Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the person who added the name is Lucille.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aafke f West Frisian, East Frisian
Frisian feminine form of Ave, with the diminutive suffix ke included.
Aai m Frisian (Archaic)
Archaic Frisian short form of names that contain the element agjō or adal.
Aalderik m Dutch
Variant of Adelrik.
Aaldert m Dutch
Dutch form of Adelhard.
Aaldrik m Dutch
Variant of Aalderik.
Aalf m Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Rare), East Frisian
Dutch short form of Adolf and West Frisian short form of Alef and Alof, which are both Frisian variants of Adolf.
Aanje f West Frisian
Feminine form of Ane 2.
Aba m Georgian (Rare), Hungarian (Rare)
Georgian and Hungarian form of the Semitic name Abba.
Abamoun m Coptic (Arabized), Arabic
Arabized form of Apamoun, as apa- typically becomes aba- in Arabic, since Arabic doesn't have the phoneme /p/.
Abanoub m Coptic (Arabized), Arabic
Arabized form of Apanoub, as apa- typically becomes aba- in Arabic, since Arabic doesn't have the phoneme /p/.
Abascantus m Late Greek (Latinized), Late Roman
Latinized form of Abaskantos. However, it is also possible that in some cases, this name is derived from the Latin adjective abascantus meaning "unenvied".... [more]
Abdia m Georgian (Rare)
Georgian form of Obadiah via its latinized form Abdias.
Abdiël m Dutch
Dutch form of Abdiel.
Abdihel m Biblical Latin
Form of Abdiel used in the Latin Old Testament.
Abdonas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian form of Abdon.
Abdulbek m Chechen, Dagestani
Combination of Abdul and the Turkish military title beg meaning "chieftain, master".
Abesalom m Georgian, Literature, Theatre
Georgian form of Abessalom, which is the hellenized form of the Hebrew name 'Avshalom (see Absalom).... [more]
Abiatar m Georgian (Archaic), Romanian (Rare)
Georgian and Romanian form of Abiathar.
Abiël m Dutch
Dutch form of Abiel.
Abigaël f Dutch, Flemish, French, French (Belgian)
Dutch form of Abigail and French variant of Abigaïl.
Abihel m Biblical Latin
Form of Abiel used in the Latin Old Testament.
Abimaël m Dutch
Dutch form of Abimael.
Abimahel m Biblical Latin
Form of Abimael used in the Latin Old Testament.
Abioud m Hebrew (Hellenized), Biblical Greek
Greek form of Abihu, as it first appeared in the Septuagint.
Abiron m Biblical Greek
Greek form of Abiram, as it first appeared in the Septuagint.
Abisour m Biblical Greek
Greek form of Abishur, as it first appeared in the Septuagint.
Abisur m Biblical Latin
Form of Abishur used in the Latin Old Testament.
Ablay m Kazakh
Variant of Abylay.
Ablayar m Uzbek (Archaic)
Meaning uncertain. It looks like this is a compound name, of which the first element is probably either 'Abla or Ablay... [more]
Abraami m Georgian (Rare)
Form of Abraam with the Georgian nominative suffix -ი (-i). It is only used in Georgian when the name is written stand-alone.
Abramuccio m Medieval Italian, Judeo-Italian, Medieval Jewish
Medieval Italian diminutive of Abramo, as -uccio is an Italian masculine diminutive suffix.
Abraomas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian form of Abraham.
Abrocomas m History
Latinized form of the given name Aβρόκoμας (Abrokomas) or (Habrokomas), which is either the hellenized form of an unknown Persian given name, or a genuine Greek given name. In case of the latter, the name is probably derived from Greek ἁβροκόμης (habrokomēs) meaning "with delicate hair" as well as "with luxuriant foliage"... [more]
Abror m Tajik, Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Abrar.
Abruy m Kazakh (Rare), Uzbek (Rare)
Probably derived from the Persian noun آبروی (aberuy) meaning "reputation, standing" as well as "honour, prestige". A more literal meaning would be "the face of honour", since the word consists of the Persian noun آب (ab) meaning "honour, reputation, standing" combined with the Persian noun روی (roy) meaning "face" as well as "copper, brass, bronze"... [more]
Absolom m English (Rare), Romani (Archaic)
Variant of Absalom, possibly influenced by its French form Absolon. A known bearer of this name was Absolom M. West (1818-1894), an American Confederate general and state politician.
Abukhan m Chechen
The first element is derived from Arabic abun "father" (see also Abu). The second element is possibly derived from the imperial rank Khan that was first used among certain Turkic peoples; khan is a contraction of khagan which means "ruler, sovereign".
Abundancio m Spanish
Spanish form of Abundantius.
Abundantius m Late Roman
Derived from Latin abundans "overflowing, abundant". This was the name of several Christian saints.
Abundanzio m Italian
Italian form of Abundantius.
Abusaid m Chechen
Combination of Abu and Said.
Abyl m Kazakh
Kazakh form of Abul. This name is also frequently used as a short form of Abylay.
Abylay m Kazakh
Combination of Abyl with the Kazakh noun ай (ay) meaning "moon". As such, the meaning of this name is basically "father of the moon".... [more]
Acace m History (Ecclesiastical)
French form of Akakios via Acacius.
Acesandro m Italian
Italian form of Acesander.
Achacjusz m Polish (Rare)
Polish form of Akakios via Acacius.
Achacy m Polish (Rare)
Polish form of Akakios via Acacius.
Achaios m Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek
The meaning of this name is a little uncertain; it may have been derived from Greek αχος (achos) meaning "grief, pain, woe" (also see Achilles). It is also interesting to note that there is the Greek word achaia, which was an epithet of the Greek goddess Demeter... [more]
Acheo m Italian
Italian form of Achaios via Achaeus.
Achi m Georgian
Short form of Archil and/or its diminutive Achiko.
Achiel m Dutch (Rare), Flemish
Dutch form of Achilles via its French form Achille.... [more]
Achiko m Georgian
Diminutive of Archil.
Achitophel m Biblical, Hebrew
Means "my brother is foolish" or "brother of foolishness" in Hebrew, derived from Hebrew ach "brother" and aph'el "to act foolishly". In the bible, this was the name of one of King David's most trusted advisors.
Acho m Georgian
Short form of Archil and/or its diminutive Achiko.
Achrathaios m Biblical Greek
Greek form of Hathach, as it first appeared in the Septuagint.
Actaeus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Ἀκταῖος (Aktaios), which may have been derived from Greek ἀκτὴ (akte), which can mean "headland, foreland, promontory, cape" as well as "coast, shore"... [more]
Acteo m Spanish
Spanish form of Actaeus.
Acteu m Catalan (Rare), Portuguese (Rare)
Catalan and Portuguese form of Actaeus.
Actor m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Ἄκτωρ (Aktor), which is derived from Greek ἄκτωρ (aktōr) meaning "leader", which in turn is ultimately derived from Greek ἄγω (agō) meaning "to lead"... [more]
Actorion m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Aktorion, which is a diminutive form of Aktor (see Actor).
Acutia f Ancient Roman
Feminine form of Acutius.
Acutianus m Late Roman
Roman cognomen which was derived from Acutius.
Acutius m Ancient Roman
Roman nomen gentile which was derived from Latin acutus meaning "sharpened, pointed". It is ultimately derived from the Latin verb acuō "to sharpen, to make pointed"... [more]
Adagonda f Dutch
Variant of Adelgonda.
Adalardo m Italian
Italian form of Adalhard.
Adalbald m Germanic
Derived from Old High German adal "noble" and Old High German bald "bold, brave."
Adalbod m Germanic
Old High German name derived from the elements adal "noble" and boto "bid, offer".
Adalbrand m Germanic
Means "noble sword", derived from Old High German adal "noble" combined with Old Norse brand "sword".
Adalburg f Germanic
The first element of this Germanic name is derived from Old High German adal "noble." The second element is derived from Gothic bairgan (bergan in Old High German) "to keep, to save, to preserve", or from Old High German burg "fortress."
Adaldag m Germanic
Means "noble day", derived from Old High German adal "noble" combined with daga "day."
Adalelm m Germanic
Variant of Adalhelm. This name was borne by a count of Troyes from the 9th century AD.
Adalfrid m Germanic
Means "noble peace", derived from Old High German adal "noble" combined with Old High German fridu "peace".
Adalgar m Germanic
The first element of this Germanic name is derived from Old High German adal "noble". The second element is derived from Gothic gairu (gêr in Old High German) "spear", or from garva (garo in Old High German, and gearu in Anglo-Saxon) "ready, prepared."
Adalgern m Germanic
Derived from Old High German adal "noble" combined with Gothic gairns "eager, desiring."
Adalgild f Germanic
Means "noble sacrifice", derived from Old High German adal "noble" combined with Gothic gild "sacrifice."
Adalgis m Germanic
The first element of this Germanic name comes from Old High German adal "noble." The meaning and origin of the second element is rather uncertain: we know that it comes from gis (the original form was possibly gîs), but we don't exactly know where gis itself comes from... [more]
Adalgisel m Germanic
Derived from Old High German adal "noble" combined with gisel "hostage" or "pledge."
Adalgod m Germanic
Derived from Old High German adal "noble" combined with Gothic guths "god" or Gothic gôds "good."
Adalgrim m Germanic
Means "noble mask", derived from Old High German adal "noble" combined with Old Norse grîma "mask."
Adalheim m Germanic (Hypothetical)
Derived from the Old German elements adal meaning "noble" and heim meaning "home".... [more]
Adalhelm m Germanic
Means "noble protection", derived from Old High German adal "noble" combined with Old High German helm "helmet, protection".
Adalher m Germanic
Means "noble army", derived from Old High German adal "noble" combined with Old High German heri "army."
Adalhild f Germanic
Means "noble battle", derived from Old High German adal "noble" combined with Old Norse hildr "battle."
Adalland m Germanic
Means "noble land", derived from Old High German adal "noble" combined with land "land."
Adalman m Germanic
Means "noble man", derived from Old High German adal "noble" combined with man "man."
Adalmar m Germanic
Means "noble and famous", derived from Old High German adal "noble" combined with Old High German mâri "famous." Also, see Elmer.
Adalmund m Germanic
Means "noble protection", derived from Old High German adal "noble" combined with Old High German mund "protection."
Adalmut f Germanic
Means "noble mind", derived from Old High German adal "noble" combined with Gothic môds (mut in New High German) "mind, spirit."
Adaloald m Lombardic
Variant of Adalwald. Adaloald was the name of a 7th-century king of the Lombards.
Adalrad m Germanic
Means "noble counsel", derived from Old High German adal "noble" combined with Old High German rât "counsel."
Adalram m Germanic
Means "noble raven", derived from Old High German adal "noble" combined with hraban or hramn "raven."
Adalric m Germanic
Means "noble power", derived from Old High German adal "noble" combined with rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." The second element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler."
Adalrich m German
German form of Adalric.
Adalsind f Germanic
Means "noble path", derived from Old High German adal "noble" and Gothic sinths "way, path."
Adalstein m Germanic
Ancient Germanic form of Æðelstan.
Adalswind f Germanic
Means "noble strength", derived from Old High German adal "noble" combined with Gothic svinths (swind in Old High German) "strength."
Adaltrud f Germanic
Means "noble strength", derived from Old High German adal "noble" and þruþ "strength."
Adalwald m Germanic
Derived from Old High German adal "noble" combined with Gothic valdan "to reign."
Adalward m Germanic
Means "noble guard", derived from Old High German adal "noble" combined with Old High German wart "guard."
Adalwig m Germanic
Means "noble warrior", derived from Old High German adal "noble" combined with Old High German wîg "warrior."
Adalwulf m Germanic
Means "noble wolf", derived from Old High German adal "noble" combined with Gothic vulfs "wolf." See also Adolf.
Adami m Greenlandic (Rare)
Greenlandic form of Adam.
Adamuccio m Medieval Italian
Medieval Italian diminutive of Adamo, as -uccio is an Italian masculine diminutive suffix.
Adarnase m Georgian (Archaic), History
Georgian form of Adurnarseh, probably via its hellenized form Adarnases. This name was borne by a medieval king of Abkhazia and by several princes of Iberia and Tao-Klarjeti (also in medieval times).
Adaucta f Late Roman
Feminine form of Adauctus.
Adaucto m Spanish
Spanish form of Adauctus.
Adauctus m Late Roman
Derived from Latin adauctus meaning "augmented, increased". This was the name of a Christian martyr and saint from the 4th century AD.
Adaukt m Croatian, Polish
Croatian and Polish form of Adauctus.
Adauto m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Adauctus. A bearer of this name was Adauto Puñales (1935-2009), a former Uruguayan politician.
Adautto m Italian
Variant of Adauto.
Adavkt m Russian
Russian form of Adauctus.
Adebisi f Yoruba
Means "the crown has given birth to more" in Yoruba. This is the name of the (Nigerian) mother of British musician Seal Samuel.
Adelaert m Medieval Dutch
Dutch medieval form of Adelhard.
Adelbod m Germanic
Variant of Adalbod.
Adelelmo m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Italian, Spanish and (Brazilian) Portuguese form of Adelhelm via Adelelmus.... [more]
Adelelmus m Germanic (Latinized)
Variant of Adelhelmus, which is the latinized form of Adelhelm. Also compare Adalhelmus. This name was borne by two saints, namely Adelelmus of Burgos (died around 1100 AD) and Adelelmus of Flanders (died in 1152 AD).
Adelfried m Dutch, German
Dutch and German variant of Adelfrid.
Adelgis m Germanic
Variant of Adalgis.
Adelgonda f Dutch
Dutch form of Adelgund.
Adelgonde f Dutch, French
Dutch and French form of Adelgund.
Adelgondis f Dutch
Dutch form of Adelgundis.
Adelher m Germanic
Variant of Adalher.
Adélio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Adelio.... [more]
Adelio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish masculinization of Adelia.... [more]
Adelmoed f Dutch
Dutch form of Adalmut.
Adelrik m Dutch
Dutch form of Adalric.
Adeltraut f German
German form of Adeltrud.
Adelwig m Germanic
Variant of Adalwig.
Adelwijn m Dutch
Dutch form of Adalwin.
Adeodát m Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Adeodatus.
Adeodat m Bulgarian, Croatian, Macedonian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Croatian, Macedonian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak and Ukrainian form of Adeodatus.
Adeodato m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Adeodatus.
Adeodatos m Greek
Greek form of Adeodatus.
Adick m West Frisian (Rare)
Pet form of Ade 2. Also compare Addick, which is a pet form of the related name Adde.... [more]
Adiël m & f Dutch
Dutch form of Adiel.
Adiel m & f Biblical, Hebrew, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Means "ornament of God" or possibly "God passes by". This is the name of several characters in the Bible.
Adihel m Biblical Latin
Form of Adiel used in the Latin Old Testament.
Adílio m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Variant of Adélio, which is the Portuguese form of Adelio. This name is not to be confused with Atílio.... [more]
Adilma f Portuguese (Brazilian)
This name is probably a short form of Adilmara. But in other words, you could also say that this name is a (Brazilian) variant form of Adelma.
Adirael m Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend
Apparently means "magnificence of God" in Hebrew. This is the name of a fallen angel in Jewish mysticism.
Adolfek m Czech (Rare)
Czech diminutive of Adolf, as it contains the Czech diminutive suffix -ek.
Adolfien f Dutch
Dutch form of Adolfine.
Adolphina f Dutch, Dutch (Surinamese), Flemish
Variant of Adolfina, influenced by the French Adolphine.
Adolphine f Dutch, French, German
French feminine form of Adolphe.
Adonia m Dutch, German, Italian, Biblical Swedish
Dutch, German, Italian and Swedish form of 'Adoniyah (see Adonijah) via its hellenized form Adonias.
Adonías m Spanish
Spanish form of 'Adoniyah (see Adonijah) via its hellenized form Adonias.
Adonias m Hebrew (Hellenized), Biblical Greek, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Greek form of 'Adoniyah (see Adonijah), as it first appeared in the Septuagint.
Adoniasz m Polish
Polish form of 'Adoniyah (see Adonijah) via its hellenized form Adonias.
Adonicam m Biblical Latin
Form of Adonikam used in the Latin Old Testament.
Adonies m Catalan
Catalan form of 'Adoniyah (see Adonijah).
Adoniya m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of 'Adoniyah (see Adonijah) via its hellenized form Adonias.
Adorabella f English (American, Modern, Rare), Filipino (Rare)
This name can be a derivation of the Latin adjective adorabilis meaning "adorable, worthy of adoration" as well as be a combination of the names Adora and Bella.
Adranodoros m Ancient Greek
Means "gift of Adranos" in Greek, derived from the name of the Sicel fire god Adranos combined with the Greek noun δῶρον (doron) meaning "gift".... [more]
Adrastas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Adrastus (see Adrastos).
Adraste m Greek Mythology (Gallicized)
French form of Adrastus (see Adrastos).
Adrasto m Galician, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Galician, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Adrastus (see Adrastos).
Adriane m Georgian (Rare)
Georgian form of Hadrianus (see Hadrian).
Adrianu m Sicilian, Sardinian, Corsican
Sicilian, Sardinian and Corsican form of Hadrianus (see Hadrian).
Adriël m Dutch
Dutch form of Adriel.
Adroaldo m Spanish, Portuguese
Derived from a Germanic name that was apparently composed of the elements odal or uodal "heritage, fatherland" and wald "rule". This name was borne by several Brazilian politicians, such as Adroaldo Mesquita da Costa (1894-1985) and Adroaldo Peixoto Garani (b... [more]
Adurnarseh m Old Persian, Middle Persian
Derived from Middle Persian ādur (also ātur) meaning "fire" combined with the name Narseh. As such, the meaning of the name as a whole is roughly "the word of a fiery man" or "the fiery word of a man".
Adylet m & f Kyrgyz (Rare), Kazakh (Rare)
Variant transcription of Adilet.
Aeantides m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Aiantides. Bearers of this name include the Greek tyrant Aeantides of Lampsacus (6th century BC) and the Greek tragic poet Aeantides of Alexandria (3rd century BC).... [more]
Aécio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Aetius.
Aecio m Spanish
Spanish form of Aetius.
Aelian m English, History
English form of Aelianus. A bearer of this name was Claudius Aelianus - often called Aelian in English - a Roman author and philosopher from the 3rd century AD.
Aemilian m English, History
English form of Aemilianus. This name was borne by a Roman Emperor from the 3rd century AD.
Aenesidemus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Ainesidemos. Known bearers of this name include the ancient Greek philosopher Aenesidemus (1st century BC) and a tyrant of Leontini (5th century BC).
Aert m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Aart.
Aethalion m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Aithalion. In Greek mythology, Aethalion was a sailor who was turned into a fish by Dionysus.
Aethalus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Aithalos. In Greek mythology, Aethalus is a man whose son was killed by Aeneas during the Trojan War.
Aethion m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Aithion. In Greek mythology, Aethion was an Ethiopian chief who was killed by Perseus.
Aethon m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Aithon. This is the name of several characters in Greek mythology, one of them being the father of Hypermestra.
Aetion m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Aition. In Greek mythology, Aetion was one of the defenders of Thebes against the Seven.
Afareo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Aphareus.
Afareu m Catalan (Rare), Portuguese (Rare)
Catalan and Portuguese form of Aphareus.
Afarey m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Aphareus.
Afinagor m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Athenagoras.
Afiney m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Athenaios.
Afinodor m Russian
Russian form of Athenodoros.
Afrania f Ancient Roman, Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish (Latin American)
Feminine form of Afranius. A bearer of this name was the ancient Roman woman Gaia Afrania, wife of the senator Licinius Buccio.
Afrânio m Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese form of Afranius. Bearers of this name include Brazilian medic, writer and politician Afrânio Peixoto (1876-1947) and Brazilian literary critic Afrânio Coutinho (1911-2000).
Afranio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Afranius.
Afranius m Ancient Roman
Roman nomen gentile of uncertain origin. A bearer of this name was the ancient Roman poet Lucius Afranius (1st century BC).
Afrikanos m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Aphrikanos, which is the ancient Greek form of Africanus.
Afrora f Albanian
Meaning uncertain; it might possibly be related to Albanian afër meaning "close, nearby".... [more]
Aftandil m Azerbaijani, Kyrgyz
Azerbaijani and Kyrgyz form of Avtandil. A known bearer of this name is the retired Azerbaijani soccer player Aftandil Hacıyev (b. 1981).
Agapenor m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek noun ἀγάπη (agape) meaning "love, affection, esteem" (see Agape) combined with the Greek noun ἀνήρ (aner) meaning "man".... [more]
Agápio m Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Agapios.
Agapio m Italian (Rare), Spanish (Rare)
Italian and Spanish form of Agapios.
Agapiy m Russian
Russian form of Agapios.
Agathandros m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἀγαθός (agathos) meaning "good" combined with Greek ἀνδρός (andros) meaning "of a man".
Agathanor m Ancient Greek
Means "good man", derived from the Greek adjective ἀγαθός (agathos) meaning "good" combined with the Greek noun ἀνήρ (aner) meaning "man".
Agatharchos m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from Greek ἀγαθός (agathos) meaning "good". The second element is either derived from Greek ἀρχός (archos) "master" or from Greek ἀρχή (arche) "origin, source".
Agathoboulos m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective ἀγαθός (agathos) meaning "good" combined with the Greek verb βούλομαι (boulomai) meaning "to will, to wish, to prefer"... [more]
Agathobulus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Agathoboulos. This was the name of a Cynic philosopher from the 2nd century AD.
Agathokleia f Ancient Greek, History
Feminine form of Agathokles. This name was borne by an Indo-Greek queen from the 2nd century BC.
Agathonice f Late Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Agathonike. This name was borne by an early Christian saint from Thyatira, who was either martyred with her brother Papylus and a companion named Carpus, or committed suicide after Carpus and Papylus were tortured and sacrificed by pagans.
Agathonicus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical)
Latinized form of Agathonikos. This name was borne by saint Agathonicus of Nicomedia (3rd century AD).
Agathonikos m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective ἀγαθός (agathos) meaning "good" combined with the Greek noun νίκη (nike) meaning "victory".
Agatuccia f Medieval Italian, Italian (Rare)
Medieval Italian diminutive of Agata, as -uccia is an Italian feminine diminutive suffix.... [more]
Agelaos m Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ἄγω (ago) meaning "to guide, to lead" and λαος (laos) meaning "people, folk". Alternatively, the first element could derive from ἀγείρω (ageiro) meaning "to amass".
Agelay m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Agelaos.
Agenric m Germanic
Variant of Aginric.
Agesander m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Agesandros. This was an epithet of the Greek god Hades, as well as the name of the Greek sculptor Agesander of Rhodes.
Agesandr m Russian
Russian form of Agesander.
Agesandro m Italian (Archaic), Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Agesander.
Agesandros m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is either derived from Greek ἆγειν (agein) meaning "to carry, to fetch" or from Greek ἄγω (ago) "to guide, to lead" (also see Agis)... [more]
Agesilaos m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is either derived from Greek ἆγειν (agein) meaning "to carry, to fetch" or from Greek ἄγω (ago) "to guide, to lead" (also see Agis)... [more]
Agesilay m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Agesilaos.
Agesipolis m Ancient Greek, History
The first element of this name is either derived from Greek ἆγειν (agein) meaning "to carry, to fetch" or from Greek ἄγω (ago) "to guide, to lead" (also see Agis)... [more]
Aghapi m Georgian (Archaic)
Georgian form of Agapios.
Aghati f Georgian (Rare)
Georgian form of Agathe (see Agatha).
Aghbugha m Medieval Georgian
Georgian form of Akbugha (also found spelled as Ağbuğa in Turkish). This name was borne by two princes of Meskheti, namely Aghbugha I Jaqeli (1356-1395) and Aghbugha II Jaqeli (1407-1451).
Ägid m German (Rare)
German form of Aegidius (see Giles).
Agilbald m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element agil (which is an extended form of ag - see Agmund and also Egil) combined with Old High German bald "bold, brave."
Agilbern m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element agil (which is an extended form of ag - see Agmund and also Egil) combined with Proto-Germanic beran or bernu "bear" (bero and bern in Old High German).
Agilbert m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element agil (which is an extended form of ag - see Agmund and also Egil) combined with Old High German beraht "bright".
Agilbrand m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element agil (which is an extended form of ag - see Agmund and also Egil) combined with Old Norse brand "sword."
Agilfrid m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element agil (which is an extended form of ag - see Agmund and also Egil) combined with Old High German fridu "peace."
Agilhard m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element agil (which is an extended form of ag - see Agmund and also Egil) combined with Gothic hardus (hart in Old High German) "brave, hardy."
Agilmund m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element agil (which is an extended form of ag - see Agmund and also Egil) combined with Old High German mund "protection."
Agilolf m Germanic
Variant of Agilulf.
Agilward m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element agil (which is an extended form of ag - see Agmund and also Egil) combined with Old High German wart "guard."
Aginald m Germanic
The first element of this name consists of Germanic agin, which is an extended form of agjō meaning "edge (of a sword), blade". The second element is derived from Germanic walt meaning "rule".
Aginbald m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element agin (which is an extended form of ag - see Agmund) combined with Old High German bald "bold, brave."
Aginbert m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element agin (which is an extended form of ag - see Agmund) combined with Old High German beraht "bright."
Aginfrid m Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element agin (which is an extended form of ag - see Agmund) combined with Old High German fridu "peace."