SarasafJapanese From 紗 (sa) meaning "gauze, gossamer, silk, thread", 良 (ra) meaning "virtuous, good, respectable", and 沙 (sa) meaning "sand". Other kanji combinations can be used.
Sarayañim & fAymara Possibly from the Aymara sarayaña meaning "lead, govern".
SaraymafSpanish (Modern) In the case of Spanish flamenco singer Sarayma (1991-) who helped popularise the name within the last several years, it originated from her full given name SarayMacarena.
SarayufIndian, Hinduism, Telugu From the name of a river in North India that flows through Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh. Its name seems directly taken from the Sanskrit word सरयु (sarayu) meaning "air, wind".
SarayutmThai Derived from Thai ศร (son) meaning "arrow" and ยุทธ์ (yut) meaning "war, battle".
SarcomSpanish (Rare) This first name is predominantly found in South America, although it is not very common there: one is much more likely to encounter the name as a surname there instead. Because of that, it is possible that the bearers' parents were inspired to give their sons the surname as a first name, just like it is done in English-speaking countries these days... [more]
SardionmGeorgian Derived from Greek σάρδιον (sardion), which is the name that the ancient Greeks had for carnelian, a precious stone. It is not completely certain what the ancient Greeks had derived the name from... [more]
SareptafEnglish (American, Archaic) From a biblical place name, Σάρεπτα (Sarepta) in Greek, derived from the Hebrew verb צָרַף (sarap) meaning "to smelt, refine and test (metal)". The Phoenician town of Zarephath (or Sarepta, its Greek name) was the site of a miracle of the prophet Elijah, who met a widow of Sarepta and restored her dying son to life... [more]
SarifJapanese From 咲 (sa) meaning "blossom" combined with 莉 (ri) meaning "white jasmine" or 里 (ri) meaning "village". Other kanji combinations can be used.
SaridmBiblical Hebrew A Hebrew name used in the Bible meaning "survivor, remaining, hand of a prince"
SaridanmLiterature, Georgian (Rare) This is the name of a king in the 12th-century epic poem The Knight in the Panther's Skin written by the Georgian poet Shota Rustaveli (1172-1216). He was the father of the titular knight of the poem, namely prince Tariel of India.... [more]
SarielmHebrew, Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend Apparently means "command of God" in Hebrew, making this name a variant or a shortened form of Zerachiel. This is the name of an angel mainly known in judaism, who was - among others - an angel of healing and a benevolent angel of death (it is said that he was sent to retrieve the soul of Moses).
SarinafJapanese From Japanese 咲 (sa) meaning "blossom", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" combined with 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens". Other kanji combinations are possible.
SarisafJapanese From Japanese 紗 (sa) meaning "gauze, thin silk", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" combined with 咲 (sa) meaning "blossom". Other kanji combinations are possible.
SarmatmOssetian Ossetian masculine name derived from the name of the Sarmatian people, an ancient, Scythian-speaking Iranian people. This was also the name of a saint.
SarmeanemGeorgian (Archaic), History (Ecclesiastical) Meaning unknown. It might possibly be related to the Greek verb σαρμεύω (sarmeuo) meaning "to dig sand", which is ultimately derived from the Greek noun σαρμός (sarmos) meaning "heap of earth, that what is swept together"... [more]
SarmedmArabic Means "eternal" or "everlasting" in Arabic.
SaromArmenian Derived from the name of the main character in the Armenian play "Anush" who could be the equivalent of Romeo. Could also be a shortening of the name "Saribek" from turkish meaning "blonde prince".
SaroyafAmerican (Modern, Rare) Possible spelling of Soraya. It is also used as a form of the Hebrew name Sarah, meaning "princess." Saroya was/is a character in the series StarCrossed.
SarpanitfNear Eastern Mythology The name of a Babylonian mother goddess and wife of Marduk. Her name means "the shining one" or may be derived from zēr-bānītu meaning "creatress of seed".
SarpermTurkish The name is formed from the Turkish words sarp "steep, high" and er "man, male, soldier".
ŠarrāḫītufNear Eastern Mythology Means "the glorified one" in Akkadian, deriving from the verb šarāḫu ("to make proud, to glorify"). Name borne by a goddess whose cult center was based in Uruk. The oldest attestations of her name connect her with the goddess Ašratum.
SarralynfLiterature, English Name used in Tamora Pierce's Tortall books. Made from a combination of the names Sarra meaning "princess" or "lady" and Lyn meaning "lake".
SarraouniafHausa From the name of Sarraounia Mangou, a Nigerian chief or priestess who fought the French colonial troops of the Voulet–Chanoine Mission at the Battle of Lougou in 1899. According to Wikipedia, her name means "queen" or "female chief".
SarratufAkkadian, Ancient Assyrian Means "princess" and is related to the name Sarah. (The description of the entry Sarah should include this information about "Sarratu" I think as it is stronger evidence that Sarah means princess for those say it doesn't mean princess and means more of a position of power in general)
ŠarrumamNear Eastern Mythology Meaning "king of the mountains". Šarruma or Sharruma is originally a Hurrian god who was adopted into the Hittite pantheon.
SarsenmKazakh Derived from Kazakh сәрсенбі (sarsenbi) meaning "Wednesday", ultimately from Persian چهارشنبه (chaharshanbeh), traditionally given to boys born on a Wednesday.
SarsenbaymKazakh From Kazakh сәрсенбі (sarsenbi) meaning "Wednesday" and бай (bay) meaning "rich, wealthy".
Sarshinef & mMongolian From Mongolian сар (sar) meaning "moon" and шинэ (shine) meaning "new".
SārtafLatvian (Rare) Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a derivation from the Latvian adjective sārts, sārta "pink, rosy" and the Latvian noun sārts "bonfire".
SartajmUrdu, Punjabi, Indian (Sikh) Means "chief, leader, husband" in Urdu, ultimately derived from Persian سر (sar) meaning "head, top" and تاج (taj) meaning "crown".
SarthakmIndian Means "significant, meaningful" in Sanskrit.
SartikafIndonesian Meaning uncertain, possibly of Sanskrit origin. A notable bearer was Indonesian women's education activist Dewi Sartika (1884-1947).
SarufJapanese From Japanese 猿 (saru) meaning "monkey". Other combinations of kanji characters are also possible.
SarudzaifShona Means "Be selective or discriminate". #Depending on circumstances the name may be a call to be selective in what you do or maybe blaming someone for being discriminating"
SarulfmGermanic Derived from Old High German saro "armor" combined with Gothic vulfs "wolf."
SarumanmLiterature Saruman is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium. He is introduced in Fellowship of the Ring, and becomes an important supporting character in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
ŠarūnasmLithuanian, Literature The first element of this name is derived from the old Lithuanian adjective šarus meaning "fast, quick" as well as "nimble, agile", which is derived from either the old Lithuanian verb šariuoti meaning "to go quickly" or from the old Lithuanian verb šarioti meaning "to run, to scurry"... [more]
SarutahikomJapanese Mythology Sarutahiko Ōkami is the name of the leader of the earthly kami, deity of the Japanese religion of Shinto. Norito also mentions him with the title Daimyōjin (great bright god, or greatly virtuous god) instead of Ōkami (great god).... [more]
Saruulf & mMongolian Means "clear, bright, lucid", "serenity", or "healthy, robust" in Mongolian.
Saruulbuyanm & fMongolian From Mongolian саруул (saruul) meaning "clear, bright, lucid" or "healthy, robust" and буян (buyan) meaning "good deed, virtue, charity" or "fortune, blessing".
SaruulchimegfMongolian From Mongolian саруул (saruul) meaning "clear, bright, lucid" or "healthy, robust" and чимэг (chimeg) meaning "decoration, ornament".
Saruul-erdenef & mMongolian From Mongolian саруул (saruul) meaning "clear, bright, lucid" or "healthy, robust" and эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" or "precious".
Saruulsaikhanf & mMongolian From Mongolian саруул (saruul) meaning "clear, bright, lucid" or "healthy, robust" and сайхан (saikhan) meaning "nice, beautiful, handsome".
SaruultungalagfMongolian From Mongolian саруул (saruul) meaning "clear, bright, lucid" or "healthy, robust" and тунгалаг (tungalag) meaning "serenity, clarity" or "clear, unclouded, transparent".
Saruultuyaaf & mMongolian From Mongolian саруул (saruul) meaning "clear, bright, lucid" or "healthy, robust" and туяа (tuyaa) meaning "ray, beam (of light)".
Saruulzayaaf & mMongolian From Mongolian саруул (saruul) meaning "clear, bright, lucid" or "healthy, robust" and заяа (zayaa) meaning "future, fortune, fate".
SaruzmArthurian Cycle A knight present at the Sorgarda tournament, which Gawain won.
SarvanivaranavishkambhinmBuddhism Means "impeder of all hindrances" from Sanskrit सर्व (sarva) meaning "all, whole" combined with निवारण (nivāraṇa) meaning "preventing, hindering, keeping off" and विष्कम्भिन् (viṣkambhin) meaning "obstructing, impeding"... [more]