AnaxandrosmAncient Greek Means "master of a man", derived from Greek αναξ (anax) meaning "master, lord, chief" and ανδρος (andros) meaning "of a man" (genitive of ανηρ (aner) "man").
AnaxidamosmAncient Greek Doric Greek form of Anaxidemos, because it contains δᾶμος (damos), which is the Doric Greek form of δῆμος (demos) meaning "people" as well as "country, land".... [more]
AnaxidemosmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek noun ἄναξ (anax) meaning "master, lord, chief" combined with the Greek noun δῆμος (demos) meaning "people" as well as "country, land".
AnaximenesmAncient Greek Derived from Greek αναξ (anax) meaning "master, lord, king" and μενος (menos) meaning "mind, strength, spirit, courage"... [more]
AndhrímnirmNorse Mythology, Old Norse Combination of and "against, opposite, hostile" and hrīm "rime, soot". In Norse mythology this is the name of both an eagle and a cook in Valhalla.
AndrotimosmAncient Greek Derived from Greek ἀνδρός (andros) meaning "of a man" combined with the Greek verb τιμάω (timao) meaning "to honour, to esteem, to revere".
AndrzelinafPolish (Modern, Rare) Alternate spelling of Angelina, possibly influenced by incorrect pronunciation of Angelina with a "zh", as seen in the much more common and established name Andrzej... [more]
AnghelachemRomanian (Rare) Romanian form of Angelakis. A known bearer of this name is the Romanian equestrian and Olympic medalist Anghelache Donescu (b. 1945).
AnpuemsaefmAncient Egyptian From Egyptian inpw-m-sA.f meaning "Anubis is his protection" derived from the name of the god Anubis and combined with m "in, in the role of", zꜣ "protection", and the suffix .f "he, him, his".
AntalkidasmAncient Greek Means "son of Antalkes" in Greek, derived from the name Antalkes combined with ίδας (idas), which is the Aeolic and Doric Greek form of the patronymic suffix ἴδης (ides).... [more]
AntarcticafEnglish The name Antarctica is the romanised version of the Greek compound word ἀνταρκτική (antarktiké), feminine of ἀνταρκτικός (antarktikós), meaning "opposite to the Arctic ", "opposite to the north".
AntianeirafGreek Mythology Derived from Greek ἀντιάνειρα (antianeira) meaning "a match for men", itself from ἀντί (anti) "against, compared to, like" and ἀνήρ (aner) "man"... [more]
AntilochosmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Derived from Greek ἀντί (anti) meaning "against, compared to, like" combined with the Greek noun λόχος (lochos) meaning "ambush", a word that later came to signify a tactical sub unit of the ancient Greek army... [more]
AntimachosmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective ἀντίμαχος (antimachos) meaning "capable of meeting in war", which consists of Greek ἀντί (anti) meaning "against, compared to, like" combined with the Greek noun μάχη (mache) meaning "battle".... [more]
AntiphanesmAncient Greek Derived from Greek ἀντί (anti) "against, in return" and φανής (phanes) "appearing". This was the name of a 4th-century BCE comic playwright of Middle Comedy.
AntiphilosmAncient Greek Means "against friends", derived from Greek αντι (anti) "against" combined with Greek φιλος (philos) "friend, lover".
AntipholusmTheatre Possibly a variant of Antiphilus. The first element of this name is Greek αντι (anti) "against, compared to, like"; the second element is less certain, perhaps derived from Greek φωλεός (phôleos) "den, lair" (the source of the mythological name Pholus) or from Latin folium "a leaf; a sheet of paper; trifle, thing of no consequence"... [more]
AntiphonusmGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Ἀντίφονόν (Antiphonon), derived from Greek ἀντίφονος (antiphonos) meaning "in return for slaughter" or "in revenge for blood", from ἀντί (anti) "in return for; for the sake of, for" and φόνος (phonos) "murder, slaughter; blood shed in murder, gore"... [more]
AntoniottomMedieval Italian Diminutive of Antonio, as -otto is an Italian masculine diminutive suffix. A known bearer of this name was the Genoese trader and explorer Antoniotto Usodimare (1416-1462)... [more]
AphthoniosmLate Greek Derived from either the Greek noun ἀφθονία (aphthonia) meaning "freedom from envy" as well as "abundance" or the Greek adjective ἄφθονος (aphthonos) meaning "without envy" as well as "abundant, bounteous, plentiful".... [more]
AppaliunasmNear Eastern Mythology Anatolian god which possibly means "father lion" or "father light". A Theory states that Appaliunas can be equated with Apollo
Aquetzallif & mNahuatl Possibly derived from Nahuatl atl "water" and quetzalli "quetzal feather, something precious". Alternately, may derive from ahquetzalli, meaning "irrigation ditch" or "gruel".
ArənauuāčīfPersian Mythology, Avestan Avestan name that probably meant "she who speaks the injustice (to denounce it)", from arəna- "injustice" and ouuāč-ī "she who speaks". In Persian mythology this name belonged to a sister or daughter of King Jamshid... [more]
ArbazakiosmOld Median Hellenized form of Old Median *Arabazuka, meaning "having wild arms".
ArchandrosmAncient Greek The first element of this name is either derived from Greek αρχος (archos) "master" or from Greek αρχη (arche) "origin, source". The second element is derived from Greek ανδρος (andros) "of a man", although there is one source that claims that in this name, the second element is derived from Greek ἀνδρεία (andreia) meaning "courage" as well as "manliness"... [more]
ArchangelafMedieval Italian Latinate form of Arcangela. A known bearer was 15th-century Italian nun Archangela Girlani, whom the Catholic church has beatified.
ArchetimosmAncient Greek Derived from either Greek ἀρχή (arche) meaning "beginning, origin; authority" or ἄρχω (arkho) meaning "to rule, lead, command" and τιμή (time) meaning "honour, esteem" (see timao).
ArchidamosmAncient Greek The first element of this name is either derived from Greek αρχος (archos) "master" or from Greek αρχη (arche) "origin, source". The second element is derived from δαμος (damos) "the people", which is a Doric Greek variant of δημος (demos).
ArdakhshirmMiddle Persian Variant of Ardashir. This was the name of a dynast (frataraka) of Persis in the late 3rd century BC, ruling sometime after 220 to c. 205 BC.
AresandrosmAncient Greek The first element of this name is a little bit uncertain. It is either derived from the name of the Greek god of war Ares (also compare Areios) or from Greek ἄρεσις (aresis) meaning "good pleasure, favour" as well as "help, supplication"... [more]
ArgileonisfAncient Greek Derived from the Greek adjective ἀργός (argos) meaning "bright, shining, glistening" as well as "white" (see Argus) combined with the Greek noun λέων (leon) meaning "lion".
ArgiotalusmGaulish Derived from Proto-Celtic *argyos "white" and *talus "front, forehead".
AriabignesmOld Persian (Hellenized) One of the sons of the Persian king Darius I. He participated in the Second Persian invasion of Greece as one of the four admirals of the fleet of his brother Xerxes I, and was killed in the Battle of Salamis in 480 BC.
AriarathesmOld Persian (Hellenized), History Hellenized form of an Old Persian male name, of which the first element is derived from Old Persian aryā "Aryans". The second element is not really certain, but may have been derived from Old Persian wratha "joy"... [more]
AriogaisosmGaulish, History Derived from Gaulish arios “noble” and *gaisos “spear”. Ariogaisos (flourished in 2nd century AD) was a ruler of the Quadi, a Germanic tribe, during the Marcomannic War.
AristaenusmAncient Greek (Latinized) Latinized form of Aristainos. A notable bearer of this name was Aristaenus of Megalopolis (2nd century BC), a strategos (military leader) of the Achaean League.
AristagorafAncient Greek Derived from the Greek elements αριστος (aristos) "best, noblest" and αγορα (agora) "assembly, gathering place, marketplace"... [more]
AristainosmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek adjective ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "best" combined with the Greek noun αἴνη (aine) meaning "praise, fame" (see Aeneas).
AristippusmAncient Greek (Latinized) Latinized form of Aristippos. Known bearers of this name include the ancient Greek philosopher Aristippus of Cyrene (4th century BC) and the ancient Greek tyrant Aristippus of Argos (3rd century BC).
AristodamafAncient Greek Derived from αριστος (aristos) "best". The second element is uncertain, but may be derived δαμος (damos) which is a Doric Greek variant of δημος (demos) meaning "the people".
AristolaosmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek adjective ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "best" combined with the Greek noun λαός (laos) meaning "(the) people".... [more]
AristonikefAncient Greek Feminine form of Aristonikos. According to the 5th-century BC historian Herodotus, this was the name of the oracle of Delphi in the time of Xerxes' invasion.
AristonoosmAncient Greek Means "of the best disposition" or "excellent in wisdom" in Greek, composed of ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "best" and νόος (noos) meaning "mind, thought".
Ariunbayarm & fMongolian Derived from Mongolian ариун (ariun) meaning "pure, clean, hygienic" or "sacred, divine, holy" and баяр (bayar) meaning "joy, happiness".
Ariundalaim & fMongolian Derived from Mongolian ариун (ariun) meaning "pure, clean, hygienic" or "sacred, divine, holy" and далай (dalai) meaning "ocean, sea".
AriungerelfMongolian Derived from Mongolian ариун (ariun) meaning "pure, clean, hygienic" or "sacred, divine, holy" and гэрэл (gerel) meaning "light".
Ariunsanaaf & mMongolian Derived from Mongolian ариун (ariun) meaning "pure, clean, hygienic" or "sacred, divine, holy" and санаа (sanaa) meaning "thought, idea, plan".
AriunzayaafMongolian From Mongolian ариун (ariun) meaning "pure, clear, clean" and заяа (zayaa) meaning "fate, destiny".
AriyāramnamOld Persian Derived from Old Persian aryā "Aryans" combined with Old Persian rāman "peace, joy".
ArkesilaosmGreek Mythology, Ancient Greek Means "protector of the people", derived from Greek ἀρκέω (arkeo) meaning "to assist; to ward off, protect" or "to satisfy, be sufficient" and λαός (laos) meaning "people, folk".
ArnannguaqfGreenlandic Greenlandic feminine name meaning "sweet little woman" (or perhaps "dear Arnaq"), derived from arnaq "woman" combined with the endearing diminutive suffix nnguaq.