Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the gender is feminine; and the first letter is T.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Teodolinda f Italian, Spanish (Rare), Galician, Portuguese (Rare), Hungarian
Italian, Spanish, Galician, Portuguese and Hungarian form of Theodelind.
Teodorina f Italian, Romanian, Bulgarian
Rare feminine form of Teodor, variant of Teodora.
Teodosia f Spanish, Galician (Rare), Italian, Romansh, Romanian
Spanish, Galician, Romansh, Romanian and Italian form of Theodosia.
Teodota f Italian (Rare), Polish
Italian and Polish feminine form of Greek Theodotos.
Teodózia f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Theodosia.
Téòdozjô f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Theodosia.
Teódula f Spanish
Feminine form of Teódulo.
Teofania f Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Polish
Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Polish form of Theophania.
Teofanija f Slovene
Slovene form of Theophania.
Teofilatta f Italian (Rare)
Italian feminine form of Greek Theophylaktos.
Teofilė f Lithuanian
Lithuanian cognate of Teofila.
Teona f Polish, Romanian
Polish and Romanian form of Theona.
Teónia f Hungarian (Rare)
Feminine form of Theonasz.
Teonilla f Italian (Rare), Polish (Rare)
Italian and Polish form of Theonilla.
Teopista f English (African), Italian (Tuscan, Archaic), Spanish (Archaic), Portuguese (Archaic), History (Ecclesiastical)
Form of Theopista in several languages. Nowadays, this name is primarily used in Uganda and other English-speaking nations in Africa.
Teopolina f Southern African
Namibian name of uncertain meaning.
Teori m & f Maori
Teosia f Polish
Diminutive of Teofila.
Tepi f Nahuatl
Derived from Nahuatl tepi, meaning either "small, little" or "older sister; maid, servant".
Tepiton f Nahuatl
Means "something small, small amount" in Nahuatl. Alternately, may be used as a diminutive form of Tepi.
Tepwanji f Southern African, Eastern African
Means "patience" in Mwanga, a language spoken in Zambia and Tanzania.
Tequila f English (American, Modern, Rare)
From the English word tequila for the alcoholic drink. It is ultimately from Spanish, the name of a town in Mexico where the drink was made.
Ter f & m English
Diminutive of Theresa, Terri, and sometimes Terence.
Tera f Vilamovian
Vilamovian form of Theresa.
Terah f English (Rare)
Variant of Tara 1, possibly intended as an anagram of the English word Earth.
Terama f Corsican (Archaic)
Feminine form of Teramu.
Teratai f Malay
Derived from Malay teratai meaning "waterlily".
Terava f Tahitian
From the Tahitian te meaning "the" and rava meaning "dark, brownish".
Teray f Filipino
Diminutive of Sotera.
Terbish m & f Mongolian
Means "not that one" in Mongolian, from тэр (ter) meaning "that; he, she, it" and биш (bish) meaning "not, isn’t" or "other, different".
Tercia f Judeo-Anglo-Norman
Of debated origin and meaning. Theories include a variant of Tersa and a derivation from Middle English tercel and Middle French terçuel "hawk; falcon.
Tercia f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Tertia.
Tercsa f Hungarian
Diminutive form of Teréz or Terézia.
Tereapiʻi f & m Cook Islands Maori
Means "journey to learn," derived from tere meaning "trip, voyage, journey" and apiʻi meaning "learn, study."
Térébentine f French (Modern, Rare)
Used by French politician Cécile Duflot for her daughter born in 2008.
Tereese f Estonian
Estonian form of Therese.
Tereine f Greek Mythology
The name of a nymph consort of the god Ares. Her name comes from τερεο (tereo) and means "piercer, she who pierces (like a sword)".
Terela f Galician
Diminutive of Tereixa and Teresa.
Terelu f Spanish (Rare)
Contraction of Teresa and Lourdes.
Teremoana f & m Cook Islands Maori
Derived from tere meaning "trip, voyage, journey" and moana meaning "ocean."
Terência f Portuguese
Portuguese form of Terentia.
Terencia f Spanish (Rare)
Spanish form of Terentia.
Terenciana f Spanish (Rare)
Spanish feminine form of Terentianus.
Terencja f Polish
Feminine form of Terencjusz.
Terentia f Ancient Roman
Feminine form of Terentius. This was the name of the wife of Marcus Tullius Cicero.
Terentiana f Late Roman
Feminine form of Terentianus.
Terenziana f Italian
Italian form of Terentiana.
Tererai m & f Shona
Means "listen, pay attention" in Shona.
Terés f Mohawk
Mohawk form of Theresa.
Terèsa f Provençal
Provençal form of Theresa.
Teresá f Sami
Sami form of Teresa.
Teresica f Spanish
Diminutive of Teresa.
Teresina f Spanish (Rare), Spanish (Latin American), Catalan (Rare), Portuguese (Rare), Sardinian, Romansh
Diminutive of Teresa. This name is borne by Argentine senator Teresina Luna.
Teresing f Filipino
Diminutive of Teresa, Teresita, and other related names.
Terèso f Provençal
Provençal form of Thérèse.
Teressa f American (Rare)
Phonetic respelling of Theresa, trying to capture several European pronuncations of this name, for example the Italian pronunciation.
Terexa f Venetian
Venetian form of Theresa.
Terez f Banat Swabian
Banatswabian form of Teréz and Theres.
Teréza f Kashubian, Hungarian
Kashubian form of Theresa and Hungarian variant of Terézia.
Terēza f Latvian (Rare)
Latvian form of Theresa.
Tereża f Maltese
Maltese form of Theresa.
Terēze f Latvian
Latvian form of Therese.
Tereze f Walloon
Walloon form of Thérèse.
Terezia f Romanian, Prague German
Romanian and Prague German form of Theresia.
Tereżina f Maltese
Diminutive of Tereża.
Terezja f History (Ecclesiastical)
Albanian form of Theresa used to refer to Saint Teresa of Ávila and Saint Thérèse de Lisieux.
Tergel m & f Mongolian
Means "full, complete, round" in Mongolian, used almost exclusively in the phrase тэргэл сар (tergel sar) meaning "full moon".
Tergjerd f Norwegian
Dialectal form of Torgjerd.
Terhenetär f Finnish Mythology
A character in the Finnish epic the 'Kalevala,' who was a forest sprite. The name itself means "mist." The short (and common) form of this name is Terhi.
Teri f Estonian
Estonian form of Terhi.
Teri f Greek
Diminutive of Eleftheria.
Teria m & f Japanese
Japanese spelling of the English name Taylor, Meaning "tailor" or "one who mends clothes".
Teriaq m & f Greenlandic
Means "ermine" in Kalaallisut.
Terica f African American (Modern, Rare)
Created name. Most likely a blend of Terri and Erica.
Teriina f Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of Terîna.
Terilyn f English (Rare)
Combination of Teri and Lyn. According to the SSA, 10 girls were named Terilyn in 2002.
Terilynn f English (Rare)
Combination of Teri and Lynn. According to the SSA, Terilynn was given to 5 girls in 2014.
Terin f & m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Allegeldy a variant of Taryn.
Terîna f Greenlandic
Greenlandic form of Trina.
Terja f Finnish
Finnish variant of Terje 2.
Terka f Hungarian
Diminutive of Terézia.
Terpsichori f Greek
Modern Greek form of Terpsichore.
Terpsihori f Greek (Rare), Albanian (Rare)
Greek variant transcription of Τερψιχόρη (see Terpsichori) as well as an Albanian form of Terpsichore.
Terralyn f English (Modern, Rare)
Elaboration of Terra using the popular name suffix lyn.
Terran m & f English (Rare)
Possibly a variant of Terrance or a masculine form of Terra.
Terrel m & f English
Variant of Terrell.
Terrian m & f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Altered form of French Terrien, meaning "owner of a farmland" or of its altered form of Therrien.
Terrica f American (Rare)
Elaboration of Terri (compare Jerrica).
Terrylyn f English
Combination of Terry and Lyn
Terryn f & m English (Rare)
Variant of Taryn.
Tersa f Emilian-Romagnol
Emilian-Romagnol form of Terza.
Tersa f Judeo-Anglo-Norman
Judeo-Anglo-Norman form of Tirsa.
Tersilla f Italian
Variant of Tarsilla and Terza.
Terto f Greenlandic
Meaning unknown.
Tertu f Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of Terto.
Tertullia f Late Roman
Diminutive of Tertia.
Teru m & f Japanese
From the verb 照る (teru) meaning "to shine." Other kanji related to the verb include 輝, 瑛, 耀 and 晴, the last one referring to clear or fine weather.... [more]
Teru f Ethiopian
Means "good". This name is often combined with other names (Teruworq is an example).
Teruca f Galician
Diminutive of Tereixa and Teresa.
Terue f Japanese
From 照, 輝, 瑛, 耀 (teru) meaning "to shine", 晴 (teru, hare, haru) meaning "clear or fine weather", which could be combined with a ru kanji, e.g. 流 meaning "current, flow," which is then combined with 江 (e) meaning "creek, inlet, bay", 恵 (e, megumi, megumu) meaning "favor, blessing, grace, kindness" or 絵 (e) meaning "picture, drawing, painting, sketch"... [more]
Teruha f Japanese
From 照 (teru) meaning "shine, illuminate" and 葉 (ha) meaning "sheet, leaf".
Teruko f Japanese
Most commonly given as Japanese 照 (teru) meaning "illuminate, shine" combined with Japanese 子 (ko) meaning "child". It can also be used as 曦 (teru) meaning "the sun", 光 (teru) meaning "ray, light" or 輝 (teru) meaning "radiant, shining" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child".
Terumi f Japanese
"Illuminate, sparkle", "beautiful"
Teruno f Japanese (Rare)
From 照 (teru) or 燿⁠ (teru) meaning "shine" combined with 野 (sho, ya, no, no-) meaning "civilian life, field, plains, rustic" & 乃 (ai, dai, nai, no, sunawa.chi, nanji, no) meaning "accordingly, from, possessive particle, whereupon"... [more]
Teruś f Vilamovian
Diminutive of Tera.
Teruša f Czech, Slovak
Diminutive of Tereza (Czech) and Terézia (Slovak). Also compare Teruška.
Teruška f Czech, Slovak
Diminutive of Tereza (Czech) and Terézia (Slovak). Also compare Teruša.
Teruworq f Amharic
Means "good gold", from a combination of Teru and Worq.
Teruyo f Japanese
From Japanese 昭 (teru) meaning "shining" combined with 代 (yo) meaning "generation". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Tery f Greek
Diminutive of Eleftheria.
Teryl f & m English
Variant of Terrell.
Teryn f English
Variant of Taryn.
Terza f Italian
Feminine form of Terzo.
Terzia f Italian
Italian form of Tertia.
Tesa f Greek
Diminutive of Anastasia.
Tesalonika f Indonesian (Rare)
Indonesian form of Thessalonica, used primarily by Christian women in reference to the Bible books, 1 and 2 Thessalonians (which is 1 dan 2 Tesalonika in Indonesian) or the Biblical place.
Tesame f Amharic
Means "you are famous" in Amharic.
Tesawit f Ancient Berber
Means "poetry" in Amazigh.
Tesehki f & m African American (Rare)
First used by TV personality Latifa “Tesehki” Malone. Origin unknown.
Tesele f Turkish
Means "hope" in Zaza, language spoken in Turkey.
Tesharna f Yiddish
Elaboration of Charna
Tēshi f Japanese (Archaic)
Name that was given during the Hēan Period, to an Empress Consort, "藤原 定子" FUJIWARANOTĒSHI, married to "一条天皇" ICHIJŌ the Japanese Emperor Ichijō . The Kanji Character "定" meaning "To Definate", "To Rule" with the Kanji Character "子" meaning "Child"... [more]
Teshiko f Japanese
It means "Child of an angel"
Teshtela f Mordvin
Means "starry" in Erzya, derived from теште (tešte) "star, sign".
Tesia f Polish
Diminutive of Teresa.
Tesifa f & m Amharic
Means "hope" in Amharic.
Tesil f Armenian
Means "apparition, vision" in Armenian.
Tešimi f Near Eastern Mythology, Hittite Mythology
Of uncertain etymology. Name borne by a Hittite goddess, who was likely of Hattian origin. She was thought to be the lover of the storm god of Nerik.
Tesja f Polish
Variant of Taisja.
Teska f Low German, West Frisian
Low German feminine short form of names beginning with Diet-, from the Germanic element þeud "people". It is used almost exclusively in northern Germany, at the Baltic coast.
Teske f West Frisian
Variant of Teska.
Tesla f English
Transferred use of the surname Tesla. This was the surname or Serbian-American inventor Nikola Tesla (1856-1943). He is known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system... [more]
Teslime f Turkish
Turkish form of Taslima.
Teslin f English (Canadian, Rare), English (American, Rare)
From the name of the mountain, plateau, river, and lake in Yukon and British Columbia, Canada. It comes from the Tlingit name for the river, Teslintoo or Teslintuh, meaning "long, deep water."
Tesna f Welsh (Rare)
Variant of Tesni.
Tesnim f Arabic
Variant of Tasnim.
Tespia f Spanish (Rare)
Spanish form of Thespia.
Tessalynn f English
Combo of Tessa and Lynn. Nicknames can be Tessa, Tess, etc.
Tessandra f English (Rare, ?)
Combination of Tess and Sandra. A famous bearer was Tessandra Chavez.
Tessanee f American (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Destiny, influenced by Tessa
Tessann f English (Rare)
Combination of Tess and Ann.
Tessanne f Jamaican Patois
Combination of Tess and Anne 1. This is borne by Jamaican singer Tessanne Chin (1985-), who won Season 5 of The Voice in 2013.
Tessarah f American (Modern, Rare)
Apparently a blend of Tessa and Sarah.
Tessarena f English (Rare)
Likely a combination of the names Tessa and Rena.
Tesse f Danish (Modern), Norwegian (Rare)
Danish and Norwegian diminutive of Theresa.
Tessel f Dutch
Perhaps a diminutive of Theresia or Telse, or a shortned form of Tesselschade... [more]
Tesselschade f Dutch (Rare)
Combination of Tessel (referring to the Dutch island Texel) and schade "damage".... [more]
Tesseltje f Dutch (Rare)
Hypochoristic form of Tesselschade or Tessel.
Tessen m & f Japanese
Means "iron fan" in Japanese. It is a Japanese hand fan used as a weapon or for signaling.
Tesseract m & f Literature (Rare), French (Quebec)
The name of the four-dimensional analogue of the cube.... [more]
Tessi f English
Variant of Tessie.
Tessiana f English (Rare)
Combination of Tess and Ana.
Tessianna f English (Rare)
Combination of Tess and Anna.
Tessibel f Literature, English (American, Rare, Archaic)
From the fictional character Tessibel Skinner, occurring in the books 'Tess of the Storm Country' (1909) and 'Tess, The Secret of the Storm Country' (1917) by Grace Miller White. There were also four films where Tessibel appears.
Tessy f English, Various
Variant of Tessie.
Tessza f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Tessa.
Testimony m & f English
From the English word Testimony: "A solemn declaration or affirmation made for the purpose of establishing or proving some fact".... [more]
Teta f Medieval Czech, Slavic Mythology
In Bohemian mythology, Teta is the second oldest daughter of the Bohemian ruler Krok (or Crocco). Her sisters are Kazi and Libuše. While Libuše is a soothsayer, Teta is guiding people to worship supernatural beings and worshiping natural forces... [more]
Teté m & f Shipibo-Conibo
Means "sparrowhawk" in Shipibo.
Tetene f Walloon
Diminutive of Mårtene.
Tetha f History (Ecclesiastical)
Anglicized form of Tedha.
Téthüsz f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Tethys.
Teti f Greek
Diminutive of Erato and Efterpi.
Tetide f Italian
Variant of Teti.
Tetija f Bosnian, Croatian, Lithuanian
Bosnian, Croatian and Lithuanian form of Tethys.
Tétis f Portuguese
Portuguese form of Tethys.
Tetis f Catalan, Galician, Spanish
Catalan, Galician and Spanish form of Tethys.
Tétisz f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Thetis.
Teto f Japanese
Te meaning "raspberry" and To meaning "diva"
Tetra m & f Indonesian (Rare), English, Indian
From the Greek prefix tetra- meaning, “four.”
Tetrua f Georgian (Archaic)
Derived from Georgian თეთრი (tetri) meaning "white".
Tetsue m & f Japanese
From Japanese 哲 (tetsu) meaning "philosophy, clear" or 鉄 (tetsu) meaning "iron" combined with 恵 (e) meaning "favor, blessing, grace, kindness", 枝 (e) meaning "bough, branch, twig, limb", 得 (e) meaning "gain, get, find, earn, acquire, can, may, able to, profit, advantage, benefit", 衛 (e) meaning "defense, protection" or 江 (e) meaning "creek, inlet, bay"... [more]
Tetsuko f & m Japanese
means iron(tetsu) child(ko)
Tetsumi m & f Japanese
From Japanese 哲 (tetsu) meaning "clear" combined with 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful" (mostly feminine) or 己 (mi) meaning "self" (usually masculine). Other kanji combinations can also form this name.
Tetsuna f Japanese
This name combines 哲 (tetsu, aki.raka, satoi, saba.ku, meaning "clear, philosophy", 徹 (tetsu) meaning "clear, penetrate, pierce, sit up (all night), strike home", 達 (tatsu, da, -tachi, tetsu) meaning "accomplished, arrive, attain, reach" or 鉄 (tetsu, kurogane) meaning "iron" with 夜 (na) meaning "night"
Tetta f Sardinian
Gallurese diminutive of Elisabetta.
Tetyda f Polish
Polish form of Tethys.
Tetyjana f Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish variant of Tatiana.
Teuccihuatl f Nahuatl
Means "lordly woman" or "lady, woman of distinction" in Nahuatl.
Teudelinda f Frankish
Teudelinda (5th-century – d. 501) was a Burgundian queen consort by marriage to King Godegisel.
Teuira m & f Tahitian
From the Tahitian te meaning "the" and uira meaning "lightning".
Teunisje f Dutch
Feminine form of Teunis. A known bearer of this name is the Dutch former butterfly and freestyle swimmer Wilma van Velsen (b. 1964), who has it as one of her middle names.
Teunke m & f Dutch
When borne by a female person, this name is a good example of how one can turn a very masculine name (Teun) into a feminine name by simply adding the diminutive suffix ke to the original name... [more]
Teunteun m & f Korean (Modern, Rare)
From the stem of adjective 튼튼하다 (teunteunhada) meaning "sturdy, strong, solid; healthy."
Teuntje m & f Dutch, West Frisian
When borne by a female person, this name is a good example of how one can turn a very masculine name (Teun) into a feminine name by simply adding the diminutive suffix je to the original name... [more]
Teura m & f Tahitian
From the Tahitian te meaning "the" and 'ura, an archaic term meaning "red".
Teutberga f Frankish
Teutberga (died 11 November 875) was a queen of Lotharingia by marriage to Lothair II. She was a daughter of Bosonid Boso the Elder and sister of Hucbert, the lay-abbot of St. Maurice's Abbey. In 855 she was married to the Carolingian Lothair II, the second son of Emperor Lothair I. Lothar II, at the time of marriage, already had a mistress named Waldrada... [more]
Teutonia f German
From the name for the land of the Teutons. The Teutons (Latin: Teutones, Teutoni) were a Germanic tribe or Celtic people. According to a map by Ptolemy, they originally lived in Jutland. Rather than relating directly to this tribe, the broad term, Teutonic peoples or Teuton in particular, is used now to identify members of a people speaking languages of the Germanic branch of the language family generally, and especially, of people speaking German.
Teva f & m Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Means "nature" in Hebrew.
Tevahine f Tahitian
From the Tahitian te meaning "the" and vahine meaning "woman".
Tevairai m & f Tahitian
Means "the celestial water" in Tahitian.
Tevel m & f Hebrew (Modern, Rare), Yiddish
Means "world", "universe" or "macrocosm" in Hebrew.
Tevina f African American
Feminine form of Tevin.
Tevvy f Khmer
Means "angel" in Khmer.
Tewakepare f Maori
Tewobstya f Ge'ez
Tewobstya is the name of saint Polychronia whose mother of saint George. Tewobstya is a Ge’ez language name meaning “church”... [more]
Texana f American (South, Rare)
Means "Texan" in Spanish, referring to a female inhabitant of the state of Texas. It may also be used as a feminine elaboration of Tex... [more]
Texanna f American (South, Rare)
Elaboration of English Texan meaning "of Texas". Also compare Texana and Tex.
Texas f & m English (American, Rare)
From the name of the state in the southern United States. It may be derived from Spanish Texas, itself from Hasinai Caddo táyshaʔ meaning "friend, ally", used to refer to the Caddo nation... [more]
Texenery m & f Guanche, Spanish (Canarian)
Meaning unknown. It was borne by a 9-year-old Guanche boy sold at the slave market in Valencia in 1497. It was revived in the 1970s in the Canary Islands, primarily as a feminine name.
Teya f Bulgarian
Short form of Doroteya.
Teyacapan f Nahuatl
Means "first-born" in Nahuatl, usually given to the eldest daughter.
Teyana f African American (Rare)
Contraction of Tiana with the popular prefix/suffix Tey.
Teyauh f & m Nahuatl
Possibly means "someone’s marigold" or "someone’s cloud", from the general possessive prefix te- combined with either yauhpalli "marigold, tagetes" or ayahuitl "cloud, fog, mist".
Teyla f English (Modern, Rare), Popular Culture
Variant of Tayla. This was the name of one of the main characters in 'Stargate Atlantis'.
Teylan m & f American (Rare)
Variant of Taylan.