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Meaning & History

Vithimiris was a king of the Greuthungi, ruling for some unspecified time in the area of present-day southern Ukraine. He succeeded to Ermanaric, meaning that he probably reigned in 376. Ammianus Marcellinus, the only known source on him, states that after Ermanaric´s death he tried to resist the Alani, who were allied with the Huns, with the help of other Huns hired as mercenaries. He did so "for some time" (aliquantisper), but eventually, "after many defeats" (post multas clades), he died in battle. It is then assumed that he most probably ruled in 376, possibly also in 375.

According to Herwig Wolfram, Vithimiris was "certainly not" the son of Ermanaric.
Added 9/5/2021 by anonymous