Spanish (Latin American) Submitted Names

These names are a subset of Spanish names used more often in Latin America. See also about Spanish names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Eclicerio m Spanish (Mexican, Rare)
Of uncertain origin.
Edelfa f Italian (Rare), Filipino (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Possibly a rare variant of Adelfa. A known bearer of this name is Edelfa Chiara Masciotta (1984-), an Italian television personality and former beauty queen who won Miss Italia 2005.
Edgmer m Spanish (Latin American)
This name is mostly used in Venezuela.
Edier m Spanish (Latin American)
Meaning unknown. It may possibly be a Latin American form of the Basque names Eder 2 or Edur. Known bearers of this name include the Colombian-born Swedish soccer player Edier Frejd (b... [more]
Edilberto m Spanish (Latin American)
Spanish form of Ethelbert via its variant form Aedilbert. In other words, you could also say that Edilberto is a variant form of Etelberto.... [more]
Edilma f Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish (Latin American)
Combination of the popular element edi (cf. Edimar, Edir) and the name Ilma.
Edilson m Portuguese (Brazilian), Portuguese (African), Spanish (Latin American)
Possibly a variant of Edison inspired by the name element adal, meaning "noble".
Edmar m & f Portuguese (Brazilian), Filipino, Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Combination of the phonetic elements ed (from Edmundo, Edgar, etc.) and mar (cf. Neymar, Diomar)... [more]
Efmamjjasond m Spanish (Latin American, Modern, Rare)
Invented name originating from the initials of the months of the year in Spanish.
Eithel m Antillean Creole (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Meaning uncertain. Also compare the similar-looking name Eitel.
Eiza f Spanish (Latin American)
Possibly a variant of Aiza, or a form of Elsa or Eliza... [more]
Elenitza f Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Greek (Italianized)
Hispanic and Italian variant of Elenitsa. This was used in the Italian movie Le soldatesse (1965; The Camp Followers in English) for a Greek character, played by Anna Karina... [more]
Eleno m Spanish (Mexican)
Spanish short form of Magdaleno.
Elfego m Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Spanish (Mexican, Rare)
Spanish form of Alphege. A notable bearer was Mexican-American gunman and politician Elfego Baca (1865-1945).
Eliander m Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
This given name is predominantly used in South America. In the Spanish-speaking countries of that continent, it is probably a combination of a name starting with Eli- (such as Elisa) with a name ending in -ander (such as Alexander)... [more]
Eliángel f & m Spanish (Latin American)
Probably a combination of Elisa or Elisabeth and Ángel.
Elianis f Spanish (Latin American, Modern, Rare)
Possibly coined as a feminine form of Elián or, more likely, an elaborated form of Eliana 1.
Elianis f Spanish (Latin American)
From the name of Helios, the greek god of sun, which name means "sun".
Elibeth f Spanish (Latin American)
Diminutive or contracted form of Elisabeth.
Elidia f Spanish (Mexican)
Feminine form of Elidio.
Elixabeth f English (Modern, Rare), Spanish (Latin American)
Variant of Elizabeth, with the Spanish name possibly influenced by Basque Elixabete.
Elizeth f Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Portuguese (African, Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Possibly a contraction of Elizabeth used in Latin America and Angola; also compare Lizeth. A famous bearer of this name was Elizeth Cardoso (1920-1990), a Brazilian singer and actress... [more]
Emelix f Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Perhaps a blend of Emely (itself a Hispanic variant of Emily, reflecting the English pronunciation) and Alix.
Emoé f Spanish (Mexican, Rare)
Of uncertain origin. A known bearer is Mexican actress Emoé de la Parra (1953-).
Enedelia f Spanish (Mexican), American (Hispanic)
Possibly an invented name based on the sounds found in names such as Enedina and Adelia.
Enilda f Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish (Latin American)
Feminine form of Enildo or else a variant of Anilda.
Enio m Spanish (Latin American), Friulian
Spanish and Friulian form of Ennio.
Epigmenio m Italian (Archaic), Spanish (Mexican)
Italian and Spanish form of Epigmenius. Most known bearers of this name are Mexican, and they include the insurgent Epigmenio González Flores (1781-1858), the priest and politician Epigmenio de la Piedra (1792-1873), the judoka Epigmenio Exiga (b... [more]
Erazmo m Croatian (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Croatian form of Erasmus and Hispanic variant of Erasmo.
Eréndira f Purépecha, Spanish (Mexican)
Derived from P'urhépecha iréndira meaning "the one who smiles" or "smiling, cheerful".... [more]
Eridani f & m Spanish (Mexican, Rare), American (Hispanic, Rare), Astronomy
Epsilon Eridani is the fifth-brightest star in Eridanus, a constellation in the southern sky.
Erlindo m Portuguese (Rare), Spanish (Latin American)
Probably a Portuguese variant of Arlindo as well as the Spanish equivalent of Arlindo.
Erubey m Spanish (Mexican), American
There was a boxer in the early 1970s in Mexico named Erubey Carmona, but he had changed his name from Eudibiel. Since all the people I can find with this name are young Mexican or Mexican-American men, I'm beginning to think the name originated with this boxer... [more]
Esabell f Spanish (Caribbean)
Variant: Isabelle
Esai m Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Indian
As a Spanish name, Esai is likely a short form of Esaias (and possibly influenced by Esau).
Escarlette f Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Variant form of Escarlata, which is predominantly found in the Spanish-speaking countries in South America. This form of the name was probably influenced by its English counterpart Scarlett.
Esmeraldas f Spanish (Latin American)
From the name of a city and province in northwestern Ecuador, derived from Spanish esmeraldas, which is the plural form of esmeralda meaning "emerald".
Esmil m Spanish (Latin American)
Most commonly used in the Dominican Republic.
Estanislado m Spanish (Latin American)
Latin American variant of Estanislao.
Estiven m Spanish (Latin American)
Spanish form of Steven reflecting the English pronunciation.
Estuardo m Spanish (Latin American)
Spanish form of Stuart in use in Latin America. It is especially popular in Guatemala.
Eucaris f Spanish, Spanish (Latin American), Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Spanish and Portuguese form of Eucharis. It is most often used in Venezuela and Colombia.
Eudomilia f Spanish (Latin American)
From the Greek εὔδοξος (eudoxos) meaning "of good repute, honoured", itself from εὖ (eu) meaning "good" and δόξα (doxa) meaning "notion, reputation, honour" with elaborated influence from names like Emilia.
Eufrasia f Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Galician (Rare), Italian
Spanish, Galician and Italian form of Euphrasia.
Eumir m Spanish (Latin American), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Combination of a name that starts with Eu- (such as Eugênio and Eustaquio) with a name that either starts with Mir- (such as Miriã and Mirta) or ends in -mir (such as Ademir).... [more]
Euniciano m Spanish (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Spanish form of Eunikianos via its latinized form Eunicianus.
Euplio m Italian, Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Italian and Spanish form of Euplius.
Eustolia f Late Greek, Spanish (Mexican), History (Ecclesiastical)
Feminine form of Eustolios. This name was borne by a saint from the 7th century AD.
Evaluna f Spanish (Latin American), American (Hispanic, Modern)
Combination of Eva and Luna. This is the name of Venezuelan actress and singer Evaluna Montaner (1997-).
Evangélica f Filipino (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Feminine form of Evangélico. It is also possible that in some cases, this name is a combination of Eva with Angélica.
Evangélico m Filipino (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Archaic)
Derived from the Spanish and Portuguese adjective evangélico meaning "evangelical". In other words, this name is the Spanish and Portuguese form of Evangelicus.... [more]
Evangelie f Dutch (Rare), English (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Variant spelling of Évangélie, which is usually used in non-francophone regions and countries.... [more]
Evangelio m Italian (Archaic), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Italian and Spanish form of Evangelius. It should be noted that in Spanish-speaking countries, the name can also be derived from the Spanish noun evangelio meaning "(the) Gospel", which is etymologically related to the aforementioned name.
Evardo m Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Invented name, possibly as a combination of Evaristo and Eduardo.
Eviel m Spanish (Mexican, Rare)
Invented name, possibly a combination of two other names such as Eva and Miguel or similar names.
Evo m Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Apparently a masculine form of Eva. A notable bearer is Bolivian president Evo Morales.
Evodio m Spanish (Mexican, Rare)
Spanish form of Evodius. It is mainly used in Mexico.
Eydan m Spanish (Mexican), Spanish (Latin American)
Spanish form of Aidan, reflecting the English pronunciation.
Eymi f Spanish (Latin American)
Variant of Amy, reflecting the English pronounciation.
Falcao m Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Falcão.
Farina f Popular Culture, German (Modern, Rare), Dutch (Surinamese), Spanish (Latin American)
From the character Farina in the series Our Gang played by the male child actor Allen Hoskins. It was aired in Germany under the title Die kleinen Strolche.
Fidelito m Spanish (Latin American)
Diminutive form of Fidel.... [more]
Fidencio m Spanish (Latin American)
From the Latin word fidentius, meaning "to have confidence" or "to be daring".
Filandro m Italian, Spanish (Latin American), Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Philander.
Filiberta f Spanish (Mexican), Italian (Rare), Sicilian, Polish (Archaic)
Italian and Spanish feminine form of Filiberto, Sicilian feminine form of Filibertu and Polish feminine form of Filibert.
Floralia f English, Spanish (Latin American)
Allegedly a rare elaboration of Flora, perhaps inspired by names like Rosalia.
Flordelis f Spanish (Philippines), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Derived from Spanish flor de lis, meaning "fleur de lis".
Florecita f Spanish (Philippines), Spanish (Mexican)
Spanish diminutive of Flor, formed using the diminutive suffix‎ -cita.
Floriberto m Spanish (Latin American), Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Floribert.
Floribeth f Spanish (Caribbean)
Combination of Flora or any other name beginning with the element Flor- and Beth.... [more]
Florida f Late Roman, Albanian, Italian (Rare), English (American), Spanish (Latin American), Louisiana Creole
Feminine form of Floridus. This is also the name of a state in the United States of America, which was originally named La Florida by the Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León (1474-1521)... [more]
Floridalma f Spanish (Latin American), Central American
Either a combination of the names Florida and Alma 1 or a combination of the related Spanish words florida meaning "flourishing, blooming, florid" and alma meaning "soul"... [more]
Florio m Italian (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Romansh (Archaic)
Italian and Spanish form of Florius. A known bearer of this name was the Uruguayan architect and art critic Florio Parpagnoli (1909-1978).
Fortuno m Filipino (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Masculine form of Fortuna or a shortened form of Fortunato.
Francelia f English (Rare), Spanish (Caribbean)
Likely an elaboration of Frances influenced by Celia.
Francescoli m Spanish (Latin American, Modern, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Modern, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Francescoli, named in honour of former Uruguayan football player Enzo Francescoli (1961-).
Franchesca f English (Rare), Spanish (Latin American), Filipino
Spanish and English variant of Francesca, reflecting the Italian pronunciation.
Fransuá m Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Spanish form of François reflecting the French pronunciation.
Freddi m & f English (Modern, Rare), German, Spanish (Latin American)
Variant of English Freddy, also a variant of German and Latin American Fredy.
Fredi m & f English (Rare), Spanish (Latin American), German
Variant of English Freddy, also a variant of Latin American and German Fredy.
Froy m Spanish (Latin American), English (American, Rare)
Short form of Froylán (Spanish) and contraction of Fitzroy (English). In the United States, it is possible that there are also cases where this name is derived from the rare surname Froy.... [more]
Gabrielys f Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Combination of Gabriela and the popular Spanish suffix -lys used in names such as Odalys (compare Danielys and Gabriely).
Galicia f Galician, Spanish (Latin American)
From the land of Galicia in analogy to other toponymic names like América or África. It is associated to Galician emigration, so this name can be found now in Latin American countries.
Galiel m Spanish (Caribbean, ?)
The name (Galiel) comes from the name (Gamaliel) wich is Jewish
Gaudelia f Spanish (Mexican, Archaic)
Possibly related to Latin gaudeo meaning "to rejoice, to enjoy". This is the name of an obscure martyr and saint from 4th century Persia whose real existence is unclear.
Gaudencio m Spanish (Latin American), Galician
Spanish and Galician form of Gaudentius.
Gelasia f Spanish (Mexican, Rare), Italian (Rare, Archaic, ?)
Spanish and Italian feminine form of Gelasius.
Geovanny m Spanish (Latin American), American (Hispanic)
Variant of Giovanni in use in Latin America (especially Ecuador).
Gianira f South American (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Possibly a variant of Yanira. This name is most often used in Peru.
Giovani m Italian (Archaic), English, Spanish (Latin American), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Archaic Italian and English variant of Giovanni as well as the Spanish and Portuguese form of Giovanni.... [more]
Giovardo m Spanish (Latin American, Italianized, Rare), Indonesian (Rare)
Combination of Giovanni and Leonardo or other names ending in -ardo. It is sometimes used as an Italian-sounding name in Indonesia and Latin America.
Girasol f Spanish (Latin American, Rare), American (Hispanic, Modern, Rare)
Means "sunflower" in Spanish, a word composed of gira "to turn" and sol "sun" (referring to the plant's habit of moving in the direction of the Sun)... [more]
Gismar m Germanic, German, Spanish (Latin American), Portuguese (Brazilian)
The meaning and origin of the first element is rather uncertain: we know that it comes from gis (the original form was possibly gîs), but we don't exactly know where gis itself comes from... [more]
Gladiana f Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Combination of Gladys or other names beginning with Glad- and Ana.