Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
WalderadmGermanic Derived from Gothic valdan "to reign" combined with Old High German rât "counsel."
WalderammGermanic Derived from Gothic valdan "to reign" combined with hraban or hramn "raven."
WaldericmGermanic Derived from Gothic valdan "to reign" combined with rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." The second element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler."
WaldomermArthurian Cycle The brother-in-law of the Emperor of the Alemanni. He served as a commander for King Meriadoc of Wales when Meriadoc served the Emperor.
WaldorfmEnglish This name is used in The Muppets Christmas Carol 1992.
WaldredmMedieval French, Medieval German Derived from Old Saxon wald, Old High German walt meaning "power, authority" and Old Saxon rād, Old High German rāt meaning "counsel, advice".
WalfridmGermanic, Swedish, Finnish Germanic variant form of Waldfrid and Finnish and Swedish variant of Valfrid. This name was borne by an 8th-century Italian saint who in the anglophone world is best known as saint Walfrid.
WaliyuddinmArabic, Malay, Indonesian (Rare) Means "friend of the faith (Islam)", from Arabic وَلِيّ (waliyy) meaning "friend, helper, benefactor" combined with دِين (dīn) meaning "religion, faith".
WallabymObscure From the name of the marsupial, which resembles a small kangaroo. The animal's name comes from Dharug, an Indigenous Australian language.
WaloddimSwedish (Rare) Waloddi Weibull (1887-1979) was a Swedish mathematician. The Weibull distribution (a model in probability theory and statistics), is named after him.
WalshakmNgas WAL means "cry", shak means "one another". Which Literally means Feel for one another
WalstanmHistory (Ecclesiastical) Saint Walstan (died 1016) was born either in Bawburgh in Norfolk, or Blythburgh in Suffolk, and because of a life dedicated to farming and the care of farm animals, is the patron saint of farms, farmers, farmhands, ranchers and husbandry men.
WalthadmMedieval French Derived from Old Saxon wald, Old High German walt meaning "power, authority" and Old High German hadu "battle".
WalthardmMedieval German Derived from Old Saxon wald, Old High German walt meaning "power, authority" and Old Saxon hard, Old High German hart meaning "strong, hard".
WaltharimLombardic Variant of Waltheri. Walthari, son of Wacho by his third wife Silinga, was a king of the Lombards from 539 to 546... [more]
WaluigimPopular Culture A portmanteau of Luigi and Japanese 悪い (warui) "bad", therefore meaning "bad Luigi". This is the name of Luigi's evil counterpart from the Mario series.
WaluyomJavanese From Javanese waluya meaning "safe, sound, restored, recovered".
WambamMedieval Spanish, Gothic From Gothic wamba meaning "belly, paunch". Wamba was a Visigothic king in the 7th century in what is now Portugal and Spain.
WambleemSioux Means "eagle, golden eagle" in Lakota. From the Lakota waŋblí (wahm-hel'-lee) 'eagle, golden eagle', sometimes used as a generic term for both golden eagles and bald eagles.
Wamwemam & fSwahili (Modern, Rare) A Christian surname with swahili origin that mean belonging to the one that is good. Belonging to God who is the only one that is good.
WanahtonmSioux Means "one who attacks, charges; charger" in Lakota, from the Lakota waánataŋ. This was borne by Chief Wánataŋ (ca. 1795-1848), also known as Wanata and Wanataan, a leader of the Yanktonai, a tribe of the Dakota.
Wanbaof & mChinese From the Chinese 婉 (wǎn) meaning "amiable, congenial" and 宝 (bǎo) meaning "treasure, jewel, precious, rare".
WanchaimThai From Thai วัน (wan) meaning "day" and ชัย (chai) meaning "victory".
WanchaloemmThai From Thai วัน (wan) meaning "day" and เฉลิม (chaloem) meaning "glorify, extol".
WanchanamThai From Thai วัน (wan) meaning "day" and ชนะ (chana) meaning "win, conquer, defeat".
WanchatmThai From Thai วัน (wan) meaning "day" and ฉัตร (chat) meaning "tiered umbrella, parasol".
WandalbertmGermanic The first element of this name is derived from vandal, which is an extended form of vand, which in turn comes from Gothic vandjan (see Wandebert)... [more]
WandalfridmGermanic The first element of this name is derived from vandal, which is an extended form of vand, which in turn comes from Gothic vandjan (see Wandefrid)... [more]
WandalharmGermanic The first element of this name is derived from vandal, which is an extended form of vand, which in turn comes from Gothic vandjan (see Wandhar)... [more]
WandalmarmGermanic The first element of this name is derived from vandal, which is an extended form of vand, which in turn comes from Gothic vandjan (see Wandemar)... [more]
WandebertmGermanic The first element of this Germanic name is derived from Gothic vandjan "to turn, to wrap (up)", or from Gothic vandus "twig, staff, stick." The second element is derived from Old High German beraht "bright."
WandefridmGermanic The first element of this Germanic name is derived from Gothic vandjan "to turn, to wrap (up)", or from Gothic vandus "twig, staff, stick." The second element is derived from Old High German fridu "peace."
WandemarmGermanic The first element of this Germanic name is derived from Gothic vandjan "to turn, to wrap (up)", or from Gothic vandus "twig, staff, stick." The second element is derived from Old High German mâri "famous."
WandharmGermanic The first element of this Germanic name is derived from Gothic vandjan "to turn, to wrap (up)", or from Gothic vandus "twig, staff, stick." The second element is derived from Old High German hari "army."
WandomEnglish (Modern, Rare), Germanic Masculine form of Wanda. A fictional bearer was Wando from The Fairly OddParents, when Wanda was temporarily turned into a man.... [more]
WandulfmGermanic The first element of this Germanic name is derived from Gothic vandjan "to turn, to wrap (up)", or from Gothic vandus "twig, staff, stick." The second element is derived from Gothic vulfs "wolf."
WanemLivonian, Medieval Baltic Current theories link this name to Finnish vanea "strong, powerful, tempered".
WanelmSpanish (Caribbean) Invented name using the element -el, similarly to Yarel. It is popular in the Dominican Republic.
Wanfengf & mChinese From the Chinese 婉 (wǎn) meaning "amiable, congenial" or 晚 (wǎn) meaning "night, evening" and 枫 (fēng) meaning "maple tree" or 峰 (fēng) meaning "peak, summit".
Wanfuf & mChinese From the Chinese 婉 (wǎn) meaning "amiable, congenial" and 福 (fú) meaning "happiness, good fortune, blessing" or 芙 (fú) meaning "hibiscus".
Wangchenm & fTibetan, Bhutanese From Tibetan དབང་ཆེན (dbang-chen) meaning "great power", derived from དབང (dbang) meaning "power" and ཆེན (chen) meaning "great, big, large".
WangjimChinese Meaning varies depending on the characters used. A famous fictional character is Lan Wangji, a major character in Mo Dao Zu Shi, whose name uses the characters 忘机.
Wang-mengmHmong Wang-meng means "very wealthy" in Hmong. The friends of the person usually use one of the two words for short cut since it's too long. They can just call him Wang or just Meng.
Wangongf & mChinese From the Chinese 婉 (wǎn) meaning "amiable, congenial" and 恭 (gōng) meaning "respectful, polite".
WangpomTibetan, Bhutanese From Tibetan དབང་པོ (dbang-po) meaning "faculty, sense, power".
WangyalmTibetan, Bhutanese From Tibetan དབང་རྒྱལ (dbang-rgyal) meaning "powerful king" or "king of power", derived from དབང (dbang) meaning "power" and རྒྱལ (rgyal) meaning "king, monarch".
Wangyif & mChinese From the Chinese 旺 (wàng) meaning "prosper, prosperous" and 怡 (yí) meaning "happy, joyful, harmony, joy".
Wanjaf & mScandinavian, German German variant of Vanya, a Russian diminutive of either Ivan or Ivanna. This is also used in Scandinavia (see Vanja), where it is primarily feminine.
Wanjiaof & mChinese From the Chinese 婉 (wǎn) meaning "amiable, congenial" and 姣 (jiāo) meaning "beautiful, handsome".
Wanjunm & fChinese From Chinese 万 (wàn) meaning "myriad, numerous, ten thousand" or 婉 (wǎn) meaning "graceful, beautiful, elegant" combined with 军 (jūn) meaning "army", 钧 (jūn) meaning "potter's wheel" or 君 (jūn) meaning "king, ruler"... [more]
WanjunmKorean From 完 "complete, finish, settle; whole" or 玩 "play with, joke, enjoy" (wan) and 俊 "talented, capable; handsome".
WankumbumBemba Means "He (God) is merciful" in Bemba.
Wanlim & fChinese Means "ten thousand calendars" in Chinese. Other character combinations are also possible.
Wanlinf & mChinese From Chinese 万 (wàn) meaning "innumerable, numerous" combined with 林 (lín) meaning "forest, woods" or 霖 (lín) meaning "long spell of rain", as well as other character combinations that can form this name.
WanlopmThai Means "beloved person, friend, lover" in Thai.
Wanqingm & fChinese Means "he who reigns over the land" in Chinese.
Wanranf & mChinese From the Chinese 婉 (wǎn) meaning "amiable, congenial" and 然 (rán) meaning "yes, certainly pledge, promise".
Wanratm & fThai From Thai วัน (wan) meaning "day" and รัตน์ (rat) meaning "gem, jewel".
Wansaf & mThai Means "rain" in Thai, ultimately from Sanskrit वर्षा (varsha).
WantonmEnglish (American, Archaic) Transferred use of the surname Wanton. This was used by John Bunyan for a female character in his allegorical novel The Pilgrim's Progress (1678).
Wanwuf & mChinese From the Chinese 湾 (wān) meaning "bay, cove" and 乌 (wū) meaning "black, dark" or "crow, raven".
WanyamEnglish Born by the American singer Wanya Morris.
WanyinmChinese Meaning varies depending on the characters used. A famous fictional bearer is Jiang Wanyin (usually called Jiang Cheng) from Mo Dao Zu Shi, whose name is written with the characters 晚吟.
Wanyouf & mChinese From the Chinese 婉 (wǎn) meaning "amiable, congenial" and 友 (yǒu) meaning "friend".
Wanyuf & mChinese From the Chinese 婉 (wǎn) meaning "amiable, congenial" or 晚 (wǎn) meaning "night, evening" and 羽 (yǔ) meaning "feather, wings", 玉 (yù) meaning "jade", 昱 (yù) meaning "bright light sunlight", 妤 (yú) meaning "beautiful, fair" or 雨 (yǔ) meaning "rain".
Wanzhenf & mChinese From the Chinese 婉 (wǎn) meaning "amiable, congenial" and 珍 (zhēn) meaning "precious, valuable, rare".
Wanzhuof & mChinese From the Chinese 婉 (wǎn) meaning "amiable, congenial" and 卓 (zhuō) meaning "profound, brilliant".
WaraneymMinahasan Meaning unknown. It is used to refer to Minahasan warriors who fought against the colonization back when Indonesia was a Dutch colony, Dutch East Indies.
WardakmPashto Meaning "victor" in Pashto. The god of war of the eastern-iranian pantheon, equalent to Persian Bahram and Greek Ares, also the Pashto name of the planet Mars.
WardanamIndonesian Derived from Sanskrit वर्धन (vardhana) meaning "increasing, growing".
WarerumHistory Etymology unknown. A person bearing the name was the founder of the Martaban Kingdom, later known as the Hanthawaddy Kingdom, located in the central coast of present day Myanmar. His name has no known meaning.
WarinbaldmGermanic The meaning and origin of the first element of this Germanic name is very uncertain - at least five possible meanings exist. We know that it comes from varin, but we don't know where varin itself comes from... [more]
WarinbertmGermanic The meaning and origin of the first element of this Germanic name is very uncertain - at least five possible meanings exist. We know that it comes from varin, but we don't know where varin itself comes from... [more]
WarinfridmGermanic The meaning and origin of the first element of this Germanic name is very uncertain - at least five possible meanings exist. We know that it comes from varin, but we don't know where varin itself comes from... [more]
WaringarmGermanic The meaning and origin of the first element of this Germanic name is very uncertain - at least five possible meanings exist. We know that it comes from varin, but we don't know where varin itself comes from... [more]
WarinharmGermanic The meaning and origin of the first element of this Germanic name is very uncertain - at least five possible meanings exist. We know that it comes from varin, but we don't know where varin itself comes from... [more]
WarinhardmGermanic The meaning and origin of the first element of this Germanic name is very uncertain - at least five possible meanings exist. We know that it comes from varin, but we don't know where varin itself comes from... [more]
WarinmarmGermanic The meaning and origin of the first element of this Germanic name is very uncertain - at least five possible meanings exist. We know that it comes from varin, but we don't know where varin itself comes from... [more]
WarinmundmGermanic The meaning and origin of the first element of this Germanic name is very uncertain - at least five possible meanings exist. We know that it comes from varin, but we don't know where varin itself comes from... [more]
WarinulfmGermanic The meaning and origin of the first element of this Germanic name is very uncertain - at least five possible meanings exist. We know that it comes from varin, but we don't know where varin itself comes from... [more]
WarismArabic, Urdu, Indonesian Alternate transcription of Arabic وارث (see Warith), as well as the Urdu and Indonesian form.
WarithmArabic Means "heir, inheritor" in Arabic, from the root ورث (waritha) meaning "to inherit". In Islamic tradition الوارث (al-Warith) is one of the 99 names of Allah.
WarlitomFilipino Perhaps based on the English word war, as this name was most popular during WWII.
WarlockmEnglish (Rare), Literature This name is derived from the word of the same name, which is another name for a wizard. The word used to mean "traitor" or "oath-breaker" since the word is derived from a combination of Old English wærloga "traitor, liar, enemy, devil", which comes from wær meaning "faith, fidelity, a compact, agreement, covenant" (from Proto-Germanic *wera-, which then comes from Proto-Indo-European *were-o- meaning "true, trustworthy"), and an agent noun related to leogan meaning "to lie."... [more]
WarragulmIndigenous Australian Place name; a town in the West Gipppsland region of rural Victoria in Australia. Its name is derived from warrigal, from a local language meaning "wild, wild dog (dingo)".
Warriorm & fEnglish A person engaged in battle or warfare, and by extension, anyone fighting for a particular cause. The word comes from Anglo-Norman warrier, from Old French guerreier, derived from Latin guerra, "war"... [more]
WarsmSlavic Mythology Wars and Sawa are legendary characters from the origin myth of the founding and etymology of the city of Warsaw, capital of Poland. There are several versions of the legend with their appearance.... [more]
WarsamemSomali Means "good news", derived from Somali war meaning "information, news" and same "good, positive".
WarsitomJavanese From Javanese warsita meaning "teaching, advice, explanation, story".
WarsomJavanese From Javanese warsa meaning "rain" or "year", ultimately from Sanskrit वर्ष (varṣa).
WarsonomJavanese From Javanese warsa meaning "rain" or "year" combined with ana meaning "having, holding".
WartmPopular Culture Wart is the main antagonist of Super Mario Bros. 2, released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1988. His name comes from the non-cancerous viral growths, usually occurring on the hands and the feet, but can also affect other locations, such as the genitals or the face.
WashmAncient Egyptian From Egyptian wˁš, of unknown etymology. It could probably mean "one of the lake", from Egyptian wꜥ "as one, all together", or from wš "to be(come) bald". This was possibly a pharaoh from the Predynastic Period in Ancient Egypt.
WashiomJapanese From Japanese 鷲 (washi) meaning "eagle" combined with 夫 (o) meaning "husband", 男 (o) meaning "male" or 雄 (o) meaning "manly". Other kanji combinations are possible.
WashoemPopular Culture, Cherokee Nickname of Cordell Walker in the famous Tv series: 'Walker, Texas Ranger'. The name is claimed to be Cherokee meaning "lone eagle".