ZarcomSpanish (Rare) This first name is predominantly found in South America, although it is not very common there: one is much more likely to encounter the name as a surname there instead. Because of that, it is possible that the bearers' parents were inspired to give their sons the surname as a first name, just like it is done in English-speaking countries these days... [more]
ZaremafChechen, Crimean Tatar, Dagestani, Ingush, Kazakh Meaning uncertain, though the name is likely of either Arabic or Persian origin. It might possibly be derived from Arabic زريمة (zarima) meaning "flaming, igniting, submissive" or from Persian زر (zar) meaning "gold, golden" (compare Zarya)... [more]
ZaremafSoviet Contraction of the Soviet slogan За революцию мира! (Za revolyutsiyu mira!) meaning "For the world revolution!". This name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.
ZaribzyanmTatar Probably a distorted form of Iranian-Arabic zarifan, ultimately derived from the Arabic ظريف (zarif) meaning "nice, companionable, amicable" and the Persian جان (jan) meaning "life, spirit, soul".
ZarikfPersian Mythology The name of a daeva or demon in the service of Ahriman in Zoroastrian belief, associated with aging and old age. The etymology of her name is unknown, but it may be related to Avestan zairi.gaona- meaning "green, yellow" or Persian زر (zar) meaning "gold" or زر (zor) meaning "rotation, circulation".
ZarinaeafScythian (Latinized) Latinized form of Zarinaia. This was the name of a queen regnant and military leader of the Saka tribe, possibly legendary, who waged a war against the Medes.
ZaritéfLiterature Zarité "Teté" is the name of an Haitian mixed-race woman who was a slave in Haiti. She is the main character of the book "Island Beneath the Sea" (2009) by Isabel Allende.
ZarmandukhtfAncient Armenian Means "the old man's daughter" from Persian zarman "old man" and duxt "daughter". This was the name of a 4th-century Armenian noblewoman who became a queen consort of Arsacid Armenia.
ZarmanushfArmenian Etymology uncertain, possibly from զարմանք (zarmankʿ) meaning "astonishment, surprise, marvel, wonder".
ZarminafPashto From Pashto زر (zar) meaning "gold, metal" and مينه (mina) meaning "love".
ZarminefArmenian From the Armenian word զարմ (zarm) meaning "tribe, family, nation".
ZarmuhifArmenian (Rare) From Armenian zarm meaning "kin, family" and the feminine suffix "-uhi". It is found more commonly in Western Armenia.
ZaroonmUrdu Allegedly means "visitor" in Persian. This name was used for a character on the Pakistani television series Zindagi Gulzar Hai (2012-2013).
ZašḫapunafNear Eastern Mythology, Hattian Mythology Of uncertain etymology, possibly deriving in part from the Hattic element puna ("child"). Name borne by a Hattian goddess, who was the patron deity of the city of Kaštama.
ZasufObscure Combination of the last syllable of the name Eliza and the first syllable of the name Susan. Notable bearer of the name is an American actress ZaSu Pitts (1894-1963).
Zätam & fSwedish (Rare) From the Swedish name for the letter Z. Often a nickname for someone whose name (either first or last) start with Z, it is sometimes used as a given name in its own right.
ZatannafPopular Culture A notable character is Zatanna Zatara (commonly known as Zatanna), a magician superhero from the DC comics.
ZathapyfAncient Egyptian From Egyptian sꜣt-ḥpw meaning "daughter of Apis", derived from zꜣt "daughter" and the name of the deity Apis, the sacred bull. This was the second name of Senebtisi.
ZatipyfAncient Egyptian Means "daughter of Ipy", derived from zꜣt "daughter" and the name of the goddess Ipy. Name borne by a wife of Khnumhotep I, governer of Oryx circa 2000 BCE.
ZaveionmAfrican American (Modern, Rare) Variant of Zavion. The name Zaveion was given to 23 boys born in the United States in 2004 according to the U.S. Social Security Administration.
ZavišamSerbian (Rare) Derived from the old name Zavida, which itself was derived from the verb zavideti, meaning "to envy". It was once used to divert evil forces from a child, since it was believed it would prevent envy towards the child.
ZavqimUzbek Derived from Uzbek zavq meaning "delight, pleasure, enthusiasm".
ZavqlimUzbek Means "pleasant, delightful" in Uzbek.
ZawmBurmese Means "preeminent, supreme" in Burmese.
ZawawimMalay, Indonesian From the name of 12th-century Islamic jurist and grammarian Ibn Muti al-Zawawi, whose name was derived from the Berber tribe of Zawawa.
Zayn al-AbidinmArabic Means "adornment of the worshippers" from Arabic زين (zayn) meaning "decoration, embellishment, ornament" and عابدين ('abidin) meaning "worshippers".
ZaynullahmArabic Means "beauty of Allah" from زين (zayn) meaning "beauty, grace" combined with الله (Allah)
ZayonmAmerican Zayon was originally coined in 1999 by a Mr.Bailey. Zayon is commonly used to name children with a higher failure rate in simple tasks like reading, reasoning, problem solving, leadership and many more... [more]
ZaziefFrench French diminutive of Isabelle. The French author Raymond Queneau used this for the title character of his novel 'Zazie dans le métro' (1959; English: 'Zazie in the Metro'), which was adapted by Louis Malle into a film (1960).
Zazuf & mHebrew, Popular Culture Possibly a variant of Zaza (Biblical name) and a diminutive of Elisheva. It is also said to be one of the words to say "movement" in Hebrew.... [more]
ZbawimiłmPolish The first element of this name is derived from Polish zbawić "to save, to redeem" (also compare Polish zbawienie "salvation, redemption" and Croatian izbaviti "to save, to redeem")... [more]
ZbawisławmPolish The first element of this name is derived from Polish zbawić "to save, to redeem" (also compare Polish zbawienie "salvation, redemption" and Croatian izbaviti "to save, to redeem")... [more]
ZbroisławmPolish The first element of this name is derived from Polish zbroić (się) "to arm, to weapon" (also compare Polish zbroja "armour" and Czech zbrojit "to arm"). The second element of this name is derived from Slavic slav "glory".
ZbrosławmMedieval Polish Means "he, who is famous thanks to fighting", from the elements zbro ("to fight") and sław ("fame")
ZbychmPolish Diminutive of Zbigniew. A known bearer of this name is the Polish-Australian actor Zbych Trofimiuk (b. 1979).
ZbylisławmPolish The first element of this name is derived from the old Polish verb zbylić (also zbilić or zbelić or bylić), which can mean "to think, to ponder" as well as "to recall, to remember, to remind"... [more]
ZdobymirmPolish The first element of this name is derived from Polish zdobyć, which can mean "to get, to acquire, to obtain, to gain" as well as "to win, to earn". Also compare Croatian dobiti "to get, to acquire" and Czech dobýt "to gain, to conquer"... [more]
ZdobysławmPolish The first element of this name is derived from Polish zdobyć, which can mean "to get, to acquire, to obtain, to gain" as well as "to win, to earn". Also compare Croatian dobiti "to get, to acquire" and Czech dobýt "to gain, to conquer"... [more]
ZdravomirmBulgarian, Croatian, Serbian The first element of this name is derived from Bulgarian zdráve or Serbo-Croatian zdravlje "health", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic sъdorvъ "healthy". The second element is derived from either Slavic mir "peace" or Slavic mer "great, famous".
ZdravoslavmBulgarian The first element of this name is derived from Bulgarian zdráve "health", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic sъdorvъ "healthy". The second element is derived from Slavic slav "glory"... [more]
ZdrowosławmPolish The first element of this name is derived from Polish zdrowy "healthy, sound, well, wholesome" or zdrowie "health", both of which are ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic sъdorvъ "healthy"... [more]
ZdziemiłmPolish Old Polish male name, composed of two parts: Zdzie originating from jьzděti "put, do, make" and mil "nice". It could mean "the one who makes others kinder".
ZdzimirmPolish Composed of the Polish elements -zdzi meaning 'do' and -mir meaning 'peace', means one who brings peace.