Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
BellamirafSpanish (Latin American, Rare), Theatre Probably derived from the Latin elements bella "beautiful" and mira "wondrous" (cf. Mirabella). This name belongs to a courtesan in the play The Jew of Malta (written c. 1589 or 1590) by English dramatist Christopher Marlowe.
BetianafSpanish (Latin American) First made known and popularised by Argentine actress Betiana Blum (1939-), in this case being a mix of her given names Betty and Ana.
BetsaidafBiblical (Hispanicized), Spanish (Latin American) Derived from Betsaida, which is the Spanish form of Bethsaida, the name of two places in the New Testament. For both places, the name is either of Aramaic or Hebrew origin and means either "house of hunting" or "house of fishing"... [more]
BriseniafSpanish (Mexican) This given name is probably a combination of Briseida or Brigida with any name ending in -enia or -senia (depends on which name is used for the first part of the name), such as Eugenia and Yesenia.
CatirafSpanish (Caribbean) Means "blonde" in the Cumanagota dialect, a Carib language most common to the native peoples of Venezuela. It is now a name and slang for a blonde-haired person in Venezuela.
CelestitafSpanish (Latin American) Means "celestite" in Spanish. Also known as celestine, celestite is a colourless, orange or blue mineral with orthorhombic crystals, so named from Latin caelestis "heavenly, pertaining to the sky" (compare Caelestis) after its usual pale sky-blue shade.
CenobiomSpanish (Mexican) Variant of Zenobio, the Spanish form of Zenobius. This was borne by the 19th-century Mexican composer Cenobio Paniagua (1821-1882).
ChiquinquiráfSpanish, Spanish (Latin American) Spanish feminine name given in honour of Our Lady of the Rosary of Chiquinquirá. Chiquinquirá itself is of Chibcha origin and means "Place of swamps covered with fog".
ClavomSpanish (Latin American) A variant of Clavio, the name is also identical to the Spanish noun for “nail.” Therefore, there is possibly a connotation of extraordinary steadfastness and solid reliability in times of trouble... [more]
DairafGreek Mythology, Spanish (Latin American) The name of an Okeanid Nymph of the town in Eleusis in Attika, Greece. It is derived from the element δαο (dao), meaning "the knowing one, teacher".
Dariellisf & mSpanish (Latin American) the origins and meaning of this name isn't exact but pretty sure it's of Puerto Rican origins and means "passionate" and/or "faithful"
DeidadfSpanish (Latin American, Rare) Means "deity" in Spanish, a word derived from Latin deitās (which in turn was coined by Augustine of Hippo, who derived it from Latin deus meaning "god").
DilmermGerman, Spanish (Latin American) It is a variant of the name Delmer, which is composed by the Ancient English words "dell", meaning "valley" and "mer", meaning "pond".
DiosmaryfSpanish (Latin American, Rare) Variant of Josmary apparently influenced by Spanish Dios "God". It was used for a character in the Venezuelan telenovela 'Toda una dama' (2007-2008).
DuberleymSpanish (Latin American) Alteration of Duberney, using the -ley suffix. This name is mainly used in Colombia (variants without the final e are mainly used in Peru).