Masculine Submitted Names

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Zhanjin m Chinese (Rare)
From Chinese 占 (zhān) meaning "to divine, to foretell" combined with 金 (jīn) meaning "metal" or "gold", as well as other character combinations that can form this name.
Zhannur f & m Kazakh
From Kazakh жан (zhan) meaning "soul" (of Persian origin) combined with нұр (nur) meaning "light" (of Arabic origin).
Zhansultan m Kazakh
From Kazakh жан (zhan) meaning "soul" and сұлтан (sultan) meaning "sultan, king".
Zhanybek m Kyrgyz
Derived from Kyrgyz жан (zhan) meaning "soul" combined with the Turkish military title beg meaning "chieftain, master".
Zhanzhin m Mongolian (Rare)
Means "commander, general" in Mongolian.
Zhao m & f Chinese
The name of a Chinese area in the Zhou dynasty. This was the name of several Chinese emperors, including Empress Wu Zetian.
Zhaofeng m & f Chinese
From Chinese 兆 (zhào) meaning "omen, sign" or 肇 (zhào) meaning "cause, start" combined with 丰 or 豐 (fēng) meaning "abundant, plentiful, lush, bountiful" or 峰 (fēng) meaning "peak, summit"... [more]
Zhaohua m & f Chinese
From Chinese 照 (zhào) meaning "shine, illumine, reflect" combined with 华 (huá) meaning "splendid, illustrious, flowery, Chinese"... [more]
Zhaoming m & f Chinese
From Chinese 兆 (zhào) meaning "omen, sign" or 朝 (zhāo) meaning "morning" combined with 铭 (míng) meaning "inscribe, engrave" or 明 (míng) meaning "bright, light, clear"... [more]
Zhaoren f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 昭 (zhāo) meaning "bright, luminous" and 仁 (rén) meaning "humaneness, benevolence, kindness".
Zhaosen m & f Chinese
From the Chinese 啁 (zhāo) meaning "chirp, twitter" and 森 (sēn) meaning "forest".
Zhaosheng f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 昭 (zhāo) meaning "bright, luminous" and 昇 (shēng) meaning "rise, ascent", "peace".
Zhaowang f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 昭 (zhāo) meaning "bright, luminous" and 旺 (wàng) meaning "prosper, prosperous".
Zhaowei f & m Chinese
From Chinese 昭 (zhāo) meaning "bright, luminous" or 钊 (zhāo) meaning "endeavour, strive, encourage" combined with 薇 (wēi) meaning "fern", 纬 (wěi) meaning "weft, woof (a horizontal thread in a woven fabric)", 巍 (wēi) meaning "high, lofty, towering", 玮 (wěi) meaning "precious, rare, valuable, jade" or 维 (wéi) meaning "maintain, preserve, hold together"... [more]
Zhaozhen f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 昭 (zhāo) meaning "bright, luminous" and 祯 (zhēn) meaning "lucky, auspicious, good omen" or 真 (zhēn) meaning "clearly, really" or "real, true".
Zhaqyp m Kazakh
Variant transcription of Zhakyp.
Zhar f & m Arabic (Maghrebi, Rare), Malay (Rare)
Possibly from Arabic زهر (zahr) "flowers, blossoms" (see Zahrah) or زَهَرَ (zahara) "to shine, to be radiant, to give off light" (see Zaahir 1).
Zhardem m Kazakh
Means "help, aid" in Kazakh.
Zhargal m Buryat
Means "happiness" in Buryat.
Zhasulan m Kazakh
Means "young soldier" from Kazakh жас (zhas) meaning "young" and ұлан (ulan) meaning "soldier, guard".
Zhasur m Uzbek
Variant of Jasur.
Zhavkhaa m & f Mongolian
Means "demeanour, appearance, spirit" in Mongolian.
Zhavkhlan m & f Mongolian
Means "dignity, majesty, glory" or "joy, happiness, good fortune" in Mongolian
Zhavkhlant m & f Mongolian
Means "grand, splendid" in Mongolian.
Zhavlanbek m Kazakh
From жавлан (zhavlan) meaning "elegant, graceful" combined with the Turkic military title beg meaning "chieften, master".
Zhayden m English (Modern, Rare)
Either a variant of Zayden or Shayden. Zhayden was given to 11 boys in 2018 according to the SSA.
Zhe m & f Chinese
Derived from the Chinese character 哲 or 喆 (zhé) both meaning "wise; sagacious".... [more]
Zheka m & f Russian
Diminutive of Yevgeniy or Yevgeniya.
Zheliazko m Bulgarian (Rare)
Variant transcription of Zhelyazko.
Zhelyu m Bulgarian
Short form of Zhelyazko.
Zhenbao m & f Chinese
From the Chinese 珍 (zhēn) meaning "precious, valuable, rare" and 宝 (bǎo) meaning "treasure, jewel; precious, rare".
Zhenbo f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 珍 (zhēn) meaning "precious, valuable, rare" and 波 (bō) meaning "wave".
Zhenduo m Chinese
From a combination of the characters 振 (zhèn, meaning “to arouse, to ring”) and 铎 (duó, meaning “wooden bell”). Originally just meaning “to ring a bell”, it later connoted the issuing of warnings, the giving of commandments or the practice of a teaching career... [more]
Zhengchun f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 正 (zhèng) meaning "just, right, proper, correct" and 纯 (chún) meaning "pure, simple, clean".
Zhenghong m Chinese
From Chinese 政 (zhèng) meaning "government" and 鸿 (hóng) meaning "wild swan, great, vast", as well as other character combinations that can form this name.
Zhengli f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 峥 (zhēng) meaning "high, noble" and 莉 (lì) meaning "white jasmine".
Zhengping m & f Chinese
From Chinese 正 (zhèng) meaning "right, proper, correct" and 平 (píng) meaning "level, even, peaceful"... [more]
Zhengqiong f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 正 (zhèng) meaning "right, proper, correct" and 琼 (qióng) meaning "jade, rare, precious, elegant".... [more]
Zhenguo m Chinese
From Chinese 振 (zhèn) meaning "rouse, excite, raise" combined with 国 (guó) meaning "country". Other character combinations can form this name as well.
Zhengyang m Chinese
From Chinese 正 (zhèng) meaning "right, proper, correct" or 政 (zhèng) meaning "government" plus 阳 (yang) meaning "sun, male, light", or 洋 (yang) meaning "ocean".
Zhengyin f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 峥 (zhēng) meaning "high, noble, lofty" and 吟 (yín) meaning "sing, hum, a type of poetry".
Zhenhao m Chinese
From Chinese 振 (zhèn) meaning "rouse, excite, raise", 镇 (zhèn) meaning "town, market place" or 珍 (zhēn) meaning "precious, rare" combined with 豪 (háo) meaning "brave, heroic, chivalrous" or 好 (hǎo) meaning "good, excellent"... [more]
Zhenhua m & f Chinese
From Chinese 振 (zhèn) meaning "rouse, excite, raise" or 震 (zhèn) meaning "shake, tremor, excite" combined with 华 (huá) meaning "splendid, illustrious, flowery, Chinese"... [more]
Zhenis m Kazakh
Means "victory" in Kazakh.
Zhenisbek m Kazakh
From Kazakh жеңіс (zhenis) meaning "victory" and the Turkish military title beg meaning "chieftain, master".
Zhenish m Kyrgyz
Means "victory" in Kyrgyz.
Zhenishbek m Kyrgyz
From Kyrgyz жеңиш (zhenish) meaning "victory" combined with the Turkish military title beg meaning "chieftain, master".
Zhenjin m Medieval Mongolian
This name means "true gold" in Chinese. Zhenjin (1243 – January 5, 1286) was the second son of Kublai Khan, founder of the Yuan dynasty. He was designated as the Crown Prince by Kublai Khan in 1273, and became the head of the Central Secretariat... [more]
Zhen-juan f & m Chinese
Means "precious and beautiful" in Chinese.
Zhenlian f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 真 (zhēn) meaning "clearly, really" or "real, true, genuine" or 贞 (zhēn) meaning "faithful, loyal, virtuous, chaste" and 连 (lián) meaning "join, connect" or 莲 (lián) meaning "lotus, water lily".
Zhenlin m & f Chinese
From Chinese 震 (zhèn) meaning "shake, tremor, excite", 镇 (zhèn) meaning "town, market place" or 振 (zhèn) meaning "excite, rouse" and 林 (lín) meaning "forest", 麟 (lín) meaning "female unicorn" or 霖 (lín) meaning "long spell of rain"... [more]
Zhenling f & m Chinese
From Chinese 貞 (zhēn) meaning "virtuous, chaste, loyal" combined with 菱 (líng) meaning "water caltrop, water chesnut" or 龄 (líng) meaning "age, duration"... [more]
Zhenlong f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 珍 (zhēn) meaning "rare, precious, valuable" and 珑 (lóng) meaning "gem cut like a dragon".
Zhenming f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 珍 (zhēn) meaning "precious, valuable, rare" and 明 (míng) meaning "bright, light, brilliant, clear".
Zhenneng f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 珍 (zhēn) meaning "precious, valuable, rare" and 能 (néng) meaning "to be able".
Zhenqiang f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 贞 (zhēn) meaning "faithful, loyal, virtuous, chaste" and 强 (qiáng) meaning "strong, powerful".
Zhenquan f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 贞 (zhēn) meaning "faithful, loyal, virtuous" and 泉 (quán) meaning "spring, fountain, wealth".
Zhenrong f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 真 (zhēn) meaning "clearly, really" or "real, true, genuine", 贞 (zhēn) meaning "faithful, loyal, virtuous, chaste" or 蓁 (zhēn) meaning "abundant, luxuriant vegetation" and 荣 (róng) meaning "glory, honour" or 蓉 (róng) meaning "hibiscus".
Zhensheng m Chinese
From Chinese 振 (zhèn) meaning "rouse, excite, raise" combined with 声 (shēng) meaning "sound, voice, tone", 盛 (shèng) meaning "abundant, flourishing" or 生 (shēng) meaning "living, fresh"... [more]
Zhensong f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 珍 (zhēn) meaning "precious, valuable, rare" and 颂 (sòng) meaning "laud, acclaim, hymn, ode".
Zhenxia f & m Chinese
From Chinese 真 (zhēn) meaning "real, genuine", 珍 (zhēn) meaning "precious, rare", or 贞 (zhēn) meaning "virtuous, chaste, loyal" combined with 夏 (xià) meaning "summer, great, grand" or 霞 (xiá) meaning "rosy clouds"... [more]
Zhenxian f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 贞 (zhēn) meaning "faithful, loyal, virtuous, chaste" or 珍 (zhēn) meaning "precious, valuable, rare" and 娴 (xián) meaning "elegant, refined, skillful" or 贤 (xián) meaning "virtuous, worthy, good".
Zhenya f & m Chinese
Combination of Zhen and Ya.
Zhenyang m Chinese
This name can be written with 珍 (zhen) meaning "rare, precious", or 贞 (zhen) meaning "loyal, virtuous, chaste", and 真 (zhen) meaning "genuine, real" combined with 洋 (yang) meaning "ocean" and 阳 (yang) meaning "sun, male, light" (usually for males).
Zhenyi f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 真 (zhēn) meaning "clearly, really" or "real, true, genuine" or 贞 (zhēn) meaning "faithful, loyal, virtuous, chaste" and 懿 (yì) meaning "virtuous, admirable", 艺 (yì) meaning "art, talent, ability", 谊 (yì) meaning "friendship", 忆 (yì) meaning "remember, reflect upon, memory", or 熠 (yì) meaning "bright and sparkling".
Zhenyu m & f Chinese
Combination of the Chinese character Zhen and Yu.... [more]
Zhenzhi f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 珍 (zhēn) meaning "precious, valuable, rare" and 智 (zhì) meaning "wisdom, knowledge, intelligence".
Zhenzuo f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 珍 (zhēn) meaning "precious, valuable, rare" and 佐 (zuǒ) meaning "assist, aid".
Zherar m Russian
Russian form of Gerald.
Zhexian f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 哲 (zhé) meaning "wise, sage" and 娴 (xián) meaning "elegant, refined".
Zhian m & f Chinese (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Zhi and An 1.
Zhibin m & f Chinese
From Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition" or 智 (zhì) meaning "wisdom, intellect" combined with 斌 or 彬 (bīn) meaning "refined" or 滨 (bīn) meaning "beach, seashore"... [more]
Zhicheng m & f Chinese
From Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition", 至 (zhì) meaning "reach, arrive, extreme, utmost", 芷 (zhǐ) meaning "angelica (a type of plant)" or 稚 (zhì) meaning "immature, young, childish" combined with 诚 (chéng) meaning "sincere, honest, true", 成 (chéng) meaning "completed, finished, succeeded" or 澄 (chéng) meaning "clear, pure"... [more]
Zhifang m & f Chinese
From Chinese 直 (zhí) meaning "straight, honest" or 志 (zhì) meaning "will, determination" combined with 方 (fāng) meaning "direction, way", as well as other character combinations.
Zhifeng m & f Chinese
From Chinese 智 (zhì) meaning "wisdom, intellect", 之 (zhī), a possessive marker, or 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition" combined with 峰 (fēng) meaning "summit, peak" or 锋 (fēng) meaning "pointed edge"... [more]
Zhigang m Chinese
From Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition" or 之 (zhī), a possessive marker, combined with 刚 (gāng) meaning "hard, rigid, strong"... [more]
Zhiger m Kazakh
Means "determination, perseverance, volition" in Kazakh.
Zhiguo m Chinese
From Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition" or 治 (zhì) meaning "rule, govern" combined with 国 (guó) meaning "country"... [more]
Zhihong m & f Chinese
From Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition", 智 (zhì) meaning "wisdom, intellect", 治 (zhì) meaning "rule, govern", 炙 (zhì) meaning "roast, broil" or 挚 (zhì) meaning "sincere, earnest" combined with 红 (hóng) meaning "red, vermillion, blush", 宏 (hóng) meaning "wide, spacious, great, vast", 鸿 (hóng) meaning "wild swan, great, vast" or 弘 (hóng) meaning "enlarge, expand, great"... [more]
Zhihua m & f Chinese
From Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition", 致 (zhì) meaning "send, deliver, cause, result in" or 智 (zhì) meaning "wisdom, intellect" combined with 华 (huá) meaning "splendid, illustrious, flowery, Chinese" or 化 (huà) meaning "change, transform"... [more]
Zhihui m & f Chinese
From Chinese 稚 (zhì) meaning "immature, young, childish", 之 (zhī), a possessive marker, 至 (zhì) meaning "reach, arrive, extreme, most", 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition", 智 (zhì) meaning "wisdom, intellect" combined with 晖 (huī) meaning "bright, light, radiant", 蕙 (huì) meaning "orchid" or 慧 (huì) meaning "bright, intelligent"... [more]
Zhijia m & f Chinese
From Chinese 直 (zhí) meaning "straight", 智 (zhì) meaning "wisdom, intellect", or 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition" combined with 佳 (jiā) meaning "good, auspicious, beautiful", 嘉 (jiā) meaning "fine, nice, good", or 家 (jiā) meaning "home, family"... [more]
Zhijian m & f Chinese
From Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition" or 智 (zhì) meaning "wisdom, intellect" combined with 坚 (jiān) meaning "hard, firm", 戬 (jiǎn) meaning "exterminate, destroy, cut" or 健 (jiàn) meaning "strong, healthy"... [more]
Zhijiao f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "purpose, will" and 姣 (jiāo) meaning "handsome, beautiful".
Zhijie m & f Chinese
From Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition", 之 (zhī), a possessive marker, 芝 (zhī) meaning "sesame", 智 (zhì) meaning "wisdom, intellect" or 知 (zhī) meaning "know, perceive, comprehend" combined with 杰 (jié) meaning "heroic, outstanding", 洁 (jié) meaning "clean, pure" or 節 (jié) meaning "section, period, verse, melody"... [more]
Zhijing f & m Chinese
A combination of the Chinese characters 志 (Zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition" and 晶 (Jīng) meaning "clear, crystal". Other characters could be used to form this name as well.
Zhijun m & f Chinese
From Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition", 芝 (zhī) meaning "sesame", 直 (zhí) meaning "straight, erect" or 知 (zhī) meaning "know, perceive, comprehend" combined with 军 (jūn) meaning "army", 君 (jūn) meaning "king, ruler" or 俊 (jùn) meaning "talented, handsome"... [more]
Zhiliang m Chinese
From Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition", 之 (zhī), a possessive marker, or 智 (zhì) meaning "wisdom, intellect" combined with 良 (liáng) meaning "good, virtuous, respectable", 亮 (liàng) meaning "bright, radiant, light" or 量 (liáng) meaning "measure, amount"... [more]
Zhimin m & f Chinese
From Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition", 治 (zhì) meaning "rule, govern" or 智 (zhì) meaning "wisdom, intellect" combined with 民 (mín) meaning "people, citizens" or 敏 (mǐn) meaning "quick, clever, sharp"... [more]
Zhiming m Chinese
From Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition", 枝 (zhī) meaning "branch, limb" or 治 (zhì) meaning "rule, govern" combined with 明 (míng) meaning "bright, light, clear"... [more]
Zhimo f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 祉 (zhǐ) meaning "happiness, blessings, good luck" and 默 (mò) meaning "silent, quiet, still, dark".
Zhiping m & f Chinese
From Chinese 治 (zhì) meaning "rule, govern" or 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition" combined with 平 (píng) meaning "level, even, peaceful"... [more]
Zhiqiang m Chinese
From Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition" combined with 强 (qiáng) meaning "strong, powerful, energetic"... [more]
Zhishao f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 枝 (zhī) meaning "branch" and 劭 (shào) meaning "encourage, excel, excellent".
Zhisong f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 枝 (zhī) meaning "branches" and 松 (sōng) meaning "pine, fir".
Zhitao m & f Chinese
Combination of the Chinese character 志 (see Zhi) and 涛 (see Tao).... [more]
Zhitomir m Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Žitomir.
Zhiuli m Georgian (Rare)
Georgian form of the French name Jules 1. A notable bearer of this name was the Georgian politician Zhiuli Shartava (1944-1993).
Zhivomir m Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Živomir.
Zhiwei m Chinese
From Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition", 智 (zhì) meaning "wisdom, intellect" or 之 (zhī), a possessive marker, combined with 伟 (wěi) meaning "great, robust, extraordinary", 韦 (wéi) meaning "soft leather, tanned leather" or 玮 (wěi) meaning "precious, rare, valuable"... [more]
Zhiwen m & f Chinese
From Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition", 芝 (zhī) meaning "sesame", 之 (zhī), a possessive marker, or 知 (zhī) meaning "know, perceive, comprehend" combined with 文 (wén) meaning "literature, culture, writing", 问 (wèn) meaning "ask, question, inquire" or 温 (wēn) meaning "warm"... [more]
Zhiwu m Chinese
From Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition", 至 (zhì) meaning "reach, arrive, extreme, most" or 秩 (zhì) meaning "rank, order" combined with 武 () meaning "military, martial", 無 (wú) meaning "without, not, nothing" or 五 () meaning "five"... [more]
Zhixiang f & m Chinese
From Chinese 直 (zhí) meaning "straight", 智 (zhì) meaning "wisdom, intellect", or 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition" combined with 香 (xiāng) meaning "fragrant", 向 (xiàng) meaning "direction, towards", 祥 (xiáng) meaning "good luck, good omen", or 翔 (xiáng) meaning "soar, glide"... [more]
Zhixin m & f Chinese
From Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition", 致 (zhì) meaning "send, deliver, cause, result in", 智 (zhì) meaning "wisdom, intellect", 之 (zhī), a possessive marker, or 执 (zhí) meaning "grasp, hold" combined with 鑫 (xīn) meaning "wealthy, prosperous", 新 (xīn) meaning "fresh, new" or 信 (xìn) meaning "trust, believe"... [more]
Zhiyin f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 祉 (zhǐ) meaning "happiness, blessings, good luck" and 殷 (yīn) meaning "many, great, abundant, flourishing".
Zhiying m & f Chinese
From Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition", 之 (zhī), a possessive marker, 智 (zhì) meaning "wisdom, intellect" or 芝 (zhī) meaning "sesame" combined with 颖 (yǐng) meaning "clever, gifted", 英 (yīng) meaning "flower, petal, brave, hero", 莹 (yíng) meaning "bright, lustrous" or 瑛 (yīng) meaning "jade"... [more]
Zhiyong m Chinese
From Chinese 智 (zhì) meaning "wisdom, intellect", 至 (zhì) meaning "reach, arrive, extreme, most", 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition" or 致 (zhì) meaning "send, deliver, cause, result in" combined with 勇 (yǒng) meaning "brave", 永 (yǒng) meaning "perpetual, eternal" or 用 (yòng) meaning "use, apply"... [more]
Zhiyuan m & f Chinese
From Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition", 致 (zhì) meaning "send, deliver, cause, result in", 至 (zhì) meaning "reach, arrive, extreme, utmost", 之 (zhī), a possessive marker, 智 (zhì) meaning "wisdom, intellect" or 知 (zhī) meaning "know, perceive, comprehend" combined with 远 (yuǎn) meaning "distant, remote, far", 元 (yuán) meaning "first, origin", 源 (yuán) meaning "source, origin" or 渊 (yuān) meaning "abyss, deep, profound"... [more]
Zhizhen m Chinese
Means “the best”. Best known as the name of tennis player Zhang Zhizhen, also known at Triple Z.
Zhizheng f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 知 (zhī) meaning "know" and 筝 (zhēng) meaning "zheng zither", "kite".
Zhizhi m & f Chinese
Possibly deriving from the Chinese elements 治 zhì, meaning "to rule, to govern", and 郅 zhì, meaning either the surname Zhi, or "extremely, very". Other character combinations are also possible.
Zhobin m Persian (Rare)
Refers to a type of small, short spear in Persian.
Zholbarys m Kazakh
Means "tiger" in Kazakh.
Zholdosh m Kyrgyz
Means "brother, comrade" in Kyrgyz, of Turkic origin.
Zholon m Kyrgyz (Rare)
Possibly derived from Kyrgyz жол (zhol) meaning "road, way, path".
Zhomart m Kazakh
Means "generous, charitable" in Kazakh, ultimately of Persian origin.
Zhongcheng m Chinese
From Chinese 忠 (zhōng) meaning "loyalty, devotion" combined with 诚 (chéng) meaning "sincere, honest, true" or 成 (chéng) meaning "completed, finished, succeeded"... [more]
Zhonghua m & f Chinese
From Chinese 中 (zhōng) meaning "middle" or 仲 (zhòng) meaning "middle, second" combined with 华 (huá) meaning "splendid, illustrious, flowery, Chinese"... [more]
Zhongli m Chinese
From Chinese 鍾, 钟 (zhōng) meaning "vessel" and 離, 离 () meaning "to leave". Other character combinations can form this name as well.... [more]
Zhongmin m & f Chinese
From Chinese 中 (zhōng) meaning "middle, center" combined with 閔 (mǐn) meaning "to condole, to grieve" or 民 (mín) meaning "people, citizens", as well as other character combinations.
Zhongqing m Chinese
Derived from Chinese 忠 (zhōng) meaning "loyal, faithful", 中 (zhōng) meaning "middle, centre", or 仲 (zhòng) meaning "second, middle" combined with 庆 (qìng) "to celebrate, celebration" or 卿 (qīng) "noble, high officer", as well as other character combinations that can form this name.
Zhongren m Chinese
From Chinese 仲 (zhòng) meaning "middle, second", 中 (zhōng) meaning "middle" or 忠 (zhōng) meaning "loyalty, devotion" combined with 仁 (rén) meaning "compassionate" or 任 (rèn) meaning "burden, responsibility, duty"... [more]
Zhoomart m Kyrgyz
Kyrgyz variant of Zhomart.
Zhora m Russian
Diminutive of Yuriy or Georgiy.
Zhores m Soviet, Russian (Rare)
Taken from the French surname Jaurès, which was most famously borne by French Socialist Jean Jaurès (1859-1914)... [more]
Zhorzh m Armenian (Rare), Bulgarian (Rare), Georgian (Archaic)
Armenian, Bulgarian and Georgian form of Georges.
Zhotia m Georgian (Archaic)
Derived from Ancient Greek ἰῶτα (iota) meaning "jot, a small amount" through palatalization of the word in Georgian.... [more]
Zhovhar m Avar
Avar variant of Dzhokhar.
Zhovkhar f & m Chechen
Derived from Persian گوهر (gowhar) meaning "jewel, gem, pearl", as well as a variant transcription of the masculine name Dzhokhar (of the same etymological origin).
Zhozef m Russian, Armenian
Russian and Armenian variant of Josef.
Zhshibés m Algonquian
Means "little duck" in Potawatomi. This was the name of a chief of the St. Joseph and Elkhart Potawatomi.
Zhu m & f Chinese
From Chinese "vermillion, red".
Zhuanxu m Chinese, Chinese Mythology, Far Eastern Mythology
In Chinese mythology, Zhuanxu is the grandson of the Yellow Emperor (Xuanyuan) and one of the Five Emperors, sage-kings who ruled in the early days of Chinese civilization... [more]
Zhubanysh m Kazakh
Means "consolation, hope" in Kazakh.
Zhumabai m Kazakh
Variant transcription of Zhumabay.
Zhumabay m Kazakh, Kyrgyz
From Kazakh жұма (zhuma) or Kyrgyz жума (zhuma) meaning "Friday" (of Arabic origin) combined with бай (bay) meaning "rich, wealthy".
Zhumabek m Kazakh
From Kazakh жұма (juma) meaning "Friday" (of Arabic origin) combined with the Turkish military title beg meaning "chieftain, master".
Zhumagali m Kazakh
From Kazakh жұма (zhuma) meaning "Friday" (of Arabic origin) combined with the name Ali 1.
Zhumagul f & m Kazakh, Kyrgyz
From Kazakh жұма (zhuma) or Kyrgyz жума (zhuma) meaning "Friday" (both of Arabic origin) and Kazakh and Kyrgyz гүл (gul) meaning "flower". It is only used as a feminine name in Kazakhstan while it is unisex in Kyrgyzstan.
Zhumakhan m Kazakh
From Kazakh жұма (zhuma) meaning "Friday" (of Arabic origin) combined with the Turkic title khan meaning "leader, ruler".
Zhunis m Kazakh
Kazakh form of Yunus.
Zhunisbek m Kazakh
From the given name Zhunis combined with the Turkic military title beg meaning "chieftain, master".
Zhuo m & f Chinese
Zhuo (Wo) is the Mandarin pinyin romanization of the Chinese given name written 卓 in Chinese character.It means "excellent" or "outstanding". It is romanized Cho in Wade–Giles, Cheuk in Cantonese, and Toh in Minnan.
Zhuoheng m Chinese
From Chinese 卓 (zhuō) meaning "outstanding, brilliant" combined with 恆 (héng) meaning "constant, persistent", as well as other character combinations that can form this name.
Zhuopeng f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 卓 (zhuō) meaning "profound, brilliant" and 朋 (péng) meaning "friend".
Zhuoqiong f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 卓 (zhuō) meaning "profound, brilliant, lofty" and 琼 (qióng) meaning "jade, rare, precious, elegant".
Zhū-què m & f Chinese, Astronomy
Zhū-Què is a Xiang (象) one of the four Symbols that include all the constellations of Chinese System. Zhū-Què is known as Vermillion Bird of the South and is a pheasant with a multicolour piumage covered by flames... [more]
Zhuque m Chinese Mythology
From Chinese 朱 (zhū) meaning "vermilion red, cinnabar" and 雀 (què) meaning "sparrow"... [more]
Zhuramt m & f Mongolian
Means "loyal, faithful" in Mongolian.
Zhurong m Chinese Mythology, Far Eastern Mythology
From the Chinese character 祝 (zhu) meaning “to pray” and 融 (rong) meaning “to melt” or “brightness”. This is the name of the Chinese god of fire who oversees the south and the season of summer... [more]
Zhusha f & m Chinese
From Chinese character 渚 (zhǔ) meaning "shore, islet, sandbank" combined with 砂 (shā) meaning "sand". Other character combinations can form this name as well.
Zhusip m Kazakh
Kazakh form of Joseph.
Zhusipbek m Kazakh
Combination of the given name Zhusip and the Turkish military title beg meaning "chieftain, master".
Zhusup m Kyrgyz
Kyrgyz form of Yusuf (see Joseph).
Zhylkeld m Kazakh
Derived from жыл (zhyl) meaning "year" and келд (keld) meaning "arrived".
Zhylkyaydar m Karakalpak
Means "herder" in Karakalpak.
Zhyrgalbek m Kyrgyz
From Kyrgyz жыргал (zhyrgal) meaning "happiness" and the Turkish military title beg meaning "chieftain, master".
Zi f & m Chinese
Derived from the Chinese character 紫 () meaning "purple" or 姿 () meaning "appearence, gesture, presence, posture". ... [more]
Zia m Biblical, Hebrew
Possibly means "sweat, swelling" in Hebrew. Hebrew name of a man mentioned in the Old Testament, 1 Chronicles 5:13, in a genealogical list. This 'has been used as a first name in Britain since the 1960s, but is likely to be mistaken for a girl's name' (Dunkling & Gosling, 1986)... [more]
Ziah m & f Arabic, English
Variant of Ziya.
Zian m & f Arabic
Means "adornment, decoration" in Arabic.
Zian m Malayalam
Meaning "Life Strong".
Zian m Romanian
Possibly derived from the name of the traditional Romanian holiday Sânzienele (which in turn originates from the mythological being called Sânziana) that is celebrated along with the Nativity of John the Baptist on June 24th... [more]
Zianya f & m Literature
It means "forever loved" or "always loved"... [more]
Zias m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Short form of Jozias. But in other words, you could also say that it is a variant spelling of Sias.... [more]
Ziaul m Bengali
From the first part of compound Arabic names beginning with ضياء ال (diya al) meaning "splendour of the" (such as Ziya ad-Din).
Ziaur m Bengali (Muslim)
First part of compound Arabic-derived names beginning with ضيآء ال (ḍiyāʾ al) meaning "light of the" (such as Ziaur Rahman).
Zibal m Astronomy
Means "ostrich nest" or "hatching place" in Arabic. This is the traditional name of the star Zeta Eridani in the constellation Eridanus.
Zibeon m Biblical
The Hivite son of Seir the Horite.
Zibi m Polish
Allegedly a short form of Zbigniew and Zbyszek.
Zibulale m Xhosa
Meaning unknown.
Zibuseni m & f Ndebele
Means "rule yourself" in Ndebele.
Zichri m Biblical
Means "remembrance, mindful" in Hebrew. This is the name of several characters in the Old Testament.
Zico m Brazilian
Nickname (stage name?) of soccer coach and footballer Arthur Antunes Coimbra.
Zidan m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic زيدان (see Zaydan).
Zidane m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Zaydan chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Zidartha m Hinduism (Americanized, Rare)
The name Zidartha derives from the name Siddhartha better known as The Buddha, l. c. 563 - c. 483 BCE. He was, according to legend, a Hindu prince who renounced his position and wealth to seek enlightenment as a spiritual ascetic, attained his goal and, in preaching his path to others, founded Buddhism in India in the 6th-5th centuries BCE... [more]
Zidkijah m Biblical
Variant of Zedekiah. The name of a character mentioned in chapter 10 of Nehemiah.
Zidôre m Walloon
Walloon form of Isidore.
Zidore m Norman, Picard
Norman and Picard short form of Isidore.
Zidorius m Lithuanian
Variant form of Izidorius.
Zidoro m Provençal
Provençal form of Isidore.
Zidu m Chinese
From the characters 子(zǐ, meaning “son”) and 都 (dū, meaning “capital city”, “head” or “beautiful”). This is a name that appears in the song “The Mountain has Fusu Trees” (山有扶苏) featured in the Classic of Poetry (诗经), a collection of poetic folk songs and hymns from the Zhou Dynasty (c... [more]
Ziedonis m Latvian
Derived from Latvian ziedonis, a poetic word for "springtime, spring".
Ziemek m Polish
Diminutive of Ziemowit.
Zierre m & f English
Variant of Zaire.
Zievi m Romansh
Variant of Sievi.
Zifar m Literature, Medieval Spanish
Meaning unknown. 'Livro del cavallero Cifar' (later written Zifar) is the earliest fictional adventure tale in prose in the Spanish language. It was written around 1300, probably by a cleric of Toledo, Ferrand Martínez.
Zig m English (Rare)
Short form of Ziggy. In the case of American motivational speaker and self-help author Hilary Hinton 'Zig' Ziglar (1926-2012), it was a short form of his surname (see Ziglar).
Ziga m Silesian
Diminutive of Zygmunt.
Zigfrīds m Latvian
Latvian borrowing of Siegfried.
Ziggi m & f English (Rare)
Variant of Ziggy
Zıgıtçı m Karachay-Balkar
From the Karachay-Balkar зыгыт (zıgıt) meaning "sprout, shoot".
Zigmantas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Sigmund. Also compare Žygimantas, which this name is often confused with.
Zigmas m Lithuanian
Short form of Zigmantas, which is the Lithuanian form of Sigmund.
Žigmondas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Zsigmond, which is the Hungarian form of Sigmund. This name is not currently in use in Lithuania and most likely never has been: it is purely a lithuanized form of a foreign (in this case Hungarian) name, as in Lithuania foreign names tend to be lithuanized in order to make them easier to understand and pronounce to Lithuanian speakers.
Zigmund m English
Variant of Sigmund.
Zigmunds m Latvian
Latvian form of Sigmund.
Ziguaros m Obscure
In the case of missing Houston, Texas man Ziguaros Kokoriss (born 1924), his name appears to be an altered form of Latvian Zigurds.
Zigurds m Latvian
Variant of Sigurds.
Ziguś m Silesian, Polish
Silesian diminutive of Ziga and Polish diminutive of Zygmunt.
Zigza m Berber
Means "green" from the root zgz.
Zihni m Arabic
Means "intellectual" in Arabic.
Zija m Albanian
Albanian form of Ziya.
Zijad m Bosnian
Bosnian form of Ziyad.
Zijian m & f Chinese
From Chinese 子 () meaning "child" combined with 建 (jiàn) "build, establish" or 健 (jiàn) "strong, healthy"... [more]
Zijo m Bosnian
Bosnian form of Ziya.
Zi-kai m Chinese
Variant transcription of Zikai.
Zikai m & f Chinese
From Chinese 子 (zǐ) meaning "child" combined with 愷 (kǎi) meaning "joyful, contented", as well as other character combinations.
Zikr m & f Arabic
Means "remembrance" in Arabic.
Zikri m Indonesian, Malay
Derived from Arabic ذِكْر (ḏikr) meaning "remembrance, recollection".
Zil m & f Arabic
Meaning: “Shadow”
Zilar m Medieval Basque
Derived from Basque zilar "silver".
Zildjian m English (Rare), Filipino (Rare)
Possibly from a surname of an anglicized form of Armenian Զիլճյան (Zilčyan) meaning "cymbal-maker". This was the name of Zaijian Godsick Lara Jaranilla and Zymic Demigod Lara Jaranilla's brother, Zildjian Godweevil Lara Jaranilla.
Zilio m Venetian (Archaic)
Venetian form of Gilio.
Zìliu m Sardinian
Variant of Egìdiu (compare Giles).
Zillale m African
Bantu... [more]
Zil'lethai m Biblical
Variant transcription of Zillethai.... [more]
Zillethai m Biblical
The name is comprised of two parts. The first, צלל (salal), can have one of two meanings: "to ring" or "to be dark". It is also associated with צל (sel), meaning "shadow". The second, י (yod), has multiple purposes... [more]
Zillion m African American
From a word coined in the 1940s, from Z (perhaps as a symbol of an unknown quantity) + million.
Zilolboy m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek zilol meaning "crystal-clear, limpid" and boy meaning "rich, wealthy".
Zilong m Chinese
From Chinese 子 () meaning "child" combined with 龍 or 龙 (lóng) meaning "dragon" or 隆 (lóng) meaning "prosperous, abundant"... [more]
Zilthai m Biblical
Variant transcription of Zillethai.... [more]
Zilver f & m Dutch (Modern, Rare)
Dutch cognate of Silver.
Žilvinas m Lithuanian, Folklore, Popular Culture
Derived from either the old Lithuanian noun žilvis meaning "child, offspring" as well as "offshoot, sprout", or from old Lithuanian želvys meaning "unripe, immature, young". In Lithuanian folklore and popular culture, Žilvinas is the name of the husband of the titular character of the folk tale Eglė žalčių karalienė, which translates to English as Eglė, the Queen of Serpents.
Žilvitis m Lithuanian (Rare)
Derived from the Lithuanian noun žilvitis meaning "osier, (basket) willow", which is ultimately derived from the old Lithuanian noun žilvis meaning "child, offspring" as well as "offshoot, sprout".
Zim m English (Rare)
Of unknown origin, maybe a short form of Zimri.
Zimafej m Belarusian
Belarusian form of Timothy.
Zimba f & m Shona
Means "to be principled" in Shona.
Zimbo m Popular Culture, Hindi
Zimbo is the name of a Tarzan influenced titular character in the eponymous Zimbo Trilogy (1958-66) of Bollywood films by John Cawas and the Wadia Brothers, although the character first appeared 2 decades earlier, in Toofani Tarzan (1937).
Ziming m & f Chinese
From Chinese 子 (zǐ) meaning "child, offspring" or 紫 (zǐ) meaning "purple, violet" combined with 铭 (míng) meaning "inscribe, engrave", 鳴 (míng) meaning "to cry (of birds, animals, or insects)", or 明 (míng) meaning "bright, light", as well as other character combinations.
Zimran m Biblical Hebrew, Hebrew
Meaning uncertain. Some sources say that the name means "musical" or "musician" and is ultimately derived from Hebrew zimrah meaning "melody, song (in praise of God)". If this is true, then the name is etymologically related to Zimri... [more]
Zin f & m Burmese
Means "orchid" in Burmese.
Zina f & m Ogoni
Means "star" in Ogoni.
Zinaid m Bosnian
Masculine form of Zinaida.
Zinan m & f Chinese (Rare)
From Chinese 子 (zǐ) meaning "child, offspring, descendant" combined with 男 (nán) meaning "man, male", as well as other character combinations.
Zinar m Kurdish
Means "cliff, rock" in Kurdish.
Zindel m Yiddish
Yiddish form of Alexander.
Zindelo m Romani (Rare)
Means "son; sonny" in Romani.
Zineddu m Sardinian
Diminutive of Agostinu and its variants.
Zinedin m Bosnian
Variant of Zinedine.
Zine El Abidine m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Zayn al-Abidin chiefly used in Northern Africa. A notable bearer was Zine El Abidine Ben Ali (1936-2019), who served as the president of Tunisia from 1987 to 2011.
Zing f & m Chinese (Rare)
Two name beares are Zing Jian-han and Zing Jie-gan, athletes from the National Pei Men Senior High School.
Zino m Italian
A diminutive of names ending in -zino.
Zinovi m Estonian (Rare)
Estonian transcription of Russian Зиновий (see Zinoviy).
Zinovios m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek transcription of Zenobios. This was borne by Zinovios Valvis (1800-1886), a Greek politician who served two terms as Prime Minister of Greece, in 1863 and 1864.
Žintautas m Lithuanian
Means "to know the people", derived from the Lithuanian verb žinoti meaning "to know" combined with Baltic tauta meaning "people, nation" (see Vytautas).
Zintis m Latvian
Masculine form of Zinta.
Zinvor m Armenian
Means "soldier" in Armenian.
Zinzan m & f Romani
Ziola m & f Ijaw
Means "the last born" in Ijaw.
Zip m Afro-American (Slavery-era)
English diminutive of Scipio.
Ziperela f & m Ijaw
Means "born to meet wealth" in Ijaw.
Zipert m Romansh
Younger form of Zigpert, traditionally found in central Grisons.
Zipflo m Romani
Maybe a Romani form of Joseph.... [more]
Ziphah m Biblical
In I Chronicles 4:16, Ziphah is mentioned as a son of Jehaleleel, a descendant of Judah.
Ziphion m Biblical
From Hebrew tsiphion "watchman, lookout", ultimately derived from Hebrew tsaphah "to look out, to keep watch." In the bible, Ziphion was the name of a son of Gad.
Ziphozonke m & f Zulu
Means "all the gifts" in Zulu.
Zipiro m Basque
Basque variant of Cyprian.
Ziporah f & m Hebrew
alternate spelling of Zipporah
Ziprián m Aragonese
Aragonese form of Cipriano.
Ziprian m Ladin
Ladin form of Cyprian.
Zipriano m Basque
Basque form of Cyprian.
Ziqi m & f Chinese
From Chinese 子 () meaning "child", 梓 (zǐ) meaning "catalpa (a type of plant)" or 自 (zì, zí) meaning "self, oneself" combined with 柒 (qī) meaning "seven", 竒 (qí) meaning "odd, unusual, strange", 齐 (qí) meaning "even, level, uniform", 期 (qī, qí) meaning "time period, stage", 琪 (qí) meaning "fine jade" or 淇 (qí), the name of a river in Henan province... [more]
Ziqing f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 孜 (zī) meaning "be as diligent as possible" or 秭 (zǐ) meaning "one thousand million" and 晴 (qíng) meaning "fine weather".
Zirək m Azerbaijani
Means "clever, nimble, keen" in Azerbaijani.