FelicitaciónfSpanish (Rare) Means "congratulation" in Spanish, after the dedication of Catholic religious services on Saturdays to the Virgin Mary with the title of "Saturday Congratulation" (Felicitación Sabatina).
FelizafSpanish, Filipino Variant of Felicia. It could be an elaborated form of the Spanish adjective feliz meaning "happy" or also a diminutive of Felizitas.
FlorealmSpanish (Rare) Spanish form of Floréal. This name was brought to public attention by the novel 'Sembrando Flores' (1906) by Catalan anarchist Juan Montseny Carret, whose main characters are named Floreal and Armonía, and thus it came to be used by anarchist parents who were eager to reject traditional names during the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1939).
FloreanafSpanish Originally the name of one of the Galapagos Islands. ... [more]
FotinomItalian, Spanish, Portuguese Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Φωτεινός (Photeinos) and Φωτίνος (Photinos) via their latinized form Photinus.
FroilánmSpanish, Galician Spanish derivative of Froila, a Visigothic name probably derived from Germanic *frau "lord" (Gothic frauja "lord"; compare Freyr) and the Gothic name suffix *ila... [more]
FrutosmSpanish (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical, Hispanicized) Spanish form of Fructus. It also coincides with the related Spanish word frutos meaning "fruits". Notable bearers of this name include Frutos Baeza (1861-1918), a Spanish poet and writer of the Murcian dialect, and Frutos Feo Pérez (1972-), a retired Spanish sprinter.
GaliciafGalician, Spanish (Latin American) From the land of Galicia in analogy to other toponymic names like América or África. It is associated to Galician emigration, so this name can be found now in Latin American countries.
GarcíamSpanish, Medieval Spanish Spanish form of Garsea, possibly related to the Basque word hartz meaning "bear". It was widely used as a first name in Spain since the Middle Ages until the 17th century... [more]
GerminalmFrench, Spanish (Rare) From the name of the seventh month in the French Republican Calendar. The month was named after the Latin word germen, meaning "germination". In Spain, this name came to be used by anarchist parents who were eager to reject traditional names during the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1939).
Giom & fItalian, Dutch, Spanish Italian variant of Giò, which is a short form of Giovanni (masculine) and Giovanna (feminine) and of some other Italian given names starting with Gio-.... [more]