DanidainmArthurian Cycle A knight from Lyonesse and cousin of Breuse the Pitiless, whose evil disposition he shared. Lancelot killed him.
DanisefArthurian Cycle, Literature The Queen of Cluse in Der Stricker’s Daniel. Her husband, King Matur, challenged Arthur and was slain. Arthur then took over Cluse. Danise mourned for Matur but agreed to marry Daniel of the Blossoming Valley, a noble knight of Arthur’s who had made the conquest possible.... [more]
DaniusmArthurian Cycle According to Geoffrey of Monmouth, king of Britain in the fourth or third century BC.... [more]
DanubremArthurian Cycle A Knight of the Round Table and brother of Acorant the Agile. He was related in some way to Lancelot.... [more]
DarasmArthurian Cycle, Literature An old knight who lived with his nephew, Danaim, and harbored sick and injured knights in his castle, including Tristan, Mordred, and Palamedes.... [more]
DarecafArthurian Cycle The sister of St. Patrick in Jocelyn’s Life of St. Patrick. She was said to have been Patrick’s youngest sister and to have had seventeen sons.... [more]
DarilmArthurian Cycle A Saxon warrior. He was the son of King Bramangue and the brother of Haram and Orient.... [more]
DarispanmGeorgian (Rare), Literature Means "door of Isfahan", derived from the Persian noun در (dar) meaning "door, gate" combined with Spahān, which is the Middle Persian name for the modern city of اصفهان (Isfahan) in Iran.... [more]
DarsenoismArthurian Cycle A knight whom Arthur freed from the castle Causuel when he defeated the Merciless Lion, Darsenois’s jailer. In return, Darsenois gave Arthur a charger.
DatamGeorgian, Literature Short form of Davit and perhaps also of Datua. In Georgian literature, this is the name of the eponymous character of the popular novel Data Tutashkhia (1975) written by Chabua Amirejibi (1921-2013).
DathnefLiterature An Olken mage from Karen Miller's Kingmaker, Kingbreaker trilogy
DavalonmArthurian Cycle Davalon The Proud is one of Arthur’s knights in Heinrich von dem Türlin’s "Diu Crône". The name is corrupted and split from Guigomar d’Avalon, found in Chrétien’s Erec.
DavarfLiterature, Georgian (Rare) Derived from the archaic Persian word داور (davar) meaning "judge", which ultimately comes from Middle Persian dādwar meaning "judge".... [more]
DavosmLiterature Name of a main character in George R. R. Martin's fantasy series, A Song of Ice and Fire.
DawseymLiterature Transferred use of the surname Dawsey. Also a diminutive of Dawes. It was the name of a character in the novel 'The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society' (2008) by Mary Ann Shaffer.
DéagolmLiterature Means "apt to hide, secretive" in Old English. This name was invented by J.R.R. Tolkien for a minor character in his novel 'The Lord of the Rings' (1954). This is the Old English translation or cognate of the "true" Westron name Nahald (as Tolkien pretended that his writings were translated from the fictional 'Red Book of Westmarch')... [more]
DecettomArthurian Cycle Decetto or deceit is an enemy of Timias in Book 6, Canto 5 of "The Faerie Queene". He is in league with the Blatant Beast.
DefettomArthurian Cycle Defetto or defect is an enemy of Timias in Book 6, Canto 5 of "The Faerie Queene". He is in league with the Blatant Beast.
DejahfLiterature, Popular Culture, American Dejah Thoris is the name of a fictional character and princess of the Martian city-state/empire of Helium on the planet Barsoom (Mars) in American author Edgar Rice Burroughs's series of Martian novels (the first of which was published in 1912)... [more]
DelosmGreek Mythology, Literature, Mythology, English In Greek myth, a Lydian ship was sailing for the island of Delos. When the crew captures Dionysus, he finds himself sailing toward the island.... [more]
DelphiniumfLiterature (Rare) A genus of flowering plant and the name of the teacher character in the children's book "Chrysanthemum" by Kevin Henkes.
DenethormLiterature Denethor II is a fictional character in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Return of the King. In the novel, he is the 26th and last ruling steward of Gondor.
DennafEnglish, Literature The name of a character from the book series The Sword of Truth written by Terry Goodkind.
DennysmLiterature Variant of Dennis. This was the name of one of the twin boys in the "Time Quintet" by Madeleine L'Engle.
DermidemLiterature French variant of Dermid. This was borne by a short-lived nephew of the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, who was named for a character in Scottish poet James Macpherson's Ossian poems.
DespettomArthurian Cycle Despetto or spite is an enemy of Timias in Book 6, Canto 5 of "The Faerie Queene". He is in league with the Blatant Beast.
DesramémLiterature In medieval French literature, Desramé is the name of a Saracen king from several epic poems that revolve around the Frankish nobleman William of Gellone/Orange (c. 755-c. 812), such as Aliscans and Prise d'Orange (both written in the 12th century).... [more]
DevorgillfLiterature Anglicized form of Derbforgaill used by Lady Gregory in 'Cuchulain of Muirthemne' (1902), her translation of the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology... [more]
DeweymLiterature Diminutive of Deuteronomy, the title of a Bible book meaning "the second law". This is the name od one of Donald Duck's nephews, who is always mentioned in the middle, between Huey and Louie.
DinadanmArthurian Cycle Of unknown meaning, perhaps from Din Eidyn, the old name for Edinburgh (which appears in the early medieval Welsh poem 'Y Gododdin'), or possibly an Anglicized form of Dunawd... [more]
DinarafGeorgian, Literature In Georgia, the usage of this name started in honour of the Georgian princess and queen Dinara of Hereti (10th century), who belonged to the Bagrationi dynasty and is venerated as a saint in the Georgian Orthodox Church.... [more]
DindonettefLiterature Derived from French dindon, meaning "turkey", combined with a diminutive suffix. Dindonette is the name of a fairy in the French fairy tale "A Fairy's Blunder". She casts a spell on an island's water fountain to make the old young again and the young older, but with disastrous consequences.
DindranefArthurian Cycle Of uncertain origin, probably from Welsh Danbrann which was possibly derived from Middle Welsh dawn "gift" or dwn "brown, dark" and bran "raven". Dindrane is historically the sister of Perceval, one of King Arthur's knights... [more]
DioglusmArthurian Cycle The seneschal of King Maglory the Saxon. In the early days of Arthur’s reign, he invaded northern Britain with other Saxons. He was killed at the battle of Clarence by Sir Eliezer, King Pelles’ son.
DionisefArthurian Cycle A medieval form of Dionysia used in the 13th-century Arthurian tale Les Merveilles de Rigomer, where it belongs to the queen of Rigomer Castle in Ireland.
DiotimafAncient Greek, German, Literature Feminine form of Diotimos. Greek seer and philosopher Diotima of Mantinea was Socrates' teacher in Plato's 'Symposium'. The name also belonged to characters in Robert Musil's 'The Man without Qualities' and Hölderlin's novel 'Hyperion', the latter of which inspired a score by Italian composer Luigi Nono: 'Fragmente-Stille, an Diotima' (1980).
DísfLiterature The only feminine dwarf named in the work of J.R.R. Tolkien.... [more]
DiskomLiterature In the case of Disko Troop, a character in Rudyard Kipling's novel 'Captains Courageous' (1897), it was taken from the name of Disko Island, off the west coast of Greenland, given "because he was born on board his father's ship when it was iced near the island".
Djalif & mLiterature, Pet Possibly a variant transcription of Arabic خالي (jali) meaning "free" (general not only related with freedom).... [more]
DoadymLiterature Diminutive of David used in the Charles Dickens novel 'David Copperfield'.
DodalismArthurian Cycle A Saxon king who participated in the Saxon invasion of northern Britain in the early days of Arthur’s reign. He was killed by Agravain at the battle of Cambenic.
DodgermEnglish (Rare), Literature, Popular Culture From the English word dodger meaning "one who dodges; one who avoids, evades, or sidesteps". Traditionally a nickname, it is occasionally used as a given name. Fictional bearers include Jack Dawkins, better known as the Artful Dodger, a character from Charles Dickens' novel Oliver Twist (1838) who befriends Oliver and entreats him to join Fagin's team of young pickpockets, as well as the title character in Terry Pratchett's 2012 novel Dodger (loosely based on Dickens' Dodger) and Mark 'Dodger' Savage, a character from the British soap opera Hollyoaks (introduced 2011)... [more]
DogberrymLiterature Dogberry is a character created by William Shakespeare for his play Much Ado About Nothing. The name probably comes from "dogberry", another name for mountain ash, also called rowan.
DolanziemArthurian Cycle A Scottish knight in the service of lord Galehaut. Galehaut left him a viceroy of the Giant’s Isle after Tristan conquered it and slew Galehaut’s parents.
DolfjemDutch, Literature, Popular Culture Dutch diminutive of Dolf, as it contains the Dutch diminutive suffix -je. This name is extremely rare as an official name on birth certificates: it is predominantly used informally, most often on young children.... [more]
DolonmArthurian Cycle Dolon is an old man and former knight who wants revenge on Artegall for killing his son. In Book 5, Canto 6 of "The Faerie Queene" he almost kills Britomart instead.
DolwethilfLiterature Means "dark shadow-woman" from Sindarin doll "dark, dusky, misty, obscure" combined with gwâth "shade, shadow, dim light" and the feminine suffix il. In the works of J. R. R. Tolkien this was another name of Thuringwethil, a vampire of Angband.
DomovoimLiterature From the name of a type of house spirit in Slavic folklore. It was used by author Eoin Colfer in his 'Artemis Fowl' series, in which it belongs to Artemis Fowl II's bodyguard, Domovoi Butler.
DondermLiterature, Popular Culture Derived from the Dutch word donder meaning "thunder". Popularized by the reindeer in the story 'Twas the Night Before Christmas and the song Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer, even though the reindeer was originally named Dunder.
DonnamirafLiterature Combination of Donna and Mira. This is the name of a hobbit mentioned in Tolkien's legendarium. Donnamira is one of the daughters of Gerontius Took, who married into the Boffin family... [more]
DonymArthurian Cycle Dony is Florimell's dwarf who searches for her in Books 3 and 5 of "The Faerie Queene".
Doonf & mEnglish, Literature Transferred use of the surname Doon. Known bearers of this name include the American writer Doon Arbus (b. 1945) and the British comedian Doon Mackichan (b... [more]
DoorfLiterature One of the main characters in Neil Gaiman's novel Neverwhere.
DoornroosjefFolklore, Literature Dutch calque of Dornröschen. It consists of the Dutch words doorn meaning "thorn" and roos meaning "rose" combined with the Dutch diminutive suffix -je.
DoraminmLiterature Doramin is a character in "Lord Jim" by Joseph Conrad.
DoraurafItalian, Literature Possibly a contraction of names Dora and Aura. It appears in tragicomedy "L'Armelindo" (1664) by Francesco Maria de Luco Sereni and in a novel "Il Floridoro ò vero Historia del conte di Racalmuto" (1703) by Gabriele Martiano.
DorcasinafLiterature, English (American, Rare, Archaic) Elaboration of Dorcas used by American author Tabitha Gilman Tenney for the title character in her novel 'Female Quixotism, Exhibited in the Romantic Opinions and Extravagant Adventures of Dorcasina Sheldon' (1801).
Dorielm & fHebrew, Literature Possibly means "God's generation" in Hebrew, in which case it would be derived from Hebrew dor "generation" (see also Dor) combined with Hebrew el "God"... [more]
DorigenfLiterature Meaning unknown, probably of Celtic origin. This is the name of the faithful wife in 'The Franklin's Tale', one of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.
DorilasmArthurian Cycle A Knight of the Round Table and the nephew of King Nentres of Garlot. He fought with his uncle against the Saxons at the battles of Broceliande and Clarence.
DorrigomLiterature The name of a town in New South Wales whose name was originally Don Dorrigo, from either the Gumbaynggirr word Dunn Dorriga, meaning "tallowwood tree", or from dundorrigo, meaning "stringybark tree"... [more]
DorritfEnglish, Literature Transferred use of a surname deriving either from Durward or Dorothy. Made famous by Charles Dickens in his novel Little Dorrit (1855-7) and first-name usage probably derives from it... [more]
DovesaryfLiterature The name of one of the main characters in Tamora Pierce's books Trickster's Choice and Trickster's Queen.
DragonelmArthurian Cycle, Literature Dragonel the Cruel is a malevolent knight who abducted the lady Rohais from the knight Arguisiaus of Carhaix, wounding Arguisiaus in the process. Dragonel intended to force Rohais into marriage, but Perceval encountered him, defeated him, and sent him to Arthur’s court.
DrakulamLiterature Form of Dracula used in Azerbaijan, Basque Country, Bosnia, Croatia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey.
DraugluinmLiterature A fictional character created by J.R.R. Tolkien, Draugluin was the first werewolf to be bred by Morgoth during the First Age of Middle-earth.... [more]
DrengmDanish (Archaic), Literature Derived from the Old Norse name Drængr meaning "young man, lad" or "bold man". It coincides with the modern Danish word dreng meaning "boy"... [more]
DriadammArthurian Cycle A cousin of Erec who was slain by Mordred, prompting a feud between Erec and Mordred.
DrianmArthurian Cycle Knight of the Round Table. Son of Pellinore (apparently his third in wedlock), brother of Perceval, Lamorat, Aglovale, Alain, and Tor le Fise Aries.... [more]
DrinianmLiterature The name of Prince Caspian's advisor and ship captain in CS Lewis' book The Dawn Treader.
DruasmArthurian Cycle, Literature Lord of the Hill of Wretches. He slew every knight who adventured his way, but was eventually killed by Agravain. Druas’s brother, Sorneham of Newcastle, learned of the incident and, in revenge, he defeated and imprisoned Agravain.
DruellafEnglish, Literature Feminine version of the masculine abbreviated form of Andrew, Drew. It is also the name of Druella Black (née Rosier) –wife of Cygnus Black, mother of Bellatrix, Andromeda and Narcissa Black - out of the Harry Potter series of books by J.K. Rowling.
DruidainmArthurian Cycle A loathsome hunchbacked dwarf, to whom Gawaine gave the false lady Ydain after she tried to leave Gawaine for another knight. Druidain’s eventual possession of Ydain had been foretold by an oracle in the dwarf’s youth.
DruonmArthurian Cycle Druon is a knight who fights with Blandamour, Paridell, and Claribell in Book 4, Canto 9 of "The Faerie Queene".
DshamiljafLiterature A German transcription of the name of the title heroine in Chinghiz Aitmatov's novella 'Jamila'.
DubricmHistory (Ecclesiastical), Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend, Arthurian Cycle In Welsh legend, he is said to be the illegitimate son of the daughter of King Peibio Clafrog, ruler of Ergyng (located in present-day Herefordshire, England), Efrddyl. Her father tried to drown her in the River Wye, but didn’t succeed... [more]
DuessafLiterature This name was used by the 16th-century poet Edmund Spenser, who perhaps intended it to mean "second", "disunity" or "duplicitous" from Latin duo "two" combined with the feminine suffix essa... [more]
DuilinmLiterature Duilin was the name of the lord of the House of the Swallow in Gondolin. He was said to be the greatest bowman of Gondolin, and the swiftest elf amongst them. He died in the year FA 510 during the Fall of Gondolin, when he was shot by a fiery bolt from a Balrog.
DulceflurfArthurian Cycle A princess of Trefferin and Karedonas whose father, King Gediens, was slain by the heathen King Verangoz of Sorboreste.... [more]
DulcemarmArthurian Cycle Arthur went to war with him, besieging Tandernas, to avenge a wrong committed by Tandareis. Dulcemar and Gawaine managed to broker a peace. Through his son, Dulcemar later became overlord of Malmontan and Mermin.
DulcetfLiterature A character in 'The Underland Chronicles' by Suzanne Collins. This is a word in English, meaning "sweet and soothing", usually referring to sound.
DurzamLiterature Used by author Christopher Paolini (1983-) as the name of an antagonist in his Inheritance trilogy. The character Durza is a Shade, i.e., a sorcerer possessed by demonic spirits; born Carsaib, he was transformed into a Shade when he summoned spirits too powerful to control, which then took possession of his mind and body... [more]
DustfingermLiterature Used by Cornelia Funke in her novel, Inkheart. The name ist a literal translation of the German name Staubfinger.
DuzabelfArthurian Cycle, Literature A princess from Turtus, kidnapped and held for ransom by giants named Fidegart and Purdan. She was rescued by Arthur’s Sir Garel. Her parents were King Amurat and Queen Klarine.... [more]
DwalinmLiterature, Germanic Mythology The name of a dwarf character in 'The Hobbit' by J. R. R. Tolkien. Tolkien took the name from the catalogue of dwarves (dvergatal) in the 'Poetic Edda'. The name means something like "sleeping" (from Old Norse dvalen "to sleep").
DyoglismArthurian Cycle The seneschal of King Maglory the Saxon. In the early days of Arthur’s reign, he invaded northern Britain with other Saxons. He was killed at the battle of Clarence by Sir Eliezer, King Pelles’ son.
DyonismArthurian Cycle Brother of Alibel, Dion, and Casibilant, and nephew of Duke Calles.... [more]
DyonisefArthurian Cycle A lady who ruled the Castle of Ten Maidens with her lover, Sir Geogenant. Dyonise and Geogenant were friends of Sir Durmart.
DyrimfLiterature Dyrim is the fourth of the seven bells used by necromancers and the Abhorsen in Garth Nix's Old Kingdom trilogy. Dyrim is the Speaker, the bell that grants or removes the power of speech to the listener.
DzaghlikamGeorgian (Rare), Literature Means "little dog, puppy" in Georgian, derived from the Georgian noun ძაღლი (dzaghli) meaning "dog" combined with the diminutive suffix -კა (-ka). This name was once common in the Georgian highlands, but it is rare there today.... [more]
EadazfLiterature Eadaz is the name of one of the main characters in Samantha Shannon's book "The Priory of the Orange Tree".... [more]
EalishfManx, Literature Variant of Aalish. It was used in Manx translations of Alice in Wonderland (Ealish ayns Cheer ny Yindyssyn).
EärendilmLiterature Means "lover of the stars" or "illuminator" in Quenya, borrowed from Old Norse Earendel. Earendil was an Elvish mariner who sailed the Belegaear (Great Sea).
EärendurmLiterature The name of several characters mentioned in JRR Tolkien's works. The name means "mariner, servant of the sea" in the fictional Quenya language, from the name elements ëar meaning “sea” -ndur meaning "servant".
EärwenfLiterature Means "sea maiden" in Quenya, from eär meaning "sea" and wen meaning "maiden". This was the name of a Telerin Elf in the Silmarillion. She was the mother of Galadriel.
EbrosemLiterature Created by author George R. R. Martin for a character in his series "A Song of Ice and Fire" and the television adaptation "Game of Thrones". In the series, Ebrose is an archmaester of the Citadel who tests novices seeking their link in healing.
EchelmArthurian Cycle One of Arthur’s warriors in Welsh legend, killed by the boar Twrch Trwyth at Llwch Ewin during the epic hunt.
EcthelionmLiterature Ecthelion, or Ecthelion of the Fountain, was a mighty lord of Gondolin in the First Age of Middle-earth, and one of its greatest heroes.... [more]
EctormArthurian Cycle Sir Ector is the father of Sir Kay and the foster father of King Arthur in the Arthurian legend.
EddardmLiterature, Popular Culture Variant of Edward, used in George R. R. Martin's book 'A Game of Thrones' and the subsequent TV show 'Game of Thrones'.
EdernmWelsh Mythology, Arthurian Cycle, Medieval Breton, Breton Derived from Old Welsh edyrn "immense; heavy; prodigious, wonderful, marvellous", in the past this name has been (falsely) considered a derivation from Latin aeternus "eternal".... [more]
EdrahilmLiterature Edrahil was an Elf of Nargothrond. While Celegorm and Curufin were able to persuade others to stay behind when it became known that Finrod intended to accompany Beren on his quest for the Silmaril in payment for a debt, Edrahil was one of a group of Elven warriors to remain loyal to him and accompanied him on his quest... [more]
EgalmothmLiterature The name Egalmoth has unclear origins, though it is likely to have been Sindarin. The first element egal has many possibilities to its origin, including eglerio or egleria ("praise, glorify"), egnas (which is rather appropriately found in both Ñoldorin and Sindarin), or êg ("sharp point"), eglon or eglir (which were names given to the Ñoldor by the Sindar), or egol ("forsaken")... [more]
EggletinafLiterature A character from The Borrowers, a book by Mary Norton, possibly a variant of Eglantine, which means "sweetbrier", a type of flower.
EglatinefLiterature, Arthurian Cycle Probably a medieval French variant or possibly a misspelling of Eglantine. In Arthurian legend, Eglatine was the daughter of King Machen of the Lost Island, and the half-sister of King Nentres of Garlot... [more]
EgwenefLiterature Name of a central character in Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series.
EhrengardfGerman (Rare), Literature Originally a variant of Irmgard, Ehrengard is reinterpreted as a combination of the German word Ehre "honour" and the name element gard "guard"... [more]
EirenafArthurian Cycle, Literature Eirena, also spelled Irena, is a ruler whose kingdom is besieged by Grantorto in Book 5 of "The Faerie Queene". Artegall restores her rule.
ElamiefArthurian Cycle In Wirnt von Grafenberg’s Wigalois, a Queen of Tyre who entered a kind of sparrowhawk tournament and won, for she was the most beautiful.
ElberethfLiterature Means "queen of the stars" in Sindarin, composed of êl "star" and bereth "queen, spouse". In 'The Lord of the Rings' (1954) by J. R. R. Tolkien, this was an epithet of Varda, the deity to whom the Elvish hymn 'A Elbereth Gilthoniel' was directed.
Elburf & mPopular Culture, Literature Used by the popular British novelist Eleanor Burford (1906-1993) as a pen name, in which case it was formed from a contraction of her birth name, i.e., by combining the initial syllables of Eleanor (El) and Burford (-bur)... [more]
EldacarmLiterature Means "elf helmet" in Quenya. This is the name of the twenty-first king of Gondor in Tolkien's legendarium. Eldacar is the son of Valacar and Vidumavi... [more]
EldalótëfLiterature Means "elven flower" in Quenya from elda meaning "elf" and lótë meaning "flower". It was used by J.R.R. Tolkien.
EldarionmLiterature Means "son of the Eldar" or "son of the Elves". In J.R.R. Tolkien's appendixes within 'The Return of the King', Eldarion is the son of Aragorn and Arwen. He succeeds Aragorn as 'High King' of the two realms his father reunited.
EleinefArthurian Cycle The beautiful, golden-haired daughter of King Pellinore and the Lady of the Rule, Eleine killed herself with the sword of her lover Sir Miles after he was treacherously slain by Loraine le Savage.
Elemmírëf & mLiterature The name Elemmírë was a Quenya word that meant "star jewel", which comes from the words elen, meaning "star" and mírë, meaning "jewel". The form of the word does not specify gender.... [more]
ElendilmLiterature Means "lover of the stars" in Quenya. He was Isildur's father in Lord of the Rings.
ElenwëfLiterature Derived from Quenya elen "star" and wë "person". In 'The Silmarillion' by J. R. R. Tolkien, Elenwë is the wife of Turgon and the mother of Idril... [more]
EleriafLiterature (Modern) Used by German author Ursula Poznanski for the female main character in her Eleria-trilogy. In the character's case it was created by combining Eleonore and Ariadne.
ElerrinafLiterature Sindarin name invented by J.R.R. Tolkien; it is one of the names of the highest mountain in Arda (the Earth). It means: crowned with stars. The other name is Taniquetil. It is mentioned in 'Silmarillion'.
ElessarmLiterature Created by JRR Tolkien for his The Lord Of The Rings trilogy. This is the name, meaning Elfstone, given to Aragorn in Lórien by Galadriel and later adopted by him as King of Gondor.
ElgujamGeorgian, Literature Georgian form of Elgüc. Known bearers of this name include the Georgian politician Elguja Gvazava (b. 1952) and the Georgian scientist and military figure Elguja Medzmariashvili (b... [more]
EliadusmArthurian Cycle King of Sicily and father of Floriant, an Arthurian knight, who was raised by Morgan Le Fay.
ElidanfLiterature In Gillian Bradshaw's HAWK OF MAY series, Elidan is the name of the character typically named Elaine.
EliedusmArthurian Cycle One of the heathen kings who, under King Oriel, ravaged northern Britain in the early days of Arthur’s reign.
ElieziermArthurian Cycle The son of King Pelles of Corbenic, brother of Elaine and maternal uncle of Galahad.... [more]
ElinantmMedieval French, Arthurian Cycle, Medieval Welsh nant coming from the Old French meaning "pledge, security" or perhaps Welsh for "stream". The first part of the name is unknown, possibly from the same root at Helen meaning "torch"... [more]
ElisenafLiterature Elisena is the name of a Queen of England in the Spanish chivalric romance Amadís de Gaula (14th or 15th century).
ElladanmLiterature Literature name from J.R.R. Tolkien's 'The Lord of the Rings', which means 'Elf-man'. Elladan was one of the twin sons of Lord Elrond.
EllariafLiterature This name appears in G.R.R. Martin's "A song of ice and fire". Ellaria Sand is the name of the paramour of prince Oberyn Martell, the little brother of Doran, prince of Dorne. ... [more]
EllimerefLiterature Invented by Garth Nix for the Old Kingdom trilogy. Ellimere was the daughter of King Touchstone and Abhorsen Sabriel, and princess of the Old Kingdom.
ElmindredafLiterature The name of a character from the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan.
ElodinmLiterature Master Elodin is the name of a character in Patrick Rothfuss' book series The KingKiller Chronicles. Elodin is an eccentric but brilliant professor, considered insane by most of the students. Later he initiates Kvothe into the discipline of 'Naming', which enables control over objects by utterance of secret names.
ElphabafLiterature Created by author Gregory Maguire for the central character in his fantasy novel 'Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West' (1995). It was formed from L-F-B, the initials of L. Frank Baum, author of 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz' (1900).
ElphiasmLiterature Used by author J. K. Rowling for a minor character in her 'Harry Potter' series. It may have been intended as a variant of Éliphas, the pen name of French occultist Eliphas Levi... [more]
ElphiefLiterature Elphie is a pet form of the name Elphaba and German feminine names beginning with Elf-, for example Elfrida.
ElphirmLiterature Means "lord of swans" from Sindarin alph "swan" (plural eilph) and hîr "master, lord". In the works of J. R. R. Tolkien this was the name of a prince of Dol Amroth, "of which city the swan was the emblem".
ElrohirmLiterature Literature name from J.R.R. Tolkien's 'The Lord of the Rings', which means 'Elf-knight'. Elrohir was one of the twin sons of Lord Elrond.
ElrosmLiterature Means "glitter of stars" or "foam of stars" from Sindarin êl "star" and ros, which can mean "polished metal, glitter" or "foam, rain, dew, spray (of fall or fountain)". It belonged to the brother of Elrond and first king of Númenor in J. R. R. Tolkien's 'The Lord of the Rings' (1954).
ElwëmLiterature Means "star person" in Quenya. Elwë Singollo (also known as Elu Thingol) is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth 'Legendarium'.
ElwingfLiterature Means "foam of stars" or "star-spray" from Sindarin êl "star" and gwing "foam, spindrift, spume, (flying) spray blown off wave-tops". In 'The Lord of the Rings' (1954) J. R. R. Tolkien, Elwing was a daughter of Dior, named for the waterfall of Lanthir Lamath in Ossiriand; she was also the mother of Elrond and grandmother of Arwen.
ElyabelfArthurian Cycle A medieval form of Elizabeth used in the 13th-century Prose Tristan and its adaptations, where it belongs to the mother of Tristan.
ElyanmArthurian Cycle In Arthurian romance tales, Sir Elyan the White, also known as Helyan le Blanc, is the son of Sir Bors and is a Knight of the Round Table. He's sometimes a cousin of Lancelot, and helps rescue him after his affair with Guinevere is revealed... [more]
EnaiatollahmLiterature Variant of Enayatollah. This spelling of the name is rare and likely originated from Italian novelist Fabio Geda's 'In the Sea There are Crocodiles: Based on the True Story of Enaiatollah Akbari', a historical fiction novel centering on a young boy from a small village in Afghanistan which falls prey to Taliban rule in early 2000... [more]
EnjolrasmLiterature Name of a young revolutionary in Victor Hugo's novel Les Misérables. Derived from an Occitan surname, Enjeura, meaning "to terrify," although likely also a pun on French word ange, meaning "angel" -- making the character of Enjolras a "terrifying angel."
EnobariafLiterature One of the tributes in the book "Catching Fire" by Suzanne Collins. This names origin is the feminine form of Enobarbus, a contracted form of Ahenobarbus meaning "Bronze Beard" in Latin.
EnvyfEnglish (American, Modern, Rare), Literature From the English word envy meaning "envy, resentful desire", itself ultimately from Latin invidia, of the same meaning (compare Invidia). Use of the name has been influenced by the brand of perfume called Envy, which was introduced by Gucci in 1997.
EobardmLiterature Eobard was likely coined from |eo-| "eon(ic)" + bard, loosely "story-teller" or "vagabond"... [more]
EölmLiterature Name used (coined?) by J. R. R. Tolkien for an Elf in The Silmarillion. Meaning unknown; it is neither Quenya nor Sindarin, but may be derived from an Avarin language.... [more]
ÉomermLiterature From Old English eoh meaning "horse" and maer meaning "famous". The name was used by J. R. R. Tolkien in his book "The Lord of the Rings". Éomer is Éowyn's brother and a nephew of King Théoden of Rohan.
ÉomundmLiterature Means "horse protector" in Old English. This name was invented by J. R. R. Tolkien who used Old English to represent the Rohirric language. In his novel 'The Lord of the Rings' (1954) Éomund is the father of Éowyn and Éomer.
ÉovinfLiterature (?) Hungarian form of Éowyn, a character created by J. R. R. Tolkien for his 'Lord of the Rings' books, meaning "horse lover".
EpistemonmLiterature Derived from the Ancient Greek word ἐπιστήμη (episteme) meaning "knowledge".... [more]
EragonmLiterature The name of the main character in American author Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Cycle novels. In the novels Eragon is a dragon-rider, and in interviews Paolini has stated he came up with Eragon's name by changing the first letter of the word dragon... [more]
ErecmArthurian Cycle Possibly derived from the Old Breton name Guerec, which may be related to Welsh Gweir, the name of several of King Arthur's warriors and relatives in early Welsh tales... [more]
ErendisfLiterature Possibly means "lonely bride". In Tolkien's "Unfinished Tales", Erendis was the wife of Tar-Aldarion, the sixth king of Númenor. They were in love at first, but then it turned to hate and resentment.
ErestormLiterature Erestor was an Elf of Rivendell and a chief of Elrond's household.
ErnessafEnglish (Rare), Literature Possibly an English variant of Ernesta. It was used for the antagonist in Rachel Klein's young adult novel The Moth Diaries (2002) and the subsequent film adaptation (2011).
ErotokritosmGreek, Literature Means "the one who is tortured by love" or "chosen by love", from Greek ἔρως (erôs) "love" (genitive ἔρωτος (erôtos); see Eros) and κριτός (kritos) "separated, picked out, chosen"... [more]
ErumLiterature, Popular Culture Means "the one" or "he that is alone" in Quenya. Eru Ilúvatar is the supreme being, God, and creator of all in J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium... [more]
ErvicmLiterature Meaning unknown. He was featured as a character in the L. Frank Baum's Glinda of Oz.
EsfandiarmPersian, Persian Mythology, Literature Modern Persian form of Sepandiar, which was the early New Persian form of the Middle Persian name Spandadat. The latter name ultimately comes from the Avestan name Spentodata, which means "given by (the) holy"... [more]
EskarinafLiterature Probably created by Terry Pratchett for his character Eskarina Smith who first appeared in the novel Equal Rights (1987)
EsmereefArthurian Cycle Perhaps derived from Old French esmer meaning "to like, love, respect". This was the name of an enchanted queen of Wales in Le Bel Inconnu (ca. 1185-90), an Old French Arthurian poem by Renaut de Bâgé... [more]
EsmereldafRomani (Archaic), Literature Corruption of Esmeralda. Esmerelda "Esme" Weatherwax (also Granny Weatherwax or Mistress Weatherwax) is a fictional character from Terry Pratchett's Discworld series (1983–2015).
EstëfLiterature Fictional character in the Lord of the Rings universe and novels.
EstelmLiterature Estel is the Sindarin word for 'hope'. This name was given to the character Aragorn in Tolkien's 'Lord of the Rings' when he lived with the Elves in Rivendell and Imladris.
EthelinafArthurian Cycle Daughter of Octa the Saxon who married Arthur as a token of peace between the Britons and the Saxons.
EðellosfLiterature Eðellos was the wife of Angrod, second son of Finarfin, and grandmother of Finduilas and Gil-galad, the last High King of the Ñoldor in the Second Age.
EthynefLiterature It was used by Kelly Barnhill in her novel 'The Girl who Drank the Moon'.
EttarrefArthurian Cycle Used by Alfred Lord Tennyson in his Arthurian epic 'Idylls of the King' (1859) as the name of the lady loved by Pelleas. An earlier form, Ettard, was used by Sir Thomas Malory in his 'Le Morte d'Arthur' and may have been a variant or corrupted form of Arcade, the original name of the character in the Post-Vulgate Cycle.
Eucharisf & mAncient Greek, Literature, Nigerian (Rare) Derived from the Greek adjective εὔχαρις (eucharis) meaning "charming, gracious". It consists of Greek εὖ (eu) meaning "good, well" combined with the Greek noun χάρις (charis) meaning "grace, kindness" (see Chares).... [more]
EuchridmLiterature The name of the protagonist in the 1989 novel And the Ass Saw the Angel by Nick Cave.
EudoriafLiterature An elaboration of Eudora. This is the name a character in the Enola Holmes book and film series, Lady Eudoria Vernet Holmes, who is Sherlock and Enola's mother.
EugeomLiterature (Japanized, Modern) From one of the main characters of the anime "Sword Art Online: Alicization", the name means "gentle", "working fast", and "honesty".
EunomiefArthurian Cycle Eunomie is an assistant to Mercilla in Book 5, Canto 9 of "The Faerie Queene". She is one of the Hours.
EuphrafLiterature Short form of Euphrasia used by the Scottish author George MacDonald in his novel David Elginbrod (1863).
EvainefArthurian Cycle In Arthurian tales, Evaine is the sister of Lancelot's mother Elaine, wife of King Bors of Gaul and mother of Sir Lionel and Sir Bors the Younger. Her character first appears in the Old French prose Lancelot of the Lake (c.1215–20), which was incorporated into the Vulgate Lancelot.... [more]
EvalusmArthurian Cycle An emperor of Rome who, according to Perlesvaus, mounted a sacred stone in the pommel of the Grail Sword.
EvangelistmEnglish (Archaic), German (Archaic), Literature English and German equivalent of Evangelista. A known bearer of this name was the Austrian tenor singer Johann Evangelist Haydn (1743-1805), who was the younger brother of the composers Joseph (1732-1809) and Michael Haydn (1737-1806).... [more]
EvelakemArthurian Cycle From Evalach, likely a corruption of Afallach. It appears in this form in Thomas Malory's 15th-century compilation of Arthurian legends 'Le Morte d'Arthur', in which Evelake is a good king of Sarras and a contemporary of Joseph of Arimathea... [more]
EvellafLiterature, English (American, Rare), Finnish (Modern, Rare) Created by L. Frank Baum for a princess character in his book Ozma of Oz. In the book, Evella is the daughter of Evoldo, king of Ev. Since his children's names start with Ev, Baum has might created the name by using the suffix -ella or by elaborating it.
Evraf & mTurkish, Literature, Popular Culture In Irish author Darren Shan's Cirque Du Freak series, Evra Von is a member of the sideshow where he is displayed as a 'snake boy'.
EvrainmArthurian Cycle A sorcerer who, with his brother Mabon, entered Wales and laid waste to the city of Snowdon, ruled by Queen Esmeree the Blonde, whom they turned into a snake. He was defeated in combat and was put to flight by Gawaine’s son Guinglain.
Experiencem & fEnglish (Puritan, Rare), Literature From the English word "experience", from the Latin experientia, from experīrī meaning "to try, test". A name occasionally used by Puritans.
FalaleymRussian (Archaic), Literature Russian form of Thalelaeus. In literature, Falaley is the name of a house serf boy in the 1859 novel "The Village of Stepanchikovo and its Inhabitants" written by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1881).
FalatharmLiterature Falathar was a faithful friend of Eärendil, and one of the three mariners who accompanied him on his voyages on the high seas west of Middle-earth.
FalbalafLiterature, Popular Culture Worn by a beautiful blond-haired girl in The Adventures of Asterix a series of French comics
FaramirmLiterature Meaning uncertain. Probably "sufficient jewel" from the Sindarin far meaning "sufficient, adequate" and mir meaning "jewel, precious thing." In J.R.R. Tolkien's 'The Lord of the Rings', Faramir was the son of Denethor, brother of Boromir, and eventual husband of Eowyn.
FaramonmArthurian Cycle The name of a fictional character in Arthurian literature, a king of France or Gaul who is based on Faramund, a semi-legendary 5th-century Frankish king.
FarinatamMedieval Italian, Literature Meaning uncertain. It might be derived from Italian farinata meaning "flat baked pancake made from chickpeas", or more likely, from an Italian nickname for a flour miller. In both cases, it is ultimately derived from the Italian word farina meaning "flour, meal".... [more]
FasciniafArthurian Cycle A sorceress encountered by Arthur on the island of Pamona. She tempted him to carnal lust, but the angel Gabriel visited him and caused him to flee.
Fauvielm & fArthurian Cycle Gawaine’s horse in Les Merveilles de Rigomer, from the French word fauve, meaning “beast”. Gawaine lost the horse when he was robbed and imprisoned at the castle Fors Graviers, but recovered it when he slew Lord Bauduins of Wanglent, who had somehow come into possession of it... [more]
FavelmArthurian Cycle A Saxon warrior slain by Gareth in a skirmish near Camelot, during the Saxon invasion of Britain.
FavidafArthurian Cycle The name of a lady saved from two giants by Erec in the Norse Erex Saga. She appears in Chrétien’s Erec.
FavouritefLiterature In Victor Hugo's Les Misérables Fantine's friend is called this, because she went to England once.
FeithfailgefLiterature Used by Anna Johnston McManus (pen name Ethna Carbery; 1864-1902) in her poem Feithfailge, about a beautiful woman named Feithfailge. It is composed of Irish feith "honeysuckle (genus Lonicera)" and failge "ringlet".
FelismenafLiterature Perhaps derived from Felisa combined with the Greek noun μένος (menos) meaning "mind" as well as "spirit" and "power, strength, force", or an altered form of Filomena (compare Felisberto)... [more]
FellmLiterature, Romani This name was used in the novel "The Sight" for the black wolf.
FenchurchfLiterature Means "church in the fenny or marshy ground". Fenchurch is a character in So Long, And Thanks For All the Fish by Douglas Adams.
FenisefArthurian Cycle In Durmart le Gallois, the Queen of Ireland, Sir Durmart fell in love with her after hearing of her great beauty. At the city of Landoc, Durmart won a sparrowhawk tournament and presented the prize to Fenise without knowing her identity.... [more]