finland), the son of Snær and brother of Mjǫll, Fǫnn and Drífa... [more]
Thrasyanor m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Means "bold man", derived from the Greek adjective θρασύς (thrasys) meaning "bold" combined with the Greek noun ἀνήρ (aner) meaning "man".... [more]
Þriði m Norse Mythology
Means "third one". This is the name of a god and a by-name for Odin in Norse mythology.
Þrúðgelmir m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Derived from þrúðr ("strength") and galmr ("shouting one, roarer"). In Norse mythology this is the name of a Jotunn with six heads.
Thyestes m Greek Mythology, Theatre
In Greek mythology, Thyestes was the son of Pelops and Hippodamia, King of Olympia, and father of Pelopia and Aegisthus... [more]
Thymbraeus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of the Greek name Θυμβραίος (Thymbraios), of which the meaning is uncertain. It could have been derived from the Greek noun θύμβρα (thymbra) "savory", which refers to a herb now known as Satureja thymbra... [more]
Tiberinus m Ancient Roman, Roman Mythology
Means "of the river Tiber" in Latin (also see Tiberius), as -inus is a Latin masculine adjectival suffix.... [more]
Tibertus m Roman Mythology
Meaning unknown, possibly a variant of Tiberius. In Roman mythology, Tibertus was the god of the river Anio (present-day Aniene), a tributary of the Tiber.
Tinia m Etruscan Mythology
Tinia was the god of the sky and the highest god in Etruscan mythology, equivalent to the Roman Jupiter and the Greek Zeus... [more]
Tirion f & m Welsh (Rare), Welsh Mythology
Means "gentle; happy" in Welsh.... [more]
Titan m English, Hungarian
From the English word referring to "any of the giant gods in Greek mythology who preceded the Olympian gods". From the Ancient Greek titan (Τιτάν) of the same meaning.
Tjalve m Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Norse Mythology
Variant of Old Norse Þjálfi, which is said to mean "He who keeps together; He who encompasses". The name is sometimes interpreted to mean "conquerer"... [more]
Tlepolemus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Tlepolemos. This name was borne by one of the generals of Alexander the Great (4th century BC) as well as by a regent of Egypt (3rd century BC).... [more]
Tlepsh m Caucasian Mythology, Circassian (Rare)
From Ancient Greek χάλυψ (khálups) meaning "steel, iron" via Latin chalybs. In Circassian mythology, Tlepsh is a patron god of blacksmiths, weapons, iron, and fire.
Toar m Minahasan
Meaning unknown. In the Minahasan mythology of Indonesia, he was the ancestor of the Minahasan people, alongside with his wife Lumimuut.
Tornarsuk m Inuit Mythology
In Inuit mythology, Tornarsuk is a god of the underworld and head of the protective gods known as the tornat.
Torngasoak m Inuit Mythology
In Inuit mythology, Torngasoak is a very powerful sky god, one of the more important deities in the Inuit pantheon. Leader of the Tornat.
Toxeus m Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek τοξεύς (toxeus) meaning "bowman, archer", which is ultimately derived from Greek τόξον (toxon) meaning "bow". Also compare Greek τοξεύω (toxeuo) "to shoot with the bow" and Greek τοξεία (toxeia) "archery"... [more]
Trapezeus m Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek τραπεζεύς (trapezeus) meaning "of a table, at a table", which is ultimately derived from Greek τράπεζα (trapeza) meaning "table". Also compare the modern English word trapeze, which is etymologically related... [more]
Triopas m Greek Mythology
Possibly of Pre-Greek origin, though popularly interpreted as meaning "three-eyed, he who has three eyes" from Greek τρι- (tri-) "three, thrice" and ὄψ (ops) "face, eye"... [more]
Triptolemus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Triptolemos. In Greek mythology, this is the name of the eldest son of king Celeus of Eleusis.
Trisba m & f New World Mythology, Indigenous American
Trisba is a character from Miskito Mythology, who appears in his own eponymous folktale. His name has no known meaning.
Trito m Mythology (Hypothetical)
Anglicized form of Proto-Indo-European *tritós "third". This is a reconstructed name of a significant figure in Proto-Indo-European mythology, representing the first warrior and acting as a cultural hero comparable to the Vedic Trita and Norse Þriði.
Troezen m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Τροιζήν (Troizen), which may possibly have been derived from Greek Τροία (Troia), the original Greek name for the city of Troy. Troezen might then roughly mean "of Troy"... [more]
Trophonius m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Derived from the Ancient Greek trepho (τρέφω), "to nourish".... [more]
Tulugaak m Inuit Mythology
In Inuit mythology, Tulugaak was the creator of light.
Tupã m Tupi
Known as the supreme god in Guarani mythology.
Tydeus m Greek Mythology
Possibly derived from Aeolic Greek τῦδε (tude) or (tyde), which is derived from Aeolic Greek τύδαι (tudai) or (tydai) meaning "here, there". Also compare Aeolic Greek τυῖδε (tuide) or (tyide) meaning "hither"... [more]
Tyndareus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Τυνδάρεως (Tyndareos), of which the meaning is uncertain. However, it is possible that the first element of the name may have been derived from Doric Greek τύνη (tune) or (tyne), which is a second-person singular pronoun... [more]
Uastyrdzhi m Ossetian Mythology
From an Ossetian form of the name George. In Ossetian mythology, this is the name of a patron god and the father of Satanaya... [more]
Ukri m Finnish (Rare)
A diminutive of Ukko, a god in finnish mythology.
Uku m Estonian, Baltic Mythology
Estonian cognate of Finnish Ukko. This name is borne by the god of weather and lightning in Estonian mythology.
Umi m Polynesian Mythology
A king has this name in Hawaiian Mythology
Unkulunkulu m Zulu, African Mythology
Means "the old, old one" or "ancestor" in Zulu. This was the name of a mythic first ancestor in early Zulu mythology, who appeared, or was created from, breaking reeds. It may have also been used to denote any significant ancestor... [more]
Uðr f & m Norse Mythology, Old Norse
Old Norse form of Unnr. In Norse mythology, Unnr was a billow maiden and one of nine daughters of Ægir and Rán.... [more]
Vaea m & f Tongan, Samoan, Tahitian, Polynesian Mythology
Meaning unknown, though it likely means "king, prince, noble, chief" based on the fact that the meaning of Mapu 'a Vaea, natural blowholes in Houma on the island of Tongatapu in Tonga, is known to be 'Whistle of the Noble/Chief/King' in Tongan... [more]
Vafþrúðnir m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Means "the mightily entangling one". This is the name of a wise giant in Norse mythology.
Vasuki m & f Hinduism, Indian
Meaning unknown. This was the name of a nagaraja in Hindu and Buddhist mythology and a king of serpents. He is a snake beloning to Shiva and is famous for coiling around Shiva's neck.
m Norse Mythology
Derived from , a Germanic shrine or sacred enclosure. In Norse Mythology, Vé is the brother of Odin and Vili.
Verbt m Albanian Mythology
Verbt is a weather and storm god in Albanian mythology and folklore, who causes hailstorms and controls fire, water, and the northern wind which fans the flames of fire. The name itself is of uncertain origin and meaning; theories include a derivation from Albanian vorbëtinë "whirlwind, vortex, swirl".
Verminus m Roman Mythology
Meaning unknown. Verminus was the god who protected cattle from disease in Roman mythology.
Vili m Norse Mythology
Means "will" in Old Norse. Vili is the brother of Odin and in Norse mythology.
Virbius m Roman Mythology
Possibly derived from Latin vir, meaning "man", and bis, meaning "twice", with the intended meaning of "twice a man". In Roman mythology, Virbius is the name given to the resurrected Hippolytus of Athens after he fell from his chariot to his death.
Virtus m Roman Mythology
Means "virility, courage, virtue" in Latin. In Roman mythology, Virtus was the name of the god of bravery and military strength, with his Greek counterpart being Arete.
Volsung m Norse Mythology
Norse Myth: Descendent of Odin.
Vulturnus m Roman Mythology
Derived from Vultur, the name of a mountain in Apulia, southeast of Rome. The place name is possibly related to Latin vultur, meaning "vulture". In Roman mythology, Vulturnus was the god of the east wind, with his Greek counterpart being Eurus... [more]
Wangshu m & f Chinese Mythology, Far Eastern Mythology
From the Chinese character 望 (wàng) meaning "to gaze" combined with 舒 (shū) meaning "comfortable, easy". ... [more]
Wars m Slavic Mythology
Wars and Sawa are legendary characters from the origin myth of the founding and etymology of the city of Warsaw, capital of Poland. There are several versions of the legend with their appearance.... [more]
Weles m Slavic Mythology
God of underworld, magic, oaths, art, craft, merchants, wealth in Slavic Mythology.
Wentshukumishiteu m & f Inuit Mythology
In Inuit mythology, Wentshukumishiteu is a water-elemental spirit which fiercely protected the young of various animal species from human hunters.
Wuluwaid m Indigenous Australian Mythology
A boatman who ferries the souls of the dead to Purelko, the afterlife in Australian Aboriginal mythology.
Xanthis m Greek Mythology
A character in Greek Mythology.
Xelhuan m Nahuatl, Aztec and Toltec Mythology
Probably related to Nahuatl xeloa "to divide, to distribute". This was the name of a giant in Aztec mythology, one of seven survivors of the great flood.
Xuthus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Ξοῦθος (Xouthos), possibly derived from ξουθός (xouthos) meaning "brown-yellow, tawny" or ξανθός (xanthos) "yellow, yellow-haired", or from στρουθός (strouthos) "sparrow"... [more]
Yarikh m Near Eastern Mythology, Semitic Mythology
Derives from the Ugaritic yariḫ ("moon"). Name borne by a moon god worshipped in the Amorite and Ugaritic pantheons, and later as part of the Phoenician and Punic pantheons following the collapse of Ugarit... [more]
Yeitso m Navajo, New World Mythology
A fearsome man-eating giant in Navajo myth. He is one of the monstrous anaye.
Yendembe m & f Lingala
Yendembe means ‘he is free’ and is the childhood name of Lonkundo in the Nkundo mythology complex. It also means “Take No Orders”.
Ymer m Norse Mythology
Ymer was a giant in Norse Mythology.
Ymir m Norse Mythology
In Norse mythology Ymir was a primeval giant and the first living creature. His grandsons Odin, Vili and Ve used Ymir's slain body to create the world
Yokai m & f Japanese Mythology
From a Japanese myth about mysterious turtle-like creatures said to haunt the ponds and rivers. Yokai are said to be wild water dwelling monsters who love to eat cucumbers.
Yudi m Chinese Mythology, Far Eastern Mythology
From a combination of the characters 玉 (yu, meaning “jade”) and 帝 (di, meaning “emperor”). In Daoist mythology, Yudi is the supreme ruler of the cosmos who has authority over heaven, earth and hell... [more]
Ywerit f & m Old Celtic, Welsh Mythology
Possibly means either "Ireland" or "the Atlantic Ocean" (which lies in the direction of Ireland from Wales), both meanings derived from Proto-Celtic *ɸīweriyū meaning "earth, soil". This was the name of a parent of Brân in Welsh mythology, either being a variant name of Llŷr (which means "the sea") or the name of his wife.
Zadeni m Georgian Mythology
Most likely derived from Persian یزدان (yazdân) meaning "god, divinity, angel". Zadeni (also transcribed as Zaden) was a pagan god of fruitfulness and the harvest in pre-Christian Georgian mythology.
Zagreus m Greek Mythology
Possibly derived from Greek ζαγρεύς (zagreus), which was a term used to refer to a hunter that catches live animals. The term would technically mean "great hunter", as it was derived from the Greek prefix ζα (za) meaning "very" combined with Greek αγρεύς (agreus) meaning "hunter"... [more]
Zahhak m Persian Mythology
Means "he who owns ten thousands of horses". Zahhak was an evil emperor in Persian Mythology who was revolted against by the blacksmith Kaveh.
Zakynthos m Greek Mythology
Meaning unknown; appears to be pre-Mycenaean or Pelasgian in origin. In Greek mythology he was the legendary founder of a colony on Zacynthus, an island in the Ionian Sea, which derived its name from him.
Zelos m Greek Mythology
Means "zeal, ardor, jealousy" in Greek. He was the personification of zeal or strife in Greek mythology.
Zetes m Greek Mythology
Possibly derived from Ancient Greek ζητέω (zeteo) "to seek, look forc inquire; to strive for, desire, wish". In Greek myth, Zetes and his twin brother Calais were sons of Boreas, the god of the north wind, and members of the Argonauts.
Zeuxippus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Zeuxippos. This was the name of several characters in Greek mythology, including a son of Apollo by the nymph Syllis.
Zhuanxu m Chinese, Chinese Mythology, Far Eastern Mythology
In Chinese mythology, Zhuanxu is the grandson of the Yellow Emperor (Xuanyuan) and one of the Five Emperors, sage-kings who ruled in the early days of Chinese civilization... [more]
Zojz m Albanian Mythology
Zojz is a sky and lightning god in Albanian pagan mythology. The name itself is a cognate of Zeus.