Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the gender is feminine; and the usage is Swiss.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Barblina f Romansh
Diminutive of Barbla, traditionally found in the Engadine valley.
Barbulina f Romansh
Diminutive of Barbla, traditionally found in the Engadine valley and in central Grisons.
Barla f Romansh
Romansh variant of Barbara, traditionally found in the Surselva region.
Barnabée f French (Rare)
Feminine version of Barnabé.
Bartolommea f Italian
Feminine form of Bartolommeo.
Bascha f German (Modern, Rare)
Slavic diminutive of Barbara.
Baselia f Romansh
Feminine form of Baseli.
Basilia f Anglo-Norman, Medieval English, Spanish, Spanish (Latin American), German (Rare), Italian (Rare), Romani (Archaic)
Feminine form of Basil 1 via its latinized form Basilius. This was borne by an obscure early saint. As an English name it has long been obsolete, but was much used in the Middle Ages; perhaps a reference to Saint Veronica as Basilia in the medieval Mors Pilati (Death of Pilate) was responsible for the name's popularity.
Basilique m & f French (Archaic), French (Acadian, Archaic), French (Quebec, Archaic), History (Ecclesiastical)
French form of Basiliscus which was also used as a feminine form of this name.
Bathilda f English (Rare), German, History
Variant of Bathild. This was the name of a 7th-century English saint who became queen of the Franks after being sold to them as a slave. She was canonised for fighting against the slave trade, promoting monasticism and founding a convent... [more]
Bathylle f French (Rare)
Extremely rare variant of Bathilde.
Bauci f Italian
Italian form of Baucis.
Baudouine f French (Rare)
Feminine form of Baudouin.
Bavaria f German (Modern, Rare)
The latinised name of the German state of Bayern.... [more]
Béa f French (Rare)
Short form of Béatrice, hardly ever used as a given name in its own right.
Beatris f Russian (Rare), Medieval Occitan, Medieval Spanish, Medieval Flemish, Czech (Rare), Breton, Provençal, Romansh, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Russian, Breton, Provençal, medieval Spanish and medieval Occitan form of Beatrix, a Czech and Romansh variant of that name and a Brazilian Portuguese variant of Beatriz.
Béatrix f French
French form of Beatrix.
Bele f German (Modern, Rare)
German short form of Gabriele 2 and other names.... [more]
Belena f Old Celtic, German, Danish, Celtic Mythology
Latinized feminine form of Belenus. Belena was the wife of the Gaulish solar god Belenus and the goddess of the sun and the beginning summer.
Belgica f German (Rare, Archaic)
Derived from the geographical name Belgium.
Belina f Gascon, Italian
Gascon diminutive of Isabèl. Belina (known as Béline in French, died 1153) was a Roman Catholic virgin martyr who was canonized by Pope Innocent III in 1203... [more]
Béline f French (Rare), Literature, Theatre, History
Gallicized form of Belina. It was used by Molière in his play 'The Imaginary Invalid' (1673) ('Le Malade imaginaire' in French), where it belongs to the wife of Argan.
Bélise f French (Rare), Literature, Theatre
Gallicized form of Belisa. This name was used on one of the characters in Molière's play Les Femmes savantes (1672).
Bellerose f French
Means "Beautiful rose" in French.
Bellotte f Literature, French (Rare, Archaic)
Derived from French belle meaning "beautiful". This is the name of Laidronette's sister in Madame d'Aulnoy's fairy tale The Green Serpent.
Bénilde f & m French (Rare)
French form of Benilda.... [more]
Benilde f Italian (Rare), Spanish (Rare), Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Benilda.
Benvenuta f Medieval Italian, Romansh, History (Ecclesiastical)
Feminine form of Benvenuto. Benvenuta Bojani (1254 - 1292) was an Italian Roman Catholic professed member of the Third Order of Saint Dominic. She dedicated her life to strict austerities as an act of repentance and devotion to God and was known to have visions of angels and demons... [more]
Berenilde f Portuguese (Brazilian), French (Rare)
Portuguese and French form of Bernhild.... [more]
Berguitta f French
French spelling of Bergita.... [more]
Beringhiera f Italian
Feminine form of Beringhiero, itself a variant of Berengario.
Berlind f Germanic, German (Rare)
Derived from Proto-Germanic *beran or *bernu "bear" (bero and bern in Old High German) combined with Old High German lind or lindi "soft, tender."
Berlinda f Dutch, German
Dutch and German form of Berlind.
Berlinde f German
From the Old High German name Berlind. It is borne by Belgian artist Berlinde de Bruyckere (1964-).
Bernarde f French (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare)
Feminine form of Bernard. Marie-Bernarde Soubirous was the birth name of Saint Bernadette.
Bernette f French, English
Possibly French diminutive of Bernadette.
Bernhardine f German
Feminine form of Bernhard.
Bernhild f German (Rare)
Derived from the Germanic elements bern meaning "bear" and hild meaning "battle."
Berolina f German (Rare)
The allegoric personification of the German city Berlin. Extremely rarely used as a given name.
Berte f Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare), French (Rare)
Variant of Berta as well as a French variant of Berthe.
Bertel m & f German
Diminutive of Berta, Berthold or other names with Bert-.
Berthilde f Germanic, Dutch, English, German, History
Variant of Berthild. Berthilde lived in the 7th century AD and was one of the five wives of Dagobert I, king of the Franks.
Berthoumine f Medieval French, French (Archaic)
Archaic southern French feminine form of Berthoumieu, a southern French form of Barthélémy.
Bertilia f Dutch, German, English, Spanish, Portuguese
Form of Berthild. Bertilia was the name of a 7th-century saint from Mareuil (France).
Bertine f Dutch, French (Rare), Norwegian, Flemish, Walloon
Diminutive of Berte as well as a short form of names ending in -bertine.
Bertl m & f German
Diminutive of Bert (masculine), Berta (feminine) and other names that contain the Germanic element beraht meaning "bright".
Bertolfa f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Bertolfo
Bertrud f Germanic, German
Derived from Old High German beraht "bright" combined with þruþ "strength."
Béryl f & m French (Modern, Rare)
French form of Beryl.
Beta f Slovak, Portuguese (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Romansh
Slovak diminutive of Alžbeta (not used as a given name in its own right), Portuguese diminutive of Elisabete, Alberta ou Roberta and Romansh variant of Betta.
Betha f Romansh
Variant of Beta.
Béthanie f French
French form of Bethany.
Bethléem f French (Archaic)
French form of Bethlehem, which is the name of the birthplace of Jesus Christ. It appears that the given name Bethléem has always been very rare. I came across it in the Belgian civil registry (when I was doing genealogical research), where Bethléem was the name of an 18th-century French-speaking Belgian woman who was married, had 8 children between 1729-1748 and ultimately died in 1779.
Bétry f French (Archaic)
Local variant of Béatrix found in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region of France up until the 1700s.
Betta f Italian, Romansh
Italian and Romansh short form of Elisabetta.
Betti f Estonian, Hungarian, German (Swiss)
Estonian short form of Eliisabet, Hungarian short form of Erzsébet and Swiss German short form of Elisabeth.
Bianchina f Italian
Diminutive of Bianca.
Bianchinetta f Italian
Diminutive of Bianchina. A known bearer of this name was the only sister of the famous navigator Christopher Columbus.
Bianora f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Bianore.
Bibiane f French (Rare), German (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
French, German and Dutch form of Bibiana.
Biblide f Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Byblis.
Biette f French (Rare), Medieval French, History
Perhaps from Bietta, the Romansch form of Beata. ... [more]
Biggi f Danish, German
Pet form of Brigitte, Birgit and their variants.
Bigna f Romansh
Romansh form of Barbara as well as a variant of Bina. This name is traditionally found in the Engadine valley.
Bignia f Romansh
Variant of Bigna.
Bina f Romansh
Short form of Jacobina, traditionally found in the Surselva region and in the Engadine valley.
Binchen f German (Rare)
Diminutive of Jakobina, Jakobine, Sabina, Sabine and sometimes Sabrina, as it contains the German diminutive suffix -chen... [more]
Bineta f German (Modern, Rare)
Diminutive of Bine 1 with the originally Spanish or Portuguese ending -eta.
Binia f Romansh
Variant of Bignia.
Binja f German (Swiss)
Variant of Bigna, written according to German phonetics.
Birga f Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Archaic), German (Rare)
Contracted form of Birgitta, as well as a feminine form of Birger.
Birka f German
Variant of Birke.
Birke f German
German name of debated origin and meaning. Current theories include an old and obscure feminine form of Birk, which itself is an Alemannic short form of names containing the element Burk- (the name element being derived from Old High German burg "protection; shelter", compare Burkhard), an early 20th-century coinage based on Indogermanic bircha "glowing", an early 20th-century coinage based on Middle Low German berke "birch tree" and an early 20th-century coinage based on the modern German word Birke "birch tree" and thus making it a botanical word name.... [more]
Blaisine f French (Rare)
Feminine form of Blaise.
Bliderade f German (Archaic)
From the name elements blid meaning "cheerful, mild, joyful" and rat meaning "advisor, counsel"... [more]
Blidhilde f German (Archaic)
From the name elements blid meaning "cheerful, mild, joyful" and hiltja meaning "battle"... [more]
Blonda f German, Swedish (Rare), Finnish (Rare, Archaic)
German name meaning "blond".... [more]
Blondell f French
Means "little blonde one".
Blu f & m Italian (Modern), English (Rare)
Italian form of Blue and English diminutive of Bluford.
Bluetta f Italian
Italian form of Bluette.
Bluette f French (Swiss, Rare), French (Belgian, Rare), French (Archaic)
Derived from French bluet, a variant of bleuet, "cornflower".
Bolonia f Romansh (Archaic)
Truncated form of Appolonia.
Bombardine f German (Rare, Archaic)
The name is derived from the German word Bombarde "bombard (the weapon)".... [more]
Bonizella f Italian (Rare, Archaic), Medieval Italian (Tuscan), History (Ecclesiastical)
Feminine form of Bonizone. The Blessed Bonizella or Bonizzella Cacciaconti (1235-1300) was a Sienese widow who devoted her time and money to the poor after the death of her husband, Naddo Piccolomini.
Borussia f German (Rare, Archaic)
The personification of Prussia.... [more]
Braida f Romansh, Medieval Occitan
Romansh variant of Brigitta, traditionally found in the Engadine valley, as well as an Occitan form of this name.
Brauliona f Italian (Rare)
Elaborated form of Braulia.
Brauna f German
Feminine form of "Braun", which means "brown" in German.
Brida f Medieval German, Romansh (Archaic)
Medieval German and archaic Romansh short form of Brigitta, via the variant Brigida.
Bringfriede f German (Modern, Rare)
Coined from the German phrase Bring Friede "bring peace!". The name was given to girls in Germany during and after the two world wars to express the desire for peace.... [more]
Briseide f Italian
Italian form of Briseis.
Brithney f French (Modern, Rare)
French borrowing of Britney.
Brix m & f German (Rare)
Short version of Bricitus or Beatrix.
Brösel m & f German (Archaic)
Obsolete diminutive form of both Ambros and Ambrosia.... [more]
Bruni m & f Old Danish, German
Old Danish form of Brúni as well as a German diminutive of the feminine names Brunhild and Brunhilde.... [more]
Brunilde f Italian
Italian form of Brunhild.
Brunone f French (Archaic)
Feminine form of Brunon found in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region up until the 1700s.
Brunonia f German
Allegoric personification of the city (and the fromer state) of Braunschweig (Brunswick), Germany. Very rarely used as a given name.
Burga f Romansh
Short form of Walburga, traditionally found in the Surselva region.
Burgel f Upper German, German (Austrian)
Short form of names that begin with or end in the element "Burg-", most commonly Walburga. ... [more]
Burghild f German, Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements burg "fortress" and hild "battle". Cognate to Borghild.
Burglind f German (Rare, Archaic)
A dithematic name formed from the name elements burg "castle, protected place" and linta "linden tree, lime; shield (made of lime wood); gentle, soft".... [more]
Burglinde f German
It is a two-element name composed of the Germanic name elements burg "protected place, castle" and lind "linden tree, lime; shield (made of lime wood); gentle, soft".
Burgrun f German (Rare)
The name is composed of the two Germanic name elements burg "castle; protection" and run "rune".
Burgunde f German (Rare)
Derived from German Burgunden (or Burgunder) "Burgundians", a Germanic tribe that finally settled in Burgundy.
Buschra f German
Germanised spelling of Bushra.
Cabiria f Italian (Rare), Popular Culture
Perhaps a Latinized form of Greek Καβειρία (Kabeiria), an epithet of the goddess Demeter, possibly derived from the name of Mount Kabeiros in Asia Minor; see also Kabeiro... [more]
Caesia f Ancient Roman, Greek, Italian
Caesia is a Latin word that means "bluish grey" or "light blue.” Caesia also refers to a genus of herbs.
Cafiera f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Cafiero.
Caline f French (Modern, Rare, ?)
A feminine variation of the Greek name Νικολαος (Nikolaos). It also resembles the french word "câlin(e)" (affectionate).
Calipso f Catalan, Galician, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Catalan, Galician, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Calypso.
Caliste f & m French (Rare), Provençal
French masculine and feminine form of Callistus as well as a Provençal masculine form of Calixte.
Calliste m & f French
Variant of Caliste.
Calocera f Italian (Archaic)
Feminine form of Calocero. Due to the similarities in appearance and pronunciation, this name is often confused with the name Calogera.
Camilee f French, English
Variant and feminine form on the name Camillus.
Candylène f French
The name was the subject of a 1971 eponymous French pop song by Yves Heuzé. Since then, the name has experienced sporadic usage in France.
Cannelle f French (Modern)
Derived from French cannelle "cinnamon (the spice)".
Canzia f Italian
Feminine form of Canzio.
Canzianilla f Italian
Italian form of Cantianilla.
Caralisa f Italian
Beloved Lisa
Caramella f Italian (Rare)
Feminine name derived from the word "caramel". Possibly also from the Italian surname Caramella.
Carda f German (Rare)
Short form of Ricarda.
Carélie f French (Belgian, Rare), French (Swiss, Rare)
Cognate of Carelia. The name coincides with the place name Carélie.
Carena f English (Modern, Rare), German (Rare)
Variant of Carina 1, influenced by Karen 1. As a German name, it is also a variant of Karena.
Caritina f Spanish, Spanish (Mexican), Filipino (Rare), Italian (Rare)
Spanish and Italian form of Charitine. This name is mostly used in Mexico.
Carlina f German, English, Dutch, Flemish, Sicilian, Romansh
German and Dutch variant of Karlina and Sicilian, Romansh and English feminine diminutive of Carl.
Carlisia f German
Means "free man" in Old German.
Carmelia f Romansh
Romansh form of Carmel.
Carmelina f Italian, Romansh
Italian diminutive of Carmela and Romansh diminutive of Carmelia.
Carmeline f Italian
Diminutive form of Carmela
Carminella f Italian
Diminutive of Carmina.
Caro f Spanish, English, German
Short form of Caroline or other names that begin with caro, commonly used in Great Britain (England).
Carreaux f & m French (Archaic)
From the French surname Carreaux.
Casilde f French (Rare), Italian (Rare)
French and Italian form of Casilda.
Casimire f French (Rare)
Feminine form of Casimir.
Castgina f Romansh
Romansh form of Christina, traditionally found in central Grisons.
Castille f & m French (Rare), Louisiana Creole, English
Transferred use of the surname Castille.
Castorina f Italian
Italian feminine form of Castorino, or else a direct feminine diminutive of either Castoro or Castore, formed with the feminine diminutive suffix -ina (itself ultimately from the Latin feminine adjective-forming suffix -īna "of or pertaining to").
Castrenza f Italian (Rare)
Variant spelling of Castrensa.
Catena f Italian, Sicilian
Derived from Italian catena "chain", this name was taken from the title of the Virgin Mary Maria Santissima della Catena. The name is mainly found in Sicily.
Cäthe f German (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Spelling variant of Käthe.... [more]
Cathia f French
French adaption of Russian Katya.
Cathrina f Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare), Faroese, Swedish (Rare), German (Rare), Romansh
Scandinavian variant of Katrina, German contraction of Catharina and Romansh variant of Catrina.
Catin f French (Archaic), Afro-American (Slavery-era)
Originally a (now archaic) French diminutive of Catherine. While in Louisiana French catin also means "doll; mannequin, dummy", in European French catin means "harlot, slattern" (which is no doubt the reason this form of the name fell out of usage in France).
Catiuscia f Italian
Italian borrowing of Katyusha.
Catline f Guernésiais, French (Modern, Rare), French (Belgian, Rare)
Guernésiais form of Cateline and French variant of Cathline.
Catregna f Romansh
Variant of Catrina, traditionally found in central Grisons.
Catrina f Romansh
Romansh form of Katherine, traditionally found in the Surselva region and in central Grisons.
Catrinelle f French
Elaboration of Catherine, possibly influenced by Catrina. It may also be a Gallicized form of Catrinel.
Cattarina f Italian (Archaic)
Variant of Catarina notably borne by Maria Cattarina Calegari, a 17th-century Italian composer.
Cäzilia f German
Older German form of Cecilia.
Cédrique m & f French (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare)
Variant of Cédric. It is also used on females, which makes this name one of the few -que names that are unisex (like Dominique).
Célimène f Literature, Theatre, French (Rare)
This name was invented by Molière for his play "The Misanthrope" (17th century). Given that many characters in his play bear names that are obviously of Greek origin (or inspired by the Greek language), the name Célimène must then at least be partly Greek as well... [more]
Cêlise f French (Rare)
Maybe from Céline, or maybe from "cerise" who mean "cherry". More often pronounced like Sélène but can be pronounced like SEH-Lise
Cendrine f French
Re-interpretation of Sandrine with the same French pronunciation influenced by the French word cendre "ash" and the name Cendrillon.
Cenerina f Italian (Archaic)
Derived from Italian ceneri "ashes". This was traditionally given to girls born on Ash Wednesday (mercoledì delle ceneri or Ceneri in Italian). It is a cognate of Cendrillon.
Cerasella f Romanian, Italian
Diminutive of cerasa, an alternative Italian term to say ciliegia, both meaning "cherry". Cerasella is a 1959 Canzone Napoletana song performed by Gloria Christian and Wilma De Angelis... [more]
Cérile m & f French (Archaic)
Archaic French variant of Cyrille.
Cérille m & f French (Archaic)
Variant spelling of Cérile, which is an archaic French variant of Cyrille.
Cerstin f German (Modern, Rare)
Spelling variant of Kerstin. Note that it is still pronounced with an initial k.
Cesarea f Italian
Variant of Cesaria.
Césarette f French (Rare)
Feminine variant of César.
Cesia f Italian
Italian form of Caesia.
Cesidia f Italian (Rare)
Italian feminine form of Caesidius.
Cesira f Italian
Of debated origin and meaning. While some scholars connect this name to masculine Cesare, others rather see a link to Cesio... [more]
Chaia f German
Variant transcription of Chaya.
Charlette f French, English (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
French feminine diminutive of Charles, as it contains the French feminine diminutive suffix -ette.
Charlott f Swedish, German (Rare), English (American, Rare)
Variant of Charlotte reflecting the French pronunciation.
Charlyne f English, French
Variant of Charlene (English) or Charline (French).
Charlyse f French
Variant of Charlise.
Chatrina f Romansh
Romansh form of Katherine, traditionally found in the Engadine valley in southeast Switzerland.
Chelidonia f Italian
Italian name derived from the Greek word chelidon meaning "swallow". This name was borne by a 12th-century Italian saint.
Chesia f Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Keziah.
Chessy f Italian
Diminutive of Francesca.
Chezelle f Afrikaans, French
South African name, probably derived from the French, it might be from a place name in France, derived from the Occitan, meaning "hill". Or accordingly to another theory it may mean "house of her".
Chiaretta f Italian
Diminutive of Chiara.
Chicca f Italian
Italian diminutive of Francesca.