AğakişimAzerbaijani From Azerbaijani ağa meaning "lord, master" and kişi meaning "man".
AgaklesmAncient Greek Means "very famous, glorious, highly renowned", derived from Greek ἄγαν (agan) meaning "very, much" and κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory".
AgaklytosmAncient Greek Means "very glorious, famous", derived from Greek (agan) meaning "very, much" and κλυτός (klytos) meaning "famous, noble".
AgalafmGuanche Derived from Guanche *agalaf, meaning "hidden".
AğalarmAzerbaijani Means "lords, masters" in Azerbaijani, from the plural form of ağa.
AğaməlimAzerbaijani (Rare) Means "my master is (Imam) Ali", from Azerbaijani ağa meaning "lord, master", the Turkic possessive suffix -m, and the name Əli. Also see Ağamalı.
AganeyemGuanche Derived from Guanche *azgan-ey, meaning "one-armed". This name was applied to the Guanche leader Mayantigo after having lost his arm during a battle.
AganjusolamYoruba Mythology, Yoruba (Rare) Means "the one with the stiff face makes honor" in Yoruba. According to Yoruba tradition, this is the name of a warrior king deified after his death, said to fight by shooting fire. He is associated with wilderness, the desert, and volcanoes... [more]
AganormArthurian Cycle A knight in the service of King Mordrain, ruler of the Arabain kingdom of Sarras. When Mordrain left his land to seek Joseph of Arimathea in Britain, he bequeathed his kingdom to Aganor.
AgapitusmHistory (Ecclesiastical) Martyr in the reign of Emperor Aurelian. Buried in Palestrina, in Italy, Agapitus is traditionally identified as a fifteen-year old caught in the persecutions of the Christians in Antioch. He was brought before the governor when he announced his faith... [more]
AgasandrosmAncient Greek Possibly derived from Greek ἀγαστός (agastos) meaning "admirable" ἀνδρός (andros) meaning "of a man". Alternatively, a variant form of Agesandros.
AgasidamosmAncient Greek Derived from Greek ἀγαστός (agastos) meaning "admirable" and δᾶμος (damos) meaning "the people", a Doric Greek variant of δῆμος (demos).
AgasiklesmAncient Greek Derived from Greek ἀγαστός (agastos) meaning "admirable" and κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory".
AgasikratesmAncient Greek Derived from Greek ἀγαστός (agastos) meaning "admirable" and κράτος (kratos) meaning "power, strength".
AgasilaosmAncient Greek Probably derived from Greek ἀγαστός (agastos) meaning "admirable" and λαός (laos) meaning "people, folk". Compare Agesilaos.
AgasimenesmAncient Greek Possibly derived from Greek ἀγαστός (agastos) meaning "admirable" and either μένος (menos) meaning "mind, strength, courage" or μένω (meno) meaning "to stay, wait, remain".
AgasipposmAncient Greek Derived from Greek ἀγαστός (agastos) meaning "admirable" and ἵππος (hippos) meaning "horse".
AgasisthenesmAncient Greek Derived from Greek ἀγαστός (agastos) meaning "admirable" and σθένος (sthenos) meaning "vigour, strength".
AgastrophosmGreek Mythology Derived from Greek ἄγαν (agan) meaning "very, much" and στρέφω (strepho) meaning "to turn, to twist". This was the name of a Trojan soldier in the Iliad.
AgastyamHindi Agastya is the name of a celebrated Hindu saint.... [more]
AgathanormAncient Greek Means "good man", derived from the Greek adjective ἀγαθός (agathos) meaning "good" combined with the Greek noun ἀνήρ (aner) meaning "man".
AgatharchosmAncient Greek The first element of this name is derived from Greek αγαθος (agathos) meaning "good". The second element is either derived from Greek αρχος (archos) "master" or from Greek αρχη (arche) "origin, source".
AgathiasmAncient Greek Derived from Greek agathos meaning "good" (see Agathon). It was borne by a 6th-century Greek historian and poet, who chronicled the reign of Byzantine emperor Justinian I.
AgathoboulosmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek adjective ἀγαθός (agathos) meaning "good" combined with the Greek verb βούλομαι (boulomai) meaning "to will, to wish, to prefer"... [more]
AgathomenesmAncient Greek Derived from Greek ἀγαθός (agathos) meaning "good" and an uncertain second element; possibly μένος (menos) meaning "mind, strength, courage" or μένω (meno) meaning "to stay, wait, remain".
AgathomorosmAncient Greek Derived from Greek ἀγαθὸς (agathos) meaning "good" and μόρος (moros) meaning "fate, destiny; doom".
AgathonymosmAncient Greek Means "of good name, of honourable name", derived from Greek ἀγαθός (agathos) meaning "good" and ὄνυμα (onyma) meaning "name".
AgathophorosmAncient Greek Means "bearing good tidings, bringing good news" in Greek, derived from ἀγαθός (agathos) meaning "good" and φέρω (phero) meaning "to bring, to carry, to bear".
AgbaakinmYoruba Means "elderly warrior" or "most senior of the brave ones" in Yoruba, from àgbà "elder, adult" and akin "bravery, valour; a brave person, warrior".
Agboolam & fYoruba Means "gathering of wealth" in Yoruba.
Agborm & fJagham, Kenyang Means "he/she has fallen" in Jagham and Kenyang, spoken in Nigeria and Cameroon. It derives from the Jagham root gbɔ̌ meaning "to fall" maybe referred to God's blessings falling from above.
AgeemBiblical Hebrew Agee was the father of Shammah, who was one of David's mighty men (II Samuel 23:11). Based on interpretations of I Chronicles 11:34 and II Samuel 23:32-33 Agee was either the grandfather of Jonathan or his brother.
AgelaosmGreek Mythology Derived from Greek ἄγω (ago) meaning "to guide, to lead" and λαος (laos) meaning "people, folk". Alternatively, the first element could derive from ἀγείρω (ageiro) meaning "to amass".
AgemomYoruba Mythology, Yoruba (Rare) In Yoruba mythology, Agemo is a chameleon who is the messenger of the gods. He is the main deity of the Ijebu people, as he is believed to protect children and safeguard the future of Ijebu people through his blessing.
AgenaricmGermanic Agenaric was an Alemannic prince in the 4th century. Agenaric was the son of petty king Mederic and the nephew of another petty king, Chnodomarius. In 357, together with his uncle, Agenaric commanded the Alemannic army at the Battle of Strasbourg, in which the Alemanni were defeated by Julian.
AgenetmMedieval English Possibly a medieval diminutive of names beginning with the Old French element agin, a lengthened form of Proto-Germanic *agjō "blade" (e.g. Agenulf; see Aginulf).
AgermBasque Derived from the nickname of Basque writer Balentin Aurre-Apraiz (Valentín Aurre Apraiz in Spanish), who was also known as Agerrekoa. His nickname was likely derived from the name of the farmstead where he grew up, Mendieta-Agerre.
AgesandrosmAncient Greek The first element of this name is either derived from Greek ἆγειν (agein) meaning "to carry, to fetch" or from Greek ἄγω (ago) "to guide, to lead" (also see Agis)... [more]
AgesilaosmAncient Greek The first element of this name is either derived from Greek ἆγειν (agein) meaning "to carry, to fetch" or from Greek ἄγω (ago) "to guide, to lead" (also see Agis)... [more]
AgesipolismAncient Greek, History The first element of this name is either derived from Greek ἆγειν (agein) meaning "to carry, to fetch" or from Greek ἄγω (ago) "to guide, to lead" (also see Agis)... [more]
AghbughamMedieval Georgian Georgian form of Akbugha (also found spelled as Ağbuğa in Turkish). This name was borne by two princes of Meskheti, namely Aghbugha I Jaqeli (1356-1395) and Aghbugha II Jaqeli (1407-1451).
AghoshmHindi Aghosh means quiet, soundless in hindi.
Aghuvehm & fArmenian Derived from the Armenian elements աղու (aghu) "suave" and վեհ (veh) "sublime".
AghvanmArmenian Means "Caucasian Albanian" in Armenian. Caucasian Albania was an ancient country in the Caucasus, not connected to the modern state in the Balkans.
AgilbaldmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element agil (which is an extended form of ag - see Agmund and also Egil) combined with Old High German bald "bold, brave."
AgilbernmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element agil (which is an extended form of ag - see Agmund and also Egil) combined with Proto-Germanic beran or bernu "bear" (bero and bern in Old High German).
AgilbertmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element agil (which is an extended form of ag - see Agmund and also Egil) combined with Old High German beraht "bright".
AgilbrandmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element agil (which is an extended form of ag - see Agmund and also Egil) combined with Old Norse brand "sword."
AgilfridmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element agil (which is an extended form of ag - see Agmund and also Egil) combined with Old High German fridu "peace."
AgilhardmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element agil (which is an extended form of ag - see Agmund and also Egil) combined with Gothic hardus (hart in Old High German) "brave, hardy."
AgilmundmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element agil (which is an extended form of ag - see Agmund and also Egil) combined with Old High German mund "protection."
AgilwardmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element agil (which is an extended form of ag - see Agmund and also Egil) combined with Old High German wart "guard."
AginaldmGermanic The first element of this name consists of Germanic agin, which is an extended form of agjō meaning "edge (of a sword), blade". The second element is derived from Germanic walt meaning "rule".
AginbaldmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element agin (which is an extended form of ag - see Agmund) combined with Old High German bald "bold, brave."
AginbertmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element agin (which is an extended form of ag - see Agmund) combined with Old High German beraht "bright."
AginfridmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element agin (which is an extended form of ag - see Agmund) combined with Old High German fridu "peace."
AginhardmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element agin (which is an extended form of ag - see Agmund) combined with Gothic hardus (hart in Old High German) "brave, hardy."
AginricmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element agin (which is an extended form of ag - see Agmund and compare Egino) combined with rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." The second element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler."
AginulfmGermanic From the Germanic elements agin "edge of a sword" (which is an extended form of ag - see Agmund) and wulf "wolf".
AgirmKurdish Derived from Kurdish adir meaning "flame".
AgismAncient Greek, History Derived from the Greek verb ἄγω (ago) meaning "to lead, to guide" as well as "to bring, to carry". It is closely related to the Greek verb ἡγέομαι (hegeomai) meaning "to go before, to lead (the way)" as well as "to guide"... [more]
AglanormAncient Greek Derived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαός (aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see Aglaos) combined with the Greek noun ἀνήρ (aner) meaning "man".
AglaodorosmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαόδωρος (aglaodoros) meaning "bestowing splendid gifts", which consists of the Greek adjective ἀγλαός (aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see Aglaos) combined with the Greek noun δῶρον (doron) meaning "gift".... [more]
AglaokarposmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαόκαρπος (aglaokarpos) meaning "bearing beautiful fruit", which consists of the Greek adjective ἀγλαός (aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see Aglaos) combined with the Greek noun καρπός (karpos) meaning "fruit" (see Carpus).... [more]
AglaomachosmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαός (aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see Aglaos) combined with the Greek noun μάχη (mache) meaning "battle".
AglaophanesmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαός (aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see Aglaos) combined with Greek φανής (phanes) meaning "appearing" (see Theophanes).
AglaophantosmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαός (aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see Aglaos) combined with the Greek adjective φαντός (phantos) meaning "visible", which is ultimately derived from the Greek verb φαντάζω (phantazo) meaning "to make visible".
AglaophonmAncient Greek Derived from Greek ἀγλαός (aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see Aglaos) and φωνή (phone) meaning "voice" as well as "sound, tone".... [more]
Aglaophonosm & fGreek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαόφωνος (aglaophonos) meaning "with a splendid voice", which consists of the Greek adjective ἀγλαός (aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see Aglaos) combined with the Greek noun φωνή (phone) meaning "voice" as well as "sound, tone".... [more]
AglaosmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαός (aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright". Also compare the related name Aglaia.
AglaosthenesmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαός (aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see Aglaos) combined with the Greek noun σθένος (sthenos) meaning "vigour, strength".
AglaostratosmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαός (aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see Aglaos) combined with the Greek noun στρατός (stratos) meaning "army".
AglaotimosmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαότιμος (aglaotimos) meaning "splendidly honoured", which consists of the Greek adjective ἀγλαός (aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see Aglaos) combined with the Greek verb τιμάω (timao) meaning "to honour, to esteem, to revere".... [more]
AgmundmGermanic, Medieval Scandinavian, Norwegian (Rare) Form of Agmundr. The first element of this name is derived from ag, an uncertain element for which a few possible origins exist. The accepted explanation is that it comes from Proto-Germanic *agjo, which means "sharp, pointed." Because of that, it also means "edge", as in the sharp cutting side of a sword - which is why the meaning of the element has ultimately come to be "sword"... [more]
AgnellomItalian From Italian agnello "lamb", given either as a nickname for a meek and mild person or as a personal name, which was popular because the lamb led to the slaughter was a symbol of the suffering innocence of Christ.
AgomGerman (Rare, Archaic) In the case of the most famous bearer of the name, the German diplomat Ago von Maltzan, it is a nickname based on the initials of his three given names AdolfGeorgOtto.
AgobardmHistory (Ecclesiastical) Agobard of Lyon (c. 779–840) was a Spanish-born priest and archbishop of Lyon, during the Carolingian Renaissance. The author of multiple treatises, ranging in subject matter from the iconoclast controversy to Spanish Adoptionism to critiques of the Carolingian royal family, Agobard is best known for his critiques of Jewish religious practices and political power in the Frankish-Carolingian realm... [more]