Submitted Names Starting with H

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Hye-yun f Korean
From Sino-Korean 慧 "bright, intelligent" or 惠 "favor, benefit, confer kindness" (hye), and 允 "allow, consent" or 潤 "soft, sleek" (yun).
Hygebald m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements hyge "thought, mind" and beald "bold". This was the name of a 7th-century Anglo-Saxon saint, also known as Hybald.
Hygebeorht m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements hyge "thought, mind" (from hugiz) and beorht "bright".
Hygeburg f Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements hyge "thought, mind" and burg "fortress".
Hygelac m Anglo-Saxon Mythology
Old English form of Hugleikr. This name occurs in the 8th-century epic poem 'Beowulf' belonging to a king of the Geats.
Hygieia f Greek Mythology
From the name of the Greek goddess of medical cleanliness. Her name is derived from Ancient Greek Ὑγίεια (Hugíeia), which is also from ὑγίεια (hugíeia) meaning "health".
Hygin m History (Ecclesiastical), Polish (Rare)
French, Polish and Romanian form of Hyginus.
Hyginas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Hyginus.
Hyjdla f Silesian
Variant of Hajdla.
Hyjnor m Albanian (Rare)
Derived from Albanian hyjnor "divine, godly" and, figuratively, "miraculous, marvelous; extraordinary".
Hykka m Cornish (Archaic)
Cornish diminutive of Richard.
Hylaeus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Ὑλαιος (Hylaios), which is probably derived from Greek ὕλη (hylē) meaning "forest, woodland". However, it could also have been derived from Greek ὗλις (hylis) "mud" or from Greek ὑλάω (hylaō) meaning "to bark, to bay"... [more]
Hylan m American (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Hylan.
Hylas m Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ὕλη (hyle) meaning "wood, timber" or "trees, forest". This was the name of a companion of Heracles in Greek mythology, a member of the Argonauts.
Hyleas f Obscure
Borne by American heptathlete Hyleas Fountain (1981-).
Hylia f Popular Culture, Obscure
Name of a goddess in the video game saga The Legend of Zelda. This name has been given to at least 45 women in the United States since 2017, when the game 'The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild' was released.
Hylie f American (Rare)
Perhaps a variant of Hayley blending it with Kylie.
Hyllus m Greek Mythology
The name of a son of Herakles and Deianeira in Greek mythology.
Hylo m American (Rare)
Nickname given to bluegrass singer and guitarist Frank "Hylo" Brown, Jr. (1922-2003) due to his broad vocal range.
Hylonome f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ὑλονόμος (hylonomos) meaning "living in the woods". In Greek mythology this was the name of a female centaur.
Hylur m Icelandic
From Icelandic hylur meaning "pool, deep hole in a beck".
Hymen m Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek hymenaios meaning "bridal song, hymeneal (wedding hymn)". In Greek mythology Hymen was the god of marriage and weddings, supposed to preside over every wedding.
Hymenaeus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized), Biblical, Biblical Latin
Latinized form of Hymenaios. In Greek mythology, this is an alternative name of the god Hymen.... [more]
Hymenaios m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology, Biblical Greek
Derived from the Greek noun ὑμέναιος (hymenaios) meaning "wedding song, bridal song".
Hymeneus m Biblical, Biblical Latin
Variant of Hymenaeus used in some versions of the Vulgate (Latin Bible) as well as at least two English Bibles: the Douay-Rheims Bible (1582-1610) and the original 1611 edition of the King James Bible.
Hymir m Norse Mythology, Icelandic (Modern, Rare)
Of uncertain origin, possibly related to Old Norse húm meaning "semi-darkness, twilight". In Norse mythology this was the name of a giant (jǫtunn), according to Hymiskviða the father of the god Tyr, from whom Thor wanted to fetch a cauldron for the Æsir... [more]
Hymn m & f English (Puritan)
From the English word hymn meaning a song of praise or worship, ultimately derived from Ancient Greek ὕμνος (hymnos) "song, hymn, ode (in praise of heroes or gods)".
Hymnia f English
Diminutive of Polyhymnia.
Hymy f & m Finnish (Rare)
Means "smile" in Finnish.
Hync m Sorbian
Lower Sorbian cognate of Hinc.
Hynde m Medieval Baltic
Diminutive of Hinrick.
Hynden f English (Modern, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Hynden.
Hyndla f Norse Mythology, Old Norse
Means "the dog". In Norse mythology this is the name of a giantess who insults Freyja.
Hyness m Popular Culture
Hyness is the principal villain in Kirby Star Allies, serving as the penultimate boss in Story Mode.
Hyniek m Silesian
Silesian form of Heniek.
Hynki m Vilamovian
Vilamovian form of Henry.
Hyōe m Japanese
This name combines 兵 (hyou, hei, tsuwamono) meaning "army, soldier" and 衛 (ei, e) meaning "defense, protection."... [more]
Hyōga m Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 氷河 (hyōga) meaning "glacier".
Hyo-jeong f & m Korean
From Sino-Korean 孝 "filial piety, obedience" or 曉 "dawn, daybreak; clear, explicit" (hyo), and 貞 "virtuous, chaste, pure; loyal", 正 "right, proper, correct" or 庭 "courtyard" (jeong).
Hyo-jin f & m Korean
From Sino-Korean 孝 "filial piety, obedience" (hyo), and 眞 "real, actual, true, genuine" or 珍 "precious, valuable, rare" (jin).
Hyo-ju f Korean
From Sino-Korean 孝 "filial piety, obedience" and 周 "circumference".
Hyo-jun m Korean
From Sino-Korean 孝 "filial piety, obedience" and 準 "rule, guideline, standard".
Hyok m Korean
Variant transcription of Hyeok.
Hyolin f Korean
Variant of Hyorin.
Hyolyn f Korean (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Hyorin and/or Hyolin.
Hyo-ri f Korean
From Sino-Korean 孝 "filial piety, obedience" and 利 "gains, advantage, profit, merit". A famous bearer is South Korean singer Lee Hyori (1979-).
Hyorin f Korean
From Sino-Korean 孝 "filial piety, obedience" or 曉 "dawn, daybreak; clear, explicit" (hyo) and 潾 "clear water", 璘 "luster of jade" (rin)
Hyōta m Japanese
From Japanese 瓢 (hyō) meaning "gourd" or 豹 (hyō) meaning "leopard, panther" combined with 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big", 多 (ta) meaning "many", or 田 (ta) meaning "rice paddy". Other kanji combinations are possible... [more]
Hyousuke m Japanese
"Helpful Soldier"
Hyo-yeon f Korean
From Sino-Korean 孝 "filial piety, obedience" and 淵 "gulf, abyss, deep".
Hypatios m Late Greek
Masculine form of Hypatia.
Hypatius m Late Greek (Latinized), Late Roman
Latinized form of Hypatios. Bearers of this name include Roman senator Flavius Hypatius (4th century AD) and saint Hypatius of Gangra (4th century AD).
Hypenos m Ancient Greek
From Ancient Greek ὑπέρ (huper) "over, above, beyond" with an added suffix.
Hypenus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Hypenos. Hypenus of Elis was an ancient Greek athlete from Elis who won the double race (Diaulos) of the 14th Ancient Olympic Games in 724 BC.
Hyperbius m Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, the name Hyperbius (Ὑpérvios means "of overwhelming strength") may refer to:... [more]
Hyperbolos m Ancient Greek
Means "to throw over" or "to overshoot", metaphorically "to exceed, excel, surpass", derived from Greek ὑπέρ (hyper) meaning "over, above" and βάλλω (ballo) meaning "to throw, cast; to strike".
Hypereides m Ancient Greek
Derived from either Greek ὑπέρ (hyper) meaning "over, above" and εἶδος (eidos) meaning "kind, type", or from ὑπερείδω (hypereidos) meaning "put under as a support; lean upon, lift, carry", itself from ὑπό (hypo) meaning "under, beneath" and ἐρείδω (ereido) meaning "to prop, support".
Hyperenor m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ὑπέρ (hyper) meaning "over, above, beyond" combined with the Greek noun ἀνήρ (aner) meaning "man".... [more]
Hyperippe f Greek Mythology
Derived from ὑπέρ (hupér) meaning “above” and ἵππος (híppos) meaning “horse”.
Hypermnestra f Greek Mythology
Means "much-wooed", from Greek ὑπέρ (hyper) meaning "over" and μνηστήρ (mnester) meaning "courter, wooer". In Greek mythology Hypermnestra was one of Danaus' fifty daughters, the Danaids... [more]
Hyperochus m Greek Mythology
Derived from ῠ̔πέρ (hupér) meaning "above, over, across, beyond" and ὄχος (ókhos) meaning "chariot", or, more broadly, "anything which holds, bears something".
Hypocrisy m Literature
Middle English from Old French ypocrisie, via ecclesiastical Latin, from Greek hupokrisis ‘acting of a theatrical part’, from hupokrinesthai ‘play a part, pretend’, from hupo ‘under’ + krinein ‘decide, judge.’
Hypolith m German (Bessarabian)
Bessarabian German form of Hippolytos.
Hyppoliet m Flemish
Variant of Hippolyte 2. (Also compare Hyppolite.)
Hypsenor m Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek noun ὕψος (hypsos) meaning "height" as well as "top, summit" and "grandeur" combined with the Greek noun ἀνήρ (aner) meaning "man".... [more]
Hypseus m Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ὕψος (hypsos) meaning "height". This name was borne by three characters in Greek mythology, one of them being the son of the river god Peneus by the nymph Creusa.
Hypsicles m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of the Greek name Ὑψικλῆς (Hypsikles), derived from ῠ̔́ψῐ (hypsi) meaning "on high, aloft" and κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory".
Hypsipyle f Greek Mythology
Derived from ὕψῐ (húpsi) meaning “on high” and πύλη (púlē) meaning "door, gate".
Hyrcanus m History
Means "of Hyrcania", Hyrcania being a Greek form of the Persian name Verkâna, which meant "wolf-land" and referred to a historical region in Persia. Hyrcanus was a member of the Hasmonean dynasty, the Jewish High Priest and King of Judea in the 1st century BC.
Hyrrokkin f Norse Mythology
a giantess from Norse mythology, who launched Hringhorni, Baldr's funeral ship
Hyrtacus m Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, Hyrtacus is an obscure character associated with the Trojan War. He was a comrade of King Priam of Troy and married Arisbe, daughter of King Merops of Percote, after Priam had divorced her to marry Hecabe... [more]
Hysebeorht m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements hyse "warrior, young man" and beorht "bright".
Hysenoð m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements hyse "warrior, young man" and noð "boldness, daring".
Hysni m Albanian
Albanian form of Husni.
Hysnie f Albanian
Variant of Hysnije.
Hysnije f Albanian
Albanian form of Hüsniye.
Hyssop f Medieval English (Rare)
Derived from Latin hyssopus "hyssop" (Middle English ysope). This rare name was not used outside of England.
Hystaspes m Old Persian (Hellenized), History
Hellenized form of Vishtaspa. This was the name of the father of Darius the Great.
Hyug m Scots
Variant of Shug.
Hyūga m Japanese (Modern)
Derived from place name Hyūga, as a name, also written as 陽向.... [more]
Hyuga m Japanese (Modern)
Variant transcription of Hyūga.
Hyugo m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian variant of Hugo, reflecting the English pronunciation.
Hyuk m Korean
Variant transcription of Hyeok.
Hyuna f Korean
Moon Hyuna (born 1987), stage name Hyuna, South Korean singer, former member of girl group Nine Muses... [more]
Hyuncheol m Korean
From 賢 "virtuous, worthy, good" and 哲 "wise, sagacious".
Hyungjoon m Korean
From Sino-Korean 賢 "virtuous, worthy, good" and 俊 "talented, capable; handsome".
Hyun-jeong f & m Korean
Combination of Hyun and Jeong. Meaning varies depending on characters used.
Hyun-jin m & f Korean
Variant transcription of Hyeon-jin.
Hyun-kyung f Korean
From Sino-Korean 現 (hyeon) meaning "current, present" or 賢 (hyeon) meaning "virtuous, good, clever" combined with 敬 (gyeong) meaning "respect, honour" or 慶 (gyeong) meaning "celebration"... [more]
Hyun-ryeong f Korean
From Sino-Korean 現 (hyeon) meaning "current, present" or 賢 (hyeon) meaning "virtuous, good, clever" and 鈴 (ryeong) "bell".
Hyunseob m Korean
From Sino-Korean 賢 "virtuous, worthy, good; able" and 燮 "harmonize, blend; adjust".
Hyunseon f Korean
From Sino-Korean 賢 "virtuous, worthy, good" and 善 meaning "good, nice," 誠 meaning "sincerity; honesty, truth" or 宣 meaning "giving; mercy, kindness."
Hyun-soo m & f Korean
Variant transcription of Hyeon-su.
Hyunyeong m Korean
From Sino-Korean 賢 "virtuous, worthy, good" and 榮 "glory, honor; flourish, prosper".
Hyusein m Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Husayn.
Hyuuga m Japanese (Modern)
Variant transcription of Hyūga.
Hywyn m Welsh (Rare)
Diminutive of Hywel. A notable bearer of this name was Saint Hywyn (d. 516) who founded Aberdaron in Gwynedd, Wales and was a patron of churches in Western England.
Hyzenthlay f Literature
A doe rabbit who escapes from the warren Efrafa in the book Watership Down by Richard Adams.