Submitted Names with "-rose" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword -rose.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Roselouise f English
A combination of Rose and Louise.
Roselpha f American (Rare, Archaic)
Meaning unknown, perhaps based on similar-sounding names such as Rosella and Zelpha.
Rosemae f Filipino
Variant of Rosemay.
Rosemarijn f Dutch
Dutch form of Rosemary.
Rosemay f Various (Rare), Mauritian Creole
Combination of Rose and May, possibly used as a diminutive of Rosemary or Rosemarie.
Rosemene f Haitian Creole
Combination of Rose and -mene, a feminine name suffix commonly used in Haiti. The second element might be taken from Philomène or from a name such as Chrismene, Dieumene, Jesumene or Viergemene in which it appears to originate from French mène meaning "leads" (i.e., the aforelisted names appear to be derived from French phrases with religious meanings - "Christ leads", "God leads", "Jesus leads" and "the Virgin (Mary) leads", respectively).
Rosemerlande f Haitian Creole
Combination of Rose and Merlande, a variation of Mirlande.
Rosemin f Arabic, Pakistani, Indian (Muslim, Expatriate)
A known bearer of this name is Rosemin Madhavji, a Canadian-born fashion entrepreneur of Indian descent.
Rosemirtha f Haitian Creole
Combination of Rose and Mirtha.
Rosemma f Italian (Rare)
Contraction of Rosa 1 and Emma.
Rosemundo m Louisiana Creole
Louisiana Spanish form of Rosémond.
Rosen m Bulgarian
Derived from Bulgarian росен (rosen) "dittany (a type of flower)". This name is borne by Rosen Plevneliev (1964-), the fourth president of Bulgaria.
Rosena f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Rosen.
Rósenberg m Icelandic
Icelandic variant of Rósberg.
Rosencrantz m Theatre
Anglicized form of the noble Danish surname Rosenkrantz. Shakespeare used this name for a childhood friend of Hamlet in his play The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (1600).
Rosenkrans m & f Danish (Rare)
Nordic form of the German surname Rosenkranz meaning "rosary".
Rosenwyn f Cornish (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Rosen and Cornish gwynn "fair, white, blessed". This is a modern Cornish name.
Rose-of-Sharon f English
From the flower. This name was used in The Pony Express Rider.
Rosepetal f English
Referring to the Petals of a rose.
Rosera f English, Portuguese
Elaboration of Rose with the suffix -ra
Rose Red f Folklore
English translation of German Rosenrot. This name was featured on the German fairy tale Snow-White and Rose-Red by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm.
Roserl f German (Austrian), Upper German
Austrian and Bavarian German diminutive of given names that start with Ros-, such as Rosa 1 and Roswitha... [more]
Rosesheba f English (?)
Combination of Rose and Sheba.
Roseta f Provençal, Louisiana Creole (Archaic)
Provençal and Louisiana Spanish form of Rosette.
Rosetto m Italian
Italian masculine form of Rose.
Rosewinter f English (Modern)
Combination of Rose and Winter.
Rosewyn f English (Rare), Filipino (Rare)
Probably an Anglicized form of Rhoswen.
Rosey f & m English
Diminutive of Rosa 1, Rose and of compound names that start with Ros-, such as Rosaline.... [more]
Rosfrith f English (British, Rare), Medieval English
Possibly derived from the Old English elements hroð "glory, fame" and friþ "peace, happiness"... [more]
Rosh m Biblical
Meaning "Head." Rosh is the seventh of the ten sons of Benjamin named in Genesis 46:21
Rosha f Persian
Means "bright" in Persian.
Roshae f English (Modern, Rare)
Could be a combination of the prefix Ros- (from Rosalind, Rosamund, Rosanne etc.) and Shae.
Roshanee f Hindi, Indian
From Hindi रोशनी (roshanee) meaning "light".
Roshangul f Kazakh (Rare)
Combination of Roshan and Gul.
Roshdi m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic رشدي (see Rushdi).
Roshdy m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic رشدي (see Rushdi).
Roshel m Jewish
meaning:"The Head"... [more]
Roshi f Indian
Means light or candle, similar to Roshni. ... [more]
Roshidah f Malay
Malay variant of Rashida.
Roshna f Indian, Malayalam, Urdu
Derived from Persian روشن (roshan) meaning "light, bright".
Ro'shno f Uzbek
Potentially derived from ro'shnolik meaning "a happy and comfortable life".
Rósi m Icelandic
Icelandic masculine form of Rósa.
Rosi f Polynesian, Melanesian
Polynesian and Melanesian form of Rosie.
Rosi f Spanish, German, Portuguese (Brazilian), Various
Diminutive of Rosa 1, Rosalie and similar names, also used as a standalone name in German-speaking countries and Brazil.
Rosiana f Dutch (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Feminine form of Rosianus. A bearer of this name was Rosiana Coleners, a Belgian poet from the 16th century AD.
Rosiano m Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Italian (Rare)
Portuguese form of Rosianus, though in some cases it can also be a blend of Rosa 1 with a name ending in -iano, such as Cristiano... [more]
Rosianus m Late Roman
Extended form of Rosius. A bearer of this name was Rosianus Geminus, who lived in the first century AD.
Rosidah f Indonesian, Malay
Indonesian and Malay variant of Rashida.
Rosiebelle f English
Combination of Rosie and Belle.
Rosielyn f Filipino
Combination of Rosie and the popular suffix -lyn.
Rosién f & m Irish
Diminutive of Róis or the Irish word for rose
Rosiina f Finnish
Finnish form of Rosina.
Rosilde f Estonian
Estonian form of Roshild.
Rosilena f Theatre, Italian (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Possibly a variant of Roselina. Rosilena ed Oronta (1728) is an opera by Antonio Vivaldi.
Rosin m & f Bulgarian
Variant of Rosen.
Rosina f German
German short form of Euphrosina, common in the 1700s and 1800s, then almost forgotten and now being revived in recent years.
Rosinda f Aragonese
Aragonese form of Rosenda.
Rosinés f Spanish
Probably a blend of the names Rosa 1 and Inés. A known bearer of this name is Rosinés Chávez Rodríguez (b... [more]
Rosing f Filipino, Tagalog
Diminutive of Rosa 1, Generosa, Milagros, and other names containing or ending in ros.
Rósingur m Faroese (Rare, ?)
Combination of Rós and the Old Norse suffix ingr meaning "son of, belonging to".
Rósinkara f Icelandic
Feminine form of Rósinkar.
Rosino m Italian
Italian masculine form of Rose.
Rosito m Spanish (Philippines)
Masculine form of Rosita.
Rositza f Bulgarian (Rare)
Variant transcription of Росица (see Rositsa).
Róska f Icelandic (Modern, Rare)
In the case of Icelandic avant-garde artist Róska (1940-1996), it was apparently a contraction of her real name, Ragnhildur Óskarsdóttir (i.e. presumably formed from R, the first letter of her given name, and Óska, the first four letters of her surname - itself a derivative of the given name Óskar).
Röskva f Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Rǫskva.
Rǫskva f Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Derived from rǫskr "brave". In Norse mythology Rǫskva is a farmer's daughter; Thor takes her and her brother Þjálfi with him as servants when he goes to Utgarðaloki.
Roskva f Norwegian (Rare)
Norwegian form of Røskva.
Roslan m Malay
Malay variant of Ruslan.
Rosława f Polish
Feminine form of Rosław.
Roslee m Malay
Variant of Rusli.
Rösli f German (Swiss)
Diminutive of Rose and Rosa 1.
Rosli m Malay
Malay variant of Rusli.
Roslie m Malay
Variant of Rusli.
Róslín f Icelandic (Rare)
Icelandic form of Roslin.
Röslin f Medieval Jewish, Jewish (Archaic)
Diminutive of Rosa 1, recorded in medieval Frankfurt, Germany.
Roslin f English
Derived from the place name Roslin belonging to a village in Scotland.
Roslinah f Malay
Variant of Roslina.
Roslinawati f Indonesian, Malay
Combination of Roslina and the feminine suffix -wati or alternatively, Ros and Linawati.
Róslind f Icelandic (Rare)
Contracted form of Rósalind.
Roslinda f Malay, Indonesian
Malay and Indonesian form of Rosalind.
Rosliza f Malay
Possibly a feminine elaboration of Rosli or a combination of Ros and Liza.
Roslizah f Malay
Variant of Rosliza.
Rosly m Malay
Variant of Rusli.
Rosma f Latvian (Rare)
Possibly derived from Latvian rosme "bustle".
Rosman m Malay, Indonesian
Malay form of Rusman as well as an Indonesian variant.
Rosmanda f English (Rare)
Used among some Amish and Mennonite communities a variant of the name Rosamund.
Rosmaniar f Indonesian
Combination of the name Rosma and the feminine suffix -niar.
Rósmann m Icelandic (Rare)
Combination of Rós and the Old Norse element maðr meaning "person, man" (genitive manns).
Rosmarijn f Dutch (Rare)
Variant of Roosmarijn. The name coincides with Dutch rosmarijn, an obsolete variant of rozemarijn "rosemary".
Rosmarino m Italian
Italian masculine form of Rosemary.
Rósmarý f Icelandic
Icelandic adoption of Rosemary.
Rosmawati f Indonesian, Malay
Combination of the name Rosma and the feminine suffix -wati.
Rosmerta f Celtic Mythology
Probably means "great provider" from Gaulish ro, an intensive prefix (hence "very, most, great"), combined with smert "purveyor, carer" and the feminine name suffix a. This was the name of an obscure Gallo-Roman goddess of fertility, abundance and prosperity... [more]
Rosmertha f German
Spelling variant of Rosmerta.
Rosmery f Spanish (Latin American)
Latin American Spanish adoption of Rosemary.
Rosmina f Theatre
Possibly a variant of Rosmunda or Romina. This name was used by Francesco Cavalli for a character in his opera Giasone (1649).
Rosmira f Theatre, Spanish (Latin American)
Rosmira (also known as Rosmira fedele, 1738) is an opera by Antonio Vivaldi.
Rósmunda f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Rosamunda.
Rósmundur m Icelandic
Icelandic form of Rosamund.
Roşna f Kurdish
Means "glitter, shine" in Kurdish.
Rosna f Indonesian, Malay
Indonesian and Malay form of Roshna.
Rosnawati f Indonesian
Combination of Rosna and the feminine suffix -wati.
Rosni f Indonesian, Malay
Indonesian and Malay form of Roshni.
Rosnita f Indonesian, Malay
Elaboration of Rosni.
Roso m Italian
Italian masculine form of Rose.
Roso f Provençal
Provençal form of Rose.
Rosó f Catalan
From Catalan rosor meaning "rosiness, pinkness". This is the title of a Catalan song about a woman named Rosó that premiered in 1922 and soon became a staple in the repertory of Catalan popular music... [more]
Rosolina f Italian
Variant of Rosalia.
Rosor f Catalan (Rare)
Variant of Rosó using the normative spelling of the word in Catalan.
Rossane f Italian
Variant of Rossana.
Rossano m Italian
Masculine form of Rossana. A famous bearer was the actor Rossano Brazzi (1916-1994).
Rosse m Literature, Theatre
This is the name of a thane in William Shakespeare's Macbeth (also spelled Ross).
Rossello m Italian
Diminutive of Rosso.
Rossend m Catalan
Catalan form of Rudesind (see Rosendo).
Rosser m English, Welsh
Variant of Rhosier.
Rossi f & m English (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Various
Transferred use of the surname Rossi. As a feminine name, it could be a variant of Rosie.
Rossie f & m English
A variant of the surname Rossi, a variant of Rosie or diminutive of Ross.
Rossildo m Italian (Rare)
Unknown, possibly an Italian form of Russell.
Rossina f Italian (Rare)
Diminutive of Rossa. But it should be noted that there are also cases where this name is a variant of Rosina.
Rossitza f Obscure (?)
Variant of Rositsa used mainly outside of Bulgaria.
Rossiya f Russian (Rare)
Means "Russia" in Russian. Used by patriotic parents.
Roßlieb m German (Rare, Archaic)
German calque of Philipp as chosen by Philipp Wackernagel, derived from the Germanic name elements hros "horse" (with modernised spelling) and lieb "kind, dear".
Rosslyn f English (Rare)
Either a variant of Roslyn or, in more recent times, an adoption of the name of Rosslyn Chapel in the Scottish village of Roslin which became famous overnight thanks to the publication of Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln in 1982 (and again two decades later when it featured in Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code (2003)).... [more]
Rosso m Italian
Italian form of Russus. A known bearer of this name was Rosso Fiorentino, an Italian painter from late medieval times.
Roßweiße f Theatre
Probably a reinterpretation of Roswitha analysed as hros "horse" and hwit "white"... [more]
Rossy f Spanish
Diminutive of Rosa 1 and Rosana. Rosa Elena García Echave (born 16 September 1964), better known as Rossy de Palma, is a Spanish actress, singer and model.
Rostan m Occitan
Variant of Rostand.
Rosten m Old Danish
Old Danish form of Hróðstæinn.
Rostevan m Literature, Georgian (Rare)
Georgian sources state that this name is of Persian origin and means "straight, righteous" as well as "wise, sage" and "truthful". This should connect the name to Middle Persian rāst meaning "true, straight, direct" and rastīh meaning "truth", which have evolved into modern Persian as respectively راست (râst) and راستی (râsti).... [more]
Rostimír m Czech
Czech form of Rostimir.
Rostimir m Russian
Derived from Slavic rosts "usurp" combined with Slavic mir "peace".
Rostislava f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Rostislav.
Rosto m Georgian
Short form of Rostom and also of Rostevan in some cases.
Rostomi m Georgian
Form of Rostom with the nominative suffix, used in Georgian when the name is written stand-alone.
Roston f Uzbek
Possibly derived from the Uzbek rost meaning "true, real".
Rostum m Pashto
Means "strong" in Pashto.
Rosty m Russian
Diminutive of Rostislav.
Rostyn m English
Variant of Rosten.
Rosuccia f Medieval Italian, Italian (Rare)
Medieval Italian diminutive of Rosa 1, as -uccia is an Italian feminine diminutive suffix.
Rosula f Various (Rare)
This name is either a diminutive of Rosa 1 or formed from Orsula by metathesis of the letter R.
Rosvita f Slovene, Romansh
Slovene and Romansh form of Roswitha.
Roswald m English (Rare)
From hros "horse" and weald "power, ruler", meaning "powerful horse".
Roswietha f German (Rare)
Variant spelling of Roswitha.
Roswin m German
Combination of the name elements Hros meaning "horse" and Wini meaning "friend".
Rósý f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Rosy.
Rosyid m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Rashid.
Rosyidah f Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Rashida.
Roszko m Medieval Polish
Diminutive of Roch.
Roszpunka f Folklore
Polish name for Rapunzel, which is taken from their word for corn salad, also known as the Valerianella plant. This is also how the original German Rapunzel is named... [more]
Róta f Norse Mythology
Possibly derived from the Old Norse verb róta meaning "to stir, overturn, tear". In Norse mythology, Róta is a valkyrie. She is attested in the Prose Edda book Gylfaginning, where she is mentioned alongside the valkyries Gunnr and Skuld... [more]
Rota f Latvian
Directly taken from Latvian rota "jewel; ornament, adornment; singing for some early summer morning songs".
Rotbald m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with Old High German bald "bold, brave."
Rotbern m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with Proto-Germanic beran or bernu "bear" (bero and bern in Old High German).
Rotbrand m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with Old Norse brand "sword."
Rotbryht m Anglo-Saxon (?)
Old English form of Robert.
Rotburg f Germanic
The first element of this name is derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame." The second element is derived from Gothic bairgan (bergan in Old High German) "to keep, to save, to preserve", or from Old High German burg "fortress."
Rotfrid m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with Old High German fridu "peace."
Rotgang m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with gang "path."
Rotgard f Germanic
The first element of this name is derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame." The second element is derived from gardan "to hedge in, to enclose, to fence in" or from Gothic gards "house, garden, (court)yard."
Rotgast m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with Gothic gasts (gast in Old High German) "guest, stranger."
Rötger m Low German
Low German form of Roger.
Rotger m Occitan
Occitan form of Roger.
Rotgild f Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with Gothic gild "sacrifice."
Rotgis m Germanic
The first element of this Germanic name comes from hrôthi "fame." The meaning and origin of the second element is rather uncertain: we know that it comes from gis (the original form was possibly gîs), but we don't exactly know where gis itself comes from... [more]
Rotgrim m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with Old Norse grîma "mask."
Røth m Old Danish
Old Danish form of Rauðr.
Róða f Faroese
Faroese form of Hróða.
Rothad m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with Old High German hadu "battle."
Rothanak m Khmer
Means "precious stone" in Khmer.
Rothar m Germanic, History
Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with Old High German hari "army." This name was borne by a 7th-century king of the Lombards.
Rothard m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with Gothic hardus (hart in Old High German) "brave, hardy."
Rothari m Lombardic
Variant of Rothar. This name was borne by a 7th-century Lombard king of the house of Arodus.
Róðbjartr m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Hróðbjartr.
Róðbjartur m Faroese
Modern Faroese form of Róðbjartr.
Røthe m Old Danish
Old Danish form of Rauði.
Rotheid f Germanic
German form of Rothaid.
Rothelm m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with Old High German helm "helmet, protection".
Rothild f Germanic
Means "famous battle", derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with Old Norse hildr "battle."
Rothláin m Medieval Irish
A pre-anglicised Irish version of Roland (and the other related names), specifically used in a patronym surname from the medieval ages directly meaning "Descendant of Roland".
Róðolvur m Faroese
Faroese form of Rudolph.
Röðull m Icelandic (Rare)
Derived from Old Norse rǫðull meaning "glory, halo" (poetic for "sun"). This is also a poetic word for "sun" in Icelandic.
Rotija f Slovene
Short form of Doroteja.
Rotimi m Yoruba
Means "stay with me" or "stand by me" in Yoruba. Sometimes used as a short form for Olurotimi or Oluwarotimi.
Rotji m Nigerian, Ngas
A common name used among the Jos Plateau people of Nigeria. Meaning of the name is "love has come"
Rotker m Old Swedish
Old Swedish variant of Rodger.
Rotlan m Gascon
Gascon form of Roland.
Rotland m Germanic, Lengadocian, Provençal, Gascon
Ancient Germanic, Languedocian, Provençal and Gascon form of Roland.
Rotman m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with man "man."
Rotmund m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with Old High German mund "protection."
Rotor m Popular Culture
Meaning unknown. The most famous bearer, either in reality or in media, is Rotor the Walrus, from the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series by Archie Comics.
Rotrad m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with Old High German rât "counsel."
Rotram m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with hraban or hramn "raven."
Rotrud f Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with þruþ "strength."
Rotrude f Germanic, History
Variant spelling of Rotrud. Rotrude of Treves was the first wife of Charles Martel, a Frankish king from the Carolingian dynasty.
Rotshidzwa m & f Venda
Means "we have been saved" in Tshivenda.
Rotstein m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with Old High German stain "stone."
Rotua f Batak
From Batak ro meaning "come, arrive" and tua meaning "good luck, blessing".
Rotward m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with Old High German wart "guard."
Rotwig m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with Old High German wîg "warrior."
Rotwin m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with Old High German wini "friend."
Rou m Norman
Norman form of Rollo.
Rou m Japanese
From Japanese 朗 (rou) meaning "bright, clear". Other kanji with the same pronunciations can also form this name.
Roubert m Provençal
Provençal form of Robert.
Rouberto f Provençal
Provençal form of Roberte.
Roudabeh f Persian
Alternate transcription of Persian رودابه (see Rudabeh).
Roudrigo m Provençal
Provençal form of Rodrigue.
Roué m Dutch (Surinamese, Rare)
Meaning uncertain, but likely derived from the French surname Roué or even Rué.... [more]
Rouf m Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Hrólfr.
Roufinos m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Rouphinos, which is the ancient Greek form of Rufinus.