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Shia 2
Gender Masculine & Feminine
Usage Arabic
Pronounced Pron. SH-IE-UH  [key]

Meaning & History

The meaning of the name Shia is Followers, Sect
Added 5/7/2007 by Spartz7

Gender Feminine
Usage Japanese
Scripts しあ(Japanese Hiragana) 月愛, 幸愛, 史愛, 史有, 思亜, 紫亜, 詩愛, 自開, etc.(Japanese Kanji)
Pronounced Pron. SHEE-AH  [key]

Meaning & History

From Japanese 月 (shi) meaning "moon", 幸 (shi) meaning "happiness", 史 (shi) meaning "history, chronicle", 思 (shi) meaning "think", 紫 (shi) meaning "purple, violet", 詩 (shi) meaning "poem, poetry" or 自 (shi) meaning "oneself" combined with 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection", 有 (a) meaning "exist", 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia" or 開 (a) meaning "open, unfold, unseal". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Added 5/19/2017 by cutenose
Edited 6/12/2017 by cutenose