Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords prince or of or all or men.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Blapþvari m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Means "babbling pole; staff". This is the name of a Jotunn in Norse mythology.
Blaris m Arthurian Cycle
Knight of the Round Table and godson of King Bors of Gannes.... [more]
Blasa f Spanish
Feminine form of Blas.
Blase m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Blase or a variant of Blaise.
Blàsi m Provençal
Provençal form of Blaise.
Blasina f Spanish
Feminine variant of Blasius.
Blasine f Arthurian Cycle
Daughter of Igerne (Igraine) and Duke Hoel of Tintagil, sister of Brimesent, and half-sister of Arthur in the Vulgate Merlin. She married King Nentres of Garlot.... [more]
Blasios m Late Greek
This name can be a hellenized form of Blasius (see Blaise), but it can also be a genuine Greek name in its own right. In that case, it is derived from the Greek noun βλαστός (blastos) meaning "young shoot, bud, sprout", which itself is ultimately derived from the Greek verb βλαστέω (blasteo) meaning "to sprout"... [more]
Blasioun m Provençal
Diminutive of Blàsi.
Blåsippa f Swedish (Modern, Rare)
Swedish name for the plant hepatica nobilis. It is the second middle name of popular Swedish folk singer Sofia Karlsson.
Blastus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Biblical, Biblical Latin
Latinized form of Blastos. According to the Bible, Blastus was the chamberlain of Herod Agrippa (Acts 12:20), a mediator for the Sidonians and Tyrians, and was believed to be involved in the events that led to Herod's death.
Bláth f Medieval Irish
Derived from Irish blath "flower; blossom". This was the name of two virgin saints. It was usually Anglicized as Flora.
Blátǫnn m Old Norse
Old Norse byname, combination of blár "blue", "dark", "black" and tǫnn "tooth". Means "blue-tooth".
Blaunsh f Manx
Manx form of Blanche.
Blayden m English
Variant of Bladen.
Blayk m English
Variant of Blake.
Blayke m & f English (Modern)
Variant of Blake.
Blayr f English
Variant of Blair.
Blaža f Croatian, Slovene
Croatian short form of Blaženka and Slovene variant of Blažka.
Błażéj m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Blasius.
Błażeja f Polish
Feminine form of Błażej.
Błażek m Polish
Diminutive of Błażej.
Blažena f Slovene
Feminine form of Blaž.
Blažiejus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Blasius (see Blaise).
Błažij m Sorbian
Upper Sorbian form of Blasius.
Blažka f Slovene
Feminine form of Blaž.
Blažo m Montenegrin, Serbian
Diminutive of Blagoje (also compare Blaž). A notable bearer of this name is the Montenegrin prime minister and president Blažo Jovanović (1907-1976).
Blazsena f Hungarian
Feminine form of Balázs.
Blazyj m Sorbian
Sorbian form of Blasius.
Bleaker m English
Transferred usage of the surname Bleaker.
Bledar m Albanian
Variant of Bled.
Blediana f Albanian (Rare)
Feminine form of Bledian.
Bledina f Albanian
Feminine form of Bled.
Bledion m Albanian
Variant of Bledian.
Bleeker f & m English
Transferred use of the surname Bleeker.
Bleibefromm m German (Rare)
Meaning "stay pious". The name is literally made up of the two German words bleibe, meaning "stay", and fromm, meaning "pious" or "devout".
Bleiddud m Medieval Welsh
Variant of Bleiddudd. Bleiddud was Bishop of St David's (then known as Menevia) in Wales from 1061 to 1071.
Bleiddudd m Medieval Welsh
Welsh form of the Brythonic name *Bledjojüd- meaning "wolf lord", from Proto-Brythonic *blėð meaning "wolf" (Welsh blaidd) and *jʉð meaning "lord" (Welsh udd).
Bleiz m Breton
Derived from Breton bleiz "wolf; gray" and thus nowadays commonly considered the Breton equivalent of French Loup, this name was in former times also used as a phonetic approximation to Blois and given in honor of the Blessed Charles of Blois, Duke of Brittany.... [more]
Bleiza f Breton (Rare)
Feminine form of Bleiz.
Bleizen f Breton
Variant of Bleizenn.
Bleizenn f Breton
Variant of Bleiza.
Blenda f Albanian
Feminine form of Blendi.
Blenzibly f Arthurian Cycle, Literature
Tristan’s mother in the Icelandic Saga af Tristram ok Ísoud. She replaces Blancheflur (Blancheflor) from the earlier German sources and is the counterpart of Blesinbil in Norse Tristan legend.... [more]
Bleoberis m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
A Knight of the Round Table from Gannes, first mentioned by Chrétien de Troyes. His name may derive from a twelfth-century storyteller named Bleheris mentioned in several texts.... [more]
Bleona f Albanian
Feminine form of Bleon.
Bleranda f Albanian (Rare)
Feminine form of Blerand.
Blerime f Albanian (Rare)
Feminine form of Blerim.
Blerona f Albanian
Feminine form of Bleron.
Blesi m Romansh (Archaic)
Romansh form of Blasius.
Blesila f History (Ecclesiastical)
Portuguese and Spanish form of Blaesilla.
Blesilda f Spanish (Philippines)
Variant of Blesila influenced by names ending in -ilda.
Blessica f Filipino (Rare)
Possibly a combination of the English word bless meaning "to confer blessing upon" and the suffix -ica taken from names like Jessica.
Blessings m & f English (African)
Plural form of Blessing. It is most used in Malawi.
Bleta f Albanian
Derived from Albanian bletë "bee". According to Albanian folk belief, the bee is a sacred animal: when an animal ceases to live, Albanians predominantly use the verb ngordh while when a bee ceases to live, the verb vdes is used (which is used to refer to human death), alluding that bees are beings of a higher caste, comparable to humans.... [more]
Blethyn m Medieval Welsh
Medieval variant of Bleddyn.
Bleuen f Breton
Variant of Bleuenn.
Bleuenn f Breton
Variant of Bleuzenn.
Bleunnig f Breton
Diminutive of Bleunien.
Bleuzen f Breton
Variant of Bleuzvenn.
Bleuzenn f Breton
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Some academics consider Bleuzenn a Breton cognate of either Welsh Blodeuyn or Welsh Blodwen while others consider this name a derivation from Middle Breton bleuzuenn "flower"... [more]
Bleza f Breton (Rare, Archaic)
Feminine form of Blez.
Blezvenn f Medieval Breton
Medieval Breton variant of Bleuzenn.
Blima f Yiddish
Variant of Bluma.
Blimy f Yiddish
Diminutive of Blima.
Blina f Albanian (Rare)
Feminine form of Blin.
Blinne f Medieval Irish
Allegedly a corruption of Moninne. This name was usually anglicized as Blanche.
Blinx m Popular Culture
A phonetic rendering of the English word "blinks". Used by the eponymous feline main character of the Xbox game 'Blinx: The Time Sweeper".
Bliobel m Arthurian Cycle
One of Arthur’s knights in Arthour and Merlin, who participated in the battle against Rions’ (Ryons) Saxons at Carhaix.
Bliss f & m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Bliss or simply from the English word "bliss".
Blisstina f English (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the English-speaking word 'bliss' and the popular suffix 'tina.
Blithe f & m English (Rare)
Variant of Blythe.
Blitza f Medieval German
Short form of names containing the name element BLID "blithe, joyous, happy".
Blizbor m Polish (Archaic)
The name is composed of the elements bliz (close, near) and bor (fight; struggle). The designated nameday in Poland is January 28 and March 12.
Bllauche f Norman
Cotentinais Norman form of Blanche.
Bloem f Dutch (Rare)
Derived from the Dutch word bloem meaning "flower".... [more]
Bloeme f Dutch (Rare)
Variant of Bloem. A known bearer of this name was Bloeme Evers-Emden (1926-2016), a Dutch Jewish teacher, child psychologist and author who had attended school together with the famous diarist Anne Frank (1929-1945).
Bloemhard m Dutch
The first element of this name is derived from Dutch bloem "flower", which ultimately comes from Gothic blôma. The second element is derived from Gothic hardus (hart in Old High German) "brave, hardy".
Bloemina f Yiddish
Dutch-Yiddish diminutive of Bluma.
Bloemke f Yiddish
Dutch-Yiddish diminutive of Bluma.
Błogomił m Polish
Derived from Polish błogi "blessed, blissful" combined with Slavic mil "gracious, dear". As such, the meaning of this name is roughly "dear and blessed".
Błogomysł m Polish
Derived from Polish błogi "blessed, blissful" combined with Polish myśl "thought" (which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic mysliti "to think"). As such, the meaning of this name is roughly "blessed thought".
Błogosław m Polish
Derived from Polish błogi "blessed, blissful" combined with Slavic slav "glory". As such, the meaning of this name is roughly "blissful glory".
Bloisine f Arthurian Cycle, Literature
Daughter of Urbin of the Mountain (Urpin) and sister of Brun, a knight killed by Gawaine. To avenge her brother, she plotted Gawaine’s murder, but she eventually fell in love with Gawaine.
Blómey f Icelandic (Rare)
Combination of the Old Norse name elements blóm "bloom, blossom, flower" and ey "island; flat land along a coast" (which is also often related to the Old Norse name element auja "(gift of) luck; fortune").
Blommert m West Frisian
Frisian form of Bloemhard.
Blondean f American (Modern, Rare)
Possibly an extremely rare Anglicized form of Blandine influenced by Blondie and Dean.
Blondel m Medieval French (?)
According to legend, Blondel was a troubadour who rescued the English king Richard the Lionheart, who had been captured while returning from the Crusades and was being held for ransom. The story goes that Blondel traveled Europe looking for Richard by playing the first verse of a song only they knew... [more]
Blondine f Literature, Folklore, Haitian Creole, Yiddish
From a diminutive of French blonde meaning "fair-haired". This is the name of two characters in Madame d'Aulnoy's fairy tales: Belle-Etoile's mother in Princess Belle-Etoile (whose sisters are named Roussette and Brunette) and a minor character in The Imp Prince... [more]
Bloodgood m American (Rare)
Name of New York farmer Bloodgood Haviland Cutter (1817–1906). He was known as a 'farmer poet'. Well known author Mark Twain humorously dubbed Cutter the 'Poet Lariat' in Twain's non-fiction travelogue 'Innocents Abroad'... [more]
Bloom m English
Transferred use of the surname Bloom.
Blóðughadda f Norse Mythology
Means "the one with the bloody hair". The bloody hair is supposedly referring to red sea foam. In Norse mythology, Blóðughadda was the daughter of Ægir and Rán.
Blotstulka f Medieval Scandinavian
The name of a purported medieval Swedish queen consort, meaning "the female sacrificer" or "the maiden sacrificer".
Blǫvurr m Norse Mythology, Old Norse
Related to Norwegian blava "to shine". This is the name of a dwarf in Norse mythology.
Blu f & m Italian (Modern), English (Rare)
Italian form of Blue and English diminutive of Bluford.
Bluebell f English, Popular Culture
From the name of the flower, used to some extent as a first name when flower names were in vogue at the end of the 19th century.
Bluejay f & m English (Canadian, Rare)
Native American Chinook legends tell tales about of a hero named Bluejay who gets into rather sticky situations at times and other times helps out humanity.In one of the tales Bluejay is a female and another set of stories it is a different person named Bluejay and they are male.
Bluetta f Italian
Italian form of Bluette.
Bluette f French (Swiss, Rare), French (Belgian, Rare), French (Archaic)
Derived from French bluet, a variant of bleuet, "cornflower".
Bluey m & f Popular Culture (Rare)
Diminutive of Blue.
Bluford m American (South)
Variation of Buford, possibly transfer of the surname Bluford.
Bluinse f Medieval Irish
Of unknown origin and meaning. The name was usually anglicized as Blanche.
Blume f Yiddish
German-Yiddish form of Bluma. The name coincides with German Blume "flower".
Blümle f Yiddish
German-Yiddish diminutive of Bluma.
Bluto m Popular Culture
Bluto is the name of the main antagonist of the famous Popeye series since 1932 - partly. There was a brief change of name to Brutus (1957 - 1978) during an apparent copyright dispute, but his name was reverted back to Bluto during the 1970s where it has remained his official name (although a 1988 comic book tried to remedy this by making Bluto and Brutus twin brothers).
Blyth m & f English
Variant of Blythe.
Bmidɛlɛ f Yoruba
Beninese variant of Bmidele.
Bnaya m Hebrew (Anglicized, Modern), Jewish
Alternative Anglicisation of Benaiah. "built by God"... [more]
Bnouda m Coptic (Arabized), Arabic
Arabized form of the Sahidic Coptic name Panoute.
Bnoudi m Coptic (Arabized), Arabic
Arabized form of the Bohairic Coptic name Phnouti. In other words, one could say that this is a cognate or a variant form of Bnouda.
Bo m Dutch
Short form of Willibrord, though it can also be a simplified spelling of Beau.
Bo m & f English
Variant of Beau or diminutive of Robert, Beaufort, Beauregard, Bonita or Bonnie.
m Old Norse
Variant of Búi.
f Literature
‘Bö’ or ‘Böe’ means "gust", "blast" or "scud" in German and is one of the shortest words in that language. It is also remindful of "beauty", as in Beau... [more]
Boa f Greenlandic, Swedish
Feminine form of Búi.
Boaie m West Frisian (Archaic)
This archaic West Frisian given name can be a variant form of Boye as well as be a derivation of West Frisian boai meaning "boy".
Boamos m Romani
Romani corruption of Bohemas.
Boanerges m Ancient Aramaic
The name that Jesus gave to James and John in the book of Mark, meaning the "sons of thunder".
Boardman m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Boardman.
Boas m Dutch
Variant of Boaz.
Boáz m Biblical Hungarian
Hungarian form of Boaz.
Boba m Popular Culture
A diminutive or variation of Bob. This is the name of Boba Fett who is a bounty hunter from Star Wars. Boba Fett is a sly reference to another hotshot jockey, Bob Falfa, the drag racer played by none other than Mr... [more]
Bobana f Serbian
Feminine form of Boban.
Bobba f Icelandic
Variant of Bobbi.
Bobbejaan m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
One might think that this name is a blend of the name Bob with Jaan, but that is not the case. In Belgium and the Netherlands, the use of this rare first name originated with the Flemish singer and musician Bobbejaan Schoepen (1925-2010)... [more]
Bobbeth f English
Either a variant of Bobette, most likely influenced by Beth, or a combination of Bob/Bobbie and Beth.
Bobbilee f Obscure
Combination of Bobbi and Lee.
Bobbisue f Obscure
Combination of Bobbi and Sue.
Bobbo m English (Rare)
Rare diminutive of Robert (and Robin).
Bobbye f English
Variant of Bobby.
Bobbyjoe m American (South, Rare), English (British, Rare)
Combination of Bobby and Joe. Bobbijo is the feminine counterpart.
Bobča f Czech
Diminutive form of Bohumila.
Böbe f Hungarian
Diminutive of Erzsébet.
Bobe f Yiddish
Means "grandmother" in Yiddish. This is the feminine equivalent of Zeyde.
Bobert m English (Rare)
Variant of Robert using the short form Bob.
Bobette f English (Rare)
Variant of Babette, most likely influenced by Bobbie.
Bobi f & m English (Rare), Welsh
Variant of Bobby.
Bobien f Dutch
Dutch feminine variant of Bob, or a pet form of Robina, Robine or Robien.
Bobijo f Obscure
Variant of Bobbijo.
Bobilee f Obscure
Variant of Bobbilee.
Bobir m Tajik (Rare), Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Babur, possibly via Babir. Also compare Bobur.... [more]
Bobirbek m Uzbek
Variant of Boburbek.
Bobo m History (Ecclesiastical), Frankish (Latinized, ?)
This was the name of a 10th century saint.
Bobon m Medieval French
A French hypochoristic form of Ratbod.
Bobore m Sardinian
Short form of Sarbadore.
Boboredda f Sardinian
Sardinian form of Salvatorina.
Bobori m Sardinian
Short form of Salvadori.
Bobra f American (South, Rare)
Variant of Barbara, influenced by Bob.
Boburbek m Tajik (Rare), Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Baburbek.
Boccus m Arthurian Cycle
The King of Media who served the Roman Procurator Lucius.... [more]
Bocefus m English
Variant of Bocephus.
Bocephus m English, Popular Culture
Likely a corruption of the Ancient Greek name Bucephalus. ... [more]
Bochang m Chinese
From the Chinese 伯 (bó) meaning "older brother" and 昌 (chāng) meaning "light of sun; good, proper".
Bochi m Georgian Mythology
Probably from Mingrelian ბოჩი (bochi) meaning "(male) goat, sheep". In Georgian mythology this was the name of a patron god of cattle.
Bodan m South Slavic
The name Bodan is a name of South Slavic or possibly Germanic origin, it is a shortened form of the name Slobodan which is of Serbian origin and means Freedom. Alternatively it could derive from Proto-Germanic *butmaz (ground) via Proto-Indo-European *bʰudʰmḗn (bottom)
Bodb m Irish Mythology
In Irish mythology, Bodb Derg was a son of Eochaid Garb or the Dagda, and the Dagda's successor as King of the Tuatha Dé Danann.
Boddi m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Possibly a variant of Baði. Related to Icelandic budda "money-bag" and Norwegian boddi "newborn pet". In Norse mythology Boddi is one of the sons of Karl and Snør.
Bodel f & m Swedish
For feminine uses it is a Swedish dialectal variant form of Bodil and for masculine uses it is a Swedish dialectal variant form of Botolf.
Bodela f Swedish (Archaic)
Swedish dialectal variant form of Bodil recorded in Scania and Halland.
Boden m English (Modern)
Likely an invented name based on the popular name syllable Bode, from names such as Bodhi or Bode. Alternatively it may be a transferred use of the surname Boden, or a variant of Beauden.
Bodene m & f English (American)
Transferred use of the surname Bodene; a corruption of the French Baudouin.
Bodeum f & m Korean (Modern, Rare)
From the stem of verb 보듬다 (bodeumda) meaning "to embrace, hug, clasp."
Bodhana f Jewish, Yiddish
Bodhana is a Yiddish name, made from the combined elements of BOD (the Ukranian word meaning G-d) and HAN (from the Hebrew, meaning gracious).... [more]
Bodhidharma m Buddhism, History, Sanskrit
Means "dharma of enlightenmemt" in Sanskrit, from Sanskrit धर्म (dhárma) "virtue, religious and moral duties" and बोधि (bodhi) "the illuminated or enlightened intellect"... [more]
Bodhild f Norwegian
Variant of Bodil.
Bodhill f Norwegian (Rare)
Variant of Bodhild (see Bodil).
Bodhin m English
Variant of Boden.
Bodie m English
Short form of Boden.... [more]
Bodin m Serbian (Rare), Medieval Serbian, History
Serbian king Constantine Bodin (fl. 1072–1108) was a ruler of Duklja, the second, although titular, King of Duklja and Dalmatia from 1081 to 1101, succeeding his father, King Michael.... [more]
Bodmaël m Breton (Gallicized), History (Ecclesiastical)
Derived from Gaulish Bodd "good will" and Breton mael "prince". This is the name of a 6th century saint.
Bodmael m Breton
Breton form of Bodmaël.
Bódog m Hungarian (Archaic)
An ancient form of modern Hungarian boldog "happy", but its meaning at the time was "rich".
Bodomér m Hungarian (Rare)
Of uncertain origin and meaning; theories include a Hungarian borrowing of Budimir.
Boduenas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Baldwin.
Bodvael m Breton
Breton form of Bodvaël.
Boe m Danish (Rare), Old Swedish
Old Swedish and Danish younger form of Bói.
Boeddha m History
Dutch and Afrikaans form of Buddha.
Boedi m Indonesian (Dutchified)
Older spelling of Budi influenced by Dutch orthography.
Boediono m Javanese (Rare)
Older spelling of Budiono based on Dutch orthography.
Bóel f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Boel.
Boeld f Old Danish
Old Danish form of Bóthildr.
Boele m Sardinian
Sardinian short form of Raffaele.
Boeline f Danish
Diminutive of Boel.
Boell f Danish (Rare, Archaic)
Former Danish variant of Boel.
Boemondo m Italian
Italian form of Bohemond.
Boemundo m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Bohemond via Latinized form Boemundus.
Boentoro m Indonesian (Rare)
Variant transcription of Buntoro based on Dutch orthography.
Boeo f Ancient Greek
The name of an ancient Delphic priestess and hymn-writer, likely derived from the location Boeotia, ultimately from the Ancient Greek word βοώτης (boṓtēs) meaning “herdsman”.
Boêraou m Gallo
Gallo form of Ambroise.
Boes m Dutch (Rare), Literature, Popular Culture
Dutch form of Boso. This given name is extremely rare in the Netherlands nowadays and is more commonly found as a patronymic surname.... [more]
Boêze m Gallo
Gallo form of Ambroise.
Boêzine f Gallo
Gallo form of Ambroisine.
Bǫfarr m Norse Mythology, Old Norse
Meaning unknown; possibly related to Bófi. This is the name of a dwarf in Norse mythology.
Bofen f & m Chinese (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Bo 2 and Fen 1.
Bofo m Spanish
Diminutive of Rodolfo.
Bofur m Literature, Germanic Mythology
A character created by J.R.R. Tolkien in 'The Hobbit'. Bofur is a Dwarf in Thorin's Company who is related to Bifur and Bombur... [more]
Boga f Icelandic
Feminine form of Bogi.
Boğaç m Turkish
as strong as a bull... [more]
Bogart m English
Transferred use of the surname Bogart.... [more]
Bogát m Hungarian (Rare)
Old Hungarian name of possibly Slavic origin which is said to mean "rich, wealthy". In Western Hungary, this is a byname of Saint Julian.
Bogáta f Hungarian
Feminine form of Bogát.
Bogdała f Polish
Feminine form of Bogdał.
Bogdán m Hungarian
Cognate of Bogdan, meaning "gift of God".
Bògdana f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Bogdana.
Bogdána f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Bogdana.
Bogdanas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Bogdan.
Bogdanica f Polish
Diminutive form of Bogdana.
Bogdanka f Slovene
Diminutive of Bogdana.
Bogdanŭ m Medieval Russian
Old East Slavic form of Bogdan.
Bogdís f Icelandic (Rare)
Combination of the Old Norse name elements bogi "bow" and dís "goddess; woman, lady; sister" or dis "wise woman, seeress; woman, virgin".
Bògdón m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Bogdan.
Bogey f Icelandic (Rare)
Derived from Old Norse bogi meaning "bow" (compare Bogi) combined with ey meaning "island" or ey meaning "good fortune"... [more]
Bøggild m Danish (Modern)
Danish variant of Bøgild.
Bogi f Hungarian
Diminutive of Boglárka.
Bogica f Slovene
Feminine diminutive of Bogo.
Bogie m English
Diminutive of Bogart.
Bøgild m Danish (Modern)
Transferred use of the surname Bøgild.
Bogislaw m Polabian (?), Pomeranian
Polabian and Pomeranian form of Bogusław.
Bogodar m Medieval Polish
Composed of the members Bog ("God") and dar ("gift, present"). The name is considered to be equivalent in meaning to the name Adeodatus, and thus Bogodar celebrates its name-day on the days of St Adeodatus' memorial.
Bogomierz m Polish
Polish form of Bogomir.
Bogomira f Slovene
Feminine form of Bogomir.
Bogoris m Medieval Slavic, Bulgar
Bulgar variant of Boris.
Bogoslav m Croatian
Croatian form of Bogusław.
Boguchna f Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish diminutive of Bogusława.
Boguchwał m Polish
Composed of the Slavic elements bogu "god" and chwal "to praise, to glorify". As such, the meaning of this name is "to praise God, to thank God".
Boguměr m Sorbian
Lower Sorbian cognate of Bohuměr. In former times, this name was usually Germanized as Gottfried.
Bògùmił m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Bogumił.
Bogumila f Croatian
Feminine form of Bogumil.
Bogumilus m Polish (Latinized)
Latinized form of Bogumil, a famous bearer of this name was Bogumił Piotr who was Archbishop of Gniezno and also a hermit.
Bogured m Polish
Variant of Bogurad.
Boguś m Polish, Silesian
Diminutive of names beginning with Bog-, such as Bogdan, Bogumił, Bogumir and Bogusław.
Bogusąd m Polish
The first element of this name is derived from Polish bóg "god", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic bogъ "god". The second element is derived from Polish sądzić "to judge" (also compare Croatian suditi and Czech soudit, both of which mean "to judge")... [more]
Bogusia f Polish
Diminutive of Bogdana, Bogumiła, and Bogusława.
Boguśka f Polish
Variant of Bogusia.
Boguslaw m German (Silesian)
Silesian German form of Bogusław.