AskjafIcelandic (Modern) Directly taken from Icelandic askja "little box; caldera (of a vulcano)". The name is also related to the Old Norse name element askr "ash tree".
AsklepigeneiafAncient Greek Derived from the name of the Greek god Asklepios combined with γενης (genes) "born". This was the name of a 5th-century Greek philosopher and mystic.
AskoldmOld High German, History Variant of Ascolt. Askold and Dir (died in 882) were princes of Kiev and founders of the first Vikings' state in the Dnieper... [more]
AslammArabic, Urdu, Bengali Means "safer, healthier" in Arabic, the elative form of سالم (salim) meaning "safe".
AslamazmGeorgian (Archaic) Meaning uncertain. It is probably of Persian or Turkic origin, but it is also possible that it is of Kartvelian origin, in which case it is likely related to the Georgian adjective ლამაზი (lamazi) meaning "beautiful, handsome".... [more]
AslambekmChechen The first element is derived from Arabic áslama "to submit, to surrender" (and is thus etymologically related to the word islam and the name Eslam)... [more]
AslanjeriymCircassian, Adyghe Name of one of the princes of the Hatuqway tribe of Circassians. His reign marked the greatest extent of the Hatuqway. The name is derived from Turkic Aslan + Giray
Aslan-xanfAbazin Derived from Aslan and the Turkic element han meaning "ruler, prince".
AslhenbiymCircassian (Rare) Variant transcription of Aslanbiy or Aslanbi. A known bearer was Oleg Aslhenbiy Af’ewine (1957-1993), who fought in the Abkhaz-Georgian War of 1992-1993.
AsmahanfPersian (Modern), Arabic (Maghrebi) Means "seeker of excellence" in Persian, possibly as an elaboration of Asma. It is the stage name of Amal Atrash, an Iranian singer.
AsmatfLiterature, Georgian Georgian form of Asma according to a Russian source, but Georgian sources say that this name means "innocent, chaste, virginal" and "honest" in Arabic.... [more]
AsmaulfIndonesian, Bengali From the first part of the Arabic phrase الأسماء الحسنى (al-asma' al-husna) meaning "the beautiful names (of God)", referring to the 99 names of Allah.
Ašmu-nikalfHittite While the meaning is unknown, the second element likely derives from Nikkal, a Hittite goddess derived from the Sumerian Ningal.
AsmusmDanish, Low German, Estonian (Archaic) Low German short form of Erasmus. Asmus has also seen usage in Denmark from at least the 15th century onward, predominantly in Southern Jutland (Sønderjylland).
AsnagemHaitian Creole A famous bearer of this name is Asnage Castelly (1978-) a Haitian-American wrestler who competed for Haiti at the 2016 Summer Olympics.
AsnatfYiddish, Hebrew Variant transcription of 'Asenat. 'The Biblical pronunciation is "Asnat"; today, it is often pronounced "Osnat".'
AsonafMedieval Basque This was the name of a daughter of the king of Pamplona who married Muza in 802.
AsoposmGreek Mythology Possibly derived from a combination of the root of Greek ἄσις (asis) meaning "mud, slime" and Proto-Indo-European *h₂ep- meaning "water". It has also been compared to the elements (asbolos) meaning "soot" and (ops) meaning "face, eye"... [more]
AsparuhmBulgarian, Bulgar, History Variant of Asparukh. Asparuh was а ruler of the Bulgars in the second half of the 7th century and is credited with the establishment of the First Bulgarian Empire in 680/681.
AspazijafLatvian (Rare), Lithuanian (Rare) Latvian and Lithuanian form of Aspasia. Aspazija was the pen name of Elza Johanna Emilija Lizete Pliekšāne (16 March 1865 – 5 November 1943), one of the most important Latvian poets and playwrights.
AspetmArmenian Means "knight" in Armenian. Used in the 12th–14th centuries.
AsphalionmGreek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective ἀσφαλής (asphales) meaning "safe, secure" as well as "steadfast, reliable, trustworthy". The word is ultimately derived from the Greek verb ἀσφαλίζω (asphalizo) meaning "to fortify, to make secure, to make safe"... [more]
AsphodelfLiterature From the name of the flower. J. R. R. Tolkien used this name on one of his characters in The Lord of the Rings.
AsqarmKazakh Derived from the Kazakh noun қар (qar) meaning "snow", in reference to the snowy peaks of the mountains in southern Kazakhstan. Because of this reference, the name is sometimes also said to mean "the highest" or "summit".... [more]
AsqarmUzbek Uzbek form of the Arabic name Askar. This name is not to be confused with the Kazakh name Asqar, which is ultimately of Turkic origin.... [more]
AsrafLiterature Invented by Samuel Coleridge for his poem 'A Day-Dream' (composed 1802, published 1828). He arrived at it by inverting the first two letters of Sara, the first name of Sara Hutchinson, with whom he was in love... [more]
Asralm & fMongolian Means "mercy, compassion" in Mongolian.
Asraltm & fMongolian Means "merciful, compassionate" in Mongolian.
Asrarm & fArabic, Urdu Derived from أسرار (asrar), which is the plural of the Arabic noun سر (sirr) meaning "secret, mystery". In Iran, this is also the name of a daily newspaper.... [more]
AšratumfNear Eastern Mythology A cognate of the Ugaritic Asherah. Name borne by an Amorite goddess who was likely derived from the same source as Asherah, however she came to occupy her own distinct position in the Amorite pantheon... [more]
Asrim & fIndonesian, Malay Means "my age, my time" from Arabic عصر ('asr) meaning "time, age, era". This also coincides with the Indonesian word asri meaning "beautiful, fair". It is a unisex name in Indonesia while it is only masculine in Malaysia.
AsrielmBiblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek, Literature Variant of Azriel used in the Geneva Bible (1560), Douay-Rheims Bible (1582-1610), the Clementine Vulgate (1592) and the Nova Vulgata ("Neo-Vulgate", 1979). The latter two are respectively the former and current official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church.... [more]
AsrielmPopular Culture This is the name of a character in the RPG Undertale. The name Asriel has several possible meanings or origins.... [more]
AssatafAfrican Unknown Country- West African- adopted by Revolutionary Black activist Assata Shakur. Assata means "she who struggles", Shakur means "thankful one"
AssirmBiblical Hebrew Assir was a son of Korah of the house of Levi according to Exodus 6:24, born in Egypt. It was also the firstborn son of Jehoiachin, King of Judah.
AssivusmMedieval Occitan (Latinized) Possibly derived from Latin asservo "watch over, observe". This name was recorded in Gascony, between 1283 and 1286.
AssomEstonian, Livonian, Curonian Livonian, Curonian and Estonian form of Azzo. In modern times, this name is considered a variant of Asko in Estonia.
AssomptionfFrench (Rare) Derived from French assomption "assumption". This name is given in reference to the assumption of the Virgin Mary into heaven (compare Asunción).
AssueermDutch (Rare) Dutch form of Ahasuerus. One bearer was Willem Anne Assueer Jacob Schimmelpenninck van der Oye (1834-1889), a Dutch baron and politician who was president of the senate of the Netherlands from 1888 to his death.
Ássumam & fBandial Means "the nice one" or "the unselfish one" in Bandial.
AssurancemEnglish (Puritan) From old French assurer, eaning, "a positive declaration intended to give confidence; a promise." Referencing the promises of God in the Bible.