Gender Feminine
Meaning & History
Diminutive of Frances, Françoise or Stéphanie. In the English-speaking world this has been a vulgar slang word since the late 19th century, and the name has subsequently dropped out of common use.
Related Names
VariantsCissy, Fannie, Fran, Frankie, Frannie, Franny, Sissie, Sissy(English) France, Francette, Francine(French) Paca, Paquita(Spanish)
Other Languages & CulturesFrantziska(Basque) Frañseza(Breton) Stefana, Stefani, Stefaniya(Bulgarian) Francesca(Catalan) Franka, Štefanija, Štefa, Štefica(Croatian) Františka, Štěpánka(Czech) Stefanie(Danish) Francisca, Stefanie(Dutch) Fanni(Finnish) Franziska, Stefanie, Stephanie, Fränze, Franzi, Steffi, Steffie, Ziska(German) Stefania(Greek) Kekepania(Hawaiian) Franciska, Stefánia, Fanni(Hungarian) Franca, Francesca, Stefania(Italian) Francisca(Late Roman) Pranciška, Stefanija(Lithuanian) Stefanija(Macedonian) Franciszka, Stefania, Stefcia(Polish) Estefânia, Francisca, Chica(Portuguese) Ștefana, Ștefania(Romanian) Stefaniya(Russian) Frantzisca(Sardinian) Frangag(Scottish Gaelic) Stefana(Serbian) Františka, Štefánia(Slovak) Frančiška, Štefanija, Francka, Štefka(Slovene) Stefaniya(Ukrainian)
People think this name is
Name Days
Sweden: February 9
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