Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Masculine & Feminine
Usage Chinese
Scripts 嵩, 松, 颂, 宋(Chinese)
Other Forms FormsSōng, Sòng (Pinyin)

Meaning & History

Derived from the Chinese character 嵩 (sōng) meaning "highty; lofty (literarian term referred to a mountain)" or 松 (sōng) meaning "pine tree" or 颂 (sòng) meaning "to acclaim; hymn; ode". More often used as a surname is 宋 (sòng) that was the name of the Imperial Dynasty reigning in China in years 960-1279 AC.

Other characters combinations are also possible.
Added 9/23/2014 by A Chinese who proudly has this last name.
Edited 5/25/2022 by Felie and Sofia

Song 2
Gender Masculine & Feminine
Usage Thai
Scripts ส่ง(Thai)

Meaning & History

Means "send" in Thai.
Added 10/31/2020 by cassilda in carcosa