Submitted Names with "-rose" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword -rose.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Emerich m Banat Swabian
Banatswabian form of Emmerich.
Emérico m Spanish (Rare)
Spelling variant of Américo.
Emerico m Italian
Variant of Amerigo (see Emmerich).
Emeril m English (American, Rare)
Notable bearer is celebrity chef Emeril Lagasse.
Emerin m French, English
A variant spelling of Emeran and Emeryn.
Emerine f France, French (Belgian), English (American), French (Quebec), English (British, Rare)
Emerine is a feminine form of names Emery, Emeric, and Emeran, which are the English and French, Germanic, and Bavarian masculine forms, respectively.... [more]
Emérita f Spanish, Galician
Spanish and Galician form of Emerita.
Emerita f Late Roman, Catalan (Rare), Latvian (Rare), German (Swiss), Romansh, Hungarian
Derived from Latin emeritus "earned, completed one's service" (past participle form of emereo; see Emerentius). This was the name of a Roman-era saint, martyred with Saint Digna in 259.
Emerite f Louisiana Creole
Louisiana Creole form of Emerita.
Emerka f Hungarian (Archaic)
Diminutive of Emerencia, used as a given name in its own right.
Emerley f English (Modern)
Combination of Emer and Lee. Similar to Emerlyn, Emerald and Emery. Variant of Emerlie.
Emerly f English (Modern)
Variant of Emerley.
Emerlyn f English (Modern)
A combination of Emerson and the popular name suffix Lyn
Emerre m & f Medieval English
Variant of Emery.
Emersby m Popular Culture
Transferred use of the surname Emersby.
Emersen f & m English
A variant of Emerson. More often used in feminine meanings. Meaning son of Emery in the original spelling. The surname of English poet Ralph Waldo Emerson popularized this name after his career began to grow exponentially.
Emersynn f English
Variant of Emerson, influenced by Emmersyn
Emerye f & m English
Variant of Emery.
Emeryk m Polish
Polish form of Emmerich.
Emeryka f Polish
Feminine form of Emeryk.
Emeryn f English
Variant of Emerine.
Emeryn m Welsh, English
In Welsh, "-yn" is the masculine suffix to create singular nouns and is used in creating the diminutive for masculine names.  Therefore,... [more]
Emerys f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Emrys. Emerys was given to 5 girls in 2018 according to the Social Security Administration.
Emeš f Bashkir
Means "berry" in Bashkir.
Emet m & f Ancient Hebrew, English
Means "truth" in Hebrew.
Emeteri m Basque, Catalan (Rare)
Basque and Catalan form of Emeterius.
Emetherius m English
English form of Emeterius.
Emetilda f Louisiana Creole
Creole variant of Matilda. Compare Acadian Métilde.
Emette f French (Archaic)
Vernacular form of Amata.
Emfrid f Swedish (Rare)
Younger, dialectal form of Arnfríðr predominantly found in Norrland.
Emi f Slovene
Diminutive of Ema 1.
Emi m & f Spanish
Short form for Emilia, Emilio, Emiliana or Emiliano.
Emiah f English (African, Rare)
The name Emiah originated in Hebrew. Emiah means "Gift of God."
Emica f Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Croatian, Serbian and Slovenian diminutive form of Ema 1 and Emilija, used in its own right.
Emich m Medieval German
Medieval German contracted form of Emmerich. Known bearers of this name include count Emich IV of Leiningen (c. 1215-1279), bishop Emich I of Worms (born long before 1294, died in 1299) and count Emich I of Nassau-Hadamar (born before 1289, died in 1334).
Emicho m Medieval German
Variant form (if not a pet form) of Emich.... [more]
Emička f Slovak
Diminutive of Ema 1.
Emidia f Italian
Feminine form of Emidio.
Emiho f Japanese
咲 meaning blossom, bloom. / 穂 meaning ear, ear (grain), head, crest (wave).
Emiil m Finnish (Rare)
Finnish form of Aemilius (see Emil)
Emija f Latvian
Short form of Emīlija.
Emika f Japanese
From Japanese 恵 (e) meaning "favour, benefit" or 絵 (e) meaning "picture, painting" combined with 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful" and 加 (ka) meaning "add, increase"... [more]
Emika f Slovene
Diminutive of Ema 1.
Émil m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Emil.
Émila f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Emilia.
Emila f English, Polish
Feminine form of Emil.
Emila f Albanian
Feminine form of Emil.
Emila m Germanic
Variation of Amal.
Émiland m French (Archaic), History (Ecclesiastical)
Variant of Émilien. Saint Émiland de Nantes, also known as Émilien de Nantes (Émilien of Nantes in English), was a French religious leader who was canonized by the church as a martyr for dying in a fight against the Saracens in Burgundy in 725 AD.
Emilande f French (Rare)
Feminine form of Emiland.
Emilcia f Polish
Diminutive of Emilia.
Emilda f Various
Variant of Imelda.
Emilé f Jèrriais
Jèrriais form of Emily.
Emilė f Lithuanian
Variant form of Emilija.
Emilek m Czech
Diminutive form of Emil.
Emilene f Basque
Basque form of Emiliana.
Emiley f Brazilian (Rare), English
Elaborated form of Emily or just a variant for Emily.
Émilia f French
French form of Emilia.
Emilia f Germanic
Variation of Amalia.
Emilià m Catalan
Catalan form of Emiliano.
Emiliah f English
Variant of Emilia.
Emilián m Czech, Hungarian
Czech and Hungarian form of Aemilianus.
Emilíana f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Emiliana. A well-known bearer of this name is Icelandic singer Emilíana Torrini.
Emiliána f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Emiliana.
Emilianne f English (Rare)
Likely a variant of Emiliana by way of French Emiliane.
Emiliano f Provençal
Provençal form of Émilienne.
Emilians m Latvian (Rare)
Latvian form of Emilian.
Emilianu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Emiliano.
Emilianus m Dutch
Variant of Aemilianus (see Emiliano).
Emilien m French
variant of Émilien.
Emilienne f French (Acadian, Archaic)
Variant of Émilienne found in New Brunswick and Maine.
Emiliia f Ukrainian
Variant transcription of Емілія (see Emiliya)
Emilijan m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Emiliano.
Emilijana f Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Croatian, Serbian and Slovene form of Emiliana.
Emilije m Croatian
Croatian form of Emil.
Emilijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Aemilius (see Emil).
Emilijutė f Lithuanian
Diminutive of Emilija. Compared to names containing the -utė diminutive suffix, e.g. Birutė, this name hasn't been used as an official given name.
Emiline f Danish (Rare), Flemish (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare)
Danish and Flemish form of Emilina and French variant of Émiline.
Emilinha f Portuguese
Diminutive of Emilia.
Emilinho m Portuguese
Diminutive of Emilio.
Emilinia f Filipino
A variant of the name Emily.
Emilìo f Provençal
Provençal form of Émilie.
Émilion m Breton (Gallicized), French (Archaic), French (Quebec, Archaic)
Breton form of Émile and/or Émilien as well as a French diminutive of Émile and variant of Émilien.... [more]
Emìliu m Sardinian
Sardinian form of Emil.
Emiliu m Corsican, Sicilian
Corsican and Sicilian form of Emil.
Emilius m Danish, Dutch
Variant of Aemilius (see Emil).
Emiliusz m Polish
Polish form of Emilius.
Emiliy m Russian
Russian form of Aemilius (see Emil).
Emiliza f Filipino (Rare), Malaysian (Rare)
Apparently a blend of names such as Emilia and Eliza, perhaps in some cases formed from the names of the bearer's parents (e.g. Emil and Flordeliza)... [more]
Emiljan m Albanian
Albanian form of Aemilianus (see Emiliano).
Emiljana f Slovene, Albanian
Slovene variant of Emilijana and Albanian form of Emiliana.
Emiljano m Albanian
Albanian borrowing of Emiliano.
Emilka f Polish
Diminutive of Emilia.
Emille f Basque (Rare)
Coined by Sabino Arana Goiri and Koldo Elizalde as a Basque equivalent of Emilia and Émilie.
Emillene f Basque (Rare)
Coined by Sabino Arana Goiri and Koldo Elizalde as a Basque equivalent of Emiliana and Émilienne.
Emilo m Esperanto
Esperanto form of Emil.
Emilo m Germanic
Variation of Amal.
Emilunia f Polish
Diminutive of Emilia.
Emilus m Ancient Greek
Emilus, a pupil of Dipoenus and Scyllis, worked in gold and ivory... [more]
Emilusia f Polish
Diminutive of Emilia.
Emily f German
Variation of Amalia.
Emilý f Icelandic, Faroese
Icelandic and Faroese form of Emily.
Emilya f Armenian, Azerbaijani, English (Modern, Rare), French (Modern, Rare)
Armenian and Azerbaijani feminine form of Aemilius (see Emily) as well as an English variant of Emilia and a French variant of Émilia.
Emilye f English
Variant of Emily.
Emilyina f English
Name derived from Emily
Emilynn f English (Modern, Rare)
Elaboration of Emily using the popular name suffix lyn.
Emilynne f English (Rare)
Combination of Emily and Lynne or a variant of Emmeline
Emin m Filipino
Diminutive of Fermin.
Emina f Swedish, Danish, Norwegian
Diminutive of Emma.
Emina f Japanese
From Japanese 絵 (e) meaning "picture, painting, drawing, sketch" or 恵 (e) meaning "favour, blessing", 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful" or 未 (mi) meaning "sign of the Sheep in the Chinese zodiac" combined with 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens" or 奈 (na) meaning "Nara, what?, apple tree"... [more]
Eminda f Norwegian (Rare)
Either a combination of Emilie and Aminda or a variant of Minda.
Emine f Scandinavian
Variant of Emina.
Emine f Chuvash
Chuvash form of Amina.
Emine f Japanese
From Japanese 笑 (emi) meaning "to laugh; laughter" combined with 音 (ne) meaning "sound". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Emino f Japanese (Rare)
From 詠 (e) meaning "recitation, poem, song, composing", 美 (mi) meaning "beauty" and 音 (no) meaning "sound". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Eminotun m African
Title of High Chief in Ijebu part of OWO in ONDO
Emircan m Turkish
Combination of Emir and can "soul, life".
Emire f Japanese
From Japanese 絵 (e) meaning "picture, painting, drawing, sketch", 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful" combined with 麗 (re) meaning "lovely, beautiful". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Emiree f & m English (Modern)
Variant spelling of Emery
Emirgune m History
Probably from Arabic أَمِير (amir) meaning "prince, commander" and Persian گونه (gune) meaning "kind, type, sort". This was the name of several people from 17th- and 18th-century Iran, including a 17th-century governor of Yerevan after whom the Istanbul neighborhood of Emirgan is named.
Emiri f Japanese
Japanese feminine name derived from 英 (e) meaning "flower, petal, leaf, fine, bright" or 絵 (e) meaning "sketch, paint, draw" combined with 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful, beauty", and 里 (ri) meaning "village"... [more]
Emiri m Medieval Basque
Medieval Basque form of Emilio.
Emirjeta f Albanian
Derived from Albanian ë mirë "good" and jetë "life".
Emiru f Japanese
From Japanese 依 (e) meaning "reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to", 永 (e) meaning "eternity, long, lengthy", or 慧 (e) meaning "wise", combined with 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful, beauty" and 瑠 (ru) meaning "lapis lazuli"... [more]
Emita f Spanish
Spanish diminutive of Ema 1.
Emitsa f Persian
Very rare Persian female name.
Emiya f Amharic
Means "bliss" in Amharic.
Em-jade f English
A combination of Em, short for Emma or Emily and Jade.
Emjay f & m English (Modern, Rare)
Phonetic spelling of the initials MJ.
Émka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Émanuela.
Emka f Croatian, Kashubian
Croatian diminutive of Ema 1 and Kashubian diminutive of Éma.
Emke m & f East Frisian (Rare)
Either a version of Eime or Ime 2.
Emlen m English, Welsh
Variant of Emlyn. Emlen Tunnell (1924-1975) was an American football player and coach. He was the first African-American to play for the New York Giants and also the first to be inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
Emlie f English
Variant of Emily
Emly f Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare)
Contracted form of Emily or a modern combination of Emma and the syllable -li-, found in names like Anneli or Elisabet.
Emm f Medieval English, English
Middle English vernacular form of Emma. In modern times it is a variant of Em, i.e. used as a diminutive of Emma, Emily and other similar-sounding names.
Emmá f Sami
Sami form of Emma.
Emmabel f Obscure
Combination of Emma and a popular suffix -bel.
Emmabella f English (Rare)
Combination of Emma and Bella.
Emmabeth f English (Rare)
Combination of Emma and Beth.
Emma Dil f Afghan
One with a pure heart
Emmadora f English
A combination of Emma and Dora.
Emmajane f English
Combination of Emma and Jane.
Emmajean f English (Rare)
Combination of Emma and Jean 2, probably influenced by Imogene.
Emmakate f English
A combination of Emma and Kate.
Emmakay f English (Rare)
A combination of Emma and Kay.
Emmalee f English (Modern)
Variant of Emily, or a combination of Emma and Lee.
Emmalei f English
Variant of Emily, influenced by Emma.
Emmaleigh f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Combination of the names Emma and Leigh. Could also be considered a variant of Emily.
Emmalena f English (Rare)
Extremely rare name that was either intended as a variant of Emmeline or, more likely, is simply a combination of Emma and Lena.
Emmalie f English
Variant of Emily, influenced by Emma.
Emmalinza f English (Canadian)
Used in Prince Edward Island, Canada. Combination of the Germanic names Emma and Linza, giving the meaning of “wholly, very soft or tender”.
Emmalise f English (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Emma and Lise, or else an elaboration of Emma.
Emmalissa f American (Rare)
Possibly a blend of Emmaline and Melissa.
Emmalou f English
Combination of Emma and Lou.
Emmalouise f English (Rare)
Combination of Emma and Louise.
Emmaluna f English
Combination of Emma and Luna.
Emmaly f English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Emily, the spelling influenced by Emma.
Emmalynn f English
Variant of Emmalyn.
Emmamae f English (Rare)
Combination of Emma and Mae.
Emmamay f English (Rare)
A combination of Emma and May
Emman m Filipino
Short form of Emmanuel.
Emmanouela f Greek
Feminine form of Emmanouil.
Emmanouella f Greek
Female form of Emmanouil.
Émmanuel m Louisiana Creole
Louisiana French form of Emmanuel.
Emmanuèl m Provençal
Provençal form of Emmanuel.
Emmanuël m Dutch
Dutch form of Emmanuel.
Emmanuela f Greek (Modern, Rare), Italian (Rare), Provençal, Western African
Provençal feminine form of Emmanuèl and Italian variant of Emanuela, as well as an alternate transcription of Greek Εμμανουέλα (see Emmanouela).
Emmanuelina f English (African), Eastern African
Feminine form of Emmanuel, particularly used in Tanzania and Uganda.
Emmanwel m Maltese
Maltese form of Emmanuel.
Emmany f American (Rare)
Apparently a combination of Emma and Bethany. Alternatively it could be a variant of the medieval name Emeney.
Emmarentia f Afrikaans
Variant of Emerentia influenced by Emma.
Emmaretta f English (Rare, Archaic), African American (Rare)
Altered form of Amoretta. This is the name of a 1969 song by the English rock band Deep Purple, named for Emmaretta Marks (1945-), a cast member of the musical Hair whom singer Rod Evans was trying to seduce.
Emmarie f English (Modern), Filipino
Strictly feminine variant of Emery, the spelling probably influenced by Emma and Marie.
Emmarine f American (Rare)
Perhaps a variant of Emerine.
Emmary f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Emery influenced by the spellings of Emma and Mary.
Emmaus m English (American, Rare), Biblical
From the name of a biblical town, Ἐμμαούς (Emmaous) in Greek, which is probably from Aramaic hammat meaning "hot spring". In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus appears to two of his disciples on the road to Emmaus after his death, burial and resurrection.
Emmchen f German (Rare)
Diminutive of Emma, as it contains the German diminutive suffix -chen.... [more]
Emme f English, Medieval English
Middle English vernacular form of Emma. In modern times it is used as a variant of Em or Emmy, and is often said to be a short form of Emmeline... [more]
Emmeke f Dutch, Flemish
Diminutive of Emma (and in some cases also of Emilia), as it contains the Dutch diminutive suffix -ke.
Emmelinde f German (Rare, Archaic)
Simplified form of Ermelinda, maybe showing a contamination from Emmeline.... [more]
Emmelise f English
Variant of Emmalise, or else a combination of Emme and Lise.
Emmer f American (South, Archaic)
Variant of Emma reflecting the Appalachian accent.
Emmeram m German (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
Germanic name, in which the second element is hramn meaning "raven". The first element is often said to be heim meaning "home" (which would thus make this name a relative of Heimeran), but it could also be amal meaning "work, labour" or ermen meaning "whole, universal"... [more]
Emmerik m Dutch
Dutch form of Emmerich.
Emmers f English
Nickname for Emily
Emmery m & f English
Variant of Emory.
Emmeryn m English
A variant of Emeryn in use since at least 1866 as a masculine given name.... [more]
Emmerys f Obscure
Variant of Emerys.