Submitted Names with "mountain" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword mountain.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aa m & f Japanese
From Japanese 唖 (a) meaning "mute, dumb", 阿 (a) meaning "mountain", 于 (aa) meaning "Bon festival; Feast of Lanterns", 嗟 (aa) meaning "Ah!; Oh!; Alas!​", 憙 (aa) meaning "like, love, enjoy" combined with 々, a phonetic character indicting a duplication of the beginning kanji or 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia"... [more]
Aadrika f Sanskrit, Indian
Means "mountain" or "celestial" in Sanskrit.
Acolmiztli m Nahuatl, Aztec and Toltec Mythology
Derived from Nahuatl acolli "shoulder" and miztli "mountain lion, wildcat". This was the name of an Aztec god of the underworld, also known as Acolnahuacatl... [more]
Adberg f Medieval German
Derived from Old High German ōt "wealth, riches" and berg "mountain, hill".
Adri m Indian
Indian name meaning "stone, mountain", and by extension "cloud". Some ancient Hindu beliefs claimed that mountains were solidified clouds.
Adrija f Indian (Rare)
Means "daughter of the mountain". This is an epithet of Parvati.
Adrika f Indian, Hinduism
Means "small mountain" in Sanskrit. According to the Mahabharata, Adrika is an apsara (a female spirit of clouds and waters) who was the mother of Matsya and Satyavati.
Ahuña f Basque (Rare), Basque Mythology
From the name of a mountain in the Basque region of Spain whose Basque name Ahuñamendi is derived from Basque ahuña "small goat" and mendi "mountain".... [more]
Aino f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 阿 (a) meaning "mountain", 安 (a) meaning "peace, quiet", 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection", 会 (ai) meaning "meeting, meet, party, association, interview, join", 間 (ai) meaning "interval, space", 藍 (ai) meaning "indigo", 和 (ai) meaning "harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan", 以 (i) meaning "by means of, because, in view of, compared with", 伊 (i) meaning "that one", 依 (i) meaning "reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to", 委 (i) meaning "committee, entrust to, leave to, devote, discard", 惟 (i) meaning "consider, reflect, think", 衣 (i) meaning "garment, clothes, dressing" or 意 (i) meaning "idea, mind, heart, taste, thought, desire, care, liking" combined with 祈 (ino, no) meaning "pray, wish", 音 (no) meaning "sound, noise", 希 (no) meaning "hope, beg, request, pray, rare, few, phenomenal", 乃 (no), a possessive particle or 野 (no) meaning "area, field"... [more]
Akurgal m Sumerian
Means "descendant of the great mountain", deriving from the Sumerian elements 𒀀 a ("offspring, father"), 𒆳 kur ("mountain, highland"), and 𒃲 gal ("large, mighty, great")... [more]
Aligoq m Greenlandic
Means "mountain crystal, quartz" in Greenlandic, referring to a type of rock used as raw material for stone tools in traditional Greenlandic society.
Alin m Siberian, Chinese, Manchu
Means "mountain" in Manchu.
Altai m & f Mongolian, Kazakh
From the name of a mountain range that runs through Central and Eastern Asia, itself meaning "golden mountain", related to Turkic altun meaning "gold" (compare Mongolian altan "golden") and dağ meaning "mountain".
Aran f Japanese
From Japanese 亜, 亞 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 阿 (a) meaning "big mound, mountain", 安 (a) meaning "peace, quiet", 和 (a) meaning "peace, harmony" or 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection" combined with 蘭 (ran) meaning "orchid", 藍 (ran) meaning "indigo", 桜 (ran) meaning "cherry blossom" or 卵 (ran) meaning "egg, ovum"... [more]
Ardi m Javanese, Indonesian
Means "mountain" in Javanese.
Aren m & f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 阿 (a) meaning "mountain", 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection", 安 (a) meaning "calm, peaceful", 杏 (a) meaning "apricot", 空 (a) meaning "sky" or 吾 (a) meaning "I, me" combined with 蓮 (ren) meaning "lotus", 廉 (ren) meaning "grounds, suspicion", 恋 (ren) meaning "to love", 練 (ren) meaning "practice; practicing", 聯 (ren) meaning "to connect; to join", 連 (ren) meaning "to link; to join; to connect" or 怜 (ren) meaning "pity, sympathize"... [more]
Arga m Javanese
Means "mountain" in Javanese.
Arismendi m Spanish (Latin American), Spanish (Caribbean)
Transferred use of the surname Arismendi, meaning "mountain of oaks" from aris "oak" and mendi "mountain".
Athos m Greek Mythology, Literature, French, Italian, Greek, Brazilian
Athos was one of the Gigantes, children of Gaia, who hurled a mountain at Zeus. Zeus knocked the mountain to the ground near Macedonia, and it became Mount Athos, or the "Holy Mountain."... [more]
Ayren m Hebrew
Means "mountain of strength" in Hebrew.
Bangshan m Chinese
From the Chinese 邦 (bāng) meaning "nation, country" and 山 (shān) meaning "hill, mountain".
Baoling f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 葆 (bǎo) meaning "reserve, preserve" or 宝 (bǎo) meaning "treasure; precious, rare" and 玲 (líng) meaning "tinkling of jade" or 岭 (lǐng) meaning "mountain ridge".
Baoshan m Chinese
From Chinese 宝 or 寶 (bǎo) meaning "treasure, jewel, precious, rare" combined with 山 (shān) meaning "mountain, hill, peak", 珊 (shān) meaning "coral", or 善 (shàn) meaning "good, virtuous, charitable, kind"... [more]
Bentayga m Guanche
Means "mountain range" in Guanche.
Bergamo m Medieval Italian
Derived from Latin Bergomum, ultimately from Proto-Germanic bergaz "mountain". This is the name of an Italian city which was also used as a personal name.
Bergr m Old Norse
Originally both a byname and a given name. The given name is derived from the Old Norse name element berg "protection, help", while the byname is from berg "mountain".
Bergþórr m Old Norse
Combination of bjarga "to help" (but also associated with berg "mountain") and þórr "thunder".
Binglan f Chinese
From the Chinese characters 冰 (bīng) meaning "ice; ice-cold" and 岚 (lán) meaning "mountain mist, mountain haze".
Bingxi f Chinese
From the Chinese characters 冰 (bīng) meaning "ice; ice-cold" and 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream, creek", 晰 (xī) meaning "clear, evident; clearly" or 汐 (xī) meaning "night tides".
Bjeshka f Albanian (Rare)
Derived from Albanian bjeshkë "mountain, alpine pasture".
Bobbejaan m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
One might think that this name is a blend of the name Bob with Jaan, but that is not the case. In Belgium and the Netherlands, the use of this rare first name originated with the Flemish singer and musician Bobbejaan Schoepen (1925-2010)... [more]
Boyue m Chinese
From the Chinese 博 (bó) meaning "rich, plentiful" or "play, gamble, win" and 岳 (yuè) meaning "mountain peak".
Bu m Atayal
Can mean "to shoot with a bow and arrow" or "mountain peak"
Carpathia f & m English (Rare)
In reference to the mountain range of Eastern Europe, from Thracian Greek Karpates oros, probably literally literally "Rocky Mountain"; related to Albanian karpe "rock." From 1630s in reference to the island of Carpathos in the Aegean... [more]
Cecuiztli m Nahuatl
Means "cold, to be cold" or "high mountain place" in Nahuatl.
Chalchiuhtepehua m Nahuatl
Possibly means "he throws jade down" in Nahuatl, from chālchiuhtli "precious green or blue stone" and tepehua "to scatter or throw something onto the ground"... [more]
Changxi f Chinese
From the Chinese 唱 (chàng) meaning "sing" and 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream".
Chogori m Balti, Pakistani, Tibetan
Chogori means "big peak" or "big mountain" in Balti Language from Gilgit-Baltistan. Another meaning is "aiming for the top". In Tibetan the name has the same meanings.
Chooli f Navajo, Apache
From Navajo or Western Apache dził "mountain". In Navajo, it can also mean "mountain range".
Çiya m Kurdish
Means "mountain" in Kurdish.
Coryphe f Greek Mythology
Probably taken directly from the Ancient Greek word κορυφή (koryphe) meaning "top of the head, crown; top, apex; mountain peak", or figuratively "excellence". This was the name of one of the Oceanids in Greek mythology... [more]
Cuğutur m Karachay-Balkar
Means "mountain goat" in Karachay-Balkar.
Dailan f Chinese (Rare)
This name can be used as 黛岚, 岱岚, 黛兰 or 代兰 with 黛 (dài), referring to a dark pigment used by women in ancient times to paint their eyebrows, 岱 (dài), which was used for the name of a mountain in Shandong Province (now called Mount Tai), 代 (dài) meaning "generation, era," 岚 (lán) meaning "mountain mist" and 兰 (lán) meaning "orchid."
Da-san m Korean
Means "the mountain of tea" from Sino-Korean 茶山. ... [more]
Davaadorj m Mongolian
From Mongolian даваа (davaa) meaning "Monday" or "threshold, mountain pass" and дорж (dorj) meaning "diamond, vajra".
Davaajargal m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian даваа (davaa) meaning "Monday" or "threshold, mountain pass" and жаргал (jargal) meaning "happiness, blessing".
Davaajav m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian даваа (davaa) meaning "Monday" or "mountain pass, threshold" and жав (jav) meaning "salvation, deliverance"... [more]
Davaakhüü m & f Mongolian
From даваа (davaa) meaning "Monday" or "threshold, mountain pass" in Mongolian and and хүү (khüü) meaning "boy, son; child"
Davaasüren f & m Mongolian
From Mongolian даваа (davaa) meaning "Monday" or "threshold, mountain pass" combined with Tibetan ཚེ་རིང (tshe ring) meaning "long life, longevity".
Debre-work f Ge'ez
Means "mountain of gold" in Ge'ez.
Degi m Chechen (Rare)
Derived from Turkic dag meaning "mountain".
Dingxi f Chinese
From the Chinese 玎 (dīng) meaning "jingling, tinkling" and 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream".
Donard m Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Dónart, though the name could also be a contraction or corruption of Domangard (which is ultimately of the same etymological origin)... [more]
Dunweald m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements dunn "dark, brown" or dun "hill, mountain" and weald "powerful, mighty" or "authority, ruler".
Dunwine m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from Old English dunn "dark, brown" and wine "friend". Alternatively, the first element could be dun "hill, mountain".
Enlan f Chinese
From the Chinese 恩 (ēn) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity" and 岚 (lán) meaning "mountain mist".
Ermal m Albanian
From the Albanian word erë meaning "wind; smell" combined with mal meaning "mountain".
Escanor m Arthurian Cycle
This name seems to be comprised of Irish/Norse.... [more]
Fjallarr m Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements fjall "mountain" and herr "army".
Fjalldís f Icelandic (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the Old Norse name elements fjall "mountain" and dís "goddess; woman, lady; sister" or dis "wise woman, seeress; woman, virgin".
Fjallgeirr m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse fjall "mountain" and geirr "spear".
Fjǫrgyn f Norse Mythology
Means "land, earth" in Old Norse, derived from Proto-Germanic *fergunją "mountain". In Norse mythology, Fjǫrgyn was the goddess of the earth and the mother of Thor... [more]
Fue f Chinese
From the Chinese 芙 (fú) meaning "hibiscus" and 峨 (é) meaning "high mountain, lofty" or 娥 (é) meaning "be beautiful, good".
Fujio m Japanese
From Japanese 藤 (fuji) meaning "wisteria", 二 (fu) meaning "two", 不 (fu) meaning "negative, non-, bad, ugly, clumsy", 富 (fu) meaning "wealth, enrich, abundant", 普 (fu) meaning "universal, wide(ly), generally", 芙 (fu) meaning "lotus, Mt Fuji", 武 (fu) meaning "warrior, military, chivalry, arms", 文 (fu) meaning "sentence", 甫 (fu) meaning "for the first time, not until" or 孚 (fu) meaning "sincere, nourish, encase", 士 (ji) meaning "gentleman, scholar, samurai", 次 (ji) meaning "next, order, sequence", 志 (ji) meaning "intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling", 二 (ji) meaning "two", 治 (ji) meaning "reign, be at peace, calm down, subdue, quell, govt, cure, heal, rule, conserve", 仁 (ji) meaning "humanity, virtue, benevolence, charity, man, kernel", 蒔 (ji) meaning "sow (seeds)" or 滋 (ji) meaning "nourishing, more & more, be luxuriant, planting, turbidity" combined with 生 (o) meaning "raw, live", 男 (o) meaning "male", 暢 (o) meaning "stretch", 尾 (o) meaning "tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain", 夫 (o) meaning "man, husband", 雄 (o) meaning "hero, manly", 郎 (o) meaning "son", 緒 (o) meaning "thread" or 朗 (o) meaning "bright, clear"... [more]
Fusu m Chinese
This name comes from “The Mountain Has Fusu Trees” (山有扶苏), a folk song featured in the Chinese Classic of Poetry (诗经, also called the Book of Songs). Fusu (扶苏) is a type of tree theorized to be the mulberry tree, though the name can also mean the lushness and thriving nature of a tree... [more]
Gaku m Japanese
From Japanese 岳 (gaku, ga) meaning "point, peak, mountain", 学 (gaku, ga) meaning "study, learning, science", 賀 (ga) meaning "congratulations, joy", 楽 (ga, gaku) meaning "music, comfort, ease", 鶴 (gaku) meaning "crane, stork", 學 (gaku, ga) meaning "learning, knowledge, school" or 樂 (ga) meaning "music, comfort" combined with 春 (ku) meaning "spring", 久 (ku) meaning "long time", 句 (ku) meaning "phrase, clause, sentence, passage, paragraph, counter for haiku" or 治 (ku) meaning "reign, be at peace, calm down, subdue, quell, govt, cure, heal, rule, conserve"... [more]
Gakuto m Japanese
From Japanese 学 (gaku) meaning "study, learning, science", 岳 (gaku) meaning "point, peak, mountain" or 楽 (gaku) meaning "music, comfort, ease" combined with 乙 (to) meaning "the latter, duplicate, strange, witty", 登 (to) meaning "ascend, climb up", 人 (to) meaning "person", 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation or 渡 (to) meaning "transit, ford, ferry, cross, import, deliver, diameter, migrate"... [more]
Gakuya m Japanese
From Japanese 岳 (gaku) meaning "mountain peak" combined with 哉 (ya), an exclamation or 也 (ya) meaning "also". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
Giri m Indian
Means "mountain" in Sanskrit.
Girija f Hinduism, Hindi, Marathi, Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Odia, Bengali, Assamese
Means "mountain-born" in Sanskrit, from गिरि (giri) meaning "mountain" combined with the suffix -ज (-ja) meaning "born, produced". This is an epithet of the Hindu goddess Parvati, who was born from a personification of the Himalayas.
Girishankar m Konkani
Combining Sanskrit गिरी (girī) meaning "mountain" and Shankar, another name for the Hindu god Shiva.
Gnúpr m Old Norse
From Old Norse gnúpr, gnípa meaning "slope, leaning mountain-peak".
Godberg m Norwegian (Archaic)
Either a masculine form of Gudbjørg or simply a combination of the Old Norse name elements guðr "god" and berg "mountain".
Godesia f German (Modern, Rare)
Godesia is the official title of princess carnival in Bonn-Bad Godesberg. It is derived from the place name Godesberg (first mentioned as Woudensberg "Wotan's mountain").... [more]
Gorian m Macedonian, Slovene
Means "mountain" or "wood". Derived from south Slavic gora "mountain" and is a variation of name Goran
Gorimir m Croatian
The first element of this name is derived from Proto-Slavic gora "mountain". The name Goran is of the same etymology. The second element is derived from Slavic mir "peace".
Gorislav m Croatian, Russian
The first element of this name is derived from Proto-Slavic gora "mountain". Also see Goran, which is of the same etymology. The second element is derived from Slavic slav "glory".
Goroslav m Croatian (Rare)
Derived from South Slavic gora "mountain" and slava ''glory''.
Gowan m & f Scottish, Medieval English
From a Scots name for the daisy and other golden or white field flowers, perhaps ultimately from Old Norse gollinn "golden". Robert Burns' poem "To a Mountain Daisy" (1786) was originally titled "The Gowan"... [more]
Gulbatira f Kazakh (Rare)
Means "flower at the mountain summit" from the Kazakh elements gul meaning "flower" combined with batira "mountaintop, summit, peak".
Habik f & m Choctaw
Choctaw word for "mountain"
Hanu m & f Shona
Meaning “mountain pass”, or “path in the valley”, synonymous with Haro.
Hask m Pashto
Means "acme of mountain", a poetic reference to the sky, in Pashto.
Hasumi f & m Japanese
From Japanese 聾 (hasumi) meaning "deaf", 麓 (hasumi) meaning "base or foot of a hill or mountain", 録 (hasumi) meaning "copy" (for males) or 波 (ha) meaning "wave" or 蓮 (hasu) meaning "lotus" combined with 純 (sumi) meaning "pure, innocent", 澄 (sumi) meaning "clear, pure", 海 (mi) meaning "sea, ocean", 見 (mi) meaning "to see", 実 (mi) meaning "fruit, good result, truth", 水 (mi) meaning "water", 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful", 未 (mi) referring to the Sheep, the eighth of the twelve Earthly Branches or 實 (mi) meaning "reality, truth" (for females)... [more]
Havaska f Hungarian
Of debated origin and meaning. Theories include a derivation from Hungarian havas "snowy, snow-covered; mountain" and a modern form of an alleged Old Hungarian given name Havadi which is said to have meant "moon" in Old Hungarian, whereas in modern Szekler-Hungarian havadi is a general term for white springflowers, most commonly the white narcissus or the snowdrop flower.
Ȟéla m Sioux
Means "little mountain" in Lakota. This is the Lakota name of famous basketball player Kyrie Irving, an enrolled member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe through his late mother.
Heritanjona m & f Malagasy
From the Malagasy hery meaning "force, power" and tanjona meaning "protrusion of a mountain, cape, peninsula" or "goal, objective".
Hildeburg f Medieval English, Medieval French, Medieval German
Derived from Old High German hiltja meaning "battle" and Old High German burg "castle, city, stronghold" or Old High German berg "mountain, hill".
Himadri m Hindi
"Mountain top of snow." Refers to the Himalaya.
Himinbjörg f Icelandic (Modern, Rare)
Means "heaven's castle" or "heaven mountain" in Old Norse. This is the name of a mythical place, the home of the Norse god Heimdall.
Íkam m Aguaruna
Means "forest, jungle" or "mountain" in Awajún.
Izan m Japanese
From Japanese 依 (i) meaning "rely on", 夷 (i) meaning "Ainu", 威 (i) meaning "intimidate" or 為 (i) meaning "benefit" combined with 山 (zan) meaning "mountain". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Izanshi m Japanese
From Japanese 移 (i) meaning "change", 山 (zan) meaning "mountain" combined with 子 (shi) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Jacawitz m Mayan Mythology
Means "mountain" in the lowland Maya language, as well as "first mountain" in the Cholan languages; also compare the highland Maya word qʼaqʼawitz meaning "fire mountain". This was the name of a K'iche' Maya mountain god, a companion of the sun god Tohil... [more]
Ka'awa m & f Hawaiian
From the Hawaiian ka meaning "the" and 'awa meaning "kava" or "cold mountain rain, mist, fog".
Kaisan m Japanese (Japanized, Modern, ?)
Kaisan (開山) is a Japanese term used in reference to the founder of a school of Buddhism or the founder of a temple, literally meaning "mountain opener" or "to open a mountain." Chan monasteries of China and Japan have traditionally been built in mountainous regions, with the name of whatever mountain it has been built upon then fixed upon the monastery as well as the founding abbot.
Kakuyama-no-uneo-no-konoshita-ni-zasu-kami f Japanese Mythology
An epithet of the spring water goddess Nakisawame. It is derived from 香 (kaku) meaning "pleasant scent, fragrance", 山 (yama) meaning "mountain", の (no) meaning "of", 畝 (une) meaning "raised earth in a field" or "rib", 尾 (o) meaning "tail", "foot of a mountain" or "the end of something", の (no) meaning "of", 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood", の (no) meaning "of", 下 (shita) meaning "the below", 坐 (za) meaning "to sit, to bear fruit" and 神 (kami) meaning "god, deity, spirit".
Kalnius m Lithuanian
From Lithuanian kalnas meaning "mountain".
Katonah m Lenape, History
Meaning uncertain, possibly derived from a Munsee cognate of Unami kitahtëne meaning "big mountain". This was the name of a 17th-century Native American leader, the sachem (chief) of the Munsee-speaking Ramapo people in present-day western Connecticut... [more]
Kazutaka m Japanese
From Japanese 一 (kazu) meaning "one" combined with 岳 (taka) meaning "mountain peak". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Kedar m Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Odia
From Sanskrit केदार (kedara) meaning "field, meadow, plain" as well as "mountain". This is another name for the Hindu god Shiva.
Keika f & m Japanese
From Japanese 馨 (kei) meaning "fragrant, balmy, favourable", 京 (kei) meaning "capital city", 圭 (kei) meaning "jade pointed at top", 径 (kei) meaning "diameter, path, method", 恵, 惠 (kei) meaning "favour, benefit", 慶 (kei) meaning "celebrate", 慧 (kei) meaning "wise", 敬 (kei) meaning "respect", 景 (kei) meaning "scenery, view", 桂 (kei) meaning "Japanese Judas-tree, cinnamon tree", 渓 (kei) meaning "mountain stream, valley", 継 (kei) meaning "inherit, succeed, continue, patch, graft (tree)", 荊 (kei) meaning "thorn, brier, whip", 蛍 (kei) meaning "firefly", 勁 (kei) meaning "strong", 奎 (kei) meaning "star, god of literature", 薊 (kei) meaning "thistle", 蹊 (kei) meaning "path" or 閨 (kei) meaning "bedroom" combined with 佳 (ka) meaning "excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled", 加 (ka) meaning "add, addition, increase, join, include, Canada", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) which both mean "flower", 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance", 耶 (ka) meaning "question mark", 馨 (ka) meaning "fragrant, balmy, favourable", 叶 (ka) meaning "grant, answer", 可 (ka) meaning "passable", 果 (ka) meaning "fruit", 鶴 (ka) meaning "crane, stork", 伽 (ka) meaning "nursing, attending, entertainer", 火 (ka) meaning "fire", 彼 (ka) meaning "he, him, his, boyfriend", 軻 (ka) meaning "difficult progress" or 歌 (ka) meaning "song, poetry"... [more]
Keikei m Japanese
From Japanese 荊 (kei) meaning "thorns" combined with 渓 (kei) meaning "mountain stream, creek". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Keina f Japanese
From Japanese 景 (ke,kei) meaning "vista, view, scene", 市 (i) meaning "market" or 佳 (kei) meaning "beautiful, good", 圭 (kei) meaning "jade pointed at top", 恵 (kei) meaning "favour, benefit", 慧 (kei) meaning "intelligence", 敬 (kei) meaning "respect", 桂 (kei) meaning "the katsura, the Japanese Judas tree", 渓 (kei) meaning "mountain stream, creek", 蛍 (kei) meaning "firefly" or 奎 (kei) meaning "the stride of a person" combined with 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree"... [more]
Keiri f Japanese
From Japanese 恵 (kei) meaning "favour, benefit", 慶 (kei) meaning "celebrate", 慧 (kei) meaning "bright, intelligent", 桂 (kei) meaning "the katsura, the Japanese Judas tree", 渓 (kei) meaning "mountain stream, creek" or 蛍 (kei) meaning "firefly" combined with 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 莉 (ri) meaning "white jasmine", 里 (ri) meaning "village" or 李 (ri) meaning "plum"... [more]
Keiru f Japanese
From Japanese 渓 (kei) meaning "mountain stream, creek" combined with 瑠 (ru) meaning "precious stone". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Keisha f Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 渓 (kei) meaning "mountain valley, stream", 恵 (kei) meaning "blessing, favour, wisdom, kindness, fortune", 慧 (kei) meaning "wisdom", or 佳 (kei) meaning "good, beautiful" combined with 紗 (sha) meaning "silk gauze, gossamer".... [more]
Keishou m Japanese
From Japanese 敬 (kei) meaning "respect, honor, reverence" or 渓 (kei) meaning "mountain stream, creek" combined with 尚 (shou) meaning "still, as always" or 霄 (shou) meaning "sky, clouds, mist"... [more]
Keito m & f Japanese
From Japanese 佳 (kei) meaning "excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled", 花 (ke) or 華 (ke) both meaning "flower", 馨 (kei) meaning "fragrant, balmy, favourable", 京 (kei) meaning "capital", 啓 (kei) meaning "disclose, open, say", 圭 (kei) meaning "square jewel, corner, angle, edge", 恵 (kei, ke) meaning "favor, blessing, grace, kindness", 慶 (kei) meaning "jubilation, congratulate, rejoice, be happy", 慧 (kei) meaning "wise", 敬 (kei) meaning "awe, respect, honor, revere", 景 (kei) meaning "scenery, view", 桂 (kei) meaning "Japanese Judas-tree, cinnamon tree", 渓 (kei) meaning "mountain stream, valley", 蛍 (kei) meaning "firefly", 計 (kei) meaning "plot, plan, scheme, measure" or 奎 (kei) meaning "star, god of literature", 依 (i) meaning "reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to", 衣 (i) meaning "garment, clothes, dressing" or 伊 (i) meaning "Italy, that one" combined with 音 (to) meaning "sound", 都 (to) meaning "metropolis, capital, all, everything", 兎 (ito) meaning "rabbit, hare", 灯 (to) meaning "lamp, a light, light", 愛 (to) meaning "love, affection", 十 (to) meaning "ten", 綸 (to) meaning "thread, silk cloth", 人 (to) meaning "person", 杜 (to) meaning "woods, grove", 登 (to) meaning "ascend, climb up", 絲 (to) meaning "thread", 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation, 冬 (to) meaning "winter", 友 (to) meaning "friend", 士 (to) meaning "gentleman, scholar, samurai", 叶 (to) meaning "grant, answer" or 朋 (to) meaning "companion, friend"... [more]
Khyangan m & f Mongolian
Means "mountain range, mountain ridge" in Mongolian, ultimately derived from хянга (khyanga) meaning "crest, flange, mountain peak". This is the Mongolian name for the Khingan mountain range.
Kiri m Khmer
Means "mountain" in Khmer.
Kjǫlvǫr f Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements kjǫlr "keel, mountain ridge" and vár "spring".
Knjúkr m Old Norse
From Old Norse knjúkr meaning "(top of a) high, steep, round mountain".
Lanmei f Chinese
From Chinese 蓝莓, 藍莓 (lánméi) meaning "blueberry" which combines 蓝, 藍 (lán) meaning "blue" with 莓 (méi) meaning "berry, strawberry", or from 兰, 蘭 (lán) meaning "orchid, elegant" or 岚, 嵐 (lán) meaning "mountain mist" combined with 梅 (méi) meaning "plum, apricot", 玫 (méi) meaning "rose, gemstone", or 美 (měi) meaning "beauty"... [more]
Lanna f Chinese
From the Chinese 岚 (lán) meaning "mountain mist" and 娜 (nà) meaning "graceful, elegant, delicate".
Lanqiong f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 岚 (lán) meaning "mountain mist" and 琼 (qióng) meaning "jade, rare, precious, elegant".
Lantberga f Medieval, Old High German, Old Saxon, Medieval French
Old High German lant, Old Saxon land "land" + Old High German berg "mountain, hill".
Lanxia f Chinese
From the Chinese 蓝 (lán) meaning "blue" or 岚 (lán) meaning "mountain mist" and 夏 (xià) meaning "summer".
Lanxu f Chinese
From the Chinese 岚 (lán) meaning "mountain mist" and 絮 (xù) meaning "raw silk, raw cotton".
Lanying f Chinese
From Chinese 兰 or 蘭 (lán) meaning "orchid, elegant" or 岚 (lán) meaning "mountain mist" combined with 英 (yīng) meaning "flower, petal, brave, hero"... [more]
Lanzhu f Chinese
From Chinese 嵐, 岚 (lán) meaning "mountain mist" and 珠 (zhū) meaning "pearl". Other character combinations can form this name as well.... [more]
Lernig m Armenian
"little mountain"
Lishan f & m Chinese
From Chinese 丽 () meaning "beautiful, lovely", 里 () meaning "village" or 李 () meaning "plum, plum tree" combined with 善 (shàn) meaning "good, virtuous, charitable", 珊 (shān) meaning "coral", 姍 (shān) meaning "leisurely, slow", 山 (shān) meaning "mountain, hill, peak" or 杉 (shān) meaning "pine, fir"... [more]
Liutberga f Old High German, Medieval, Medieval French, German (Austrian, Archaic), Medieval German
Old High German liut "people" + Old High German berg "mountain, hill" or Old High German burg "castle, city, stronghold".... [more]
Lume f Albanian
Derived from either Albanian lumë "river" or from Albanian lume, a term referring to "powerful and beautiful mountain fairies".
Maa f Japanese
From Japanese 真 (ma) meaning "true, reality" combined with 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 阿 (a) meaning "mountain" or 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Mauna f Hawaiian
Means "mountain" in Hawaiian.
Meinberga f Medieval, Medieval French, Old High German
Old High German megin, magan "strength, might, power" + Old High German berg "mountain, hill".
Mencía f Spanish, Medieval Spanish, Galician
Spanish and Galician name of unclear origin, maybe from Basque mendi "mountain". It was born by many noble women in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and revived in the 2000's.
Mengxi f Chinese
From the Chinese 梦 (mèng) meaning "dream" or 朦 (méng) meaning "condition or appearance of the moon" and 熙 (xī) meaning "bright, splendid, glorious" or 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream".
Miztli m & f Nahuatl
Means "mountain lion, wildcat" in Nahuatl.
Mizyaotl m Nahuatl
Probably derived from Nahuatl miztli "mountain lion, wildcat" and yaotl "enemy, combatant".
Montaña f Spanish
Means "mountain" in Spanish (compare English derivation Montana), taken from the Spanish title of the Virgin Mary, La Virgen de la Montaña, meaning "The Virgin of the Mountain."... [more]
Montel m African American
Means "little mountain".
Múli m Old Norse, Icelandic
Old Norse byname, From Old Norse múli meaning "muzzle, mouth; mountain spur".
Nadalberga f Medieval, Old High German, Medieval French
Latin natalis "natal, of birth" + Old High German berg "mountain, hill".
Nakisawame f Japanese Mythology
The name of the Japanese goddess of spring water. Her name is derived from 泣 (naki) meaning "to weep", 啼 (naki) meaning "to wail, cry" or 哭 (naki) meaning "to cry, wail", 沢 (sawa) meaning "mountain stream, swamp, marsh" and 女 (me) meaning "woman".
Nanóse'hame m Cheyenne
Means "cougar, mountain lion" in Cheyenne.
Napârtoĸ m & f Greenlandic
Greenlandic name meaning "standing upright" or "Greenland mountain ash".
Ochaba f & m Chickasaw
Chickasaw work for "mountain".habik
Odelberga f Medieval French, Old High German, Medieval
Old High German uodal "heritage, homestead" + Old High German berg "mountain, hill".
Onomaris f Old Celtic (Latinized), History
This is the name of an ancient Galatian Celtic queen. Her name appears to be a compound, with variants the "-maris" element appearing in several Celtic languages, meaning "great". It may also mean "mountain ash", or possibly "like a great mountain ash or rowan tree"... [more]
Orestheus m Greek Mythology
Probably a more elaborate form of Orestes, which is ultimately derived from Greek όρος (oros) meaning "mountain, hill". It is at least quite unlikely that this is a compound name where the second element is derived from Greek θεος (theos) meaning "god", because then the name would have been spelled as Ὀρεσθεος (Orestheos) in Greek... [more]
Orianthi f Greek (Rare)
Probably derived from the Greek noun ὄρος (oros) meaning "mountain, hill" (compare Orestes) combined with the Greek noun ἄνθος (anthos) meaning "flower"... [more]
Orophin m Literature
Possibly means "mountain-peak". In Tolkien's Legendarium this is the name of an Elf, the brother of Haldir and Rúmil.
Osataka m Japanese
From Japanese 魁 (osa) meaning "chief" combined with 岳 (taka) meaning "mountain peak". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Otgondavaa m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian отгон (otgon) meaning "youngest" and даваа (davaa) meaning "Monday" or "threshold, passage, mountain pass".
Ourea f Greek Mythology
Perhaps from οὐρεύς (oureus), the Ionic Greek form of ὀρεύς (oreus) meaning "mule", which in turn is a derivative of ὄρος (oros) "mountain" (mules being much used in mountainous countries)... [more]
Palgun m Nivkh
From Nivkh paln meaning "mountain", indicating a child born in the mountains.
Peechee m Cree
Means "mountain lion" in Cree.
Phanom m & f Thai
Means "hill, mountain" (a poetic word) in Thai.
Phou m & f Lao
Means "mountain" in Lao.
Phouchanh f Lao (Rare)
From Lao ພູ (phou) meaning "mountain" and ຈັນ (chanh) meaning "moon".
Phoukham m & f Lao
From Lao ພູ (phou) meaning "mountain" and ຄຳ (kham) meaning "gold".
Phoukhong m & f Lao
From Lao ພູ (phou) meaning "mountain" and ຂົງ (khong) meaning "territory, region".
Phousavanh m & f Lao
From Lao ພູ (phou) meaning "mountain" and ສະຫວັນ (savanh) meaning "heaven, paradise".
Phouvanh m & f Lao
From Lao ພູ (phou) meaning "mountain" and ວັນ (vanh) meaning "sun, day".
Phouvong m & f Lao
From Lao ພູ (phou) meaning "mountain" and ວົງ (vong) meaning "lineage, family, ring, circle".
Phufa m & f Thai
From Thai ภู (phu) meaning "mountain" and ฟ้า (fa) meaning "sky, heaven".
Phutong f Lao
“Golden Mountain”
Phuvang m & f Lao
From Lao ພູ (phou) meaning "mountain" and ວັງ (vang) meaning "palace" or "protect, encircle".
Popo m New World Mythology
Short form of Popocatepetl, which means "smoking mountain" in Nahuatl from popoca "it smokes" and tepetl "mountain". This is the name of a hero in Mexican legend and Aztec mythology, the lover of Princess Ixtli... [more]
Popocatepetl m New World Mythology, Aztec and Toltec Mythology
Means "smoking mountain" in Nahuatl, derived from popoca "it smokes" and tepetl "mountain". This is the name of an active volcano in Mexico, named after a warrior from Aztec mythology said to be kneeling beside the body of his lover, Iztaccihuatl, a twin volcano to the north.
Puy f Basque, Aragonese, Spanish (European, Rare)
Means "mountain, hill" in Auvergnat French. It is taken from the Spanish title of the Virgin Mary Nuestra Señora del Puy meaning "Our Lady of the Mountain". She is the patron saint of the town of Estella, located in the Spanish autonomous community of Navarre... [more]
Qianyue m & f Chinese
From Chinese 千 (qiān) meaning "thousand", 茜 (qiān) meaning "rubia plant, madder plant", or 骞 (qiān) meaning "soar, fly, rise" combined with 月 (yuè) meaning "moon", 跃 (yuè) meaning "jump, leap", 越 (yuè) referring to the Yue people who inhabited southern China and northern Vietnam or 岳 (yuè) meaning "tall mountain"... [more]
Qiaolan f Chinese
From the Chinese 巧 (qiǎo) meaning "artful, skillful, clever" or 俏 (qiào) meaning "like, similar, resemble" and 岚 (lán) meaning "mountain mist".
Qiaoxi f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 巧 (qiǎo) meaning "artful, skillful, clever" or 俏 (qiào) meaning "like, similar, resemble" and 汐 (xī) meaning "night tides", 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream", or 熙 (xī) meaning "bright, splendid, glorious".
Qinglan f Chinese
From the Chinese 晴 (qíng) meaning "fine weather" or 庆 (qìng) meaning "celebrate, congratulate" and 蓝 (lán) meaning "blue, blueness", 兰 (lán) meaning "orchid" or 岚 (lán) meaning "mountain mist".
Qionglan f Chinese
From Chinese 琼 (qióng) meaning "fine jade, exquisite, beautiful" or 瓊 (qióng) meaning "red jade" combined with 兰 (lán) meaning "orchid, elegant" or 岚 (lán) meaning "mountain mist"... [more]
Qiongxi f Chinese
From the Chinese 琼 (qióng) meaning "jade, rare, precious, elegant" and 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream".
Raolan f Chinese
From the Chinese 娆 (ráo) meaning "graceful, charming, fascinating" and 岚 (lán) meaning "mountain mist".
Reire f Japanese
From Japanese 麗 (rei) meaning "lovely, beautiful" combined with 嶺 (re) meaning "mountain ridge". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Reynir m Icelandic
Taken directly from Icelandic and Old Norse reynir meaning "rowan, mountain ash".
Ronglan f Chinese
From the Chinese 榕 (róng) meaning "banyan tree" and 岚 (lán) meaning "mountain mist".
Rongxi f Chinese
From the Chinese 蓉 (róng) meaning "hibiscus" and 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream".
Rudina f Albanian
Of uncertain origin and meaning; theories include a derivation from Albanian rudinë "mountain pasture, mountain meadow".
Ruoshan m Chinese
From the characters 若 (ruò, meaning “like, similar to”) and 山 (shān, meaning “mountain”). This was the name of a ruler of the Han state during the Chinese Warring Kingdoms period (475 - 221 B.C.E.).
Sabana f Chamorro
Means "mountain" in Chamorro.
Sai m & f Hmong
Means "fast" or "mountain goat" in Hmong Daw.
San m & f Vietnamese
From Sino-Vietnamese 山 (san) meaning "mountain".
San m & f Korean
Sanasar m Armenian
Sanasar Սանասար is an ancient Armenian name, which means "sacred mountain" սանա սար in armenian. It is also main character in armenian epic poem Sanuntsi Davit. In Russian it was Tra slated later as "sviatagor" which bears the same meaning "sacred mountain".
Sarig f Armenian
Means "blackbird" or "little mountain" in Armenian.
Sarin f Armenian
"mountain maiden"
Satsuko f Japanese
From Japanese 札 (satsu) meaning "paper money", 殺 (satsu) meaning "to kill", 颪 (satsu) meaning "The wind that blows down from the top of a mountain" or 颯 (satsu) meaning "the sound of the wind" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child"... [more]
Sawa f Japanese
Probably from the Japanese kanji (Kun reading sawa) "mountain stream" or "marsh, swamp; wetlands". This kanji can also be pronounced Taku (Kan'on reading) or Jaku (Goon reading).... [more]
Sawao m Japanese
From Japanese 沢 (sawa) meaning "a mountain stream, swamp; marsh; wetlands" combined with 男 (o) meaning "male". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
Sennin m Japanese
From Japanese 仙人 (sennin) meaning "immortal mountain fairy or wizard".
Shailendra m Indian, Hindi, Marathi
From Sanskrit शैल (shaila) meaning "mountain" combined with the name of the Hindu god Indra. This is an epithet of the god Shiva.
Shailesh m Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali
Modern Hindi transcription of Sanskrit शैलेश (Shailesha) meaning "lord of the mountains", derived from शैल (shaila) meaning "mountain" and ईश (isha) meaning "lord, ruler".
Shakhwan m & f Kurdish
Means "mountain climber" in Kurdish.
Shan m & f Chinese
From Chinese 山 (shān) meaning "mountain", 珊 (shān) meaning "coral", 杉 (shān) meaning "pine, fir" or 鳝 (shàn) meaning "eel"... [more]
Shichirouzan m Japanese
From Japanese 七 (shichi) meaning "seven", 郎 (rou) meaning "son" combined with 山 (zan) meaning "mountain". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Shikhar m Indian, Hindi
Means "mountain peak, summit" in Sanskrit.
Shikher m Indian
meaning "peak" or "mountain Top""... [more]
Shin'a f Japanese
From Japanese 心 (shin) meaning "heart, mind, soul", 新 (shin) meaning "fresh, new", 真 (shin) meaning "real, genuine" or 進 (shin) meaning "advance, make progress" combined with 阿 (a) meaning "mountain", 開 (a) meaning "open, unfold, unseal", 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia" or 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection"... [more]
Shuanglan f Chinese
From the Chinese characters 霜 (shuāng) meaning "frost; crystallized" and 岚 (lán) meaning "mountain mist, mountain haze".
Shylah f Indian (Rare)
Origin:Indian... [more]
Siella f Italian
" A girl who is as high as a mountain "
Sim'oogit m Nisga'a
Meaning, "mountain chief."
Somphou f & m Lao
From Lao ສົມ (som) meaning "worthy, suitable, proper" and ພູ (phou) meaning "mountain".
Song m & f Chinese
Derived from the Chinese character 嵩 (sōng) meaning "highty; lofty (literarian term referred to a mountain)" or 松 (sōng) meaning "pine tree" or 颂 (sòng) meaning "to acclaim; hymn; ode"... [more]
Sulan f Chinese
From the Chinese 夙 (sù) meaning "early morning, dawn" or 素 (sù) meaning "white silk, plain" and 岚 (lán) meaning "mountain mist" or 兰 (lán) meaning "orchid".
Symela f Greek
From the name of the Sumela monastery, which is located in Trabzon, Turkey. It is derived from Greek σου μελά (sou mela) meaning "black mountain".
Tahoma m & f Salishan
From Salishan təqʷúbə, meaning "snow-covered mountain". Mount Rainier, also known as Tahoma or Tacoma, is a large active stratovolcano.
Takami m & f Japanese
From Japanese 貴 (taka) meaning "expensive", 岳 (taka) meaning "mountain peak", 空 (taka) meaning "sky", 孝 (taka) meaning "filial piety" or 鷹 (taka) meaning "eagle, falcon, hawk" combined with 己 (mi) meaning "self", 三 (mi) meaning "three", 実 (mi) meaning "fruit", 臣 (mi) meaning "minister; statesman; official", 水 (mi) meaning "water", 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful", 巳 (mi) meaning "sign of the snake", 弓 (mi) meaning "archery bow", 見 (mi) meaning "to see", 海 (mi) meaning "sea, ocean", 弥 (mi) meaning "extensive, full" or 身 (mi) meaning "body, identity"... [more]
Takane f Japanese
Takane (高嶺) is a Japanese-origin name meaning "Mountain peak". The name when written in Kanji consists of the Kanji for "tall, high" (高) and "peak, summit" (嶺).
Take m Japanese
From Japanese 威 (take) meaning "intimidate", 岳 (take) meaning "mountain peak", 巌 (take) meaning "rock", 丈 (take) meaning "height", 竹 (take) meaning "bamboo" or 武 (take) meaning "military, martial"... [more]
Takeaki m Japanese
From Japanese 偉 (take) meaning "admirable", 威 (take) meaning "intimidate", 岳 (take) meaning "mountain peak", 健 (take) meaning "healthy, strong", 建 (take) meaning "build, establish, erect, found", 剛 (take) meaning "firm; strong; hard", 壮 (take) meaning "big, large", 竹 (take) meaning "bamboo", 武 (take) meaning "military, martial", 勇 (take) meaning "brave" or 雄 (take) meaning "hero, manly" combined with 英 (aki) meaning "excellent, fine", 哲 (aki) meaning "philosophy, clear", 明 (aki) meaning "clear", 亮 (aki) meaning "clear, help", 秋 (aki) meaning "autumn", 彰 (aki) meaning "obvious, clear", 昌 (aki) meaning "good, prosper", 昭 (aki) meaning "shining", 晶 (aki) meaning "clear", 章 (aki) meaning "chapter; section", 陽 (aki) meaning "light, sun, male", 朗 (aki) meaning "bright, clear", 暁 (aki) meaning "dawn, daybreak", 顕 (aki) meaning "manifest, display", 晃 (aki) meaning "clear" or 揚 (aki) meaning "scatter, spread"... [more]
Takehiro m Japanese
From Japanese 岳 (take) meaning "mountain peak" combined with 弘 (hiro) meaning "to spread, enlarge, expand". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Takeru m Japanese, Japanese Mythology
Derived from the Japanese kanji 尊 (takeru) meaning "excellent, noble, precious" or 健 (takeru) meaning "strong, healthy" or 猛 (takeru) meaning "fierce, ferocious". Takeru can also be written with two kanji, for example 猛 (take, read differently from above) or 丈 (take) meaning "height, mountain" combined with 竜 (ru) meaning "dragon, hero, imperial" or 瑠 (ru) meaning "precious stone, lapis lazuli".... [more]
Taketo m Japanese
From Japanese 岳 (take) meaning "mountain peak" combined with 人 (to) meaning "person". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Takeyoshi m Japanese
From Japanese 岳 (take) meaning "mountain peak" combined with 美 (yoshi) meaning "beautiful". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
Tania f Japanese
From Japanese 渓 (tani) meaning "mountain stream, creek" combined with 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
Taubek m Karachay-Balkar
From the Karachay-Balkar тау (tau) meaning "mountain" and the Turkish military title beg meaning "chieftain, master".
Taubiy m Karachay-Balkar
From the Karachay-Balkar тау (tau) meaning "mountain" and бий (biy) meaning "bey, prince".
Taucan f Karachay-Balkar
From the Karachay-Balkar тау (tau) meaning "mountain" and Turkic can meaning "soul".
Taulan m Karachay-Balkar
From the Karachay-Balkar тау (tau) meaning "mountain" and улан (ulan) meaning "son".
Taulu m Karachay-Balkar
Means "of the mountain" or "man from the mountains" in Karachay-Balkar.
Tauqan m Karachay-Balkar
From the Karachay-Balkar тау (tau) meaning "mountain" and the Turkic title khan meaning "king, ruler". This was the name of a mythological musician, son of Apsat.
Tepeyacan m Nahuatl
Means "mountain leader", derived from Nahuatl yacatl "mountain" and yacana "to lead, to guide".
Thaba m Sotho
Means "mountain".
Þeodbeorge f Anglo-Saxon (Hypothetical)
Possible Old English cognate of Teutberga or Theudeburg, apparently formed of the Old English elements þeod meaning "nation" and beorg meaning "mountain".
Þórbergr m Old Norse
From the name of the Norse god Þórr (see Thor) combined with the element -bergr, which is associated with Old Norse berg, bjarg meaning "mountain, cliff" (from Proto-Germanic *bergaz) but may be derived from the present stem of the Old Norse verb bjarga "to save, to help" (making it a masculine equivalent of Þórbjǫrg; also compare Bergr)... [more]
Tianxi f Chinese
From the Chinese 恬 (tián) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful", 甜 (tián) meaning "sweet, sweetness" or 湉 (tián) meaning "calmness of water" and 熙 (xī) meaning "bright, splendid", 汐 (xī) meaning "night tides", 希 (xī) meaning "hope, hope for, rare" or 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream".
Tog'boy m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek tog' meaning "mountain" and boy meaning "rich, wealthy".
Tomeo m Japanese
From Japanese 止 (tome) meaning "stop, halt", 登 (to) meaning "ascend, climb up" or 留 (tome) meaning "detain, fasten, halt, stop", 女 (me) meaning "woman, female" or 米 (me) meaning "rice, USA, metre" combined with 生 (o) meaning "life, genuine, birth", 男 (o) meaning "male", 暢 (o) meaning "stretch", 夫 (o) meaning "man, husband", 雄 (o) meaning "hero, manly", 郎 (o) meaning "son", 男 (o) meaning "male" or 尾 (o) meaning "tail, end, lower slope of mountain"... [more]
Tooke m Kyrgyz
Means "mountain uncle" or "mountain elder brother" in Kyrgyz.
Tsukiyama m Japanese
Tsukiyama means "moon mountain".... [more]
Ugwu m Igbo
From Igbo Ùgwù meaning "respect; reverence; dignity" or Úgwú meaning "hill, mountain; highland" or also "north". ... [more]
Uraliä f Bashkir
From the name of the Ural mountain range, ultimately of uncertain etymology, possibly from Bashkir үр "elevation; upland", Mansi ур ала "mountain peak, top of the mountain" or the Turkic verb oralu- "gird" amongst other possible suggestions.
Usqullu m Quechua
Means "mountain cat, wildcat" in Quechua.
Usqullwillka m Quechua
Means "sacred mountain cat, sacred wildcat" in Quechua.
Uuliinyagaantsetseg f Mongolian
Means "pink flower of the mountain" in Mongolian, from уулын (uuliin) meaning "(of the) mountain", ягаан (yagaan) meaning "pink" and цэцэг (tsetseg) meaning "flower".
Vermont m & f American (Rare)
From the name of the state in the United States of America (see Vermont). The place name originated from French Verd Mont meaning "green mountain", the name that French explorer Samuel de Champlain gave to Vermont's Green Mountains on his 1647 map.
Waitara f Maori
Derived from the Maori waitara, possibly meaning "mountain stream" or "pure water".
Wanxi f Chinese
From the Chinese 婉 (wǎn) meaning "amiable, congenial" and 曦 (xī) meaning "sunlight, sunshine, early dawn" or 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream".
Weilan f Chinese
From the Chinese 维 (wéi) meaning "maintain, preserve" or 蔚 (wèi) meaning "luxuriant, thick, ornamental" and 兰 (lán) meaning "orchid" or 岚 (lán) meaning "mountain mist".
Wenyan f & m Chinese
From Chinese 文 (wén) meaning "language, writing" or 汶 (wèn) referring to a river in China combined with 雁 (yàn) "wild goose" or 岩 (yán) "cliff, mountain", as well as other character combinations that can form this name.
Wuyue m & f Chinese
From Chinese 五 () meaning "five", 武 () meaning "military, martial", 吴 () referring to the ancient state of Wu or 舞 () meaning "dance" combined with 月 (yuè) meaning "moon", 跃 (yuè) meaning "jump, leap", 越 (yuè) referring to the Yue people who inhabited southern China and northern Vietnam or 岳 (yuè) meaning "tall mountain"... [more]
Xéhachiwinga f Indigenous American
Means "mountain wolf woman" in Winnebago.
Xiaolan f & m Chinese
From Chinese 小 (xiǎo) meaning "small", 晓 (xiǎo) meaning "dawn, daybreak, know, understand" or 效 (xiào) meaning "imitate, follow, devote" combined with 兰 (lán) meaning "orchid, elegant" or 岚 (lán) meaning "mountain mist"... [more]
Xibei f Chinese
From the Chinese 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream" and 贝 (bèi) meaning "seashell" or "money".
Xichen f Chinese
From the Chinese 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream" and 琛 (chēn) meaning "treasure".
Xielan f Chinese
From the Chinese 谢 (xiè) meaning "thank" and 岚 (lán) meaning "mountain mist".
Xier f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream" and 迩 (ěr) meaning "be near".
Ximei f Chinese
From the Chinese 熙 (xī) meaning "bright, splendid, glorious", 曦 (xī) meaning "sunshine, sunlight, early dawn", 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream" or 夕 (xī) meaning "evening, night" and 媚 (mèi) meaning "charming, attractive", 妹 (mèi) meaning "younger sister" or 美 (měi) meaning "beauty, beautiful".
Ximiao f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream" and 淼 (miǎo) meaning "wide expanse of water".
Xinlan f Chinese
From the Chinese 歆 (xīn) meaning "like, admire", 馨 (xīn) meaning "fragrant, aromatic, distant fragrance", 心 (xīn) meaning "heart, mind, soul", 欣 (xīn) meaning "happy, joyous, delighted", or 昕 (xīn) meaning "dawn, early morning" and 蓝 (lán) meaning "blue", 斓 (lán) meaning "multicoloured", 兰 (lán) meaning "orchid", 岚 (lán) meaning "mountain mist" or 澜 (lán) meaning "overflowing, waves, ripples".
Xipeng f Chinese
From the Chinese 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream" and 朋 (péng) meaning "friend".
Xishuang f Chinese
From the Chinese 希 (xī) meaning "hope, hope for", "rare", 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream" or 熙 (xī) meaning "bright, splendid, glorious" and 爽 (shuǎng) meaning "bright, clear, cheerful, happy, refreshing".
Xixue f Chinese
From the Chinese 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream" and 雪 (xuě) meaning "snow".
Xiyao f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 希 (xī) meaning "hope, expect, rare", 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream" or 曦 (xī) meaning "sunlight, sunshine, early dawn" and 瑶 (yáo) meaning "precious jade", 谣 (yáo) meaning "folksong, ballad" or 姚 (yáo) meaning "handsome, elegant"
Xiyu f Chinese
From the Chinese 曦 (xī) meaning "sunshine, sunlight, early dawn" or 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream" and 羽 (yǔ) meaning "feather, wing" or 玉 (yù) meaning "jade".
Xiyuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 熙 (xī) meaning "bright, splendid, glorious", 希 (xī) meaning "hope, expect, rare" or 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream" and 园 (yuán) meaning "garden, park, orchard", 爰 (yuán) meaning "lead on to", 缘 (yuán) meaning "margin, reason, cause, fate" or 苑 (yuàn) meaning "pasture, park, garden".
Yalçındağ m Azerbaijani
Means "steep mountain" in Azerbaijani.
Yama f Japanese (Archaic)
Derived from the Japanese kanji 山 (yama) meaning "mountain". ... [more]
Yamabuki f Japanese (Modern, Rare)
This name is used as 山吹, referring to the plant known as Kerria japonica (or just Kerria since it is the sole species in the genus Kerria), which belongs to the rose family. It combines 山 (san, sen, yama) meaning "mountain" and 吹 (sui, fu.ku, fuki) meaning "blow, puff, emit."... [more]
Yamachi m & f Japanese
From Japanese 山 (yama) meaning "mountain" and 知 (chi) meaning "knowledge". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Yamako m & f Japanese
Means "mountain child" in Japanese.
Yamano m Japanese
Means "mountain wilderness" in Japanese.
Yareni f Spanish (Mexican)
Meaning uncertain, possibly an elaborated form of Yara 1 or Yara 2. (Also compare Yareli and Yaretzi.) It coincides with the name of a place in Oaxaca, Mexico, which comes from Zapotec i'iya meaning "mountain" or "hill" and reni meaning "blood".
Yingxi f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 颖 (yǐng) meaning "rice tassel, sharp point" or "clever", 盈 (yíng) meaning "fill, full of, overflowing", 荧 (yíng) meaning "shine, shimmer, shining, dazzling", 影 (yǐng) meaning "shadow, image, reflection", 滢 (yíng) meaning "clear, pure water, lucid" or 映 (yìng) meaning "mirror, reflect, shine" and 希 (xī) meaning "rare" or "hope for", 熙 (xī) meaning "bright, splendid, glorious", 曦 (xī) meaning "sunshine, sunlight, early dawn", 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream", 夕 (xī) meaning "evening, night, dusk" or 汐 (xī) meaning "night tides".
Yinxi f Chinese
From the Chinese 银 (yín) meaning "silver, money, wealth" and 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream".
Yoshitake m Japanese
From Japanese meaning "good, fine, best" and "hard, tough, strong" or meaning "right conduct, morality" and meaning "mountain peak".
Yuehua f & m Chinese
From Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon", 岳 (yuè) meaning "tall mountain" or 悅 (yuè) meaning "pleased, contented" combined with 花 (huā) meaning "flower, blossom" or 華 (huá) meaning "brilliance, magnificence", as well as other character combinations.
Yuejuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 悦 (yuè) meaning "pleased, contented" or 岳 (yuè) meaning "mountain peak" and 娟 (juān) meaning "beautiful, graceful" and 鹃 (juān) meaning "cuckoo".
Yueling f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 岭 (lǐng) meaning "mountain peak" or 泠 (líng) meaning "nice and cool".
Yuewen f Chinese
From the Chinese 岳 (yuè) meaning "mountain peak" and 雯 (wén) meaning "cloud patterns".
Yuexue f Chinese
From the Chinese 岳 (yuè) meaning "mountain peak" and 雪 (xuě) meaning "snow".
Yueyan f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" or 岳 (yuè) meaning "mountain peak" and 燕 (yàn) meaning "swallow (bird)".
Yuuzan m Japanese
From Japanese 有 (yuu) meaning "exist" combined with 山 (zan) meaning "mountain". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Yuxi f Chinese
From the Chinese 玉 (yù) meaning "jade" or 雨 (yǔ) meaning "rain" and 僖 (xī) meaning "joy, gladness, delight", 曦 (xī) meaning "sunshine, sunlight, early dawn" or 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream".
Zaltana f Indigenous American
Means "high mountain"
Zhenlan f Chinese
From the Chinese 珍 (zhēn) meaning "precious, valuable, rare" and 岚 (lán) meaning "mountain mist" or 兰 (lán) meaning "orchid".
Zhixi f Chinese
From the Chinese 芷 (zhǐ) meaning "angelica, iris" or 祉 (zhǐ) meaning "happiness, blessings, good luck" and 曦 (xī) meaning "sunlight, sunshine", 熙 (xī) meaning "bright, splendid, glorious" or 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream".
Zhuxi f Chinese
From the Chinese 竹 (zhú) meaning "bamboo, flute" and 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream".
Zidu m Chinese
From the characters 子(zǐ, meaning “son”) and 都 (dū, meaning “capital city”, “head” or “beautiful”). This is a name that appears in the song “The Mountain has Fusu Trees” (山有扶苏) featured in the Classic of Poetry (诗经), a collection of poetic folk songs and hymns from the Zhou Dynasty (c... [more]
Zimran m Biblical Hebrew, Hebrew
Meaning uncertain. Some sources say that the name means "musical" or "musician" and is ultimately derived from Hebrew zimrah meaning "melody, song (in praise of God)". If this is true, then the name is etymologically related to Zimri... [more]
Zixi f Chinese
From the Chinese 紫 (zǐ) meaning "purple, violet" and 曦 (xī) meaning "sunlight, sunshine, early dawn" or 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream".