AvayahfEnglish (Modern) Possibly an elaboration of Ava 1 influenced by Nevaeh. This name was used by American vlogger Ronnie Banks for his daughter born 2019.
AvemDutch, West Frisian The origin of this Frisian name is uncertain; it is such a shortened and transformed form of certain names that it is very difficult to tell what the original name(s) must have been. Ave is usually said to be a short form of names that contained the Old Norse element âlfr (alb in Old High German) "elf" - but this cannot be said with certainty... [more]
AveleyfEnglish Transferred use of the surname Aveley, named for the village of Aveley in Essex. The name is Old English, and means "Ælfgyth’s meadow"... [more]
AvellanafEnglish (Rare) Derived from Latin avellana "hazel", literally "from Avella". Alternatively, it could be a transferred use of the Spanish surname Avellana.
Avel·límCatalan Transferred use of the surname Avel-lí, Catalan form of Avellino, the surname of the 17th-century Italian saint Andrew Avellino.
AvenelmMedieval English Originally derived from the same, highly uncertain, source as Avo and Ava 3, Avenel was first in use as a given name in the Middle Ages, and later went on to become a surname (which, in turn, was occasionally re-used as a given name from the 1500s onwards).
AventinusmRoman Mythology This name can be traced to the Aventine Hill, allegedly one of the Seven Hills that Ancient Rome was founded upon. Aventinus of Alba Longa was a mythical king said to have been buried there. It is debated as to whether the hill was named for the figure, or vice versa... [more]
Aventurinef & mEnglish From the Italian phrase a ventura meaning "by chance". The name alludes to the fact that the gemstone that originally had the name aventurine - which was goldstone, a type of brownish colored glass flecked with gold and manufactured in Italy since the 17th century - was discovered by accident... [more]
AvenuemEnglish Early 17th century from French, feminine past participle of avenir ‘arrive, approach’, from Latin advenire, from ad- ‘towards’ + venire ‘come’.
AverallfMedieval Dutch The daughter of Divara van Haarlem and Jan van Leiden, the proclaimed King and Queen of the Anabaptist regime in Münster in the early 1500's
AverickfManx Manx form of Aifric, from Gaelic aith-bhric or ath-breac meaning "somewhat dappled, speckled". According to 'An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language' (1896) by Alexander MacBain, the old Gaelic feminine name Affric belonged to a water nymph in local folklore who gave her name to the river Affric (which itself gave its name to the Scottish glen and loch Affric).
AverofmGreek (Cypriot, Rare) Meaning unknown. A notable bearer of this name is the Greek Cypriot politician Averof Neofytou (b. 1961).
AverruncusmRoman Mythology In ancient Roman religion, Averruncus or Auruncus is a god of averting harm. Aulus Gellius says that he is one of the potentially malignant deities who must be propitiated for their power to both inflict and withhold disaster from people and the harvests.... [more]
AvetafCeltic Mythology A Gaulish goddess of birth and midwifery known from figurines and inscriptions found in the area of modern-day France, Germany and Switzerland.... [more]
AviancafVarious This name first occurred in the United States Social Security Administration's public name dataset in 1990, when it was given to 18 girls born in the U.S., following the widespread media coverage of the Avianca Flight 203 bombing on November 27, 1989... [more]
AviaqfGreenlandic Greenlandic feminine (formerly unisex) name meaning "family member, relative", derived from the stem avik "part (of the family)" which is itself composed of aak "blood" and the suffix vik "real".... [more]
AvicusmLatin (Archaic) Avicus is from the Latin word avis meaning "bird" with a contemnendus adjective, -cus. Avicus is a character in Anne Rice's series The Vampire Chronicles. He first appears in the novel Blood & Gold & is an ancient vampire from Rome who was made by Akasha, the first vampire in existence.
AviendhafLiterature She is a Maiden of the Spear from the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. Thorny in character, yet as beautiful as a rose, and as strong as a warrior.
AviettafSoviet Derived from French aviette and Russian авиетка (avietka), both meaning "small plane".
Avigadm & fHebrew (Modern, Rare) Combination of the names Avi and Gad which possibly means "my father is the lucky one" in Hebrew. It's quite rare name in Israel.
AvigdormHebrew, Judeo-Provençal In the Bible, the name Avigdor was one of the 6 names of Moses mention in Midrash. In modern times, this name is used as a Hebrew form of Victor.
AviomGreenlandic Greenlandic name related to aviorpoq "sound", "ring", "twitter", "buzzing" (in the ears), "whistle". The notion that buzzing in the ears (aviutitsineq or avequllattaaneq) as a plea for food from a deceased is known thoughout most of Greenland... [more]
Aviorf & mAstronomy This name originated in the time of the Ancient Roman Empire. Although its direct origin is unknown, a close translation of the name is avian, from the Latin aviarius. Avior is also the name for Epsilon Carinae.
Aviorm & fHebrew (Modern) Combination of the names Avi and Or means "my father is light" or "I'll bring the light" (from the word אביא means "I'll bring") in Hebrew.
AviozmHebrew Combination of the names Avi and Oz 2 means "my father has strength" in Hebrew.
AvirmHebrew Possibly a variant of Amir, meaning treetop.
AviramAncient Aramaic (Rare, ?) This name is listed in Kolatch's Complete Dictionary of English and Hebrew Names (1984), where it is given an Aramaic origin, meaning "air, atmosphere, spirit." It was the name of a Babylonian Talmudic scholar.
AviranmHebrew Combination of the name Avi, means "my father". And the word רַן (ran), means "to sing". The name means "my father sings" or "my father's happy song" in Hebrew.
Avishm & fIndian (Muslim) Avish in Urdu and Punjabi means 'The Last Follower' or in Sri Lankan it means 'The God's Follower' this name is mostly used by Indians, Pakistans, Sri Lankans or people who speak Urdu.
AvishafHebrew The name Avishai is a Hebrew Baby Names baby name. In Hebrew Baby Names the meaning of the name Avishai is: Gift from God.
AvitafAncient Roman Feminine form of Avitus, meaning "ancestral". This name was used for a character in Caroline Lawrence's book series "The Roman Mysteries", first released in 2001... [more]
AvoniafEnglish (Rare), African American The meaning of this name is uncertain at this time. Its best known bearer was American actress Avonia Jones (1839-1867), whose parents may possibly have named her after the village of Avonia (in Pennsylvania, USA), or after the genus of plants of the same name... [more]