These names occur primarily in literature. They are not commonly given to real people.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
FenrismNorse Mythology, Literature Short form of the Old Norse Fenrisúlfr (literally "Fenrir-wolf"). The form Fenris Ulf was used for a talking wolf (originally named Maugrim) in the now defunct American edition of C. S. Lewis' 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe'.
FerauntmArthurian Cycle A Spanish knight in the Roman army that fought against Arthur in the Roman War.
FertrammIcelandic (Rare), Folklore, Literature Meaning uncertain, perhaps an invented name based on Ferdinand and Bertram. It occurs in the fairy tale Sagan af Fertram og Ísól björtu (which translates to English as The story of Fertram and bright Ísól) and in the 17th-century epic poem Rímur af Fertram og Plató.
FérulafLiterature Presumably from Latin ferula meaning "reed, whip, rod, ferule, staff; fennel plant or rod". This was used by author Isabel Allende for a character in her novel 'La casa de los espíritus' (1982).
FerumbrasmLiterature Ferumbras I Took was a Hobbit of the Shire, who held the title of Shire-thain.
FethrymLiterature This name was invented by the cartoonists Al Hubbard and Dick Kinney in 1964 for their new carachter, Fethry Duck, who is Donald Duck's bizarre and out of the box cousin. Fethry Duck didn't have success in the USA, but he became popular in Europe and in Brazil.
FeverfLiterature This is the name of the main character in the novel Fever Crumb, and she is named this due to a fad in an era of the book where women would name their babies after ailments they had while pregnant.
FeyrefLiterature Based on fayre the old fashioned spelling of the English word fair meaning "fair, beautiful", ultimately from Old English fæġer. This name was created for the series 'A Court of Thorns and Roses' by author Sarah J. Maas... [more]
FezzikmLiterature In The Princess Bride (1973) by William Goldman, Fezzik is a gentle Turkish giant.
FidelemLiterature Means faithful. Used as a false name by Imogen in Shakespeare's play Cymbeline.
FidelifSwedish (Modern, Rare), Literature Derived from the name Fia. Fideli is one of the main characters in the Swedish children's book 'Den Vita Stenen' (1964). Usage of this name is most likely inspired by this book.
FifafLiterature Used by Danish author Lars-Henrik Olsen for a character in his novella 'Dværgen fra Normandiet' (1988; 'The Dwarf from Normandy'), in which case it was a short form of Alfífa.
FifinellafEnglish (Modern, Rare), Literature Fifinella is a rare English name for girls. Literary uses include the title figure in a children's christmas play by Barry Jackson and Basil Dean, and the use a a generic term for a female gremlin in Roald Dahl's The Gremlins.... [more]
Figm & fEnglish, Literature Fig is the name of Hannah's cousin in Curtis Sittenfield's 'The Man of My Dreams'.... [more]
FinarfinmLiterature Originally the name was Arafinwë, meaning "noble Finwë" in Quenya. Finarfin is the Sindarin translation, with Finwë added to the front of the name.... [more]
FindekánomLiterature Derived from Quenya findë ("hair") and káno ("commander"). In The Silmarillion by J. R. R. Tolkien this is the original name of Fingon, the oldest son of Fingolfin.
FindisfLiterature Probably a combination of Finwë and Indis. This is the name of the older daughter and first child of Finwë and Indis in Tolkien's legendarium... [more]
FinduilasfLiterature A character in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Finduilas was the wife of Denethor (Steward of Gondor) and the mother of Boromir and Faramir. The name comes from the Sindarin (Grey-elven) language and means "leaf-flow hair," from the elements "fin" (hair), "dui" (flow), and "las" (leaf).... [more]
FindusmLiterature, German (Modern, Rare), Swedish (Modern, Rare) Findus is a tomcat in the children's book series 'Pettson and Findus' by the Swedish writer and illustrator Sven Nordqvist. The cat is named after a cardbox with the printing "Findus green peas". Findus is a trademark by Nestlé for frozen food and the name is derived from Swedish fruktindustri "fruit industry".
FinettefLiterature, Folklore, Haitian Creole This is the main character in the French fairy tale Finette Cendron by Madame d'Aulnoy, about a clever girl named Fine-Oreille, which means "sharp ear" or "delicate ear", who is called Finette... [more]
FinglasmLiterature A fictional character created by J.R.R. Tolkien. Finglas (Sindarin for 'hair-leaf'), known in Westron as Leaflock, was an Ent of Fangorn Forest.... [more]
FingolfinmLiterature Originally the name was Nolofinwë, meaning "wise Finwë" in Quenya. Fingolfin is the Sindarin translation, with Finwë added to the front of the name.... [more]
FinoésmArthurian Cycle Son of the mighty Lyanor of the Mountain. He fought with his father – neither knowing the other’s identity – and was killed.
FinrodmLiterature Sindarin form of the Quenya name Findaráto, meaning "golden-haired champion". Finrod was an Elf in 'The Silmarillion'. He was the oldest son of Finarfin and Eärwen and the brother of Galadriel.
FinwëmLiterature Quenya name; the meaning is unclear, but is most likely derived from the element fin "hair". Finwë was the original High King of the Noldor Elves in the works of J. R. R. Tolkien.... [more]
FiordelisafLiterature Variant of Fiordalisa. This name is borne by the protagonist of Andrew Lang's translation of The Blue Bird by Madame d'Aulnoy. She is known as Florine in the original version.
FiordespinafLiterature Likely derived from Italian fiore meaning "flower" combined with either Italian spina meaning "thorn" or ancient Greek δέσποινα (despoina) meaning "mistress, lady" (see Despina)... [more]
FiordiligifCarolingian Cycle, Literature, Theatre, Italian (Archaic) Means "flower of the lily", derived from Italian fiore di giglio, a loan-translation of French fleur de lys. It was used by the Italian poet Ludovico Ariosto in his epic poem Orlando furioso (16th century), where it belongs to the wife of Brandimarte... [more]
FiordispinafCarolingian Cycle, Literature Derived from Italian fiore meaning "flower" combined with Italian di meaning "of" and either Italian spina meaning "thorn" or spino meaning "briar, thornbush".... [more]
FiorimondefLiterature A feminine form of Florimond. This was used by English writer Mary de Morgan for a wicked young princess in her fairy tale 'The Necklace of Princess Fiorimonde' (1880).
FírielfLiterature A fictional character created by J.R.R. Tolkien. Fíriel was a Númenórean noblewoman, the daughter of Orontor, a member of the Faithful's faction and a friend of Elendil. When her father departed, she was left as a maiden in the household of Elendil... [more]
FirusmArthurian Cycle An Arabian potentate who, along with two others, challenged Arthur to a tournament at Baghdad in Babylon.
FiyeromLiterature Based on the word 'furious'. The name for the love interest of the Wicked Witch of the West, Elphaba, in the book Wicked by Gregory Maguire.
FleudurmArthurian Cycle Son of Naw, brother of Gwenwynwyn, and one of Arthur’s warriors and advisor.... [more]
FlisafSwedish (Rare), Literature Taken from the name of one of the characters in Bertil Almqvist's 1950s children's book classic Barna Hedenhös which is set in the Stone Age.... [more]
FlitafLiterature Flita (The blossom and the fruit) is the title of a novel by the theosophic author Mabel Collins. The protagonist of the novel is a practioner of black magic.
FlorantmArthurian Cycle A knight who served Duchess Orgeluse of Logres (Orguelleuse). He was titled ‘the Turkoyt’, the meaning of which is uncertain.
FlordespinafCarolingian Cycle, Literature This name is borne by a character in Francisco de Barahona's Flor de caballerías (1599). The name is thought to be derived from Spanish flor de espina "thorn flower; hawthorn flower"... [more]
FlordibelfArthurian Cycle Heroine of Der Pleier’s Tandareis and Flordibel. The daughter of the King of India, she was sent to Arthur’s court as a child to serve Guenevere.
FlorimelfLiterature, Theatre Combination of Latin flos meaning "flower" (genitive floris) and mel "honey". This name was first used by Edmund Spenser in his poem The Faerie Queene (1590; in the form Florimell)... [more]
FlorimellfLiterature Form of Florimel used by Edmund Spenser in his poem The Faerie Queene (1590-1596), in which she was a lady in love with the knight Marinell, who initially rejected her... [more]
FlorincafArthurian Cycle A lady saved by Tristan the Younger (Tristan’s son) from her cad of a husband.
FlorisdelfafArthurian Cycle It's origins are unknown but presumably a coinage from of the Latin flos "flower" and the Greek adelphe "sister".... [more]
FlourdelisfArthurian Cycle Flourdelis is Burbon's lover. She represents the disloyal citizens of France in Book 5, Canto 11 of "The Faerie Queene". Artegall rebukes her for letting Grantorto tempt her.
FluffymPet, Literature In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Fluffy was the monstrous guard dog.
FlurdamursfArthurian Cycle Perceval’s paternal aunt; daughter of Gandin of Anjou and Schoette; and sister of Galoes, Gahmuret, and Limmire.... [more]
FlurentfArthurian Cycle Mother of Isolde and King Engres of Ireland in the Icelandic Saga af Tristram ok Ísodd.... [more]
FoldacefArthurian Cycle She was the daughter of Julius Caesar, the emperor of Rome, who gives her as wife to Patrices (Patrick), the brother of Avenable.
ForestonmArthurian Cycle One of the “estrange gens” who fought in the tournament of Peningue against Galehoudin’s (Galihodin) party.
Fortitudef & mLiterature From the English word, meaning "courage in pain or adversity". The name of a member of Mrs Ape's choir in the Evelyn Waugh novel 'Vile Bodies'.
FoucairemArthurian Cycle A pirate who inhabited the Rock of the Perilous Port. He was slain by Pompey. His former abode was used by Mordrains during an adventure at sea.
FourmLiterature Name of a character in Veronica Roth's book Divergent, number... [more]
FradubiomArthurian Cycle Fradubio is a man turned into a tree by the sorceress Duessa. He warns the Redcrosse Knight about Duessa.
FragusmArthurian Cycle Father of Guiron the Courteous. He was the son of Argons and the grandson of Febus of France.
FrancagelmArthurian Cycle One of the twelve companions who accompanied Alexander from Greece to Britain, where Arthur knighted them all at the outset of Count Angrs’ rebellion, he seems to have been with Alexander’s party when it penetrated Windsor to capture Angrs.
FrerinmLiterature The second son of Thrain II, younger brother of Thorin Oakenshield, and older brother of Dis from J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit". Little is known of him except that he perished at a young age when he joined in the Battle of Azanulbizar.
FreyleiffLiterature Derived from Old Norse freyja, which means "lady" but can also refer to the goddess Freya, combined with Old Norse leif meaning "inheritance, legacy"... [more]
FriammArthurian Cycle A duke and an ally or vassal of Gawaine’s wife, Orgeluse (Orguelleuse).
FriansmArthurian Cycle A boorish and treacherous prince of Punterteis (Punturteis) in Der Pleier’s Garel von dem blühenden Tal.... [more]
FroniafArthurian Cycle In Thomas Hughes’ The Misfortunes of Arthur, a lady in Guinevere’s service who dissuaded the queen – who had committed bigamy with Mordred – from a plot to murder Arthur.
FrynnefLiterature Possibly a variant of Phryne. The name appears in George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels.
FrythafLiterature Possibly an Anglicized form of Fríða. It was used by Rosemary Sutcliff for a character in her children's historical novel The Shield Ring (1956).
FuchsiafEnglish (British, Rare), Literature From Fuchsia, a genus of flowering plants, itself named after the German botanist Leonhart Fuchs (1501-1566), whose surname means "fox" in German.... [more]
FulginmArthurian Cycle A heathen king slain by Arthur’s Sir Galescalain (Galeshin) at the battle of Diana Bridge.
FurormArthurian Cycle Furor is the wrathful spirit in Book 2, Canto 4 of "The Faerie Queene". He captures Phedon and is subdued by Guyon.
FuzonmLiterature In the mythological writings of William Blake, Fuzon is the fourth and final son of Urizen, associated with the classical element of fire. In The Book of Ahania he fights Urizen for control of the world.
GaddifermArthurian Cycle The King of Scotland and an Arthurian knight. He was made king when his brother Betis became King of England in the time of Alexander the Great.
GalaasmArthurian Cycle A fearsome giant, surnamed ‘the Moor’ or ‘the Mighty’, found in Heinrich von dem Türlin’s Diu Crône.... [more]
GaladhrielfLiterature Means "tree-garland" from Sindarin galadh "tree" and riel "crowned maiden." Within Tolkien's writings, this is essentially a variant of Galadriel, due to those outside of Lórien sometimes mistaking the Sindarin galad "light, radiance" for galadh "tree."
GaladormLiterature A fictional character created by J.R.R. Tolkien. According to legend, Galador was the Half-elven son of Imrazôr the Númenórean and the Elf-maid Mithrellas... [more]
GalaidafArthurian Cycle Kay’s sweetheart in Heinrich von dem Türlin’s "Diu Crône". She failed two chastity tests, which humbled Kay, who had been making great sport of the other ladies who failed.
GalbartmLiterature Created by author George R. R. Martin for a character in his series "A Song of Ice and Fire" and the television adaptation "Game of Thrones". It is possibly derived from Gilbert... [more]
GalbatorixmLiterature Galbatorix is the primary antagonist of Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Trilogy. He is an immensely powerful Dragon Rider and the king of a large portion of Alagaësia.
GaldormLiterature Galdor is an Elf of the Grey Havens, a fictional character created by J.R.R. Tolkien.
GalehautmArthurian Cycle Meaning unknown. However, like many given names from Arthurian legend, this name is probably of Celtic origin (either Breton or Welsh, to be precise). It was subsequently gallicized and due to this, it is sometimes thought to be connected to Middle French hault (which is haut in modern French) meaning "high, elevated".... [more]
GalionmLiterature Galion is a fictional character created by J.R.R. Tolkien. Galion is a Nandorin Wood-elf who served as the king's butler within the Woodland Realm of northern Mirkwood.
GalleriafLiterature Used by American author Deborah Gregory for a character in her 'Cheetah Girls' series of books, first released in 1999. It was possibly inspired by the English vocabulary word (which refers to "a central court through several storeys of a shopping centre or department store onto which shops or departments open at each level").
GamelynmMedieval English, Literature Anglo-Scandinavian form of Gamall. In literature, The Tale of Gamelyn is a romance written in c. 1350 in a dialect of Middle English, considered part of the Matter of England... [more]
GamlingmLiterature In J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium, Gamling is a Man of Rohan. He appears in The Two Towers, the second volume of The Lord of the Rings.
GaniedafArthurian Cycle, Literature According to the Red Book of Hergest, she was the twin sister of Merlin. She is found in both the Vita Merlini and the Welsh poems where she is called Gwendydd.... [more]
GanorafArthurian Cycle Latinate form of Gaynor used by Reginald Heber for the character of Queen Guinevere in his unfinished and posthumous 'Morte d'Arthur' (first published in 1830).
GanorefArthurian Cycle Variant of Gaynor used by George Augustus Simcox in his poem The Farewell of Ganore (1869).
GargamellefLiterature Means "gullet" in French. This is the name of Gargantua's mother in the novel Pentalogy Gargantua and Pantagruel.
GargantuamLiterature A name used by one of the book's main characters and father of Pantagruel in François Rabelais' novel Pentalogy Gargantua and Pantagruel, it is also used as the namesake for the English word gargantuan... [more]
GarionmLiterature The name of the main character in David Edding's Belgariad series (1982-1984).
GarsidismArthurian Cycle, Literature King of Karmerie and husband of Lambore. He died at a young age, which caused his wife to die of grief. His daughter, Tydomie, married Arthur’s nephew Meleranz.
GarwenfArthurian Cycle, Welsh Mythology Means "fair leg" from Welsh gar "leg" and gwen "white, fair, blessed". According to the Welsh Triads (Triad 57), this name belonged to one of Arthur's three mistresses... [more]
GaurielmArthurian Cycle A knight who married a fairy ruler, but lost her (and his own handsome features) when he revealed her existence to others. To reclaim her, he had to journey to Arthur’s court, defeat three knights, and take them to her land of Fluratrone... [more]
GavrochemLiterature Used by Victor Hugo in his novel 'Les Misérables' (1862) for a son of the Thénardiers. Due to the character, who adopts Gavroche as his name, this has become a French slang word meaning "street urchin" or "mischievous child".
GavvingmLiterature Gavving is a corruption of Gavin. He is a character from Larry Niven's INTEGRAL TREES and SMOKE RING, first in Quinn Tuft, and later in Citizen's Tree.
GawainemArthurian Cycle Variant of Gawain used by Thomas Malory in his 15th-century compilation of Arthurian legends 'Le Morte d'Arthur'.
GayelettefLiterature From the name of an ancient princess that is mentioned in the children's novel Dorothy of Oz by L. Frank Baum (1989). Her name might be the feminization of the name Gaylord.
GendrymLiterature, Popular Culture Gendry is the name of a character, an unacknowledged royal bastard, from the Song of Ice and Fire books by GRR Martin and the TV show Game of Thrones based upon the former. ... [more]
GenestafLiterature, Popular Culture Possibly derived from Genista, the Latin name of the broom plant. This is the name of the good fairy in the French fairy tale "Heart of Ice". Genesta is a fairy who brings up the protagonist, Mannikin, and assists him on his journey... [more]
GeniusmArthurian Cycle Genius is the gatekeeper of the Bower of Bliss and the porter of the Garden of Adonis in "The Faerie Queene".
GenovefettefLiterature Form of Jenovefette used in the English translation of 'Pleasures and Follies of a Good-Natured Libertine' by Restif de la Bretonne.
GentismArthurian Cycle A knight present at the tournament of Sorgarda, which Gawain won.
GenvissafArthurian Cycle According to Geoffrey, Genvissa is the daughter of the Roman Emperor Claudius. Claudius supposedly gives Genvissa in marriage to the British king Arviragus. When Arviragus revolted against Claudius, Genvissa arranged peace between them.... [more]
GerentonmArthurian Cycle An ancestor of Arthur and father of Conan, he was mentioned in Gallet’s pedigree.
GerethmLiterature Gereth is a fictional character created by J.R.R. Tolkien. Gereth is one of the Elves who aided the flight of Evranin from Artanor (the place which would later become Doriath) during the years following the battles between Elves and the Nauglath... [more]
GericmLiterature The name of a character in The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale.
GeromymLiterature Corruption of Jeremy, used as the name of the token black character in popular webcomic series Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff by Andrew Hussie.
GeryoneomArthurian Cycle Geryoneo is the monster who invades and destroys Belge's country. He represents Catholic Spain's domination of Europe. Arthur kills him.
GilettafMedieval Italian, Literature Italian form of Gilette. Giletta di Narbona (Giletta of Narbonne in English) is a character in Giovanni Boccaccio's 'The Decameron' (1353).
GilgaladmLiterature Gilgalad, der Gierige ("Gilgalad, the greedy") is the main antagonist in the novel 'Igraine Ohnefurcht' by Cornelia Funke.... [more]
GilimarmArthurian Cycle A noble knight who lodged Lancelot, Gawaine, Gareth, and Tristan on their way back from the castle Pluris adventure.... [more]
GilraenfLiterature Means "wandering star" and can be found in J.R.R. Tolkien's works as the mother of Aragorn.
GimlimNorse Mythology, Literature In Norse Mythology, was a place where the survivors of Ragnarok were to live, meaning "highest heaven" or "lee of flames". ... [more]
GinafaefLiterature, English Combination of Gina and Fae. The name is used in one of R. A. Salvatore's 'Forgotten Realms' novels.
GiramphielfArthurian Cycle A goddess, in Diu Crône, who hated Gawain because he had stolen a magic belt from her husband, Sir Fimbeus. When Gawain visited her castle, she maliciously told him of an adventure to be found in the country of Aufat (Aufrat) – in truth, the “adventure” was a terrible dragon, which Gawain nonetheless managed to defeat.... [more]
GiridafArthurian Cycle One of Isolde’s ladies-in-waiting in La Tavola Ritonda. She is known as Bessille in the Prose Tristan.... [more]
GirofléefLiterature Means "wallflower" in French, referring to the flower Erysimum cheiri. This is the name of a character in Madame d'Aulnoy's fairy tale The White Doe (also known as The Hind in the Wood). Giroflée is the faithful lady-in-waiting of the protagonist Désirée... [more]
GirshelmGeorgian (Rare), Literature Meaning uncertain. According to a Russian source, the name comes from the Yiddish name Hershel, which seems unlikely in the Georgian context. Instead, it is more likely that the name is either Turco-Persian in origin, or fully Persian.... [more]
GismirantemArthurian Cycle Hero of Antonio Pucci’s romance, from the fourteenth century, bearing his name, Gismirante, the son of a former Knight of the Round Table, left his home in Rome for Arthur’s court after his father, on his deathbed, bade him to make the journey... [more]
GiurianomArthurian Cycle Nephew of the King of Scotland, present at Arthur’s tournament at the Hard Rock (Castle of the Hard Rock).
GladinelmArthurian Cycle A knight freed from the prison of Felon of the Guard when Sir Durmart defeated Felon.
GladormArthurian Cycle A vassal of the King with a Hundred Knights present at King Mark’s tournament at Lancien.
GlaedrmLiterature Used by novelist Christopher Paolini (1983-) for a dragon in his Inheritance Cycle fantasy series. Oromis' dragon Glaedr is golden-colored and missing a leg from a skirmish with another dragon and Rider.
GlaucefGreek Mythology (Latinized), Literature Latinized form of Glauke. This is the name of several figures in Greek mythology. Edmund Spenser used it in his epic poem The Faerie Queene (1590) for the nurse and squire of Britomart.
GlaurungmLiterature Glaurung was the first of the Dragons, in J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional Middle-earth legendarium. He was known as the Deceiver, the Golden, and the Worm of Greed.
GlóredhelfLiterature Means "Elf of the golden light" in Sindarin. This was the name of Hador's daughter and oldest child in J. R. R. Tolkien's 'The Silmarillion'.
GlorfindelmLiterature Means "golden tress" (i.e., "having tresses of gold") from Sindarin glaur "golden light" and finnel "braided tress of hair" (archaic findel). In 'The Lord of the Rings' (1954) by J. R. R. Tolkien this was the name of a noble Elf of Gondolin and Imladris.
GlorfinnielfLiterature Means "maiden having hair of gold" from Sindarin glaur "golden light" combined with find "hair, lock of hair, tress" and the feminine suffix iel, from iell "girl, daughter, maid"... [more]
GloriantmLiterature Probably derived from Old French gloriant meaning "boasting, glorying", or otherwise related to the Latin noun gloria meaning "glory".... [more]
GlorvinafLiterature Invented by the Irish writer Lady Morgan for a character in her novel 'The Wild Irish Girl' (1806), possibly blending glory and a name such as Malvina (though Gloria was not yet in use at the beginning of the 19th century)... [more]
GoldberryfLiterature The wife of Tom Bombadil in the Lord of the Rings and also some poems by JRR Tolkien.
GoldmundmLiterature In German literature, Goldmund is the name of the titular character of the novel Narziß und Goldmund written by the German-Swiss author Hermann Hesse (1877-1962).... [more]
GoodwillmLiterature, English (African), Southern African From the English word goodwill, derived from Middle English gode meaning "good" and will "wish, will, volition", which was originally a nickname applied to an amiable person with a favourable disposition towards others... [more]
GothmogmLiterature Gothmog is a fictional character from J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium. He is featured in The Return of the King, the third volume of the fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings as originally printed.
GracelessmLiterature From the English word meaning "without grace, without the grace of God". This is the birth name of Christian, the protagonist of the First Part of The Pilgrim's Progress (1678) by John Bunyan.
GrandgousiermLiterature Means "big throat" in French, from grand "large, senior" and French gosier "gullet". Grandgousier is a fictional character in Gargantua and Pantagruel who is the husband of Gargamelle and the father of Gargantua.
GrantairemLiterature Grantaire is a fictional character from the 1862 novel Les Misérables by Victor Hugo. He is a student from the South of France and is one of the principal characters of the revolutionary group known as the Friends of the ABC.
GrantortomArthurian Cycle Grantorto is the giant who holds Irena and her kingdom hostage in Book 5. He represents Irish Catholic rebels. Artegall kills him.
GrethelfEnglish (Rare), Estonian, Literature English and Estonian variant of Gretel. Grethel is the main character in Grimm's fairy tails 'Hansel and Grethel' and 'Clever Grethel'.
Grímam & fOld Norse, Icelandic (Rare), Literature Old Norse name, both feminine and masculine, either a feminine form or variant of Grímr. As a modern Icelandic name, it is strictly feminine.... [more]
GrimanesafSpanish (Latin American), Spanish (Canarian), Medieval Portuguese, Literature Borne by an illegitimate granddaughter of Bartolomé Herrero, the first colonial alcalde of the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife on the island of Tenerife (who had been appointed to the position in 1501 by the conquistador Alonso Fernández de Lugo), in whose case it possibly meant "forced" from Guanche *gərma-ənsa, literally "forced to spend the night"... [more]
GrishnákhmLiterature Grishnákh was an Uruk. He led a group of orcs under Sauron's dominion that joined Uglúk's Uruk troop on the plains of Rohan. Since Saruman bred his own strain or breed of Uruk-hai, Grishnákh and Ugúlk looked different... [more]
GuignierfArthurian Cycle A maiden married Sir Caradoc Briefbras, one of Arthur’s knights, in the First Continuation of Chrétien de Troyes’s Perceval.
GuilinmLiterature A character in JRR Tolkien's works. The name is from the fictional Sindarin language, possibly containing the name element lind meaning "song".
GuironmArthurian Cycle Guiron le Courtois is a character in Arthurian legend, a knight-errant and one of the central figures in the French romance known as Palamedes, with later versions named Guiron le Courtois and the Compilation of Rustichello da Pisa.
GurneymEnglish (American, Rare), Literature Transferred use of the surname Gurney. A bearer of the surname was Ivor Gurney (1890-1937), a British poet and composer who is noted especially for his songs and poems of World War I.... [more]
GwainemWelsh, Arthurian Cycle Variant of Gawain. Gwaine is a character on the BBC television series 'Merlin', meant to represent the Gawain of Arthurian legend.
GyburcfLiterature In medieval German literature, this is the name of a Saracen princess from the epic poem Willehalm (13th century) written by the German poet Wolfram von Eschenbach (died around 1220). Her name was originally Arabel, but she changed it to Gyburc after converting to Christianity.... [more]
GyburgfLiterature, German (Modern, Rare) Gyburg is the female protagonist in Wolfram von Eschenbach's epic Willehalm. The first part of the name may be derived from gisal (see Giselle), wit (see Guido and Guy 1), or geba (see Gebhard); the second part is the well-known name element burg meaning "castle, protected place".... [more]
GyneciafLiterature From the archaic English adjective gynecian meaning "of women, relating to women, womanly", a derivative of Greek γυνή (gyne) "woman". This is the name of the duchess of Arcadia and mother of Pamela in Sir Philip Sidney's poem The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia (ca... [more]
HadormLiterature Means "thrower of spears" in Noldorin. This was the name of the leader of the House of Hador in Tolkien's 'The Silmarillion'. He was the grandfather of Húrin and the great-grandfather of Turin... [more]
HaegonmLiterature Created by author George R. R. Martin for a character in his series "A Song of Ice and Fire". In the series, Haegon Blackfyre is the third of the Blackfyre claimants to the throne of Westeros.
HagridmLiterature Invented by J.K. Rowling for the surname of a character in her 'Harry Potter' series of books, from an English slang term for looking exhausted and unwell, related to haggard.
HakimLiterature Used in Eiríks Saga Rauða, probably written sometime before 1265. ... [more]
HaldirmLiterature A character in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. An Elf of Lothlorien, Haldir is the one who guides the Fellowship through the forest and brings them before Galadriel and Celeborn.
HalfredmLiterature Halfred of Overhill was a Hobbit of the Shire and a member of the Gamgee family.
HalrloprillalarfLiterature Halrloprillalar (Prill for short) is a character from Larry Niven's book RINGWORLD. She is from the species that created the Ringworld, known as the engineers.
HaretonmLiterature Perhaps from an English place name meaning "hare town", but possibly a name invented by Emily Brontë for a character in her novel 'Wuthering Heights' (1847).
HarfangmLiterature From a name of the snowy owl, originally Swedish harfång, which means "hare-catcher" from har(e) "hare" and fånga "to catch". It occurs briefly in the 'Harry Potter' series belonging to a pure-blood wizard (Harfang Longbottom) and in 'The Chronicles of Narnia' series (in the sixth book, 'The Silver Chair') as the name of a city of giants ("the great city of the far northern giants (the civilized ones)").
HathinfLiterature Used in the book Gullstruck Island as the name of the protagonist.
HatsumomofLiterature, Popular Culture From Japanese 初 (hatsu) meaning "first, new" combined with 桃 (momo) meaning "peach," as borne by the fictional character Hatsumomo in the 1997 book 'Memoirs of a Geisha' by Arthur Golden and its 2005 movie adaptation.
HaymitchmLiterature Invented by author Suzanne Collins for her 'Hunger Games' novels and used as the first name of Haymitch Abernathy, mentor to main protagonist Katniss Everdeen. It may be an alteration of Hamish, influenced by Mitch.
HeathcliffmEnglish, Literature Combination of Heath and Cliff, meaning "heath near a cliff". It was created by Emily Brontë (1818-1848) for her novel Wuthering Heights, in which the main character and antihero is named Thrushcross Grange Heathcliff, called Heathcliff... [more]
Heavenly-mindmEnglish (Puritan), Literature Refers to keeping one's mind toward heavenly things rather than worldly things. This is the name of a character in John Bunyan's novel The Holy War (1682).
HeglanmArthurian Cycle A knight in Arthur’s court from Camelot, defeated in duel by King Pellinore.
HekjafOld Norse, Literature Appears in Eiríks saga rauða (c. late 1100s) as the name of a Scottish bondswoman sent by Karlsefni to reconnoitre Vinland. ... [more]
HelaenafLiterature Possibly a spelling variant of Helena. In George R. R. Martin's fantasy series "A Song of Ice and Fire" and the television adaptation "House of the Dragon", Helaena Targaryen is the queen consort of Westeros to her brother, Aegon II, during his reign which is disputed by their older half-sister Rhaenyra.
HelaésfArthurian Cycle, Literature Helaes was an orphan, the Countess of Limos, the sister of one Clapor le Riche and the niece of one Meleager le Rous, a sister or cousin of the Damoisele à la Harpe, and also unmarried and a determined lover of Sir Gawaine... [more]
HelainmArthurian Cycle One of the two peasant brothers who were protégés of King Armant of the Delectable Isle and the Red City. They treacherously killed the king and seized his kingdom. Palamedes killed Helain and avenged King Armant’s death.
HelaiusmArthurian Cycle Nephew of Joseph of Arimathea and ancestor of Arthur on the maternal side, according to the pedigree of John of Glastonbury.
HelenorefEnglish (Rare), Literature An elaboration of Helen or Elenore. Used by Scottish poet Alexander Ross (1699-1784) in Helenore, or the Fortunate Shepherdess, published in 1768.
HellawesfArthurian Cycle Probably a variant of Helewise. It occurs in Thomas Malory's 15th-century compilation of Arthurian legends 'Le Morte d'Arthur' belonging to a sorceress who creates the chapel perilous, the setting of one of the quests of Sir Lancelot, and falls in love with the knight... [more]
HelpmLiterature From the English word help, which is both a noun meaning "succour, assistance" and a verb meaning "to support, to do good to"; in Middle English help also meant "assistant, helper". This is the name of a man in the First Part of The Pilgrim's Progress (1678) by John Bunyan.
HelpherichmArthurian Cycle A king who, allied with King Ekunaver of Kanadic, went to war with Arthur. Ekunaver was defeated by Garel, and Helpherich was given a seat at the Round Table.
HelsinfLiterature The title figure of the children's novel 'Helsin Apelsin und der Spinner' by Stefanie Höfler.... [more]