GozeifJapanese Japanese form of the Okinawan warabi-naa or personal name (childhood name in its literal sense) Gujī (呉勢/グジー), which is comprised of 呉 (go, kure, ku.reru / gu) meaning "do something for, give" and 勢 (sei, zei, ikio.ri, hazumi / ji-) meaning "energy, power, force, vigour."... [more]
GraceannafEnglish (American, Rare) Combination of Grace and Anna. This name was borne by American ornithologist Graceanna Lewis (1821-1912), who was also known as a social reformer active in the anti-slavery, temperance and women's suffrage movements.
GracefulfEnglish (Puritan) The physical characteristic of displaying "pretty agility", in the form of elegant movement, poise, or balance. The etymological root of grace is the Latin word gratia from gratus, meaning "pleasing."
GracelandfEnglish Inspired by the Graceland mansion in Memphis, Tenessee, once owned by American singer Elvis Presley and named after the original owner's daughter Grace.
GracelessmLiterature From the English word meaning "without grace, without the grace of God". This is the birth name of Christian, the protagonist of the First Part of The Pilgrim's Progress (1678) by John Bunyan.
GracimArabic (Maghrebi) Carried over from surrounding Latin countries to, particularly Algeria during the "reconquista" of the Moors. Possibly the diminutive form of the surname Garcia, which is a common occurrence to reverse given names with family names in Latinize Arabic countries (ex; Malta, Lebanon, ect.).
Graciousm & fEnglish (Puritan), English (African), English From the English word gracious, ultimately from Latin gratiosus, a derivative of gratia "esteem, favor". This was one of the virtue names coined by the Puritans in the 17th century, possibly inspired by Psalm 145:8: 'The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy.'
GradimirmBulgarian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian, Croatian The first element of this name can be derived from Serbo-Croatian grȃd, which can mean "city, town" as well as "fortress, castle" (which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic gordъ "settlement, enclosed space")... [more]
GradislavmSerbian, Croatian (Rare) The first element of this name can be derived from Serbo-Croatian grȃd, which can mean "city, town" as well as "fortress, castle" (which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic gordъ "settlement, enclosed space")... [more]
GradivusmRoman Mythology An epithet of the Roman god Mars meaning "he who marches (into battle)" from Latin gradus "step, pace, gait, stride, walk". 'Mars Gradivus had a temple outside the Porta Capena on the Appian road, and it is said that king Numa appointed twelve Salii as priests of this god.'
GradjemDutch, Limburgish Diminutive of Grad, as it contains the Dutch and Limburgish diminutive suffix -je.
GradulfmGermanic The first element is derived from Gothic grêdus "hunger" or Old High German grâtag "desire, greed." The second element is derived from Gothic vulfs "wolf."
GramrmOld Norse, Norse Mythology From Old Norse gramr meaning "wrath, king, warrior". Gram (Gramr) was the name of a legendary Danish king. In Norse Mythology, this is the name of the sword that Sigurd used to kill the dragon Fáfnir.
GrānāzfBalochi Etymology uncertain. This was the name of a heroine in a traditional Balochi poem.
GrandgousiermLiterature Means "big throat" in French, from grand "large, senior" and French gosier "gullet". Grandgousier is a fictional character in Gargantua and Pantagruel who is the husband of Gargamelle and the father of Gargantua.
GranimNorse Mythology, Pet Derived from Old Norse grani meaning "horse". According to the chapter thirteen of Völsungasaga, this is the name of a horse owned by the hero Sigurd through advice from Odin in disguise.
GrantairemLiterature Grantaire is a fictional character from the 1862 novel Les Misérables by Victor Hugo. He is a student from the South of France and is one of the principal characters of the revolutionary group known as the Friends of the ABC.
GrantlymEnglish Transferred used of the surname Grantly.
GrantortomArthurian Cycle Grantorto is the giant who holds Irena and her kingdom hostage in Book 5. He represents Irish Catholic rebels. Artegall kills him.
GrasulfmGermanic, History Derived from the Germanic element gras (or grasan) "grass, herb, plant" combined with Gothic vulfs "wolf." Grasulf II was a 7th-century duke of Friuli (Italy).
GratafHistory (Ecclesiastical), Late Roman Feminine form of Gratus. A famous bearer of this name was Justa Grata Honoria (5th century), the sister of the Western Roman emperor Valentinian III. It was also borne by Saint Grata of Bergamo, an early 4th-century martyr.
GratianomTheatre Form of Gratianus (see Gratian) used by Shakespeare for characters in his plays The Merchant of Venice (written between 1596 and 1598) and Othello (ca... [more]
GrattonmEnglish (American, Rare) Transferred use of the surname Gratton. Gratton Dalton was an infamous outlaw, one of the Dalton Gang, in Kansas in the 1880s.
GràtziafSardinian Sardinian form of Grazia. Gràtzia Deledda (also known as Gràssia) was a Sardinian writer who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1926.
GravityfEnglish (American, Modern, Rare) From the English word gravity, ultimately deriving from Latin gravitatem (nominative gravitas) "weight, heaviness, pressure". This name was used by American models Lucky Blue Smith and Stormi Bree Henley for their daughter born 2017.
GraylingmEnglish (American) Transferred use of the surname Grayling. It was popularized in the 1950s by the character Grayling Dennis from the radio soap opera The Brighter Day (1948-1956) and its television version (1954-1962).
GražbylėfLithuanian Etymology uncertain, although it is likely partially derived from gražus meaning "beautiful".
GraziadiomItalian (Archaic) Essentially means "grace of God", derived from the Italian words grazia meaning "grace" (see Grazia) and Dio meaning "God".... [more]
GražvydasmLithuanian Means "after seeing beauty". The first element of the name is derived from the Lithuanian adjective: graž- (gražus) meaning "beautiful, handsome", combined with the Baltic verb vyd- (iš-vydo) meaning "to see".
GreciafMedieval English Of uncertain origin and meaning. Current theories, however, derive this name from Old French gris "gray", which was generally rendered as grece; greyce in Medieval English. Early on the name became popularly associated with Latin gratia (compare Grace).
GreenlyfEnglish (Rare) Transferred from the surname Greenly. A notable bearer is one of Jane's three friends from the Disney TV series "Legend of Tarzan".
GregentiosmHistory (Ecclesiastical), Late Greek (?) Meaning uncertain. Gregentios was the missionary Bishop of Himyaritia for over 30 years in the 6th century, when the area was under Aksumite control, playing an important role in the restoration of Orthodox Christianity there after the persecution of Dunaan.