Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the gender is feminine; and the length is 4.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Rufa f Italian, Galician
Feminine form of Rufo.
Ruhe m & f American (Rare, Archaic)
Transferred use of the surname Ruhe.
Ruhi f Indian, Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Tamil, Nepali, Malayalam
MEANING- ascending, mounting, grown
Ruhm f Bengali
Name of the Narrator of Hadith's Daughter.
Ruho f Japanese
From Japanese 羽 (ru) meaning "feathers" combined with 帆 (ho) meaning "sail". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ruja f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Ружа (see Ruzha).
Ruka f Japanese
From 琉 (ru) "gem" and 花 (ka) "flower."
Ruki f & m Japanese
From 瑠 (ru) meaning "lapis lazuli" or 琉 (ru) meaning "precious stone, gem, lapis, lazuli", combined with 希 (ki) meaning "hope", 姫 (ki, hime) meaning "princess", or 輝 (ki) meaning "radiance, light"... [more]
Ruko f Japanese
From Japanese 瑠 (ru) meaning "precious stone" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Rula f Arabic
Derives from the name of an ancient Arab tribe settled in Syria and known for its courage.... [more]
Ruma f & m Japanese
From Japanese 琉 (ru) meaning "precious stone, gem, lapis lazuli", 瑠 (ru) meaning "lapis lazuli" or 留 (ru) meaning "detain, fasten, halt, stop" combined with 真 (ma) meaning "true, reality", 牧 (ma) meaning "breed, care for, shepherd, feed, pasture", 麻 (ma) meaning "hemp, flax, linen", 摩 (ma) meaning "chafe, rub, polish, grind, scrape" or 萌 (ma) meaning "sprout, bud"... [more]
Rumi f Japanese
From Japanese 留 (ru) meaning "detain, fasten", 瑠 (ru) meaning "lapis lazuli", or 流 (ru) meaning "current, flow" combined with 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful"... [more]
Runa f Japanese
Japanese name meaning "moon", influenced by the Japanese pronunciation of the Latin word luna or from Japanese 月 (ru) meaning "moon" combined with 愛 (na) meaning "love, affection", 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens", 南 (na) meaning "south", 那 (na) meaning "what", 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree" or 姫 (na) meaning "princess"... [more]
Runa f & m Japanese
Runa is a name that means youth, or playfulness. The
Runa f Romanian
Diminutive of Miruna.
Runá f Sami
Sámi variant of Runa and feminine Sámi variant of Rune
Rune m & f Thai
Means "happy, joyful; pleasant, refreshing" in Thai.
Runo m & f Finnish
From Finnish word runo, which means "poem".
Rupe f Maori
From the Maori personification of the New Zealand pigeon or kererū.
Rupi f sri lankan (Anglicized)
Ru-ri f Korean (Modern, Rare)
From Sino-Korean 屢 "frequently, often, again and again" and 利 "gains, advantage, profit, merit".
Ruri f Japanese
Meainly means "Lapis Lazuli", which symbolizes being protected from evil. Could also refer to the color of the same stone, azure.
Ruru f Japanese
From Japanese 月 (ru) meaning "moon", 流 (ru) meaning "current, a sink, flow, forfeit", 涙 (ru) meaning "tears, sympathy", 琉 (ru) meaning "precious stone, gem, lapis lazuli", 瑠 (ru) meaning "lapis lazuli", 留 (ru) meaning "detain, fasten, halt, stop", 羅 (ru) meaning "gauze, thin silk", 羽 (ru) meaning "feathers", 蕗 (ru) meaning "butterbur, bog rhubarb", 陽 (ru) meaning "light, sun, male" or 麗 (ru) meaning "lovely, beautiful, graceful, resplendent" combined with 々, a phonetic character indicting a duplication of the beginning kanji, 夢 (ru) meaning "dream", 流 (ru) meaning "current, a sink, flow, forfeit", 琉 (ru) meaning "precious stone, gem, lapis lazuli", 瑠 (ru) meaning "lapis lazuli", 留 (ru) meaning "detain, fasten, halt, stop", 陽 (ru) meaning "light, sun, male", 優 (ru) meaning "tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness", 月 (ru) meaning "moon", 空 (ru) meaning "sky", 羽 (ru) meaning "feathers", 雨 (ru) meaning "rain", 彩 (ru) meaning "colour", 輝 (ru) meaning "radiance, shine, sparkle, gleam, twinkle", 愛 (ru) meaning "love, affection" or 要 (ru) meaning "need, main point, essence, pivot, key to"... [more]
Rûsa f Greenlandic
Archaic spelling of Ruusa (according to the old Kleinschmidt orthography which was used to write Greenlandic until 1973, when orthographic reforms were introduced).
Rusa f Georgian
Short form of Rusudan.
Rusa f Quechua
Quechua form of Rosa 1.
Ruso f Georgian
Short form of Rusudan.
Rute f Shona
The Shona version of the name Ruth 1.
Ruto m & f Japanese
From Japanese 斗 (ruto), which refers to a Chinese constellation, 流 (ru) meaning "current, a sink, flow, forfeit", 瑠 (ru) meaning "lapis lazuli", 留 (ru) meaning "detain, fasten, halt, stop" or 類 (ru) meaning "sort, kind, variety, class, genus" combined with 兎 (to) meaning "rabbit, hare", 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation, 都 (to) meaning "metropolis, capital, all, everything", 音 (to) meaning "sound" or 東 (to) meaning "east"... [more]
Rutu f Maori (Rare)
Variant of Ruta.
Ruva f Shona
Means "flower" in Shona.
Rüya f Turkish
Means "dream" in Turkish.
Ruyi f & m Chinese
From Chinese 如 () meaning "like, as, if" combined with 意 (yì) meaning "thought, idea, intention", 熤 (yì) meaning "person" or 憶 (yì) meaning "memory, remember, reminisce"... [more]
Rwby f English (American, Modern)
From the series RWBY, pronounced "ruby". The name of the series is formed from the initials of the main characters and their associated colours red, white, blue, and yellow.
Ryah f English
Possibly of Spanish origin, meaning "to flow" or else derived from the Greek name Rhea.
Ryda f English (Modern)
Feminine form of “Ryder”.
Ryka f Sanskrit, Hindi
"Born out of prayer" in Sanskrit
Rylo m & f English
Transferred use of the surname Rylo.
Rynn m & f English (Modern), Popular Culture
Modern variant of the name Brynn or short form of Katherine.
Ryta f Polish
Polish form of Rita.
Rytė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Rytis.
Sa'ar m & f Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Original Hebrew form of Saar 2.
Saba f Croatian, Polish, German
Croatian, Polish and German short form of Sabina.
Sabe f German (Swiss)
Bernese German form of Sabrina.
Sabe f Chatino
Chatino form of Isabel.
Sabi f German
Diminutive of Sabina, Sabine and Sabrina.
Sabo f Tajik, Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Saba 2.
Saby f Muslim
This name means “A lovely young lady”.
Sada f & m Japanese
From 定 (sada) meaning "certain, true, definite, sure," also used as 貞, referring to chastity and virtue.... [more]
Sada f English (American)
Likely a pet form of Sarah (see Sadie). A famous bearer is actress Sada Thompson (1927-2011).
Säde f Estonian
Derived from Estonian säde "spark".
Sade f Finnish, Finnish Mythology
Means "rain" in Finnish.
Sade f Yoruba, English (Modern)
Short form of Folasade. It was popularized in the mid-80s due to the Nigerian-born British singer Sade Adu (born Helen Folasade Adu, 1959-) and her eponymous smooth jazz band Sade.
Sade f English
Variant of Sadie.
Sael f German (Modern, Rare)
A newly created name, formed from the first two letters of the names of the parents Sanne and Eljero.
Saem m & f Korean (Modern)
From native Korean 샘 (saem) meaning "spring, fountain," also used to transliterate the name Sam 1.
Şəfa f & m Azerbaijani
Derived from Persian شفا (šafâ) meaning "healing, cure, remedy".
Såff f Sami (Skolt)
Skolt Sami cognate of Sofiya.
Sagi f & m Japanese
From Japanese 詐 (sa) meaning "scam" combined with 欺 (gi) meaning "fraud". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Sagi m & f Japanese
From Japanese 鷺 (sagi) meaning "heron". Other kanji or combinations of kanji can form this name as well.
Saha f & m Dagbani
Means "good luck" in Dagbani.
Saha f Japanese
From Japanese 沙 (sa) meaning "sand" combined with 羽 (ha) meaning "feathers". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Saho f Japanese
From Japanese 佐 (sa) meaning "aid, help" combined with 帆 (ho) meaning "sail". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Sain f Manchu
Means "good, auspicious" in Manchu.
Sais f & m Egyptian Mythology (Hellenized)
Greek form of Shai (the Egyptian god).
Šája f Czech
Diminutive of Šarlota.
Sak’a f & m Aymara
Means "cattail" or "plant with yellow flowers" in Aymara.
Sako f Japanese
From Japanese 咲 (sa) meaning "blossom" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Saku m & f Japanese
From Japanese 佐 (sa) meaning "assistant, help", 沙 (sa) meaning "sand", 瑳 (sa) meaning "polish, brilliant white luster of a gem, artful smile", 彩 (sa) meaning "colour", 咲 (saku, sa) meaning "blossom", 作 (saku) meaning "make, production, prepare, build", 朔 (saku) meaning "conjunction (astronomy), first day of month, north", 索 (saku) meaning "cord, rope, searching, inquiring", 桜 (saku, sa) meaning "cherry blossom", 紗 (sa) meaning "gauze", 小 (sa) meaning "little, small", 爽 (sa) meaning "refreshing, bracing, resonant, sweet, clear", 朝 (sa) meaning "morning", 櫻 (sa) meaning "cherry" or 颯 (sa) meaning "sudden, quick, sound of the wind" combined with 久 (ku) meaning "long time", 公 (ku) meaning "public, prince, official, governmental", 空 (ku) meaning "sky", 紅 (ku) meaning "crimson, deep red", 玖 (ku) meaning "beautiful black jewel, nine", 矩 (ku) meaning "ruler", 宮 (ku) meaning "Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess" or 丘 (ku) meaning "hill, knoll"... [more]
Šala f Near Eastern Mythology
The name of the consort of Adad, often considered to be a minor goddess of non-Mesopotamian origin, potentially related to crop fertility. The etymology of her name is unknown, but may be from the Hurrian šāla meaning "daughter".
Sala f Yiddish (Russified)
Yiddish name of unknown meaning.
Sali f Jewish, Yiddish
Czechoslovakian Yiddish pet form of Sarah and Charlotte. See Sally.
Sali f Georgian
Diminutive of Salome. There might also be cases where the name is a georgianization of the English name Sally.... [more]
Sali f Thai
From Thai สาลี meaning "wheat".
Sali f Welsh
Diminutive of Sarah (see Sally). This is the name of Welsh children’s book and television character Sali Mali.
Salo m & f Spanish
Short form of Salomón or Salomé.
Saly f Bosnian (Archaic)
Diminutive of Sara.
Şama f Karachay-Balkar
From the Karachay-Balker шам (şam) meaning "holy, sacred", "native, dear" or "beautiful".
Sama- f Japanese
From Japanese 夏 (sama-) meaning "summer" or other kanji pronounced in the same way.... [more]
Sami f English
Variant of Sammy.
Sami f Quechua
Means "luck" in Quechua.
Sami f Japanese
From Japanese 沙 (sa) meaning "sand" combined with 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful", 海 (mi) meaning "sea, ocean", 望 (mi) meaning "hope, wish, desire", 味 (mi) meaning "flavour", 未 (mi), referring to the Sheep, the eighth of the twelve Earthly Branches or 弥 (mi) meaning "universally"... [more]
Sami f Sanskrit
Lord Vishnu name; SkandajitLord Vishnu Wife of Lord Vishnu SomatraLord Vishnu Excelling the Moon SragviLord Vishnu Tulasi Sacred
Sami f Aymara
Means "colour" or "fortune, good luck" in Aymara.
Sämm f Sami (Skolt)
Skolt Sami form of Saara.
Şəms f Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Shams.
Samu m & f Japanese
From Japanese 佐 (sa) meaning "assistant, help", 作 (sa) meaning "make, production, prepare, build", 咲 (sa) meaning "blossom", 夏 (sa) meaning "summer", 彩 (sa) meaning "colour", 珊 (sa) meaning "coral, centimeter", 紗 (sa) meaning "gauze, gossamer", 沙 (sa) meaning "sand" or 瑳 (sa) meaning "polish, brilliant white luster of a gem, artful smile" combined with 夢 (mu) meaning "dream" or 武 (mu) meaning "military, martial"... [more]
Śana f Tocharian
Means "woman" in Tocharian.
Şana f Kurdish
Possibly from the Kurdish şan meaning "honeycomb".
Səna f Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Sana.
Sana f Japanese
From Japanese 紗 (sa) meaning "gauze, thread" combined with 夏 (na) meaning "summer".
Sana m & f Manipuri
Means "gold" in Meitei, ultimately from the Bengali.
Sane f Japanese
From Japanese 紗 (sa) meaning "gauze, thin silk" combined with 寧 (ne) meaning "rather". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Sáng m & f Vietnamese
From Sino-Vietnamese 灲 (sáng) meaning "morning, bright".
Sang m & f Vietnamese
From Sino-Vietnamese 創 (sang) meaning "start, do, create, establish".
Sang m & f Burmese
It means "tall" or "above others"
Sang m & f Thai
Means "conch shell" in Thai.
Sang m & f Balinese
From a title given to members of the Wesya caste as well as holy individuals, deities and monarchs.
Şənеl f Azerbaijani
Means "happy people, land" in Azerbaijani.
Sano f & m Thai
Means "melodious, harmonious" in Thai.
Sañu f Aymara
Means "pottery, ceramics" in Aymara.
Sanu m & f Sanskrit, Indian, Hindi, Hinduism, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Gujarati, Assamese, Marathi, Punjabi
MEANING - top of mountain, mountain -ridge, table-land, Sun, sage
Sapi f Chuvash
Chuvash form of Safia.
Sárá f Sami
Sami form of Sara.
Sâra f Greenlandic
Greenlandic form of Sara.
Såra f Walloon
Variant of Sara.
Sāra f Latvian
Latvian form of Sarah.
Sara f Japanese
From Japanese 幸 (sa) meaning "happiness" or 紗 (sa) meaning "gauze" combined with 楽 (ra) meaning "music" or 羅 (ra) meaning "silk". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Sara f Sanskrit
Name - Sara/Saara सारा- essence, Durva grass, best, strong,... [more]
Sarê f Kurdish
Kurdish form of Sarah.
Sari f Japanese
Sa - 咲 means "blossom", Ri - 莉 means "white jasmine" / Ri - 里 means "village"
Saru f Japanese
From Japanese 猿 (saru) meaning "monkey". Other combinations of kanji characters are also possible.
Sary f English
Short form of Sarah.
Sașa m & f Romanian (Modern, Rare)
Romanian form of Sasha, used as a diminutive for Alexandru, Alexander and Alexandra.
Sasi m & f Indian, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Nepali, Thai, Javanese
Southern Indian, Nepali, Thai and Javanese form of Shashi. It is used as a unisex name in India and Nepal while it is only feminine in Thailand and Indonesia.
Sata f Caucasian Mythology
Meaning unknown. This is the name of the Vainakh goddess of artisanship and either the daughter or wife of the god Sela, similar to the Ossetian Satanaya... [more]
Sata f Aymara
Means "sowing" in Aymara.
Sato f & m Japanese
From Japanese 郷 (sato) meaning "hometown", 慧 (sato) meaning "bright; intelligent", 賢 (sato) meaning "intelligence", 悟 (sato) meaning "enlightenment", 識 (sato) meaning "acquaintanceship", 聡 (sato) meaning "intelligent, clever, bright", 智 (sato) meaning "knowledge, wisdom", 都 (sato) meaning "capital (city)", 里 (sato) meaning "village" or 惺 (sato) meaning "intelligent, clever, astute"... [more]
Sato f Armenian
Possibly from the Armenian սաթ (sat) meaning "amber".
Savi f English
Diminutive of Savannah.
Sawa f Japanese
Probably from the Japanese kanji (Kun reading sawa) "mountain stream" or "marsh, swamp; wetlands". This kanji can also be pronounced Taku (Kan'on reading) or Jaku (Goon reading).... [more]
Sawa f Slavic Mythology
Wars and Sawa are legendary characters from the origin myth of the founding and etymology of the city of Warsaw, capital of Poland. There are several versions of the legend with their appearance.... [more]
Sawe f Medieval Irish (Anglicized)
Early Anglicization of Sadhbh.
Saya f Japanese
This is a Japanese name which refers to a scabbard or sheath for a sword. Beyond being a simple noun, Saya connotes peace because of the image of a sword that remains in its scabbard.... [more]
Saya f Indian
Saya means Shadow in Hindi.
Sâye f Persian
Means "shadow" in Persian.
Sayo f Japanese
From Japanese 小 (sa) meaning "small" or 咲 (sa) meaning "bloom" combined with 世 (yo) meaning "world" or 代 (yo) meaning "generation". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Sayo f & m Yoruba
Means "make joy" in Yoruba.
Sayu f Japanese
From Japanese 粧 (sa) meaning "adornment, makeup", 沙 (sa) meaning "sand" or 早 (sa) meaning "early" combined with 裕 (yu) meaning "abundant, rich, plentiful", 優 (sa) meaning "excellence" or 柚 (yu) meaning "citron"... [more]
Seba m & f Biblical (All)
There's only one Seba in the Bible, and he's a son of Cush, son of Ham, son of Noah (Genesis 10:7).... [more]
Sebi m & f Various, Romanian
Diminutive of Sebastian.
Seci f Fijian
Fijian form of Seth 1.
Seda f Chechen
Means "star" in Chechen.
Seda m & f Khmer
Means "eggfruit" in Khmer.
Seef m & f Afrikaans (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), Limburgish (Rare)
This name is more often seen on men than on women. For men, the name is a short form of Josephus and in some cases also of Severinus and its Dutch form Severijn... [more]
Sefa f Galician
Diminutive of Xosefa.
Sefa f Old Norse
Old Norse feminine form of Sefi and Siafi meaning "calm, quiet, relaxed".
Seia m & f Japanese
From Japanese 井 (sei) meaning "well, well crib, town, community", 成 (sei) meaning "turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach", 星 (sei) meaning "star", 聖 (sei) meaning "holy, saint, sage, master, priest", 青 (sei) meaning "blue, green" or 彗 (sei) meaning "comet" combined with 蛙 (a) meaning "frog", 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 空 (a) meaning "sky", 彩 (a) meaning "colour", 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection" or 天 (a) meaning "heavens, sky, imperial"... [more]
Seja f German (Modern, Rare)
The given name of the German-Australian musician Seja Vogel.
Seji f Romani (Archaic)
Diminutive of Sage.
Seka f Serbian
Taken from the nickname, which originated as a pet form of the word sestra meaning ''sister''.
Seki f Japanese
it name means seat in japanese cuiture
Seko m & f Western African
child of the sun
Seko f Japanese
From Japanese 背 (se) meaning "one's back (part of the human body)" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Sela f Tongan
Tongan form of Sarah.
Sele f & m Ijaw
Means "judge or plan carefully" in Ijaw.
Sely f Medieval English, Judeo-Anglo-Norman
Derived from Old English sælig "happy, blessed".
Semi f Javanese
Meaning as of yet unknown.
Sena f & m African
gift of fate... [more]
Sena f Indian, Hinduism
Means "army; missile, dart" in Sanskrit.... [more]
Sena f English (American, Archaic)
Originally a short form of names containing the element -sen-, such as Selina, Serena and Asenath, this name was also used as a given name in its own right.
Sena m & f Japanese
Derived from the Japanese kanji 瀬 (se) meaning "rapids, current" or 聖 (se) meaning "holy, sacred" or 星 (se) meaning "star, celestial body, one of the Twenty-Eight Mansions in the Chinese system of constellations" combined with 名 (na) meaning "name, reputation" or 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree, what, Nara (city)" or 那 (na) meaning "what, which"... [more]
Sena f Slovene
Short form of Senija.
Señe f Basque
Basque form of Inocenta.
Sene f English
Diminutive of Asenath.
Seng m & f Chinese (Teochew)
Teochew Chinese form of Cheng.
Seng m & f Lao
Means "light" in Lao.
Seng m & f Khmer
Means "multiply, increase" in Khmer.
Seon m & f Korean
Sino-Korean reading of such hanja as 善 meaning "good, nice," 宣 meaning "giving; mercy, kindness," 旋 meaning "spin, rotation," 仙 meaning "virtuous, good," 璿 meaning "gem," 銑 meaning "cast iron," 譔 meaning "teach, instruct" or 選 meaning "hide, conceal; distinguish."
Sepa f Romansh
Feminine form of Sep.
Seph f Hebrew (Modern)
Meaning is "blessed"
Sera f Polish
Short form of Serena.
Sera f Turkish
It means greenhouse.
Se-ri f Korean
Derived from the Korean Hangul 세 (se) meaning "three" or Korean Hanja 世 (se) meaning "world, lineage, generation" combined with Korean Hangul 리 (ri) coming from Korean Hanja 理 (ri) meaning "reason, sense, logic" or 里 (ri) meaning "village; ri a unit of distance" or 裏 / 裡 (ri) meaning "inside, within, inner".... [more]
Seri f Malay, Indonesian
Malay and Indonesian form of Shri.
Seri f Japanese
From Japanese 芹 (seri) meaning "celery" or other kanji which are pronounced the same way.
Sesa f Galician
Diminutive of Xosefa.
Sesi m & f Inuit
Means "snow"
Seso f Georgian
Short form of Sesili and Sesilia.
Sève f Breton
Allegedly from Breton seu "beautiful". She was a Breton saint of the 6th century, a sister of the renowned Saint Tugdual (one of the seven founder saints of Brittany). A commune in Brittany is named for her.
Sevi f Greek
Diminutive of Sevasti, Sevastiani or Efsevia.
Sevi m & f Cornish
Means "strawberries" in Cornish.
Sevo m & f Georgian (Rare)
Short form of Sevasti, Sevdia, Severian, Severiane, Severine and perhaps also Evsevi.
Seya f Indian
Variant of Chhaya.
Seyi f & m Yoruba
Short form of Oluwaseyi.
Seza f Breton
Short form of Frañseza.
Sfia f Arabic (Maghrebi, Rare)
Alternate transcription of Safiyyah chiefly used in Northern Africa. A known bearer is Sfia Bouarfa (1950-), a Moroccan-Belgian politician.
Shai m & f Egyptian Mythology
Means "(that which is) ordained". In the Ancient Egyptian mythology Shai was the deification of the concept of fate and determinate the span of men's lives as such would sometimes be considered female (in which case he would sometimes be called Shait).
Shan m & f Chinese
From Chinese 山 (shān) meaning "mountain", 珊 (shān) meaning "coral", 杉 (shān) meaning "pine, fir" or 鳝 (shàn) meaning "eel"... [more]
Shan f English
Diminutive of Shantel.
Shan f & m English
Short form of Shannon or Shaniqua.
Shar f English
Nickname of Sharlotte. Can also be a variant spelling of Char.
Shav f & m Hebrew
A name meaning leader or noble.
Shaz f English (British)
Nickname of Charlotte or Sharon. Can be elongated to Shazza or Shazzo.
Shev f & m English
Variant of Shevon
Shey f & m English
Variant of Shay 1.
Shia m & f Arabic
The meaning of the name Shia is Followers, Sect
Shia f Japanese
From Japanese 月 (shi) meaning "moon", 幸 (shi) meaning "happiness", 史 (shi) meaning "history, chronicle", 思 (shi) meaning "think", 紫 (shi) meaning "purple, violet", 詩 (shi) meaning "poem, poetry" or 自 (shi) meaning "oneself" combined with 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection", 有 (a) meaning "exist", 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia" or 開 (a) meaning "open, unfold, unseal"... [more]
Shig m & f Japanese
Unisex short form of Japanese names beginning with Shig-, meaning "luxuriant."
Shio m & f Japanese
Derived from the Japanese Kanji 史 (shi) meaning "record, history" or 紫 (shi) meaning "purple" or 師 (shi) meaning "teacher" combined with 生 (o) meaning "pure, undefiled" or 緒 meaning "string; cord; thong" or 王 (o) meaning "king".... [more]
Shmi f Popular Culture
Derived from Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth, prosperity, good luck, and beauty. This is the name of Anakin Skywalker's mother from 'Star Wars'.
Shoa m & f Japanese
From Japanese 偲 (sho) meaning "recollect, remember" or 渚 (sho) meaning "strand, beach, shore" combined with 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection", 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia" or 杏 (a) meaning "apricot"... [more]
Shon m & f Hebrew (Modern)
Hebrew modern variant of the Irish boy's name Sean and it's unisex English variant Shawn.... [more]
Shoo f Japanese
shoo from 90's girlsband S.E.S
Shua f Sindhi
Means "rays of sunlight" in Sindhi.
Shua f Biblical
A daughter of a Canaanite mentioned in Genesis 38 and 1 Chronicles 7.
Shuo m & f Chinese
From Chinese 硕 (shuò) meaning "large, big, great", 朔 (shuò) meaning "new moon, north", 烁 (shuò) meaning "bright, brilliant, luminous, glisten, glimmer" or 铄 (shuò) meaning "fuse, melt, fine, glorious", as well as other characters that are pronounced similarly.
Shwe m & f Burmese
Means "gold" in Burmese.
Shya f Indian
Diminutive of Shyamala.
Siai f Chinese
From the Chinese 丝 (sī) meaning "silk, fine thread" and 瑷 (ài) meaning "fine quality jade".
Sian f English
English form of Siân.
Sian m & f Hebrew (Rare)
From Hebrew שִׂיא meaning "highlight".
Siàu m & f Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka Chinese form of Xiao.
Siba m & f Indian
Siba means youth.
Siba f Arabic
Means "emotion, enthusiasm", "youthfulness, childhood".
Sibi f Bosnian
Diminutive of Srbislava, the feminine form of Srbislav. Srbislava was the birth name of Sibi Blažić (1970-), the Serbian-born wife of actor Christian Bale.
Sica f American
Diminutive of Jessica.
Sida f Judeo-Italian (Archaic)
Possibly a Judeo-Italian cognate of Ceti via the Judeo-Spanish variant Çida.
Sida f Thai
Thai form of Sita.
Sien f Dutch, Limburgish
Short form of Francina, Josina, Klasina and other names with a similar ending.
Sien f Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka Chinese form of Xuan.
Siew f & m Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Xiu, Xiao, Shou, Shi or Shao.
Şifa f Tatar
Means "healing" in Tatar.
Şifa f Turkish
Means to be healed.
Sifa m & f Swahili
Means "Praise"
Siff f Danish
Danish variant of Siv via Old Norse Sif.
Sifi f Khakas
Khakas form of Zemfira.
Sifu f Chinese
From the Chinese 思 (sī) meaning "think, consider, ponder" and 芙 (fú) meaning "hibiscus".
Sigi f Hebrew (Modern)
Diminutive of Sigal and Sigalit.
Siho m & f Lao
Means "lion" in Lao.
Şiir m & f Turkish
Means "poetry, verse, song" in Turkish.
Siku m & f Inuit
Inuit name meaning "ice"
Siku m & f Swahili
Means "day" in Swahili.
Sila m & f Thai
Means "rock, stone" in Thai, ultimately from Sanskrit शिला (shila).
Silä f German (Swiss)
Bernese German form of Silvia.
Sìle f Scottish Gaelic
Scottish Gaelic cognate of Síle.
Silk f English (Canadian)
Simply form the English word silk
Sill f & m English (Puritan)
Up until the 17th century, Sill was a diminutive of Sybil and Silas. From the 17th century onwards, however, it became a diminutive of Puritan Silence.
Šima m & f Croatian
Short form of Šimun.
Sima f Hebrew, Jewish, Judeo-Catalan
Derived from Aramaic שים "what is entrusted", this name is usually translated as "treasure, collection of valuable objects".
Sima f Scandinavian
Short form of Simona.
Simä f German (Swiss)
Bernese German form of Simone 1.
Simi f Yoruba
Short form of Simidele.
Simi f Hebrew
Short form of Simcha
Simi f Indian
dimmunitive of Simran.
Simo f Kaguru
Means "story, legend" in Chikaguru.
Sina f English (Rare)
Probably a form of the Gaelic Sìne or Síne, 'which normally becomes Sheena... [more]
Sina f German, English
Short form of names ending in sina, such as Rosina, Gesina or Thomasina.
Sina f Romansh
Contracted short form of Ursulina.
Sina f Greenlandic
Of unknown origin and meaning.
Sina f Polynesian Mythology, Samoan
The name of a number of figures in Samoan mythology. It is derived from sina meaning "white" or "grey haired".
Siná m & f Shipibo-Conibo
Means "brave" in Shipibo.
Şine f Kurdish
Means "breeze" in Kurdish.
Sine m & f East Frisian, West Frisian, North Frisian, Norwegian
Short form of Germanic given names that contain the element sinths meaning "way, path", such as Chlodosind, Rudesind (see Rosendo) and Sindbald... [more]
Sinh m & f Vietnamese
From Sino-Vietnamese 生 (sinh) meaning "living, alive".
Sini f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam, Bengali, Punjabi, Gujarati
MEANING - "white" ; " bright "... [more]
Sinu f Chinese
From the Chinese 思 (sī) meaning "think, consider, ponder" and 女 (nǚ) meaning "woman, girl".
Si-on f Korean
Variant of Si-eon.
Sira f Ogoni
Means "first daughter" in Khana.
Sira f Catalan (Modern), Galician, Spanish, German (Swiss, Rare), Russian (Archaic), Italian (Swiss), Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Italian, Spanish and Galician Siro and Catalan and Russian Sir.
Sire f Sami
Sami form of Siri.
Siri f African
Kenya-Tanzania... [more]
Siri m & f Thai
Means "splendour, glory" in Thai.
Siro f & m Finnish
Means "petite, graceful, delicate, slender" in Finnish. More commonly used as a surname