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Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Masculine & Feminine
Scripts 咲也, 咲哉, 咲弥, 朔夜, 朔椰, 咲耶, 沙久椰, 作哉, 朔也, 朔哉, 朔弥, 朔矢, 佐玖哉, 開耶, 佐久夜(Japanese Kanji) さくや(Japanese Hiragana) サクヤ(Japanese Katakana)
Pronounced Pron. SAH-KUU-YAH(Japanese) sah-kuu-yah(Japanese Mythology)  [key]

Meaning & History

As a unisex name, it can be used as 咲也, 咲哉, 咲弥, 朔夜 or 朔椰 with 咲 (shou, sa.ku, -zaki) meaning "bloom, blossom", 朔 (saku, tsuitachi) meaning "conjuction (astronomy), first day of the month", 也 (e, ya, ka, nari, mata) meaning "to be (archaic form)", 哉 (sai, kana, ya) meaning "alas, how, question mark, what", 弥 (bi, mi, amaneshi, iya, iyoiyo, tooi, hisashi, hisa.shii, ya, meaning "all the more, increasingly", 夜 (ya, yo, yoru) meaning "evening, night" and 椰 (ya, yashi) meaning "coconut tree."
As a feminine name, it can be used as 咲耶 or 沙久椰 with 耶 (ja, ya, ka) meaning "question mark", 沙 (sa, sha, suna, yonageru) meaning "sand" and 久 (kyuu, ku, hisa.shii) meaning "long time, old story."
As a masculine name, it can be used as 作哉, 朔也, 朔哉, 朔弥, 朔矢 or 佐玖哉 with 作 (sa, saku, tsuku.ri,, -dzuku.ri) meaning "build, make, prepare, production", 矢 (shi, ya) meaning "arrow, dart" and 玖 (kyuu, ku) meaning "beautiful black jewel, nine (used in legal documents)."

One bearer from Japanese mythology is Konohananosakuya-hime (このはなのさくやひめ), simply known as Sakuya-hime (さくやひめ), who is a blossom-princess and symbol of delicate earthly life. "Sakuya" in Sakuya-hime is popularly written as 咲耶 but it can also be written as 佐久夜 (with 佐 - sa - meaning "assistant, help"), as used in the Kojiki, or 開耶 (with 開 - kai, a.ku, a.keru,, hira.ku, hira.keru, - meaning "open, unfold, unseal"), as used in the Nihon Shoki.
Added 4/9/2015 by m4yb3_daijirou
Edited 3/8/2020 by Mike C and m4yb3_daijirou