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Gender Feminine

Meaning & History

Croatian and Slovene phonetic spelling of Fanny.
Added 3/19/2014 by Sofia

Fani 2
Gender Feminine
Usage Spanish
Pronounced Pron. FAH-nee  [key]

Meaning & History

Spanish diminutive of Estefanía.
Added 5/29/2020 by anonymous

Gender Feminine
Usage Greek
Scripts Φανή(Greek)
Pronounced Pron. [fa.ˈni]  [key·simplify]
Other Forms FormsMasculine equivalent: Φάνης (Fanis); diminutive: Φανούλα (Fanoula)

Meaning & History

Derived from the Ancient Greek word φανή (phane), both a noun meaning "torch" and an adjective meaning "bright, shining" (the feminine form of φανός (phanos)). In some cases it can be a short form of Stefania or Theofania.
Added 8/8/2023 by guasguendi
Edited 12/9/2023 by SeaHorse15

See Also

User submissions Fáni, Faní