UsnavimPopular Culture (Rare) Created name, likely a pun or misunderstanding on U.S. Navy. The name is most notably borne by the main character of the musical In The Heights, Usnavi De La Vega, by Lin-Manuel Miranda and Quiara Alegría Hudes.
UsoppmPopular Culture (Modern) The name Usopp is a blend of two elements. ‘U’ likely derives from 嘘 (uso) meaning "lie" or "falsehood" in Japanese, while ‘Sopp’ could be a variation of the sound soppu (ソップ), which is linked to "soup" or "soft," though in the context of One Piece, it's more of a unique character construction... [more]
Usuramassum & fNear Eastern Mythology, Sumerian Mythology, Sumerian Means "Heed His Word". Originally a given masculine name, it was also the name of a minor Babylonian god, considered to be the son of Adad. Later, Usuramassu was viewed as a female deity of justice, however she was still a child of Adad... [more]
UtaichimJapanese From Japanese 歌 (uta) meaning "song, poetry" combined with 一 (ichi) meaning "one" or 市 (ichi) meaning "market". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
UtamamIndonesian Means "best, main, principal" in Indonesian, ultimately from Sanskrit उत्तम (uttama).
UtanamOld Persian Possibly derived from Old Persian 𐎢- (u-) meaning "good" and tāna meaning "tone, melody". It has been suggested that the second element may be tana "offspring", but this apparently doesn’t account for the long vowel.
UtaroumJapanese From Japanese 有 (u) meaning "exist", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son" or 朗 (rou) meaning "bright, clear". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Utayof & mJapanese From Japanese 羽 (u) meaning "feather", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" combined with 代 (yo) meaning "generation". Other kanji combinations are possible.
UtazoumJapanese From Japanese 歌 (uta) meaning "song, poetry" combined with 三 (zou) meaning "three", 蔵 (zou) meaning "warehouse, storehouse" or 藏 (zou) meaning "storing place; depository". Other kanji combinations are possible.
UtkarshmIndian, Hindi Derived from Sanskrit उत्कर्ष (utkarsha) meaning "eminent, superior, excellent".
UtkirmUzbek Derived from Uzbek oʻtkir meaning "sharp, keen" (cf. Utkirbek).
UtkirbekmUzbek Derived from Uzbek oʻtkir meaning "sharp, keen" combined with the Turkish military title beg meaning "chieftain, master".
UtlapamLiterature The name of a powerful spirit warrior in Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight" series. The meaning of the name is unknown, and seems to have been created by Meyer.
ÜürdbatmMongolian Means "forever strong, forever firm" in Mongolian, from үүрд (üürd) meaning "forever, always" and бат (batu) meaning "strong, firm".
Üürdmandakhm & fMongolian Means "forever rising" in Mongolian, from үүрд (üürd) meaning "forever, always" and мандах (mandakh) meaning "ascent, rising".
Üürdmendm & fMongolian (Rare) Means "forever health" in Mongolian, from үүрд (üürd) meaning "forever, always" and мэнд (mend) meaning "health, well-being", often used as a greeting.
UysmAfrikaans Transferred use of the surname Uys. The Uys family played a significant role in South African history during the nineteenth century and made distinguished contributions to South African culture, politics and sports during the course of the twentieth.
UzmHebrew Means "counselor" in Hebrew, from the verb עוּץ (utz or uz) "to counsel, to devise". In the Bible, this was the name of the firstborn son of Nahor and Milcah.
UzaimBiblical A name of Biblical origin meaning ‘He’. Uzai was mentioned in Nehemiah as the father of Palal; a young man in 5th century BC who helped rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
UzalmBiblical Hebrew Uzal is a Biblical name (Genesis 10:27) with different meanings tied to the verb "to go". Uzal is son of Joktan and ancestor of Abraham.
UzayrmArabic Arabic form of Ezra. This is the name of a figure mentioned in the Qur'an, frequently described as a Jewish prophet who was falsely believed to be the son of God... [more]
UzzahmBiblical Means "her strength", from the Hebrew roots עֹז (ʿoz) meaning "strength, power" and ־ה (-ah) meaning "her". This is the name of several Old Testament characters including a son of Abinadab whose death is associated with touching the Ark of the Covenant.
UzzalmBengali Alternate transcription of Bengali উজ্জ্বল (see Ujjal).
VaakomPopular Culture One of the main characters in the film 'The chronicles of Riddick' (2004).
VaalakymOdia It is the name of a Kaurava. Kaurava is a Sanskrit term for the descendants of King Kuru (or simply Kurava in Tamil), a legendary king who is the ancestor of many of the characters of the Mahābhārata.
VaçinkemChuvash Chuvash masculine name inspired by diminutive forms of the Russian name Vasiliy.
VaclaŭmBelarusian Belarusian form of Václav, variant of native Viačaslaŭ inherited from Old Belarusian. Derived from Slavic element *vęťe meaning "more" combined with *slava meaning "fame, glory".
VaçtirekmChuvash Chuvash masculine name derived from Vaç, a name element inspired by diminutive forms of the Russian name Vasiliy and tirek meaning "aspen tree".
VadermPopular Culture Originally from the English word "invader", but later associated with the Dutch word vader ("father"). This is the pseudonym of Darth Vader (real name AnakinSkywalker), antagonist in the Star Wars original trilogy by George Lucas.
VadomarmGermanic, History Derived from Gothic vadi "pledge, pact" combined with Old High German mâri "famous." Vadomar was the name of a 4th-century king of the Alamanni, a Germanic tribe.
Vaeam & fTongan, Samoan, Tahitian, Polynesian Mythology Meaning unknown, though it likely means "king, prince, noble, chief" based on the fact that the meaning of Mapu 'a Vaea, natural blowholes in Houma on the island of Tongatapu in Tonga, is known to be 'Whistle of the Noble/Chief/King' in Tongan... [more]
VæringrmOld Norse From Old Norse VæringR meaning "Varangian, Northern warrior who served as lifeguard to the emperors of Constantinople" The word derives from Old Norse várar meaning "solemn vow, oath" with an -ingr-ending (ingr-endings are quite common in Old Norse names... [more]
VagitanusmRoman Mythology A god who opened the newborn's mouth for its first cry. The name is related to the Latin noun vagitus, "crying, squalling, wailing," particularly by a baby or an animal, and the verb vagio, vagire.
VagizmTatar Possibly a Tatar form of Waqid or from Arabic واعظ (wā'iẓ) meaning "preacher".
VágnermPortuguese (Brazilian) Brazilian Portuguese variant spelling of Vagner. Known Brazilian bearers of this name include the soccer player Vágner Love (b. 1984) and Vágner Benazzi (b... [more]
VaharielmJewish Legend A name for an angel in Jewish tradition which means 'Chosen of God', from the word 'bachar (בָּחַר)' meaning 'to choose, chosen.'
VaharsoltmChechen Meaning unknown; possibly from Nakh vakha meaning “to live” (see Vakha) combined with Arabic سُلْطَان (sulṭān) meaning “sultan, ruler, king”.
Vahuom & fYi Means "raised in the mountains" in Yi.
VahurmEstonian, Literature Coined by Estonian author Eduard Börnhohe for a character in his 1880 novel 'Tasuja'. Börnhohe allegedly derived the name from Estonian vahva "brave".
VaidarasmLithuanian (Rare) The meaning of this name as a whole is uncertain, as both of its two elements are uncertain, due to there being several possibilities for their etymology.... [more]
VaidaugasmLithuanian The meaning of the first element of this name is uncertain, as there are several possibilities for its etymology. First, it is important to know that the element is either vai-, vaid- or vait-... [more]
VaidevutismLithuanian The first element of this name is derived from the adjective vaidevis, which is a lithuanized form of the Old Prussian adjective videvis meaning "aware, informed" as well as "known". The second element consists of the Lithuanian masculine diminutive suffix -utis.... [more]
VaidgintasmLithuanian The first element of this name is derived from the old Lithuanian verb vaidyti meaning "to visit, to appear", which is related to the modern Lithuanian verb vaidentis meaning "to haunt" as well as "to appear, to see"... [more]
VaidilasmLithuanian Derived from the Lithuanian noun vaidila meaning "priest" (as in, a pagan one) as well as "bard". In turn, the word is ultimately derived from the old Lithuanian verb vaidyti meaning "to visit, to appear", which is related to the modern Lithuanian verb vaidentis meaning "to haunt" as well as "to appear, to see"... [more]