Swedish Submitted Names

Swedish names are used in the country of Sweden in northern Europe. See also about Scandinavian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Henric m Gascon, Swedish (Rare), Romanian, Medieval Dutch
Gascon and Romanian form of Henry, Swedish variant of Henrik and medieval Dutch variant of Hendrick.
Henrick m Swedish (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Medieval Baltic
Swedish and Dutch variant of Henrik as well as a medieval Latvian variant of Hinrick.
Herborg f Norwegian, Faroese, Icelandic, Old Norse, Old Swedish, Danish (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Derived from Old Norse harja or herr "army" combined with Old Norse björg "protection, help".
Herdis f Danish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Swedish (Rare)
Younger form of the Old Norse name Herdís, derived from herr "army" and dís "goddess", as well as a variant of Hjørdis.
Hergot m Swedish (Rare)
Swedish form of Hergautr.
Herje m Swedish (Rare)
Short form of names beginning with Old Norse name elements Här- or Her- meaning "army".
Herlofina f Swedish (Rare)
Feminine form of Herlof
Herlog m Swedish
Swedish modern form of Härlög.
Hermod m Norwegian, Danish (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Modern Danish, Swedish and Norwegian form of Hermóðr (see Herimot).
Hervor f Swedish, Norwegian (Rare), Medieval Scandinavian
Swedish and Norwegian form of Hervǫr. This was the name of two heroines in the 'Hervarar saga', written in the 13th century. It also appears in 'Landnámabók' (in chapter 10, belonging to Hervor, daughter of Þórgerðr Eylaugsdóttir).
Hildar m Norwegian (Rare), Icelandic (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Faroese (Rare)
Derived from the Old Norse elements hildr "battle" and arr "warrior", as well as a masculine form of Hilda.
Hildeborg f Danish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Derived from Old Norse hildr "battle" combined with Old Norse björg "protection, help".
Hilder m Swedish (Rare)
Swedish masculine form of Hildr.
Hilderik m Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Finnish
Dutch and Nordic form of Hilderic. There's no evidence of use in the Nordic countries, it's only used in translations of historical documents about the 6th century AD king of the Vandals and Alans.
Hildor m Swedish (Rare)
Combination of the Old Norse name element hildr "battle" and Tor.
Hildura f Norwegian (Archaic), Swedish (Rare)
Dialectal variant of Hildur recorded in Troms.
Hilla f Swedish
Of debated origin and meaning. Current theories include a variant of Hilda and a Swedish form of Danish Helle 1.
Hilmer m Swedish
Variant of Hilmar.
Hindrik m Dutch, Low German, Swedish (Rare)
Variant of Hendrik (Dutch), Hinrik (Low German) and Henrik (Swedish).
Hjalle m Swedish
Diminutive of Hjalmar.
Hjert m Swedish
Variant of Gert.
Holmfrid m & f Swedish
Combination of Old Norse name elements holmr "small island" and friðr "peace" or fríðr "beautiful, beloved". The name was originally a feminine name, but is nowadays almost exclusively masculine.
Holsten m Swedish (Rare)
Modern Swedish form of Holmsten.
Hother m Danish, Swedish
Danish and Swedish form of Hǫðr.
Huge m Danish (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Danish and Swedish form of Hugi.
Humla f Swedish (Modern, Rare)
Directly taken from Swedish humla "bumblebee".
Ibba f Swedish (Rare)
Younger form of Ybba.
Idabritt f Swedish (Rare)
Very rare combination of Ida and Britt.
Idali f Swedish (Modern, Rare)
Of debated origin and meaning. Current theories include a combination of Ida and the popular name suffix -li (compare Novalie), a short form of Idalina and Idalisa as well as a short form of Idalia.
Idamaja f Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Ida and Maja 1 or Maja 2.
Idamarie f English (?), Danish, Swedish
Combination of Ida and Marie, see Idamaria
Idar m Norwegian, Swedish (Rare), Danish (Rare)
Possibly intended to be a masculine form of Ida created by combining the Old Norse element "industrious, work, activity" (compare the Germanic element id) and the common name suffix -r, taken from Norse herr "army, warrior".
Idolf m Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Archaic)
Combination of the Old Norse elements "industrious" and ulfr "wolf".
Idor m Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
Combination of "industrious" and þórr "thunder".
Ika f Swedish
Short form of names ending in -ika, like Veronika and Ulrika.
Ildibad m Germanic, Dutch, English, German, Norwegian, Swedish, History
Variant spelling of Hildebad. Ildibad was a 6th-century king of the Ostrogoths in Italy.
Ilian m Swedish (Rare)
Swedish form of Aegidius, via Gilgen or Ilgen.
Iliana f Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare)
Variant of Juliana and feminine form of Ilian.
Ilsebill f German, Swedish (Rare)
German variant of Elisabet and Ilsebet.
Imber f Swedish (Rare)
Swedish dialectal variant form of Ingeborg found in Norrland.
Imbor f Swedish (Rare)
Swedish dialectal variant form of Ingeborg.
Inara f Lithuanian (Rare), Estonian (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Finnish (Rare)
Borrowing of Latvian Ināra or posssibly a variant of Inari.
Indina f Swedish
Variant of Indine.
Ingalis f Swedish
Variant of Ingalisa.
Ingalisa f Swedish
Swedish form of Ingelise.
Ingalise f Swedish
Swedish variant of Ingelise.
Ingaliss f Swedish (Rare)
Swedish variant of Ingelise.
Ingamaj f Swedish
Combination of Inga and Maj 2.
Ingar m & f Norwegian, Swedish
Variant of Ingvor (f), Ingvar (m), Ingegerd (f) and Inggard (m)... [more]
Ingbor f Swedish (Rare)
Swedish dialectal variant form of Ingeborg.
Ingebor f Swedish (Rare)
Dialectal variant of Ingeborg.
Ingemarie f Danish, Swedish
Combination of Ing and Marie or feminine form of Ingemar.
Ingemo f Swedish
Modern form of Ingemodh, traditionally found in Småland.
Ingemund m Old Swedish, Norwegian (Rare), Swedish, Manx (Archaic), Anglo-Scandinavian
Old Swedish form of Ingimundr, which was also used on the Isle of Man.
Ingert f Swedish
Younger form of Ingerth or variant of Inger.
Ingerth f Old Swedish, Swedish (Rare)
Old Swedish variant of Ingiärd.
Ingerun f Old Swedish, Swedish
Old Swedish and modern form of Ingirún.
Inggerd f Swedish
Variant of Ingert.
Ingild m & f Swedish
Variant of Inghild.
Ingjäl f Swedish (Archaic)
Dialectal variant of Ingegärd.
Inglis f Swedish
Contracted form of Ingelise.
Inglise f Swedish
Swedish variant of Ingelise.
Ingmaj f Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Ing and maj "May".
Ingmarie f Swedish
Combination of Ing and Marie.
Ingri f Norwegian, Swedish (Rare)
Norwegian and Swedish dialectal variant of Ingrid.
Ingride f Old Swedish, Swedish (Archaic), Portuguese
Old Swedish variant of Ingrid which was still occasionally recorded in the early 1900s, as well as the Portuguese form of Ingrid.
Ingrun f German (Rare), Norwegian, Swedish
Formed from the Germanic name elements Ing (the name of a god) and run "secret; rune".
Ingvald m Norwegian, Swedish, Finland Swedish
Combination of Ing and Old Norse valdr "power, might, ruler".
Ingvard m Norwegian, Danish, Swedish (Rare)
Derived from the name of the Germanic god Ing combined with the Old Norse element vardr "guardian", though it could also be a variant of Ingvar.
Ingvor f Swedish, Norwegian (Rare)
Combination of Ing and the Old Norse name element vǫr "vigilant, cautious".
Irenes f Swedish
Swedish variant of Irene.
Irna f English (Rare), Swedish, Danish
Variant of Erna 2. Irna Phillips (July 1, 1901 – December 23, 1973) was an American scriptwriter, screenwriter, casting agent and actress... [more]
Isa f Swedish (Modern), Danish, Finnish, Norwegian
From the germanic element is "Ice" with the feminine suffix -a. In Swedish the name literally means ice in verbal form. Which means that something has frozen solid or has been covered in ice. It can also be a short for of names that end in -isa... [more]
Isagel f Swedish (Rare), Literature, Astronomy
Isagel is a fictional character and spaceship pilot appearing in Swedish author Harry Martinson's poem of science fiction 'Aniara', published in 1956. Isagel is also the name of an exoplanet (HD 102956 b) orbiting the star Aniara (HD 102956).
Isodora f Swedish
Variant of Isidora.
Izabell f Hungarian (Rare), Swedish (Modern, Rare)
Hungarian variant of Izabel and Swedish variant of Isabel.
Jacke m Swedish
Diminutive of Jakob.
Jahn m Norwegian, Swedish, Medieval Baltic
Norwegian and Swedish variant of Jan 1 and medieval Latvian variant of Jane 3.
Jalle m Swedish
Diminutive of Jarl or variant of Hjalle.
Janeck m Danish, Swedish
Variant of Janek.
Janerik m Swedish
Combination of Jan 1 and Erik. Most often spelled with a hyphen, Jan-Erik.
Jannes m Dutch, Flemish, German (Rare), Limburgish, East Frisian (Rare), North Frisian (Rare), West Frisian, Danish (Rare), Finnish (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Medieval Dutch
Dutch, Flemish, Frisian, Limburgish and (Low) German short form of Johannes, which has also seen some use in Scandinavia.
Jannika f Swedish, Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare), German (Modern)
Scandinavian variant of Jannike and German feminine form of Jannik.
Janrik m Swedish
Combination of Jan 1 and ríkr "mighty, distinguished, rich".
Jansine f Swedish, Danish
Feminine form of Jan 1.
Janus m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), Limburgish (Rare), West Frisian (Rare), Danish, Finnish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Dutch, Flemish, Limburgish and West Frisian short form of Adrianus and sometimes also of Johannes (which is also found spelled as Johannus)... [more]
Jari m Norse Mythology, Old Norse, Swedish
Derived from Old Norse jara "quarrel". This is the name of a dwarf in Norse mythology.
Jarla f Swedish (Rare)
Feminine form of Jarl.
Jeanina f French (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Danish (Rare), Romanian (Rare), English (American, Rare), Filipino
Variant of Jeannina (French) or Jeanine (Swedish and Danish). This was borne by a daughter of Christine Stampe (1797-1868), a Danish baroness and patron of the arts.
Jelina f East Frisian (Rare, Archaic), Swedish (Rare)
Archaic elaboration of East Frisian Jela that was recorded in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Jemina f Finnish, Swedish (Rare), English (Rare), Literature
Cognate form of Jemima (perhaps by association with the Latin name Gemina). F. Scott Fitzgerald used this in his short story Jemina, the Mountain Girl (1921).
Jennelie f Swedish (Modern)
Combination of Jenny and Li. The spelling is perhaps influenced by the similar sounding name Annelie.
Jennika f English (Modern, Rare), Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
English variant of Jennica, as well as a Swedish diminutive of Jenny, influenced by Annika.
Jennina f Finnish (Modern, Rare), Swedish (Rare)
A diminutive of Jenni, used independently.
Jensa f Swedish (Rare), Danish (Rare), Faroese, English (Rare)
Feminine form of Jens which also saw some usage in the English-speaking world.
Jeremia m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), Afrikaans, Finnish, Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
Dutch, Afrikaans, Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian variant of Jeremias.
Jesaja m Biblical, Swedish (Rare), Dutch, Biblical German, Afrikaans
Dutch, German, and Swedish form of Isaiah.
Jesenia f Norwegian (Archaic), Swedish (Rare)
Scandinavian adoption and adaption of Gesine.
Joa m Swedish, Finnish
Short form of Joachim.
Joa f Swedish, Danish, Finnish
Variant form of Jo.
Jocke m Swedish
Swedish diminutive of Joakim.
Jockum m Swedish (Rare)
Variant of Jochum (see Joachim).
Joh m & f Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare)
Truncated form of Johan, Johannes and its feminine equivalents. It's used as a short form of Johannesevangeliet (Gospel of John) in the Scandinavian translations of the Bible... [more]
Johanes m Indonesian, Dutch (Archaic), Swedish (Rare), Medieval Spanish
Indonesian form of Johannes as well as a Dutch and Swedish variant. It is also a medieval Spanish variant of Juanes 2.
Johild f Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Combination of jór "horse" and hildr "battle; fight".
Jojje m Swedish (Rare)
Diminutive of Jöns and Georg.
Jona m Croatian, Serbian, Swedish, Norwegian (Rare), Sorbian, Afrikaans
Croatian, Serbian, Sorbian, Afrikaans and Scandinavian form of Jonah.
Jona f Swedish, Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare), Faroese
Feminine form of Jon 1 as well as a short form of Johanna and its variants.
Jo’nam m Hebrew, Swedish
Possibly a form of Jonan.
Jonella f Swedish (Rare)
Elaboration of Jona.
Jonne m Finnish, Swedish, Dutch, Flemish (Rare)
Swedish and Finnish diminutive of Jon 1 and Dutch contracted form of Johannes.
Jonte m German, Swedish
German diminutive of Johann and Swedish diminutive of names starting with Jon-, such as Jon 1 and Jonatan.
Jörn m German, Swedish, Finland Swedish
Contracted form of Jörgen.
Josabeth f Swedish (Rare)
Swedish corruption of Jochebed as well as a combination of Josefine and Elisabeth.
Josafat m Swedish
Variant of Josaphat.
Joshi f Swedish (Rare)
Feminine form of Joshy
Josia m Dutch (Rare), German (Rare), Finnish (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Dutch, German, Finnish and Swedish form of the Hebrew name Yoshiyahu (see Josiah).
Jossan f Swedish
Swedish diminutive of Josefin.
Josua m German, Afrikaans, Swedish, Romansh
German, Afrikaans, Romansh and Swedish form of Joshua.
Juli f Swedish (Modern)
Means "July" in Swedish.
Julia f Swedish (Archaic)
Latinisation of Gölin used in Sweden.
Juliana f Swedish (Archaic)
Latinisation of Gölin used in Sweden.
Julle f & m Swedish
Diminutive of names starting with Ju-, such as Julia and Julius.
Junis m Swedish (Archaic)
Old Swedish form of Jonis.
Juva f Swedish (Modern, Rare)
Meaning unknown. Possibly related to the Swedish word ljuv meaning "lovely, sweet, pleasant".
Juvelia f Swedish (Modern)
Derived from Swedish juvel "jewel, gem".
Kåge m Swedish (Rare)
Originally a pet form of names starting with K and G such as Karl-Göran and Karl-Gustaf.
Kajsalisa f Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Kajsa and Lisa.
Kalixta f Finland Swedish (Rare)
Variant spelling of Calixta.
Källa f Swedish (Modern, Rare)
Modern form of Kiälla or taken directly from the Swedish word källa "source (of a stream of water)".
Kalla f Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Archaic), Icelandic (Rare)
Feminine form of Kalle as well as a variant of Karla.
Kalmar m Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare), Icelandic (Rare), Swedish (Archaic), Finnish (Rare), Estonian
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a variant of Kalman and an adoption of the Swedish place name Kalmar in Småland and Uppland.
Kämpe m Swedish (Rare)
From Swedish kämpe meaning "fighter".
Karenus m Swedish
Masculine form of Karen 1.
Karlgustav m Swedish (Rare)
Very rare combination of Karl and Gustav. More commonly spelled with a hyphen, Karl-Gustav, or with a space between the names, Karl Gustav.
Karljohan m Swedish (Rare)
Rare combination of Karl and Johan. More commonly spelled with a hyphen, Karl-Johan, or with a space between the names, Karl Johan.
Karloman m Bosnian, Croatian, Norwegian, Polish, Swedish
Variant of Carloman. In Swedish and Norwegian, only used in translations of historical documents regarding the Frankish rulers.
Karna f Danish, Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
Known since the 15th century, Karna was used as a variant of Karla in the southern parts of Sweden and as a variant of Karen 1 in the eastern parts of Denmark.
Karolin f German (Rare), Swedish, Hungarian, Estonian, Banat Swabian
Swedish and Hungarian variant of Karolina and German variant of Karoline, reflecting the French pronunciation of Caroline.
Katerin f Old Swedish, Swedish (Rare)
Old Swedish variant of Katerina.
Katerine f Medieval English, Medieval Welsh, Medieval Dutch, Medieval Baltic, Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
Medieval English and medieval Welsh variant of Katerina, medieval Latvian variant of Katarīna, medieval Dutch form of Katherine and a Scandinavian spelling of French Catherine.
Käti f Swedish
Variant of Käthe.
Katti f Danish, Swedish
Variant of Kati.
Kattis f Swedish
Diminutive of Katarina.
Kätty f Swedish
Variant of Käti.
Kejla f Polish, Jewish, Yiddish, Russian, Swedish (Modern, Rare)
Polish and Lithuanian spelling of Kayla, this form was far more common among Jews in Eastern Europe before it was overrode by its anglicized form of Kayla in the 1980s... [more]
Kennert m Swedish
Variant of Kenneth, perhaps inspired by names like Evert and Robert.
Kenta m Swedish
Swedish diminutive of Kent and Kenneth.
Kerstina f Swedish (Rare)
Variant of Kerstin and Kristina tradtionally found in Scania.
Ketty f Danish, Swedish, Norwegian (Rare)
Scandinavian variant of Kitty.
Kiälla f Swedish (Archaic)
Obsolete Swedish dialectal variant form of Kätilög and female form of Kjell.
Kicki f Swedish
Diminutive of Kristina and its variants.
Kid m & f Swedish
Variant of Kidd.
Kiddie f Swedish, Danish
Feminine form of Kidd.
Kikkan f English (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
Variant of Kickan. Kikkan Randall is an American cross-country skier. Her name is a combination of Kikki and Meghan.
Kikki f Swedish
Diminutive of Kristina and its variants.
Kitta f Danish, Finnish, Swedish
Finnish form of Gitta, sometimes used as a diminutive of Kristiina.
Kjartan m Danish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Faroese, Swedish (Rare)
Younger form of Mýrkjartan as well as a Scandinavian form of Certán.
Kjelle m Swedish
Diminutive of Kjell.
Kjellina f Swedish (Rare)
Feminine form of Kjell.
Kjellrun f Norwegian, Swedish (Rare), Danish (Rare)
A relatively modern Scandinavian name, it is derived from Old Norse kettil "kettle, cauldron" (see also Kettil) and Old Norse rún "secret lore."
Klabbe m Swedish
Swedish diminutive of Klas.
Klasse m Swedish
Diminutive of Klas.
Kol m Old Danish, Old Swedish, Swedish (Rare)
Form of Kolr found in Old Danish and Old Swedish, as well as the modern Swedish form.
Kolbjörn m Icelandic, Swedish (Rare)
Icelandic and Swedish form of Kolbjǫrn.
Kolbrun f Danish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Danish, Norwegian and Swedish form of Kolbrún.
Kolja m Croatian, Danish (Rare), Dutch (Rare), German, Serbian, Swedish (Rare)
Croatian and Serbian diminutive of Nikola 1. In the other languages listed, Kolja is their standard form of the Russian name Kolya.
Konni f & m Danish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Finnish (Rare)
A Nordic variant of Connie and a diminutive for names beginning with Kon-, such as Konrad and Konstantin.
Konstancia f Swedish (Rare), Hungarian
Hungarian feminine form of Konstantin and Swedish variant of Constantia.
Krille m Swedish
Diminutive of Kristian and Kristoffer.
Krisse f & m Swedish, Finnish
Variant of Chris.
Kristiana f Bulgarian, Croatian, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Kashubian
Scandinavian variant and Croatian and Kashubian form of Christiana as well as a Bulgarian variant transcription of Кристиана (see Kristiyana).
Kristoff m English, Popular Culture, Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare), Finnish (Rare), Flemish
Variant of Christoph. This is the name of Kristoff Bjorgman from Frozen.
Krusmynta f Swedish (Rare), Literature
From the Swedish name for a type of mint, known as curly mint in English. This is one of the middle names of Pippi Långstrump (English: Pippi Longstocking), full name Pippilotta Viktualia Rullgardina Krusmynta Efraimsdotter Långstrump, a character invented by Swedish author Astrid Lindgren.
Kurre m Swedish, Finnish
Diminutive of Kurt.
Labolina f Swedish (Modern), Popular Culture
Probably as a feminine form of Laban. 'Lilla spöket Laban' (known in English as 'The Little Ghost Godfrey') is a Swedish children's book character. Labolina is the name Laban's little sister.
Lajla f Bosnian, Croatian, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch (Rare)
Bosnian variant spelling of Lejla and Scandinavian variant of Laila 2.
Lamberth m Swedish
Variant of Lambert.
Larissia f Swedish
Variant of Larissa.
Larsa m Swedish
Diminutive of Lars.
Laurents m Swedish (Rare), Medieval Baltic
Swedish variant of Laurenz and medieval Latvian form of Laurentz.
Lava f Swedish
Short form of Olava.
Lave m & f Swedish
Variant of Lage and Lava.
Leckard m Swedish
Younger Swedish form of Lechardus.
Lefa m Swedish, Finnish
A diminutive of Leif.
Leffe m Swedish
Swedish diminutive of Leif.
Leija f Swedish (Modern), Finnish (Rare), Estonian (Rare)
Finnish variant of Lea. The name coincides with the Finnish word leija "kite".