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Gender Feminine
Scripts בינה(Hebrew)
Other Forms FormsHebrew Bina: Binna, Binah // Yiddish Bina: Bune, Bine, Buna, Binah

Meaning & History

Yiddish name derived from bin(e) "bee", which was originally used as a translation of the Hebrew name Deborah, though it has since become associated with modern Hebrew bina "understanding".

Allegedly it is sometimes used as a Hebrew form of Sophia, and is also the Yiddish form of the Judeo-Spanish name Buena.
Added 12/23/2007 by anonymous
Edited 12/31/2016 by SeaHorse15, elbowin, Sofia and more

Gender Feminine
Usage Romansh

Meaning & History

Short form of Jacobina, traditionally found in the Surselva region and in the Engadine valley.
Added 5/8/2021 by anonymous
Edited 2/4/2023 by Frollein Gladys

See Also

User submission Bína