Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
LaudatusmLate Roman, Welsh (Latinized) Derived from Latin laudatus meaning "praised, lauded, commended, esteemed", which is ultimately derived from Latin laudo meaning "to praise, to laud, to commend".... [more]
LauncelotmTheatre, Arthurian Cycle Variant of Lancelot. This spelling was used by Shakespeare in his play The Merchant of Venice (written between 1596 and 1598) for the character of Launcelot Gobbo.
LauranafLiterature Perhaps an elaboration of Laura. Laurana is one of the main characters in the "Dragonlance" book series by Margaret Weiss and Tracy Hickman.
LaurancemEnglish (Rare) English variant spelling of Laurence 1. Also compare the names Terence and Terance, which are another example of how -ence can be variantly spelled as -ance (and yet still be pronounced the same).... [more]
LaureafEnglish (Rare) Either an elaborated form of Laura or else a direct adoption of Latin laurea "laurel tree". In the English-speaking world this name has been found from the 18th century onwards.
LaurelinfLiterature This name was used by J.R.R. Tolkien in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. It was the name of one of the Two Trees of Valinor. Laurelin was the gold and green tree. Laurelin means "Land of the Valley of Singing Gold".
LaurelinefFrench, French (Belgian), Flemish (Rare), Popular Culture Medieval diminutive of Laura. This name was used for a character in the French series of science fiction comics Valérian et Laureline (1967-2010) as well as the 2017 movie adaptation Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets.
LaurentienfDutch Dutch form of Laurentine, with its spelling phonetical in nature. A well-known bearer of this name is Laurentien Brinkhorst, wife of the Dutch prince Constantijn.
LaurikafAfrikaans, Slovak Afrikaans elaboration and Slovak diminutive of Laura. Laurika Rauch is a South African singer who performs in both Afrikaans and English.
LaurinmGerman, Germanic Mythology Old German name of uncertain origin. In recent years it has been debated that Laurin might be derived from Latin laurinus "crowned with laurels".... [more]
LautmDutch (Rare) Dutch given name of which the meaning is uncertain. It might possibly be a short form of Laurentius, but it could also possibly be a short form of a Germanic name that contains the element hlud meaning "famous" (such as Ludolf) or even leud meaning "people" (such as Ludger).... [more]
LautimSpanish (Latin American) Diminutive of Lautaro. A known bearer of this name is Lautaro "Lauti" Suárez (b. 2018), the son of the Uruguayan professional soccer player Luis Suárez (b. 1987).
LautildefMedieval French Either derived from Gothic lauths "grand" or Gothic laudi "figure, size" and Old High German hiltja "battle".
LavantiafEnglish (American, Rare) Meaning uncertain. This was borne by the 19th-century American social reformer Lavantia Densmore Douglass (1827-1899).
LavarmAfrican American Variant of Levar. This name can be spelled Lavar or with a capitalized third letter as LaVar.
LavedafAmerican (South, Rare) Meaning uncertain, possibly modelled on names such as Lavera and Lavena. It is often spelled as LaVeda with the third letter capitalized.