Central American Submitted Names

Central American names include those from Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Gracita f Spanish
Diminutive of Engracia.
Grato m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Gratus.
Grecia f Spanish (Latin American)
From Spanish Grecia meaning "Greece". This is borne by Grecia Colmenares (1962-), a Venezuelan actress.
Gredmarie f Spanish (Latin American, Rare), American (Hispanic, Modern, Rare)
Meaning unknown. A notable bearer of this name is Gredmarie Colón (1988-), a Puerto Rican model, actress, reporter and TV host.
Gregoriano m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Gregorian. Possible diminutive of Gregorio and/or Gregório.
Grétel f Spanish (Modern)
Spanish modern form of Gretel.
Grettel f Spanish (Latin American)
Variant of Grétel, the modern Spanish form of Gretel.
Grimanesa f Spanish (Latin American), Spanish (Canarian), Medieval Portuguese, Literature
Borne by an illegitimate granddaughter of Bartolomé Herrero, the first colonial alcalde of the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife on the island of Tenerife (who had been appointed to the position in 1501 by the conquistador Alonso Fernández de Lugo), in whose case it possibly meant "forced" from Guanche *gərma-ənsa, literally "forced to spend the night"... [more]
Gris m & f Spanish
Diminutive of Griselda and Griseldo.
Guada f Spanish
Diminutive of Guadalupe.
Guayo m Spanish
Diminutive of Eduardo.
Gudelia f Spanish (Latin American)
Meaning uncertain. This was the name of a 4th-century Christian martyr. Allegedly she was scalped and nailed to a tree by order of the Persian king Shapur II.
Gúdula f Catalan, Spanish
Catalan and Spanish form of Gudula.
Guenevive f Spanish
Combination of Guinevere an Genevieve.
Guerrero m Spanish
Transferred use of the surname Guerrero.
Guiana f English (Modern), Medieval French, Occitan, Medieval Occitan, Spanish (Rare), Italian (Rare)
Derived from Guyenne, an occasional Occitan corruption of Aquitaine. Guiana is also sometimes a spelling for the country of Guyana in South America.
Guibaldo m Italian (Archaic), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Italian and Spanish form of Wibald. Also compare Guidobaldo.
Güicho m Spanish
Diminutive of Luis.
Guilberto m Medieval Italian, Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Spanish and Portuguese form of Wilbert as well as the medieval Italian form of that name. The modern Italian form is Vilberto.... [more]
Guille m Spanish
Diminutive of Guillermo.
Guillén m Medieval Spanish, Spanish (Modern), Aragonese, Galician (Rare)
Aragonese form of William and Galician variant of Guillerme as well as a medieval Spanish form of Guillermo which was revived in the early 2000s.
Guíller m Spanish
Diminutive of Guillermo.
Guillerma f Spanish
Feminine form of Guillermo.
Guiselle f Spanish (Latin American), Central American
Spelling of Giselle mainly used in Costa Rica.
Guisselle f Central American, Spanish (Latin American)
a variant of Guiselle Chiefly used in Chile.
Gukumatz m & f Mayan, Mayan Mythology
Meaning ‘quetzal serpent’ in The K’iche’ Mayan language. Is also the K’iche’ Mayan god of Rain.
Guliana f Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Seems to be predominantly used in Peru.
Gume m Spanish
Diminutive of Gumersindo.
Gúmer m & f Spanish
Diminutive of Gumersindo and Gumersinda.
Gumercindo m Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish (Latin American)
Portuguese form and Spanish variant of Gumersindo.
Gundelberta f Spanish (Rare, Archaic)
Spanish feminine form of Gundbert.
Gunderico m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Gunderic.
Gundisalvo m Medieval Spanish, Spanish (Latin American, Archaic)
Archaic Spanish form of Gundisalvus (see Gonzalo).
Gunila f Spanish (Rare)
Spanish form of Gunilla.
Guntamundo m Spanish
Spanish form of Gundamund.
Guzmán m Spanish
Transferred use of the surname Guzmán, derived from the name of a Spanish town. The name itself possibly come from the Ancient Germanic elements gut meaning "good" and mann meaning "man".
Habis m Spanish
From Cynete meaning fawn. This was the name of a king of Tartessos, a region in Spain.
Habon f & m Somali (Rare), Spanish
This name means when everything comes together at the right time and the right place. Beautiful.
Habraham m African (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Variant of Abraham, occasionally found in Latin America and French-speaking African countries.
Hada f Spanish
Means "fairy" in Spanish, derived from Latin Fata.
Hageo m Spanish, Biblical Spanish
Spanish form of Haggai and variant of Ageo.
Haraldo m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Harold.
Hecateo m Spanish
Spanish form of Hekataios via Hecataeus.
Helenio m Spanish (Rare)
Spanish form of Helenius.
Héleno m Spanish
Spanish form of Helenos via Helenus and masculine form of Helena
Helerio m Spanish
Spanish form of Helier via Helerius.
Heliodora f Spanish (Rare), Portuguese (Rare), Polish (Rare)
Spanish and Portuguese feminine form of Heliodoro and Polish feminine form of Heliodor.
Heloisa f Czech, German, Slovak, English, Spanish
Czech, German, and Slovak form of Eloise.
Hemengildo m Spanish
This name was used by a male on the 1930 Censo México (Mexico Census).
Henar f Spanish
Means "hayfield" in Spanish. It is taken from the Spanish title of the Virgin Mary Nuestra Señora de El Henar, meaning "Our Lady of the Hayfield".
Henoc m Catalan, Spanish
Catalan and Spanish form of Enoch.
Heráclides m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Heraclides (see Herakleides).
Heráclito m Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
Spanish, Galician and Portuguese form of Herakleitos via its latinized form Heraclitus.
Heradio m Spanish (Archaic)
Combination of Hera and the element Dio.
Heredia f Spanish (Archaic)
Transferred use of the surname Heredia.
Herlis m & f Spanish (Latin American, Modern), Portuguese (Brazilian, Modern)
Invented name, maybe inspired by Herbert and the popular suffix -lis.
Hermágoras m Portuguese, Spanish
Portuguese and Spanish form of Hermagoras.
Hermanarico m Spanish
Spanish form of Hermanric.
Hermelando m Spanish
It is a Spanish name of Visigothic origin. Possibly a combination of Germanic elements ermen "whole, entire" and land "land".
Hermelinda f Spanish, Galician (Archaic)
Spanish and Galician form of Hermelind.
Hermerico m Galician, Spanish, Portuguese
Galician, Spanish and Portuguese form of Hermeric.
Hermesinda f Galician, Spanish (Rare)
Spanish and Galician form of Ermesinda.
Hermila f Spanish (Archaic)
Feminine form of Hermilo.
Hermíone f Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Hermione.
Hermipo m Spanish
Spanish form of Hermippos.
Hermito m Spanish, Portuguese
Probably a diminutive of given names containing -herm-, such as Hermenegildo, Hermínio and Guilherme.... [more]
Hermócrates m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Hermocrates (see Hermokrates).
Hermosa f Spanish (Rare)
Hermosa is a spanish name meaning 'beautiful'
Hermotimo m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Hermotimus.
Hernani m & f Spanish, Theatre
Often considered a diminutive of Hernán or Hernando. The French author Victor Hugo used it for the title hero of his play Hernani (1830) (which Verdi adapted into the opera Ernani in 1844), though in this case it was taken from the Spanish place name Hernani, a town in the Basque Country, which allegedly means "top of an illuminated hill" from Basque.
Herodiano m Spanish
Spanish form of Herodian.
Herodión m Spanish
Spanish form of Herodion.
Heródoto m Galician, Spanish, Portuguese
Galician, Spanish and Portuguese form of Herodotus.
Hesperia f Greek Mythology, Spanish
Derived from Greek hesperos "evening" (see Hesperos). In Greek myth this was the name of one of the three Hesperides, goddesses of the evening and sunsets... [more]
Hex m Spanish
Diminutive of Hector.
Hiandra f Spanish (Latin American)
Hiandra is used in the Dominican Republic, and most commonly found in Brazil.
Hierón m Spanish
Spanish form of Hieron (see Hiero).
Hildibaldo m Spanish
Spanish form of Ildibad.
Hilduardo m Spanish
Spanish form of Hildeward.
Hileo m Spanish
Spanish form of Hylaeus.
Hipacio m Spanish
Spanish form of Hypatius.
Hiparco m Galician, Spanish, Portuguese
Galician, Spanish and Portuguese form of Hipparchus.
Hiperión m Spanish
Spanish form of Hyperion.
Hipolita f Spanish, Portuguese, Polish
Spanish, Portuguese, and Polish form of Hippolyta.
Hiponacte m Spanish
Spanish form of Hipponax.
Hipseo m Spanish
Spanish form of Hypseus.
Hispan m Spanish
Hispan is a mythological character of Antiquity, who would derive the name Hispania, according to some ancient writers.
Histieo m Spanish
Spanish form of Histiaios via Histiaeus.
Hitzel f Mayan
Possibly a variant of Itzel.
Homero m Galician (Rare), Spanish (Latin American), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Galician, Spanish and Portuguese form of Homer.
Homobono m Spanish
Spanish form of Omobono via Latinized form Homobonus.
Horacia f Spanish (Rare)
Spanish form of Horatia.
Horten f Spanish
Diminutive of Hortensia.
Hortensio m Spanish
Spanish masculine form of Hortense.
Hostiliano m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Hostilian.
Hostilio m Galician, Spanish
Galician and Spanish form of Hostilius.
Huan m Spanish (Rare), Extremaduran
Variant of Juan 1 found in the Spanish region Extremadura.
Huberto m Portuguese, Spanish
Portuguese and Spanish form of Hubert.
Hugueta f Catalan, Galician (Rare), Occitan, Portuguese, Spanish (Rare)
Catalan, Galician, Occitan, Portuguese and Spanish form of Huguette.
Humfrido m Spanish
Spanish form of Humphrey.
Humildad f Spanish
From Spanish humildad meaning "humility, humbleness," taken from the title of the Virgin Mary, La Virgen de la Humildad, meaning "The Virgin of the Humility."
Hunerico m Spanish
Spanish form of Huneric.
Hunraqan m & f Mayan, Mayan Mythology
The original Mayan variant of Huracan.
Iazúa f Spanish
Meaning unknown, perhaps of Indigenous American origin. This name is borne by Mexican actress Iazúa Laríos.
Ibana f Spanish (Rare)
Feminine form of Ibán.
Ibis f & m Spanish (Rare)
From Latin ibis, referring to a type of long-legged bird with long downcurved bill, ultimately coming from Egyptian hbj. It was the symbol of Thoth, thus having a great importance in Egyptian mythology.
Ícaro m Greek Mythology, Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish (Rare)
Spanish and Portuguese form of Ikaros (see Icarus).
Idaira f Spanish (Modern), Spanish (Canarian)
This was allegedly the name of a Guanche princess from the Canarian island of La Palma. It has perhaps been popularized in the Spanish-speaking world by the Canarian-born Spanish singer simply known as Idaira (1985-).
Idalma f Spanish (Latin American), Spanish (Caribbean), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Elaboration of Idalia, probably influenced by the word alma "soul".
Iesenia f Spanish (Latin American)
Variant of Yesenia.
Ifícrates m Spanish
Spanish form of Iphicrates.
Ifigenia f Greek (Rare), Polish, Italian, Spanish (Rare)
Modern Greek, Italian, and Polish form of Iphigenia. This is also a Spanish variant of Efigenia, used to refer to the tragic heroine of Greek myth.
Ífito m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Iphitus.
Ige m Spanish
Diminutive of Miguel Enrique.
Iglesias m Spanish
Transferred use of the surname Iglesias.... [more]
Ignasia f Spanish (Rare), Catalan (Rare)
Variant of Ignacia and feminine form of Ignasi.
Igoa f Basque, Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Derived from Basque igo "to ascend; to rise; to go up".... [more]
Ike m Spanish
Diminutive of Miguel Enrique.
Ildefonsa f Spanish, Polish (Archaic)
Spanish feminine form of Ildefonso and Polish feminine form of Ildefons.
Ildibrando m Spanish
Spanish form of Hildebrand.
Ileanita f Spanish
Diminutive of Ileana.
Ilich m Spanish (Latin American)
Spanish form of the Russian patronymic Ilyich meaning "son of Ilya," given in honour of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924), the founder of the former Soviet state.
Ilirio m Spanish
Spanish form of Illyrius, which is the latinized form of Illyrios.
Illán m Asturian, Medieval Spanish, Spanish
Asturian and Medieval Spanish form of Julian. It was borne by the son of saint Isidro, and it has seen some revival in Asturias and Castille in modern times.
Iluminación f Spanish (Rare, Archaic)
From Spanish iluminación meaning "illumination, enlightenment". In Spain, it was specially used during the Second Spanish Republic by republican parents who were eager to choose names related to republican values.
Iluminado m Spanish
Spanish form of Illuminatus via Illuminata.
Imaray f Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Spanish (Caribbean, Rare)
This is borne by Cuban social media personality Imaray Ulloa (1990-).
Imeria f Italian (Rare), Spanish (Rare)
Feminine form of Imerio, ultimately from Greek Himerios.
Imogena f Spanish, Polish, Czech, Slovak
Spanish, Polish, Czech and Slovak form of Imogen.
Ina f Spanish
Diminutive of Ignacia.
Indiano m Spanish (Modern, Rare), Italian (Modern, Rare)
Spanish and Italian masculine form of Indiana.
Índigo m & f Spanish (Modern, Rare)
Spanish form of Indigo, the purplish-blue colour.
Indio m Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian), English (Modern)
Most likely a variant of Indigo or a Latinized masculine form of India.... [more]
Ineso m Spanish (Rare)
Masculine form of Inés.
Inmaculado m Spanish
Masculine form of Inmaculada.
Inocente m Spanish, Galician
Derived from Spanish and Galician inocente, meaning "innocent, blameless; naïve". It is used in reference to the Christian festival Día de los (Santos) Inocentes (Childermas) celebrated on December 28.
Iovanny m Spanish (Italianized, Rare)
Variant of Giovanni using an English-flavored spelling.
Irache f Spanish (Rare)
Spanish form of Iratxe. Likely taken from the Santa María la Real de Irache monastery.
Iraide f Spanish
Variant of Iraida.
Iraides f Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish (Canarian), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Portuguese form of Iraida, as well as a Spanish variant.
Irenea f Italian, Corsican, Catalan, Spanish
Italian and Spanish feminine form of Ireneo and Catalan and Corsican feminine form of Ireneu.
Irián m Spanish (Rare)
Alternative spelling of Irian with the stress on the last syllable, also coinciding with the town of Irián in northern Spain.
Irian m & f Indonesian, Brazilian (Rare), Spanish (Rare)
Historical name for the island of New Guinea in Indonesian, from Biak meaning "hot land". It is also a woman-dragon character in Ursula K. Le Guin's Earthsea novels.
Iriseo m Spanish, Italian, Portuguese
masculine form of Iris Means "rainbow" in Greek.
Irra m Spanish
Diminutive of Israel.
Irupé f Guarani, Spanish (Latin American)
Name of Guaraní origin, used in Paraguay and Argentina.... [more]
Isabelia f Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Elaboration of Isabel and Isabela. In some cases, the name is apparently also inspired by the name of the mountain range in Nicaragua, Cordillera Isabelia.
Isabelita f Spanish
Spanish diminutive of Isabel.
Isabelo m Spanish (Rare)
Spanish masculine form of Isabel.
Isabeth f English (American, Rare), Dutch (Rare), Spanish (Latin American)
Likely a truncated form of Elisabeth. As an English name, however, it might also be a transferred use of the French surname, which is ultimately a matronym derived from the given name.
Isacc m Spanish
Variant of Isaac.
Isaí m Spanish
Spanish form of Jesse.
Isaida f Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Possibly an invented name inspired by names like Isaura and Zoraida.
Isairis f Spanish (Latin American)
Possibly a cognate of Isaire.
Isalia f Spanish (Mexican), Spanish (Latin American), French (Modern, Rare), Flemish (Archaic)
Spanish diminutive of Isabel and French and Flemish variant of Isalie.
Isamar f Spanish, Spanish (Latin American), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Short form of Isabel María and Isabel Maria. (Also see Isa 2, Mar, Marisa.) This name briefly spiked in popularity for American girls in 1990 after it was used for the character Isamar Medina on the Venezuelan telenovela La revancha (1989).
Isco m Spanish
Shortening of Francisco. A famous bearer is Spanish footballer Isco who is born as Francisco Román Alarcón Suárez.
Isela f Spanish (Latin American), American (Hispanic)
Elaborated form of Isel as well as a truncated form of Marisela and Gisela... [more]
Iseli f Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Probably a contraction of Isabeli or otherwise a variant of Isabela. Also see Isela, Isel.
Isella f Italian (Rare), Spanish (Latin American), American (Hispanic)
Italian diminutive of Isa 2 as well as a Latin American variant of Isela.
Iseo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Isaios via Isaeus.
Isfrido m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Isfrid.
Isi m & f Spanish
Diminutive of Isidro, Isadora, Isabel and similar names.
Isicio m Spanish (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical, Hispanicized)
Spanish form of Hesychios. This is the name of the patron saint of Cazorla (Spain).
Isita f Spanish
Diminutive of Isabel or Isidora or similar names.
Isma m Spanish, Finnish
Diminutive of Ismael.
Ismary f Spanish (Latin American, Rare), American (Hispanic, Rare), Medieval English, English (Archaic)
Spanish variant of Ismaria as well as a Medieval English vernacular form and Early Modern English variant of Ismeria.
Ismeria f Medieval English, Medieval German, Spanish
Quasi-Marian name connected to the devotion of Notre Dame de Liesse in Picardy. According to the legend, Ismeria ("the Black Madonna") was a Moorish girl who converted to Christianity and released the crusaders captivated by her father because of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary.... [more]
Isócrates m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Isocrates.