Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the gender is feminine; and the first letter is T.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Theofili f Greek
Modern Greek transcription of Theophile.
Théogène m & f French (Archaic), Louisiana Creole, French (African)
French form of Theogenes. In modern times, this name is found primarily in Rwanda.
Theognis m & f Ancient Greek
Variant of Theogenes. Bearers of this name include the Greek poet Theognis of Megara (6th century BC) and an Athenian tyrant from the 5th century BC.
Theognosia f Greek (Cypriot)
From Greek θεογνωσία (theognosia) meaning "the knowledge of God".
Theokiste f Late Roman
This name was borne by a politically Influential Byzantine Acstetic, born 740.
Theoktiste f Late Greek, History (Ecclesiastical)
Feminine form of Theoktistos. This name was borne by saint Theoktiste of Lesbos (9th century AD) and the mother-in-law of the Byzantine Emperor Theophilos (9th century AD).
Theolinda f Old High German
Old High German short form of Theodolinda.
Théoline f French (Rare)
Contracted form of Théodelinde, folk etymology, however, occasionally considers this name a contraction of Théo and Line.
Theologia f Greek
From the Koine Greek (or Biblical Greek) noun θεολογία (theologia) meaning "theology, science of things divine". Also compare the related Late Greek name Theologos.
Theona f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of the Greek name Θεωνη (Theone), the feminine form of Theon. In Virgil's 'Aeneid', Theano or Theona was a sister of Queen Hecuba and wife of Amycus... [more]
Theoni f Greek
Modern Greek transliteration of Θεώνη (see Theone), a feminine form of Theon.
Theonia f Various, History (Ecclesiastical)
Feminine form of Theon. It was occasionally used as an Anglicization of the name of Saint Teneu.
Theonie f Afrikaans (Rare)
Afrikaans form of Théonie.
Theonika f Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek theios meaning "divine" or theos meaning "god" and nike meaning "victory".
Theonike f Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek θεός (theos) meaning "god" and νίκη (nike) meaning "victory".
Theonilla f German (Bessarabian), History (Ecclesiastical)
Diminutive of Theona. Saint Theonilla of Aegea was a pious Christian woman martyred in the persecutions of proconsul Lysias.
Theonita f African American
The name was originally made up from Theophilus and Juanita.... [more]
Theonoe f Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek
Means "divine wisdom" from the Greek elements θεός (theos) "god" and νόος (noos) "mind". This was the name of multiple characters in Greek mythology.
Theonymfi f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek transcription of Theonymphe.
Theonymphe f Late Greek
Means "bride of god" from Greek θεος (theos) "god" and νυμφη (nymphe) "bride, young wife". This name belonged to one of 40 holy virgins martyred in Adrianople at the beginning of the 4th century.
Theonymphi f Greek (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Greek Θεονύμφη (see Theonymfi).
Theopatra f Ancient Greek, Late Greek
From the Greek elements θεός (theos) meaning "god" and πατήρ (pater) meaning "father". This name occurs in the Symposium of Methodius of Olympus, an early Christian theologian.
Théophanie f French (Rare)
French learned form of Theophania.
Theophano f Ancient Greek
A feminine form of Theophanes. This name was borne by several Byzantine empresses including Saint Theophano, wife of Leo VI.
Theophanu f Greek
Variant of Theophania. Theophanu (c. 955 – June 15, 991) was the niece of the Byzantine Emperor John I Tzimiskes. By her marriage with Holy Roman Emperor Otto II, she was Empress consort of the Holy Roman Empire and held regency as Empress dowager upon her husband's death in 983.
Theopiste f Late Greek
Feminine form of Theopistos.
Theopisti f Greek (Cypriot)
Modern Greek form of Theopiste. A known bearer of this name is the Greek politician Theopisti "Peti" Perka (b. 1961).
Theopoula f Greek
Means "daughter of god" from Greek θεος (theos) "god" combined with the patronymic suffix -πουλος (-poulos).
Theora f Dutch (Rare), English (Rare)
Often a contracted form of Theodora, but there are also instances where it is actually a name on its own, then derived from Greek theorein "to watch, to look at."
Theosebia f Late Greek (Latinized)
Derived from the Greek noun θεοσέβεια (theosebeia) meaning "service" as well as "fear of God", which consists of Greek θεός (theos) meaning "god" combined with Greek σέβας (sebas) meaning "respect, reverential awe"... [more]
Theosia f Louisiana Creole
Most likely a contracted form of Theodosia.
Théotiste f Louisiana Creole, French (Rare, Archaic)
While apparently originally a unisex name, Théotiste seems to have been used predominantly on females since at least the early 1800s.... [more]
Théoudehilde f Frankish
Théoudehilde was the second wife of Theudebert II, king of Austrasia.
Theoxena f Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Theoxenos. This name was borne by several Greek noblewomen, one of which was a stepdaughter of Ptolemy I Soter of Egypt.
The-Peace-of-God m & f English (Puritan)
Referring to Colossians 3:15, "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful."
Theraephone f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Θηραιφόνη (Theraiphone), which probably means "slayer of wild beasts" from Greek θήρ (ther) "a wild beast, beast of prey" or θήρα (thera) meaning "the hunting of wild beasts, the chase", which is ultimately derived from θηράω (therao) "to hunt, to chase", combined with φόνος (phonos) "murder, slaughter"... [more]
Theres f German, German (Austrian), German (Swiss)
Traditional southern German, Swiss German and Austrian variant of Therese.
Thérésa f French
French form of Theresa.
Thereseta f American (Hispanic, Rare)
Nickname of the given name Teresa, given to me by my Spanish teacher. She is from Hungary, so she spoke Spain Spanish, so the name might not be a Latina name.
Theresina f English
Elaboration of Theresa with the suffix -ina
Thereza f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Brazilian Portuguese variant of Teresa.
Thermuthis f Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend, Egyptian Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Θερμουθις (Thermouthis), which was the Greek name for the Egyptian goddess Renenutet. According to the 1st-century historian Josephus, this was the name of Pharaoh's daughter who adopted the infant Moses... [more]
Thero f Greek Mythology
A nymph of Greek mythology and according to some accounts the nurse of the god Ares. Her name is directly derived from θηρ (ther) referring to a wild, carnivorous animal, but as she was a nymph of a town named Therapne, from the same root, it is more probable that she was named after the place.
Théroigne f French (Belgian, Rare)
A pseudonym based off of the birth surname of Théroigne de Méricourt (1762-1817), a leading feminist in the first years of the French Revolution, who was born Anne-Josèphe Terwagne in Wallonia (Belgium).
Thersia f Banat Swabian
Contracted form of Theresia.
Therthia f Indian (Christian), Malayalam
Malayalam form of Theresa, borrowed from Portuguese Teresa. Used by Malayalam-speaking Saint Thomas Christians.
Therzile f Louisiana Creole
Creole variant of Tharsile.
Thesan f Etruscan Mythology
In Etruscan mythology, Thesan was the Etruscan goddess of the dawn, divination and childbirth (as well as a love-goddess) and was associated with the generation of life. Her name is derived from Etruscan thesan "divination".
Thesea f English
Feminine version of Theseus
Theshanya f Indian
shining star in the middle of the ocean
Thesi f German (Austrian, Rare)
Abbreviation of Theresa mostly used in Austria
Theske f East Frisian
Feminine form of Thes.
Thespia f Greek Mythology
Possibly derived from Greek θέσπις (thespis) meaning "having words from god, inspired" or "divine, wondrous, awful". This was the name of a nymph in Greek mythology.
Thespina f Greek
Variant of Despina.
Thessala f Arthurian Cycle
The servant of the lady Fenice, so named because she came from Thessaly in Greece.
Thessalonica f Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Variant of Thessalonice, the Latinized form of Thessalonike.
Thessalonike f Ancient Greek
Means "victory in Thessaly" from Greek Θεσσαλός (Thessalos) "Thessalian" and νίκη (nike) "victory". This was the name of a 4th-century BC Macedonian princess, the daughter of king Philip II by his Thessalian wife or concubine, Nicesipolis, and as such a half-sister of Alexander the Great... [more]
Thessaloniki f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Thessalonike.
Thessaly f English
Thessaly is a traditional geographic and modern administrative region of Greece, comprising most of the ancient region of the same name. This name is borne by Thessaly Lerner, American stage, film and voice actress.
Thessy f Dutch
Dimmunitive of Theresia or Theresa.
Thet m & f Burmese
Means "breath, life" in Burmese.
Theta f English (Rare)
From Ancient Greek thē̂ta, thī́ta is the eighth letter of the Greek alphabet, derived from the Phoenician letter Teth.
Thetida f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek variant of Thetis.
Thetra f English (American, Rare)
Probably a variant of Thedra.
Theuda f Gothic, Medieval Czech, Medieval French
Derived from the Gothic element þiuda meaning "people" (Old High German diota, Old Frankish þeoda), either a short form of Germanic names beginning with this element (such as Theudelinda) or used independently as a standalone name... [more]
Theudeburg f Germanic
The first element of this name is derived from the Germanic element þeud "people." The second element is derived from Gothic bairgan (bergan in Old High German) "to keep, to save, to preserve", or from Old High German burg "fortress."
Theudegard f Germanic
The first element of this name is derived from the Germanic element þeud "people." The second element is derived from gardan "to hedge in, to enclose, to fence in" or from Gothic gards "house, garden, (court)yard."
Theudegild f Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element þeud "people" combined with Gothic gild "sacrifice."
Theudegund f Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element þeud "people" combined with Old High German gund "war."
Theudehild f Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element þeud "people" combined with Old Norse hildr "battle."
Theudelind f Germanic
From the Germanic element þeud "people" and Old High German lind or lindi "soft, tender" (see also Theudelinda).
Theuderada f Germanic
Feminine form of Theuderad.
Theya f Dutch (Rare)
Dutch variant spelling of Thea and Theia. The only bearer of this name that I know of, is Theya Schilt (1948-2016), a Dutch artist who was also the wife of the Dutch television host and producer Han Peekel (b... [more]
Thi f & m Burmese
Means "string" in Burmese.
Thia f English
Diminutive of Cynthia.
Thiadsvind f Old Frisian
Possibly derived from Old Dutch thiad meaning "people, tribe" and Proto-Germanic swenþaz meaning "strong".
Thian m & f Vietnamese
Means "smooth" in Vietnamese. It can also be a combination of Thi and An 1.
Thian m & f Chin
Means "clear, clean" in Hakha Chin.
Thida f Thai, Khmer
Means "daughter, girl" in Thai and Khmer.
Thida f Burmese
Alternate transcription of Burmese သီတာ (see Thidar).
Thidar f Burmese
Burmese form of Sita.
Thidarat f Thai
From Thai ธิดา (thida) meaning "daughter, girl" and รัตน (rat) meaning "gem, jewel".
Thiên m & f Vietnamese
From Sino-Vietnamese 天 (thiên) meaning "sky, heaven".
Thiên m & f Vietnamese
means "sky"
Thiện f & m Vietnamese
means "good/kind"
Thienan m & f Vietnamese (Modern)
Means "stable" in Vietnamese.
Thiên Hậu f Far Eastern Mythology
Vietnamese name of Mazu, derived from thiên meaning "sky, heaven" and hậu meaning "queen, empress".
Thiệp m & f Vietnamese
From Sino-Vietnamese 涉 (thiệp) meaning "wade, ford, experience, undergo".
Thiều m & f Vietnamese
From Sino-Vietnamese 韶 (thiều) meaning "splendid, glorious, beautiful".
Thijsje m & f Dutch
When borne by a female person, this name is a good example of how one can turn a very masculine name (Thijs) into a feminine name by simply adding the diminutive suffix -je to the original name... [more]
Thike m & f Burmese
Alternate transcription of Burmese သိုက် (see Thaik).
Thikhamphon f & m Thai
Means "sky" (a poetic word) in Thai.
Thikim f Vietnamese (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the names Thi and Kim 3.
Thimai f Vietnamese (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the names Thi and Mai 1.
Thìn m & f Vietnamese
From Sino-Vietnamese 辰 (thìn) meaning "early morning", also referring to the fifth Earthly Branch (7 AM to 9 AM), which is itself associated with the dragon of the Chinese zodiac.
Thin f Obscure
Frank Zappa named his daughter Diva Thin Muffin in 1979.
Thin f & m Burmese
Means "fragrant, aromatic" in Burmese.
Thinathin f Georgian (Rare)
Rare variant transcription of Tinatin.
Thingund f Germanic
The first element of this Germanic name is derived from Anglo-Saxon thing, which can have several meanings: "thing," "cause," "gathering" or "council." As such, thing is related to Old High German dingôn "to judge, to condemn" and dingjan "to hope." The second element in this name comes from Old High German gund "war."
Thịnh m & f Vietnamese
From Sino-Vietnamese 盛 (thịnh) meaning "prosperous, thriving, flourishing".
Thinlay m & f Tibetan, Bhutanese
Alternate transcription of Tibetan ཕྲིན་ལས (see Thinley).
Thinley m & f Tibetan, Bhutanese
From Tibetan ཕྲིན་ལས (phrin-las) meaning "action, act, karma".
Thinza f Burmese
Alternate transcription of Burmese သဉ္ဇာ (see Thinzar).
Thinzar f Burmese
Meaning uncertain.
Thioda f German
Variant of Theoda.
Thiota f Germanic
Old High German name derived from the Proto-Germanic theudō meaning "people","nation","folk". The present day adjective deutsch derivated from thiota. The only known person with this name was a heretical Christian prophetess from Alemannia who in 847 began prophesying that the world would end that year.
Þióðbjǫrg f Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Þiúðborg.
Þióðhildr f Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Þjóðhildr.
Thiphaine f French
French cognate of Tiffany which had fallen out of usage after the Middle Ages and was rediscovered in the 1970s. The fact that in modern times this name is most commonly used in Brittany has led folk etymology to believe that this was a Breton name.
Thipphaphone f Lao
From Lao ທິບ (thip) meaning "heaven, sky" and ພອນ (phone) meaning "blessing".
Thippharat f Thai
From Thai ทิพ (thip) meaning "heaven, sky" and รัตน์ (rat) meaning "gem, jewel".
Thipphawan f Thai
From Thai ทิพ (thip) meaning "heaven, sky" and วรรณ (wan) meaning "colour, tint".
Thira f Judeo-Anglo-Norman
Of debated origin and meaning. Theories include a diminutive of Esther, a feminine form of Thierry and a Norman form of Þyri and Þýri.
Thiraphon f Thai
From Thai ธีร (thira) meaning "scholar, philosopher, wise, learned" and พร (phon) meaning "blessing".
Thirawan f Thai
From Thai ธีร (thira) meaning "scholar, philosopher, wise, learned" and วรรณ (wan) meaning "colour, tint".
Thiresia f Greek
Greek form of Theresa.
Thirrin f Literature
Used in Stuart Hill's 'Icemark Chronicles'
Thirsny f Indian
Thisha f Hindi
Meaning: Blessing... [more]
Thistle f English (Modern, Rare)
From the name of the flowering plant, or in some cases taken from the surname.
Thiszbé f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Thisbe.
Thit f Danish (Rare)
A famous bearer was Danish author Thit Jensen (1876-1957). Her birth name was Maria Kirstine Dorothea.
Thit m & f Burmese
Means "new" or "timber, wood" in Burmese.
Thitika f Thai
From Thai ฐิติ or ธิติ (thiti) meaning "livelihood, stability".
Thitima f Thai
From Thai ฐิติ or ธิติ (thiti) meaning "livelihood, stability".
Thitinan f & m Thai
From Thai ฐิติ (thiti) meaning "livelihood, stability" and นันท์ (nan) meaning "pleasure, joy, delight".
Thitiphon f Thai
From Thai ฐิติ or ธิติ (thiti) meaning "livelihood, stability" and พร (phon) meaning "blessing".
Thitirat f & m Thai
From Thai ฐิติ (thiti) meaning "livelihood, stability" and รัตน์ (rat) meaning "gem, jewel".
Thitis f Arthurian Cycle
One of eight sister’s of Morgan Le Fay, who ruled with Morgan on the island of Avalon.... [more]
Thitiya f Thai
From Thai ฐิติ or ธิติ (thiti) meaning "livelihood, stability".
Thiudhborg f Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Þiúðborg.
Þiúðborg f Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements þjóð "folk, people" and bjǫrg "help, deliverance".
Thiyya f Berber
Means "nice" in Amazigh.
Þjóðbjörg f Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Þióðbjǫrg.
Þjóðgerðr f Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse þjóð "folk, people" and garðr "enclosure", "protection".
Þjóðheiðr f Old Norse
Old West Norse feminine name derived from þjóð meaning "folk, people" and heiðr meaning "heath".
Þjóðhildr f Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements þjóð "folk, people" and hildr "battle, fight".
Þjóðhildur f Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Þjóðhildr.
Þjóðvé f Old Norse
Old West Norse feminine name derived from þjóð meaning "folk, people" and the name element -ví which means "holy" or "priest".
Thluai f Chin
Means "to go about in grandeur" in Hakha Chin.
Thơ f & m Vietnamese
From Sino-Vietnamese 書 (thơ) meaning "book".
Thoa f & m Vietnamese
From Sino-Vietnamese 釵 (thoa) meaning "hairpin, hair-brooch".
Thobeka f Southern African, Zulu
Means "humble" in Zulu.
Thobekile f Ndebele
Means "polite" in Ndebele.
Thocmentony f Paiute
Means "shell flower" in Paiute.
Þodny f Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Þórný.
Thodora f Greek (Rare)
Contracted form of Theodora.
Thoe f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek θοός (thoos) "swift, nimble". This name belonged to one of the Nereids in Greek mythology.
Thofan f Thai
From Thai ทอ (tho) meaning "weave" and ฝัน (fan) meaning "dream".
Þǫgn f Old Norse, Norse Mythology
From Old Norse þǫgn meaning "silence".
Thoi m & f Manipuri
Means "victorious" in Meitei.
Thoimacha f Manipuri
Means "victorious and cute" in Meitei.
Thoithoi m & f Manipuri
Means "winner" in Meitei.
Thoithoiba f Manipuri
Means "biggest winner" in Meitei.
Þoka f Icelandic (Modern, Rare)
From Old Norse þoka meaning 'fog, mist'.
Þǫkk f Norse Mythology
Means "thanks" in Old Norse (from Proto-Germanic *þankō, *þankaz "gratitude, thanks" and thus a cognate of modern English thank, thanks). In the Prose Edda, the trickster god Loki once adopted this name while disguised as an old woman.
Tholakele f Zulu
Means "found" in Zulu.
Þöll f Icelandic
From Old Norse þǫll meaning "fir tree".
Þollý f Icelandic (Rare)
Icelandic diminutive of names beginning with Þórl- such as Þórlaug and Þórleif, i.e., names in which the first element is derived from Old Norse Þórr (see Thor) and the second element begins with L.
Tholoana f Sotho
Means "fruit".
Tholoana f Sotho
Meaning, fruit or seed, in the context of ‘fruit of my womb’
Thơm f Vietnamese
Means "fragrant" in Vietnamese
Thoma f German (Rare)
Probably a feminine form to Thomas.
Thomai f Greek
Presumably a variant of Thomais, the traditional Greek feminine form of Thomas. A known bearer is Greek singer Thomai Apergi (1988-).
Thomaida f Greek (Rare)
Variant of Thomais, from the genitive form Θωμαΐδος (Thomaidos). In other words, this is a Greek feminine form of Thomas.
Thomaie f Greek (Anglicized, Rare), English (Rare)
A rare English transcription of the Greek name Θωμαή (see Thomai). See also Thomais.
Thomais f Greek, History (Ecclesiastical)
Greek feminine form of Thomas. This name was borne by Thomaïs of Lesbos, a relatively unknown saint from the 10th century AD.
Thomaitsa f Greek
Diminutive form of Thomais, Thomai, or Thomaida.
Thomaiy f Greek
Variant of Thomaie.
Thomasin f English (Rare, Archaic), Cornish (Archaic)
English vernacular form of Thomasina. This was one of the most popular English girls' names in the 16th century. It was used by Thomas Hardy for a character in his novel The Return of the Native (1878).
Thomasse f Medieval English, Medieval French, French (Archaic)
Feminine form of Thomas. One French bearer was Thomasse Bernard Debussy (d. 1671), an ancestress of composer Claude Debussy (1862-1918).
Thomassine f French (Rare)
Feminine form of Thomas.
Thomatilla f German (Bessarabian)
Variant of Domitilla, possibly influenced by Thomas.
Thomesia f Medieval English
Feminine form of Thomas.
Thomi f Greek
Feminine form of Thomas.
Thomisina f Medieval Italian
Latinized form of Tomisina.
Thomoula f Greek (Rare)
Diminutive of Thomais, Thomai or Thomaida. In other words, this is a Greek feminine diminutive of Thomas.
Thomsine f Danish (Archaic)
Contracted form of Thomasine.
Thonbanhla f Mythology
The name of a Burmese goddess meaning "beautiful in three ways".
Thongbai m & f Thai
Means "gold leaf" in Thai.
Thongchan m & f Thai
From Thai ทอง (tong) meaning "gold" and จันทร์ (jan) meaning "moon".
Thongdi m & f Thai
From Thai ทอง (thong) meaning "gold" and ดี (di) meaning "good, nice, fine".
Thongdy m & f Lao
From Lao ທອງ (thong) meaning "gold" and ດີ (dy) meaning "good, fine, nice".
Thongkham m & f Thai, Lao
Means "gold" in Thai and Lao.
Thongmuan f Thai
Means "rolled gold" from Thai ทอง (thong) meaning "gold" and ม้วน (muan) meaning "roll, curl".
Thongpan f & m Thai
From Thai ทอง (thong) meaning "gold" and ปาน (pan) meaning "birthmark".
Thongsai f & m Thai
From Thai ทอง (thong) meaning "gold" and ใส (sai) meaning "clear, pure".
Thongsavanh m & f Lao
From Lao ທອງ (thong) meaning "gold" and ສະຫວັນ (savanh) meaning "heaven, paradise".
Thongsuk m & f Thai
From Thai ทอง (thong) meaning "gold" and สุข (suk) meaning "joy, delight".
Thongyot m & f Thai
Means "dropping gold" or "drop of gold" from Thai ทอง (tong) meaning "gold" and หยด (yòt) meaning "drop".
Thooba f & m Dhivehi
Dhivehi form of Tuba.
Thoomi f Indigenous Australian
It comes from the Aboriginal language Adnyamathanha mostly spoken in Flinders Ranges, South Australia. Thoomi is a main character in 2017 Australian movie Cargo.
Thóra f Faroese
Variant of Tóra.
Thorälf f Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Þórelfr.
Thorani f Thai, Mythology
From the Pali dhāraṇī meaning "ground, earth", this is Thai name of the Buddhist goddess Vasundhara.
Þóranna f Icelandic
Probably a combination of Þór and Anna.
Thoraya f Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic ثريا (see Thurayya).
Þorbrá f Icelandic
Derived from the Germanic elements þórr "thunder" and brá "eyelash".
Þórelfr f Old Norse
Feminine form of Þóralfr.
Þórelfur f Icelandic (Rare)
Icelandic younger form of Þórelfr.
Þórey f Old Norse, Icelandic
Combination of the Old Norse name elements þórr "thunder" and ey "island; flat land along a coast" (which is also often related to the Old Norse name element auja "(gift of) luck; fortune").
Þorfinna f Old Norse, Icelandic
Feminine form of Þórfinnr. This name appears in the Laxdæla saga (c. 1245) belonging to Þórfinna Vermundardóttir, grandaughter of Óláfr pái and wife of Þórsteinn Kuggason.
Thorfred f Old Danish
Old Danish form of Þórfríðr.
Thorfrid f Danish (Rare)
Danish variant of Torfrid.
Thorfridh f & m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Þórfríðr and Þórfreðr.
Þórfríða f Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Þórfríðr.
Þórfríður f Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Þórfríðr.
Thorgærdh f Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Þorgerðr.
Thorgard f Old Danish
Old Danish form of Þorgerðr.
Thorgärdh f Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Þorgerðr.
Þorgerðr f Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Derived from the Germanic name elements þórr "thunder" and garðr "enclosure, protection". This is the name of a goddess in Norse mythology.
Þorgerður f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Þorgerðr.
Þórgifu f Anglo-Scandinavian (Hypothetical)
Possibly a combination of the name Þór (Thor in English) and the Old English element giefu meaning "gift".
Thorgun f Old Danish, Old Swedish, Swedish
Old Danish and Old Swedish form of Þórgunnr or variant of Torgun.
Thorgunn f Old Danish
Old Danish variant of Thorgun.
Þorgunna f Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Þórgunnr.
Þórgunnr f Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements þórr "thunder" and gunnr "battle, fight".
Thorgyth f Anglo-Scandinavian (?), History (Ecclesiastical)
Possibly derived from the name of the Norse god Þórr (see Thor) combined with the Old English element guð meaning "battle"... [more]
Þórhæiðr f Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements þórr "thunder" and heiðr "bright, clear, cloudless".
Þórhanna f Icelandic (Rare)
Probably a combination of Þór and Hanna 1.
Þórheiðr f Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Þórhæiðr.
Þórheiður f Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Þórhæiðr.
Thoria f Arabic (Egyptian)
Egyptian Arabic form of Thurayya.
Thorild f Medieval English, Scandinavian (Rare)
Medieval English and modern Scandinavian form of the Old Norse name Þórhildr.
Þórkatla f Old Norse, Icelandic
Old West Norse name, the feminine equivalent of Þórketill or Þórkell.
Þórlaug f Icelandic, Old Norse
Old Norse and modern Icelandic name derived from the elements þor (compare Thor) and laug (ultimately from Ancient Germanic *leuʒ- / *-lauʒ- / *luʒ- "to swear a holy oath; to celebrate marriage; to be dedicated, promised (in names)".
Thorlef m & f Old Swedish
For masculine uses it as a Old Swedish form of Þórlæifr and for feminine uses it is a Old Swedish form of Þórlǫf.